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    Unit 6 Im watching TV.(Section B 2a-Self Check)Zhao Chang Middle School Xu JiuqinUnit 6 Im watching TV.Part I:Analysis of the teaching materials.Part 2:Analysis of the teaching methods.Part 3:Analysis of the learning methods.Part 4.Analysis of the teaching steps.Part 5.Analysis of the teaching aimsPart 1:Analysis of the teaching materials.1.Status and functions2.Analysis of the students.3.Teaching aims and demands.(1)Knowledge objects.(2)Ability objects.(3)Moral objects.4.Teaching key and difficult points.5.Teaching aids.Part 2:Analysis of the teaching methods.Task-based teaching method.Communicative teaching method.Situational teaching methodPart 3:Analysis of the learning methods.Cooperative learning methods.Part 4.Analysis of the teaching steps.Step 1.Warm up and lead in T:What time is it?(Show a clock)SS:Its.T:Its 8:00am in China now.Do you know the time in other countries?Part 4.Analysis of the teaching steps.Step 2 Before reading.1.Show the time zones with different countries.SS make conversations in pairs.Time8:00am9:00am8:00pmCitiesBeijingHong KongSingaporeTokyoOsakaNew YorkTorontoMiamiDragon Boat Festivalmaking zongziEg:A:What time is it in New York?B:Its eight oclock in the afternoon.2.Show the some pictures about Dragon Boat Festival.SS learn the new words and answer.Qs:What special day is it?What do Chinese people do and eat on this day?Step 3.While reading.Task1.Scanning the TV report with the questions.Qs:1.Where is Zhu Hui now?2.What time is it in New York?3.Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?4.Does Zhu Hui like his host family?5.What does he think about his home in China?His family in ShenzhenactivitiesTimeHis host family in New YorkactivitiesTimehis dad and uncle9:00 amthe mother9:00 pmhis mom and aunt9:00 amthe father9:00 pmhis cousin9:00 amZhuhui9:00 pmDisplay their answers like this:His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.Task2.Read the TV report again,fill in the chart in groups,then display.Task3.Read the TV report.Translate the sentences in groups.1.对朱辉和他的寄宿家庭来说,这个晚上和其它任何晚上一样。So its like _ _night for Zhu Hui and his host family.2.朱辉想念他的家人,也希望吃他妈妈做的美味的粽子。Zhu Hui_ his family and _ _have his moms _ zongzi.3.仍然没有地方像家一样。Theres _“no place_ home”.Step 4.After reading Task4.Complete 2c.SS use the phrases to write sentences accor-ding to the TV report,then display in groups.AlivingreadingmakingtalkingstudyingwatchingBfoodin the USa racewith a familyon the phonea storyEg:Zhu Hui is living with an American family in New York.The mother is reading a story to her children.Step 4.After reading Task5.Retell the TV report according to the pictures and phrases in 2c.Eg:Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen.Hes studying in the United States.Hes living with an American family.Step 5 Writing.1.SS complete the letter in 3a individually,check the answers in groups.Then read the letter.Dear Bob,Here is a picture of family.We are all at home now.I am doing my homework.My parents _ in the living room.My grandfather_.My Sister_.Jimis reading the newspaperare watching TVtalking on the phoneStep 5 Writing.2.Show some pictures about a student family are doing.Talk about the pictures then writing.Share their article in class.Its ten oclock.I am doing my_ Step6 Self check and summary.1.Make a competition.Ask groups to write as the most words as they can in two minutes.The group with the most words win an-d read their lists aloud.playingplaymakemaking run runningwatchingtalkingeatingusingexercisinglivingswimmingshopping2.SS complete the conversation individually,correct and practice the conversation in groups.3.SS share what weve learnd in this lesson.Step 7 Homework Write about your family member are doing at 9:00pm at night.Its nine oclock.I am doing my_ _Board design:Unit 6 Im watching TV.(Section B 2a-self check)His family in Shenzhen(9:00 a.m.)Dragon Boat Festival Zhu Hui his dad and uncle are watching the boat races student his mom and aunt are making zongzi is studying His host family in New York(9:00 p.m).The night before the festival is living the mother is reading a story to her young children the father is watching a soccer game on TV Zhu Hui is talking on the phone to his cousin in ShenzhenPart 5.Analysis of the teaching aimsIn this lesson,I design tasks according to the New English cur-riculum criterion.I want to lead my students to study and coo-perate with each other.So I mainly adopt the task-based learni-ng method.This is my teaching designing,Please give me so-me advice.Thank you very much.


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