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    Book 7 Unit 3 Grammar.ppt

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    Book 7 Unit 3 Grammar.ppt

    人教版选修人教版选修7 7Unit3Unit3台山市鹏权中学台山市鹏权中学 刘惠珍刘惠珍一、动词一、动词ing形式的一般式和完成式形式的一般式和完成式一一般般式式主主动动被被动动完完成成式式主主动动被被动动doingbeing donehaving donenot not not not 注意:否定式是在分词短语前面加上注意:否定式是在分词短语前面加上 not,never 等否定词。等否定词。having been done动词动词-ing形式在句子中可作形式在句子中可作主主语、语、宾宾语、语、宾补宾补、定定语和语和状状语;语;一般式表示一个被动的动作一般式表示一个被动的动作正在进行正在进行或与或与谓语谓语动词所表示的动词所表示的动作同时发生动作同时发生;完成式表示的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动作发生在谓语动词所表示动词所表示的的动作之前动作之前。二、动词二、动词ing形式的功能形式的功能和意义和意义三、指出动词三、指出动词ing在句中充当什么成分。在句中充当什么成分。1)Gettingonwellwithothersneedsmanyskills.2)Theyenteredthetheatre,talkingandlaughing.3)Themanupstairswatchedthechildrenplayingfootballinthestreet?4)TheteacherdidntmindTomsaskinghermanyquestions.5)Themansittingbythewindowisourmathsteacher.主语主语状语状语宾语补足语宾语补足语宾语宾语定语定语v-ing 形式的被动式解析形式的被动式解析用用 法法 例例 句句1.作主语作主语2.作宾语作宾语_(kill)by sharks in the sea is a common thing.I remember _(tell)the story.Being killed having been told I see a whale _(tie)by ropes from a Japanese whaling ship.being tiedV-ing V-ing 做宾语补足语做宾语补足语做宾语补足语做宾语补足语3.3.作作作作宾语补足语宾语补足语宾语补足语宾语补足语4.4.作定语作定语作定语作定语The trees _(plant)are apple trees.V-ing V-ing 作后置定语作后置定语作后置定语作后置定语being planted The building _(build)now is our school.being built作定语,表被动、作定语,表被动、正在进行的动作正在进行的动作being done 表被动、正在表被动、正在 进行进行 _(surround)by killer whales,the baleen whale has no place to go.Being surroundedV-ing V-ing 做原因状语做原因状语做原因状语做原因状语5.5.作作作作状语状语状语状语_ _ _ _ _ _,he stood up.由于被要求回答这个问题,他站了起来。由于被要求回答这个问题,他站了起来。Being asked to answer the question “完成式完成式”表示动作发生在谓语动作表示动作发生在谓语动作 之前。之前。Having been told five times,I finally understood.e.g._ _ _ _ _ _,he is afraid of snakes.Having been bitten by a snake由于他曾经被蛇咬过,他很害怕蛇。由于他曾经被蛇咬过,他很害怕蛇。注意:注意:在在need,want,require(需要)(需要),be worth(值得)后用主动形式表被动含义。(值得)后用主动形式表被动含义。The dish needs washing.The book is worth reading.P23/Ex.2 Complete the sentences below with the passive-ing form of the verbs in brackets.James was afraid of _(attack)by sharks._(hold up)in the water by Old Tom,James was confident he would survive.being attackedBeing held up _(include)in the hunt was a great thrill for Clancy._(accept)by the whalers,the killers were able to get a good feed from the whale.Clancy didnt mind _(tell)what to do._(help out)by the killer whales,the whalers were able to make a successful kill.Being includedHaving been accepted being toldBeing helped out The children enjoyed _(take)to the aquarium.It seemed the sea lion didnt mind _(photograph)with the tourists after all.“In fact,the chances of anybody _(swallow)by a whale are rather low,”said the researcher.being takenbeing photographedbeing swallowed.单句改错单句改错1.Most of the students enjoy asked to answer questions.2.The question is far from being settling.beingsettled3.The building which being built is a laboratory.4.Having given such a good gift,could he let it missing?5.Youll hear the topic being discuss at the meeting.beendiscussed1.(2012重重庆庆)_ to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.A.Having been asked B.To ask C.Having asked D.To be asked2.(2012福建福建)China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from _ in the South China Sea.A.attacking B.having attacked C.being attacked D.having been attacked3.(2011课标课标卷卷)The next thing he saw was smoke _ from behind the house.A.rose B.rising C.to rise D.risen4.The building _ now is our school library.A.be built B.to be built C.being built D.being building5._ many times,he finally understood it.A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told6.(2009陕西陕西)I still remember _ to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.A.to take B.to be taken C.taking D.being taken7.The old man needs _.A.look after B.to look after C.1ooking after D.being looked after8.The problem is worth _.A.discussing B.discuss C.being discussed D.discussed动词动词-ing形式在句子中可作主语、宾语、形式在句子中可作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语;宾语补足语、定语和状语;一般式表示一个被动的动作正在进行或与一般式表示一个被动的动作正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。的动作之前。1.Finish the exercises on Page34,35 in Quanyouketang.2.Preview Using Language.


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