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    Grammar focus课件.ppt

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    Grammar focus课件.ppt

    肇庆市第六中学肇庆市第六中学 杨育梅杨育梅人教版人教版 Go for itLucky one today!Lucky one today!New words:rubbish rb fold fldsweep swipfloor flmessmes 垃圾垃圾折叠折叠打扫打扫地板地板杂乱杂乱Which room is mch tidier?whose room are these?A:What chores does he/she do every day?B:He/she every day.do the dishes洗餐具洗餐具sweep the floor扫地扫地make the bed铺床铺床take out the rubbish 倒垃圾倒垃圾A:What chores does he/she do every day?B:He/she every day.clean the living room打扫客厅打扫客厅How to fold your clothes!What is she doing?She is.fold your clothes 折叠衣服折叠衣服 Peter often helps his mother do chores at home,do you do these chores at home?Make a survey1afold your clothestake out the rubbishwash the dishesmake your bedsweep the floorclean the living room家务小能手调查表:家务小能手调查表:chores numberdo the dishestake out the robbish fold your colthessweep the floormake your bedclean the living room争做爱做家务的好孩子争做爱做家务的好孩子Listen.Who will do these chores?Check()Peters mother or Peter.ChoresPeters motherPeterdo the dishessweep the floortake out the rubbishmake the bedfold the clothesclean the living room1bListen again with the text Listen again with the text Listen again with the text Listen again with the text on the book P98.on the book P98.on the book P98.on the book P98.Make conversations about the chores in 1a.1cYes,sure.Can you do the dishes?Could you please sweep the floor?Well,could you please do them?Im going to clean the living room.No problem.Yes,sure.Can you?Could you please?A:Could you please.?B:Yes,sure./All right./No problem./Certainly.Sorry,I cant.I have to do.Sorry,I cant.I am doing.Make polite requests礼貌提出请求礼貌提出请求take out the rubbish do the dishes sweep the floor make the bed fold the clothes clean the living roomRole-play:Role-play:Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things.What does his father say?Check()yes or no.Peter wants toPeters father saysgo out for dinner.Yes Nogo to the movies.Yes Nostay out late.Yes Noget a ride.Yes No2aListen again.Why does Peters father say“no”?Draw lines to the reasons.Peter wants toPeters father saysHis fathers reasonsgo out for dinner.Yes NoI have to do some work.go to the movies.Yes NoYou have to clean your roomstay out late.Yes NoI need to eat breakfast.get a ride.Yes NoYou have a basketball game.2bListen again with the text Listen again with the text Listen again with the text Listen again with the text on the book P98.on the book P98.on the book P98.on the book P98.Ask for permission礼貌地取得同意礼貌地取得同意A:Could I use your computer?B:Sorry.Im going to work on it now.A:Well,could I watch TV?B:Yes,you can,but first you have to clean your room./No,you cant.2cMake conversations between Peter and his father.A:Could you please.?B:Yes,sure./No problem./Sorry,.A:Could I use your?B:Sorry.Im going to .A:Well,could I?B:Yes,you can.But /No,you cant谁是大富翁谁是大富翁!.根据语境,选择恰当的单词填空。根据语境,选择恰当的单词填空。rubbish,fold,sweep,floor,mess1.The yard(院子院子)is dirty,so you should _ it after dinner.2.Well,wheres our dog,Mom?Its on the _.Its sleeping.3.I forgot to put the _ out last night.Linda,please help me take it out.sweepfloorrubbish4.Hey,Mike.Your bedroom is in a _.Sorry,Ill clean it right now.5.He _ the map up and put it in his pocket(口袋口袋).messfolded.完成英语句子,每空一词。完成英语句子,每空一词。1.现在我妈妈正在厨房洗餐具。现在我妈妈正在厨房洗餐具。Now my mom is _ _ _ in the kitchen.2.昨天早上我打扫了客厅。昨天早上我打扫了客厅。I _ _ _ _ yesterday morning.3.我妹妹能自己铺床。我妹妹能自己铺床。My sister can _ _ _ by herself.doing the dishescleaned the living roommake her bed4.你不应该呆在外面太晚。你不应该呆在外面太晚。You shouldnt _ _ _.5.请你帮忙做这几件事好吗?请你帮忙做这几件事好吗?Could you please _ _ with these things?stay outhelp out late拓展与提升拓展与提升:用用Could you please.?Could I/we.?写两组对话。写两组对话。回家帮妈妈做今天所学的六个家务。回家帮妈妈做今天所学的六个家务。Thank you!Thank you!


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