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    攻克小升初英语之重难点词汇用法专练(全国通用)重难点专练13形容词辨析21. Mike is and he come to school today.()一I'm sorry to hear that.A. sick; can'tB. tired; needn'tC. sad; shouldn't2. 一Look! The man is. Wecross the road.()Oh, sorry.C. yellow; can)C isn't safeA. green; needn'tB. red; mustn'tTo run or play ball games in the street.A. is happyB. is exciting一I. I have a headache, Mum. ( r ) Oh, let's go to the hospital then.C. feel sadA. feel cold-B. am thirstyBig Ben is very and.()A. young; tallB. tall; oldC. old; short3. Today is. I can swim outside.()A. hotA. hotB. rainyC. cold4. My shadow is in the morning.()A. longA. longB. shortC. small5. The panda is short and.()A. tallB. longC. fat6. Bob and Betty eat a lot of sweets every day. They are.()A. unhealthyA. unhealthyB. healthyC strong7. 一Are you?()一Yes, I am OK now.A.happyB. all rightC. right11. Be! The bus is coming.()12. I hear Liu Tao's Science is一Oh, let's help him after scho ol.A. coolB. very wonderful C. weakD. strong13. I think it a habit to our school clean and tidy.()Yes. You're right.A. bad; getB. good;keepC. great; makeD. wonderful; take14. It's very today.()Yes! Lefs go swimming.A. hotB. coldHurry up, or the film will be.()A. fullB. over一You look.()一Yes. I went to bed late last night.1A. sleepB. tiredC. warmC. lateC.hungry17. The mouse is, but the lion is.()A. strong; weakB. strongly; weaklyC. weak; strong18. Shh! Don't speak in the library. Didn't you see the sign “Keep"?()A. loudly; quietlyB. loud; quietlyC. loudly; quietIfs19. 一What's the weather like?"A. cold and rainyB.sunny and hot20. Autumn is and.()A. hot; rainyB.cold; windy21. The lemon is.()A. sweetB.sourC. cool and rainyC. cool; windyC. longA.naughtyB. cleverC. shy23. Mike is not short. He*s.()C. thinC. thinA. tallB. fatI'm 1.4 meters, my brother is 1.5 meters. My brother is than me.()-A. tallerB. shorterC. heavier25. Ifs gettingin winter.(A. hot and coldB. hotter and hotterC. colder and colder26. The grass is.()A. greenA. greenB. gladC. sad27. A hamster is very with children in America and Canada.()A. popularB. beautifulC. lovely28. This ball is. I can throw it easily.()A. lightB. heavyC. hard29. They are in Chinese lessons. And they like stories.()A. interesting; interestingB. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interestedTom is the winner. We are of him.()A. sadB. proudC.hungry30. Lucy is. She often cleans the house at weekends.()A. politeA. politeB. shyC. helpful31. Big Ben is very and.()A. old; tallA. old; tallB. new; tallC. new; famous33. I'm I can*t go to school -today.()A. happyB. quiet34. It's hot. Tm and.()A. tiring; thirstyB. tired; thirsty35.1 can't swim, because I am of water.(35. I'm I can*t go to school -today.()A. happyB. quiet36. It's hot. Tm and.()A. tiring; thirstyB. tired; thirsty35.1 can't swim, because I am of water.(C. afraidC. tiring; thirstilyA. angryB. happyC. illD. healthyJohn got a nice present yesterday, he looked soA. sadB.happyC. tired37. The apples are.()A.sourA.sourB. sweetC. sweets38. It will in Harbin tomorrow. It will be very.( )A. snow; warmB. snowy; coldC. snow; cold39. The elephant is than the mouse.()A. heavierB. smallerC. thinner41.1 didn't finish my homework. My teacher was very. ()A. hungryB. coolC. angry


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