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    专题 05阅读理解(应用文)---2022年中考英语真题分项汇编(江苏专用)(原卷版).docx

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    专题 05阅读理解(应用文)---2022年中考英语真题分项汇编(江苏专用)(原卷版).docx

    2022年中考英语真题分项汇编(江苏专用)专题05阅读理解(应用文)一、(2022江苏徐州中考真题)Ricky What are you up to? Pm waiting!SimonSimon Yon are not alone!NickRickySimonRickyLet,s make it 10 minutes earlier. Get something to eat first.All agreed!Nick9:50 a.m.Sorry, buddies! Just finished my homework. Not a good idea to do outdoor activities on a wet day. Why not see an action film at Sunshine Cinema? fve just checked. Is 3 p.m. OK?Agreed. Til book tickets. Meet you two at the cinema entrance at 2:55. _ D. Rainy.D. Go to the zoo.电SimonWhat's the weather like when Simon, Nick and Ricky are chatting?A. Sunny.B. Foggy.C. windy.1. What will they do this afternoon?A. Play football.B. Go cycling.C. See a film.2. What time will they meet?were no oceans, uptake, there would be much more CO2 in the air. This would trap more of the sun's heat and ftirther warm the Earth.“But the problem now is that the ocean is changing its chemistry because of this uptake,“ said team member Claudine Hauri.One of the best ways to measure ocean acidification is to collect CO2 measurements. Until now, these collections were mostly done from ships or with devices floating at the ocean surface or on the ocean floor.25. What is probably this passage?A. An advertisement.B.C. Part of a science fiction.D.26. What do we know about a glider?A. It must be used together with floating devices.C. It is used to stop CO2 from entering the ocean.Part of a news report.A text from a chemistry textbook.B. It is used to measure ocean acidification.D. It is used to measure CO2 levels in the air.27. What does the underlined word “uptake“ in Paragraph 6 most probably mean?A. The act of covering an area.B. The act of slowing something down.C. The act of taking something in.D. The act of killing or harming something.28. What is troubling the scientists?A. The underwater drone can't swim by itself. B. The drone can only last one week at a time.C. Oceans arc stopping taking in CO2 from the air. D. Too much CO2 is making its way into oceans.A. At 2:45 p.m. B. At 2:55 p.m. C. At 3:00 p.m. D. At 3:05 p.m.4. What docs Nick mean by saying “You arc not alone!”?A. Fm also a football fan.B. I'm also waiting.C. Pm also doing my homework.D. Pm also booking tickets.二、(2022江苏无锡中考真题)Take a Wonderlul Beach TourSofi, white sandDelicious sesfaodClear, blue waterLovely, colorfuljishOnly $50 per person!You dont want to miss this wonderful tour!Timetable09:00 Pickup at your hotel09:30 Start of tour at Balinghai Beach and Coral Garden(if November-April: Crocodile and Bulabog Beach)12:00 Lunch at Puka Beach; visit to llig-lligan15:00 End of tour / return to your hotel5. The picture above is.A.a posterB. a noticeC.a storyD. a reportIf Bob takes the tour with his parents, they will pay.A.$50B. $100C.$150D. $200On November 1st the tourists will start the tour at.A. Balinghai BeachC. Crocodile and Bulabog BeachD. Puka Beach6. Coral GardenStore GuideHere's a list that shows what is on each floor of a department store.Food Hall,,一 ,二三:二上:二 3lt裳2FSicood Flcoi1FFktlRoorGGround RwB1个B2SecondMusic and Books,Men'sAccessories,Men's Clothing -Teens' Clothing,Men's Shoos'Kids' Clothing-Luggage忖6Women's Accessories Womon Shoes -Women's Clothing,Cosmetics Womens Sportswear and Beachwear,夕t。,Toys,Household Appliances> Furniture, »T0chno!ogy,Parking 勿M PFather's Day is coming. If you want to buy your father a T-shirt, you can go to.A. Second Floor B. First Floor C. Ground Floor D. First BasementOn which floor can't people do the shopping?A. Second Floor. B. First Floor. C. First Basement. D. Second Basement.8. If you start shopping on the second floor and finish in the second basement, what's the most reasonable(合理的)order to get the things below?a. trousers for kids b. a toy car c. a jazz CD d. a silk dressA. c->dB. c->b>a->dC. a>c>b>dD. a->b>d->c9. According to the information of 2F, which of the following icons is the most suitable for 团?A回 B 4 7励 D圆四、(2022江苏泰州中考真题)Want to enjoy some exercise at home? Here arc some online fitness live courses for you!LIU GENGHONG SHUTTLECOCK EXERCISEBuild strong bodies in a fantastic way!Shuttlecock exercise does not require equipment(装备)and is perfect for people to perform at home. Liu Genghong helps you to keep going until the last minute, and you can burn your fat fast.Time: 7 p.m.8:30 p.m. on weekdays9 a.m.10:30 a.m. at weekendsLATIN DANCE WITH KARENHave fun and get fit!Do you love dancing and parties? Well, Latin dance is for youil mixes great music and dancing with hard exercise (bum 1, ()0() calories an hour). Karen is an experienced Latin dance trainer and many people like her classes very much.Time: 2 p.m.-4 p.m. on weekdays9 a.m.11 a.m. at weekendsYOGA WITH SARAExercise your body and mind!Sara's yoga classes arc perfect fbr people who want to improve their strength and shape their bodies. Sara has trained in several different styles of yoga.Time:3 p.m.-4 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday for beginners4 p.m.一5 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday for experienced learnersJOHN'S SPIN CLASSESHave a lot of fun on a bike!Spin classes are a safe and effective way to work outit doesn,t matter how old you are or how fit you are. John is an excellent spin trainer who'll inspire you to do your best in every class.Time: 7 p.m.8 p.m. every day10. If Mike is busy with his work and he only has free time after 5 p.m. at weekends, he can go toA. Latin DanceB. Shuttlecock exerciseC. Spin classD. Yoga class11. If Susan likes dancing and doesn't mind hard exercise, whose course can she take?A. Liu Gcnghong's. B. Karen's.C. John's.D. Sara's.12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?A. Spin classes are only fit for young people.B. Karen's Latin dance classes are liked by few people.C. Yoga classes on Tuesday are suitable for the beginners.D. Shuttlecock exercise can help people lose weight quickly.13. Where is the material probably taken from?A. A tour guide.B. A sports website.C. A news report.D. A fashion magazine.五、(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)The following is part of real time flight information of Hongqiao Airport and Pudong International Airport in Shanghai on June 1,2022.ScheduledFlightAirlineScheduledArrivalsDeparture(预定离开)TimeTerminal(T)(机场大楼)Destination(目的地)Arrivals(预定抵达)Phones8:45FM9245ShanghaiAirlinesHongqiao (T2)Nanchang10:159553012:30HU7320HainanAirlinesHongqiao (T2)Haikou15:049533912:30HOI 165JuneyaoAirlinesPudong (T2)Dalian14:30021-9552013:009C8759SpringAirlinesPudong (T2)Baotou16:00021-9552414. Which phone number can a passenger call if he or she wants to know some information aboutShanghai Airlines?A. 95339.B. 021-95524.C. 95530.D. 021-95520.15. Which of the following flights is from Shanghai to Haikou?A. HU7320.B. FM9245.C. 9C8759D. HOI 165.16. How long does it take to fly from Shanghai to Baotou?A. About one hour. B. About three hours. C. About two hours. D. About four hours.六、(2022江苏苏州中考真题)WeCountry music Time: Thursday 7 PM - 9 PM Place: the Central Square/westernMUSICFESTIVALFolk Time: Friday 5 PM - 7 PM£102出 Place: the Grand ParkRadmonalFree,modernEXFor mote informobon. pic»c contaa Kdbe at SSS5-1234 or Xabemusidcstcom£25£20CIOChMrwJazz Time: Saturday 6 PM - 8 PM, Place: the Riverside Music HouseRock Time: Sunday 7 PM - 9 PM, Place: the Spons CentreAduiU£10Q»<!dicn19. If you are free on Sunday night, which concert can you attend?A.Countrymusic. B. Folk.C. Jazz.D.Rock.20. How much will Mr. Green pay if he goes to the country music concert with his two kids?A.£10.B. £20.C. £30.D.£40.21. Which date is suitable for modern jazz lovers?22. If you are free on Sunday night, which concert can you attend?A.Countrymusic. B. Folk.C. Jazz.D.Rock.23. How much will Mr. Green pay if he goes to the country music concert with his two kids?A.£10.B. £20.C. £30.D.£40.24. Which date is suitable for modern jazz lovers?A. June 23.B. June 24.C. June 25.D. June 26.Yale PEABODY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORYHoursMonday lo Saturday10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.SundayNoon to 5:00 p.m.Closed on January 1, July 4, Thanksgiving Day, December 24 & 25.TicketsAdults$9.00Elders (65+)$8.00Children (3 to 18) & Students$5.00Children undcr 3FreeViewing restrictionsSome halls may be closed to the public on weekday mornings for school programs.Museum storeIt has many special items, handbags, books, educational toys and gifts from around the world.Tel (203) 432-3740MembershipMembers have the right to get a discount in the museum store, and other special services.Tel (203) 432-5426Volunteer officeJoin our volunteer group!Tel (203)432-3731Public educationMore than 1 (X) events are waiting fbr you!Tel (203) 432-3775How much should a 14-ycar-old boy pay to visit the museum?A. $5.00.B. $8.00.C. $9.00.D. $13.00.22. To know more about public education, which number should you call?A.(203) 432-3740.B. (203) 432-5426.C.(203) 432-3731.D. (203) 432-3775.23. Where is the passage most likely from?A.A diary.B. A guidebook.C.A novel.D. A report.八、(2022江苏常州中考真题)Researchers are using an underwater drone (无人机)to get information on carbon dioxide (CO2 ) levels in the ocean. It is believed to be the first time that such a device (装置)has been used purposely to test CO2 levels.The device, which the team also calls a glider, is designed to go down to 1,000 meters in deep ocean areas and can operate for weeks at a time.The purpose of the research is to provide scientists with data (数据)about how climate change is influencing the ocean's chemistry. The selfswimming drone was placed in the Gulf of Alaska this spring. Reporters from The Associated Press recently joined researchers on a boat in Alaska's Resurrection Bay to sec the drone in action.The team says the project could be a major step forward in measuring(测量)the environmental health of oceans. The scientists are most interested in levels of ocean acidification(酸性).This happens when CO2 emissions(flF放)in the air make their way into the ocean. Ocean acidification can harm or kill some kinds of sea life.Scientists have connected CO2 emissions with global(全球)warming caused by human activities.In a way, oceans have given humans a helping hand by taking in(吸收)some of the CO2 . If there


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