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    (录音)(录音)homeless people1.Have you ever seen any homeless people?Where?2.What can we do to help them?Listen and answer the questions.1.What is the famous program called?2.Whats the name of the special program for street kids?Edmonton Community Services.Kids in the Hall.(影片)(影片)Read and understandRead and answer the questions.1.What has Edmonton Community Services done?2.Why is it famous?It has helped homeless people for many years.Its famous for its success in helping homeless people return to a normal life.3.What does it do for homeless people?4.What do homeless people use the money from Edmonton Community Services to do?It helps homeless people get jobs and lends money to them.They use the money to rent apartments and buy clothes for their children.Listen and fill in the blanks.The organization has a _ program for street kids,called“Kids in the Hall”.It helps homeless children _ Zack.“In the Hall”is the _ of a restaurant in Edmonton.The food is prepared,cooked and served _ the street kids.At the same time,the kids are learning restaurant skills.When they _ their training,it will be easy for them _ jobs.speciallikenamebyfinishto find(录音)(录音)What will happen if they do these things?They must obey strict rules.steal thingstake drugsdisobey other rulesThey cant stay in the program and have to return to the streets.The program,“Kids in the Hall”,has given me a good chance to succeed.It will help me live like other kids again.Does he like the program?What do you think of the program?Read 1a again and finish the following tasks.1.The purpose of this passage is _.A.to talk about a boy named Zack B.to describe the life of street kids C.to talk about an organization that helps homeless people2.List two other problems of homeless people mentioned in the article.A.No clothes for children.B._.C._.No house to live inNo job3.Explain how Edmonton Community Services helps solve these problems.A.Edmonton Community Services lends money to parents so that they can buy clothes for their children.B._ _C._ _Edmonton Community Services helps rent apartments for homeless people to live in.The organization helps homeless people learn some skills to find jobs.4.If Zack wants to have a happy life,he should _.He shouldnt _.A.try to learn skills B.take drugs C.obey the rules D.stay on the streets E.find a job F.steal thingsA C E B D F Edmonton Community Serviceshelp,borrow,rent,buyExample A:Edmonton Community Services is famous for its success in helping homeless people return to a normal life.It helps people get jobs.The homeless people can borrow money from it,so that they can rent apartments and buy clothes for their children.Kids in the Hall,learn skills,strict,obey,return to Example B:“Kids in the Hall”helps the street kids learn restaurant skills.But the rules are very strict.They must obey them.If they disobey them,they have to return to the streets.How can we help them?What do you hope?provide warm housesenjoy community servicesreceive a good educationlive a happy lifehomeless peoplechild laborerscruel warsTalk about the pictures.Written workExample:The world is becoming better and better.But it still has many problems.Some people are still living a hard life.For example,therere many homeless people all over the world.They have to live on the streets.Some children have to be laborers for a living,instead of going to school.Whats worse,sometimes cruel wars break out in some areas.I feel sorry for them.I hope society can provide warm houses for these people to live in,and they can enjoy the same community services as others.I hope the world will be peaceful and full of love,and everyone can live a happy life.Sum up1.take drugs2.steal things3.理解句子结构理解句子结构:主语主语+be+过去分词过去分词 Homework1.完成完成同步练习册同步练习册Section C2.Finish the written work in 2.


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