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    How can you become a successful learner.ppt

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    How can you become a successful learner.ppt

    Section BPeriod Twobornbe born withabilitycreatebrainactiveattentionpay attention tov.出生;出生;adj.天生的天生的天生具有天生具有n.能力;才能能力;才能v.创造;创建创造;创建n.大脑大脑adj.活跃的;积极的活跃的;积极的n.注意;关注注意;关注注意;关注注意;关注Words Reviewconnect connect.withovernightreviewknowledgelifelongwiselyv.(使)连接;(使)连接;与与.有联系有联系把把.和和.连接或联系起来连接或联系起来adj.一夜之间;在夜间一夜之间;在夜间v.&n.回顾;复习回顾;复习n.知识;学问知识;学问adj.终身的;毕生的终身的;毕生的adv.明智地;聪明地明智地;聪明地Words Review1.To learn to use dictionaries 2.To talk about how to be a successful learnerYu Minhong is the founder of New East.1.Whats his way to learn English?2.Do you agree with him?What kind of good learning habits do you know?1.He learns English _ _.Some good learning habits.English movies by watching2.He learns English _ _.by reading thetextbook3.They learn English _ _.by asking the4.She learns English _ _.musicby enjoyingEnglish songsHe learns English by reading the textbook.by doing sth.headingsub-headingsQuick reading tipsTo skim a passage,we can read:*the heading标题标题 and sub-headings副标题。副标题。*the first paragraph*the first sentence in each paragraph*the last paragraphBefore you readBefore you read1.What does the passage talk about?Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.Quick reading tipsLook quickly through the Passage to find the main idea.Dont read word by word.Task 1Task 1topic sentenceResearch shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.Learning is a lifelong journey so learn wisely and learn well.Creating an interest in what they learnPracticing and learning from mistakes Developing their study skillsAsking questions.4 learning habits How can you become a successful learner?Title of the passageTopic sentenceConclusion Try to analyze the passage.2b(1)Creating an interest in what they learn.(2)Practicing and learning from mistakes.(3)Developing their study skills.(4)Asking questions.Task 2Task 24 good habits that good learners have in common.创造对他们所学内容的兴趣点创造对他们所学内容的兴趣点练习及从错误中吸取教训练习及从错误中吸取教训培养他们的学习技巧培养他们的学习技巧问问题问问题habitssupporting sentencesCreating an interesting in what they learnPracticing and learning from mistakesDeveloping their study skillsAsking questionsIf youre interested in sth.,your brain is more active andit is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.Good learners will keep practicing what theyve learned,and theyre not afraid of making mistakes.Good learners know the best way they can study.Good learners often ask questions during or after class.Read sub-headings,the first sentence and the last sentence of each paragraph,then complete the table.Task 3Task 3细读小贴士细读小贴士Move your eyes quickly to get the useful information.*sub-heading(副标题副标题):中心观点中心观点*the first sentence:进一步具体解释说明中进一步具体解释说明中心观点心观点sub-headingParagraph 2sub-headingCreating an interesting in what they learn具体具体说明说明 if you are interested in Good learners 举例举例说明说明For example,if they need to learn 在句与句之间,英文结构严谨:层层递进,在句与句之间,英文结构严谨:层层递进,举例说明(总举例说明(总-分)分)Can you analyze other paragraphs like this?Paragraph 2A good habitstudiesHow do good learns often do?examplesconclusi-onIf you are interested in sth,your brain is more active.It is easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.Creating an interest in what they learn.创造对他创造对他们所学内们所学内容的兴趣容的兴趣点点They can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.Paragraph 2Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.This wayThey will not get bored.How can you become a successful learner?Everyone is born with.But whether or not you can do this well your habits.shows that the learners have some good habits1st habit an in what they learnStudies show if you are.something,your is more and its also easier for you to.it.Good learners often what they need to learn For ,if they learn English and they like or,they can or in English.This way they will not Studies shows that if you are i_ in sth,your brain is more a_ and it is also easier for you to pay a _ to it for a long time.Good learners often c_ what they need to learn w_ something interesting.For e_,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports,they can listen to English s_ or watch sports p_ in English.This way they will not get b_.Paragraph 2onnectctivettentionnterestedithxampleongsrogramsored1.天生具有天生具有Jack耳朵天生残疾。耳朵天生残疾。Jack.disables ears.2.每个人都天生具有学习的能力。每个人都天生具有学习的能力。3.创造一个兴趣创造一个兴趣4.关注,注意(你的发音)关注,注意(你的发音)5.把把和和联系、连接联系、连接把英语口语和英文电影联系在一起把英语口语和英文电影联系在一起Practice makes perfect.Use it or lose it.不用就作废。不用就作废。熟能生巧 Whats the meaning of the 2 sentences?2nd-Practicing and learning from mistakes2.Are good learners afraid of making mistakes?Give me an example.practicingsupporting sentencesPractice makes perfect.Use it or lose it.Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it.Good learners will keep practicing what they have learnt.Bell didnt invent the telephone overnight.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from mistakes.No.不用就作废。不用就作废。熟能生巧3rd habit-Developing their study skills.their study skills1.2.read their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind map.look for ways to review what they have learned.4th habits.Asking questions.When.?Who?What do they try to do?during orafter classeach otherfind out the answersTherefore,knowledge cones from_.questioningHow can you become a successful learner?Research shows have in common.their study skillsStudies show if you are ,your is and its easier for you to it Practicing and learning from Even if you learn sth well,you will unless in what they have learnAsking 1.Write down or draw mind map 2.look for ways to read or explain thetoWhen?Who?What?BecauseKnowledge comes fromBell didnt the phoneHe succeeded by andConclusion:Learning is a.because Therefore,learn and learn.1.发现做某事2.害怕干某事3.由于我糟糕的发音4.肢体语言5.某人脸上的表情6.语言学习的秘密7.在字典里查他们8对有更好的理解9.记笔记10.英语口语11.口语技巧11.写日记12.对某人有耐心13.也 find it+adj.to do be afraid to do/of doing because of my poor pronunciation body language the expressions on ones facethe secret to language learning look them up in a dictionary have a better understanding of take notesspoken Englishspeaking skills keep a diarybe patient with sb as well,too1.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.(1)whether or not you can do it well是一是一个从句,作整个句子的主语。这种从句个从句,作整个句子的主语。这种从句叫做叫做“主语从句主语从句”Whether you did it right or wrong isnt so important.Whats important is the experience you gained.你做对做错都不重要,重要的是你从中你做对做错都不重要,重要的是你从中获得了经验。获得了经验。(2)*Whether or not:英语从句中的一个连英语从句中的一个连词结构,意思和功能相当于词结构,意思和功能相当于whether,表,表示示“是否是否”*常出现在宾语从句、主语从句中常出现在宾语从句、主语从句中 *使用时也可以把使用时也可以把whether和和or not分开,分开,or not 放到句尾放到句尾I cant tell whether or not the teacher likes me.我不知道老师喜不喜欢我。我不知道老师喜不喜欢我。=I cant tell whether the teacher likes me or not.(3)depend on/upon 依据;依赖依据;依赖 depend on sb./sth.to do sth.We depend entirely on donations from the public.我们完全依赖公众的捐助。我们完全依赖公众的捐助。Im depending on you to get this done.我指望着你把这件事给办了。我指望着你把这件事给办了。2.successful learners have some good habits in common.have sth.in common(with sb./sth.)(与某人、某物有相同之处)(与某人、某物有相同之处)Their methods have a lot in common.他们的方法有很多相同之处。他们的方法有很多相同之处。3.Studies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.be interested in sth./doing sth.很感很感兴趣的;关心的兴趣的;关心的(1)ed:修饰:修饰人人,描述人的声音、表情,描述人的声音、表情或感受或感受(2)ing:修饰:修饰事物事物,描述事物的状态或,描述事物的状态或性质性质 Im not really interested in politics.我对政治不是很感兴趣。我对政治不是很感兴趣。类似的还有:类似的还有:*interested 感兴趣的感兴趣的 interesting 令人感兴趣的令人感兴趣的 *disappointed 失望的失望的 disappointing 令人失望的令人失望的*bored 感到无聊的感到无聊的 boring 无聊的无聊的*excited 兴奋的兴奋的 exciting 令人兴奋的令人兴奋的 pay attention to 注意;专心;留心注意;专心;留心 pay no attention to 对(某人的话语)对(某人的话语)不要在意不要在意 The TV was on but Di wasnt paying much attention to it.电视开着,可是戴没怎么注意看。电视开着,可是戴没怎么注意看。You should pay no attention to his stupid words.别太在意他的蠢话。别太在意他的蠢话。4.Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it.unless 连词,连词,“除非,如果不除非,如果不”,引,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于于if not。I shall go to the supermarket unless it rains.=I shall go to the supermarket if it doesnt rain.1.Review the new words and expressions youve learned today.2.Read the articles in Learning English.3.Think of any problems you have dealt with successfully.Then write down what is the problem and how you dealt with it.4.Preview the new words and expressions.5.Preview 3a-3b on P31-32.


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