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    英语中考总复习 广东省罗定市围底中学广东省罗定市围底中学 彭彩华彭彩华英语中考总复习英语中考总复习广东省罗定市围底中学 彭彩华2018年广东省计算机教育软件评审活动中考作文命题的方向(15分)近年来中考作文题目(说明文、记叙文、应用文)1)2017年:描述一次受老师或同学言语激励的经历,呼吁大家要注意自身言语对他人的影响。2)2016年:描述一次未能完成作业的经历,对如何管理时间提出建议。3)2015年:如何防止溺水事故发生,提出建议。4)2014年:如何改善学校现有的设施设备条件。5)2013年:描述遇到谎言、骗局、谣言的经历,并提建议。特点:1)贴近学生生活(让学生有话可写)2)有时代感3)写作手法以“夹叙夹议”为主,着重写自己的感受、看法、体会、建议、理由、措施、方法等。4)提示主要是文字材料1)贴近学生生活(让学生有话可写)贴近学生生活(让学生有话可写)2)有时代感)有时代感3)写作手法以)写作手法以“夹叙夹议夹叙夹议”为主,为主,着重写自己的感受、看法、体会、着重写自己的感受、看法、体会、建议、理由、措施、方法等建议、理由、措施、方法等特点:特点:Warming up:(问题引领)(问题引领)What problems do you have while writing?(写作时你有什么困难?)Can you say something what you can do with the mobile phones?(说说你可以用手机做什么事情?)Task(任务):Discuss with your partner and try to write it down 1)What can you do with the mobile phones?(你可以用手机做什么事情?)Task(任务):2)Discuss with your partners and try to write down.(和同学讨论,最少写一个句子和同学讨论,最少写一个句子)Autonomic learning (自主学习)Show timeAre the smart phones always good for us?Can we use them for a very long time?1.Are the mobile phones always good for us?2.Can we use them for a very long time?Warming up:(问题引领)(问题引领)Enjoy the video Enjoy the videoA信息归纳信息归纳 请阅读下面这篇有关中学生沉迷玩手机的文章,根据所提供请阅读下面这篇有关中学生沉迷玩手机的文章,根据所提供 的的信息,完成下面作文,把答案写在相应的位置上。信息,完成下面作文,把答案写在相应的位置上。Now playing mobile phones is very popular among middle school students.Half of the students in our class like playing mobile phones very much.Though our teachers and their parents tell them not to play any more again and again,they play mobile phones daily and some of them even dont go to school.Playing mobile phones wastes money.They spend a lot of time playing each time.So they often ask their parents for money or borrow money from their classmates if they play some paid games.Playing mobile phones also bad for the students studies.Some students even play mobile phones in class.Autonomic learning (自主学习)They dont listen to the teachers carefully and usually forget to do their homework.I think its really bad for their studies.If you spend too much time on playing mobile phones,you may even cause some heathy problems.So I hope those who have got the habit of playing mobile phones could give it up as soon as possible.Autonomic learning (自主学习)The popular activities among school students(1)Situations in playing mobile phones(2)in our class like playing mobile phones very much Some students even(3)in class.Writes points playing mobile phones(4)money and it is not good for(5)Information cardA信息归纳信息归纳 请阅读下面这篇有关中学生沉迷玩手机的文章,根据所提供请阅读下面这篇有关中学生沉迷玩手机的文章,根据所提供 的的信息,完成下面作文,把答案写在相应的位置上。信息,完成下面作文,把答案写在相应的位置上。Now playing mobile phones is very popular among middle school students.Half of the students in our class like playing mobile phones very much.Though our teachers and their parents tell them not to play any more again and again,they play mobile phones daily and some of them even dont go to school.Playing mobile phones wastes money.They spend a lot of time playing each time.So they often ask their parents for money or borrow money from their classmates if they play some paid games.Playing mobile phones also bad for the students studies.Some students even play mobile phones in class.Autonomic learning (自主学习)第一点第二点 They dont listen to the teachers carefully and usually forget to do their homework.I think its really bad for their studies.If you spend too much time on playing mobile phones,you may even cause some heathy problems.So I hope those who have got the habit of playing mobile phones could give it up as soon as possible.Autonomic learning (自主学习)第三点write down the key points of the disadvantages Autonomic learning (自主学习)Show timewrite down the key points of the disadvantagesMobile phonesdisadvantageswaste money bad for the study cause healthy problems教师引导小结Task:Writing 随着智能手机的普及,沉迷玩手机这种行为随着智能手机的普及,沉迷玩手机这种行为严重影响学习,请你针对这种情况,写一篇严重影响学习,请你针对这种情况,写一篇短文说说你的看法,约短文说说你的看法,约8080词。词。写作提示:写作提示:1 1).使用智能手机有很多优点(如购物、看电影、使用智能手机有很多优点(如购物、看电影、查资料等)查资料等),但沉迷玩手机对我们的生活也有负面的影响。但沉迷玩手机对我们的生活也有负面的影响。2 2).可以通过什么方式来防止过度玩手机,请你可以通过什么方式来防止过度玩手机,请你提两三条建议。提两三条建议。3 3)呼吁大家正确使用手机。)呼吁大家正确使用手机。作文要求:作文要求:1 1)、不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老老师和同学的真实姓名。师和同学的真实姓名。2 2、语句连贯,词数、语句连贯,词数8080个左右。作文的开头已经给出个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。Mobile phoneadvantagesdisadvantages advicelifestudycommunication bad for study do more sports do leisure activities talk with each other oftenFinish the mind map(思维导图)(思维导图)waste moneycause health problemshope/wishWriting(写作文写作文):Discuss(讨论)(讨论)with your partner(同伴)(同伴)and try to write the composition Autonomic learning (自主学习)Finish the mind map and write the composition,show 类别 连接词表并列、递进and,whats more表顺序first,second,thirt,finally(in the end)表因果because+句子,so 表转折but,however表举例for example,such as表意见、建议in my viewopinion,I think表总结in a word,in shortSummery(教师小结)添加连词(连句成文,加关联词、过渡句)中考英语书面表达加分技能中考英语书面表达加分技能1、书写工整;、书写工整;2、合理分段,使用连词、序数词,、合理分段,使用连词、序数词,使文章更清晰;使文章更清晰;(一般分为一般分为3段段)3、适当地运用从句,名言、谚语。、适当地运用从句,名言、谚语。Summery(教师小结教师小结)Nowaydays,mobile phone plays an important part in our daily life.It makes our life more convenient than before.For example,we can buy many things without going to the crowded shops.And we can also surf the useful imformation which is good for our study.However,a lot of students spend too much time on playing mobile phones.That is bad for us.How to avoid it?First,we should do more sports.Such as playing baskeyball、playing football.Second,we had better do some leisure activities.We can sing songs、dance to music and play games with each other.At last,we should talk with each other face to face instead of keeping looking at our mobile phones.In a word,we must use mobile phones properly.Summary and homeworkTopic:Mobile phoneSkill:WritingHomework:Finish the guiding paper.Thanks for listening!广东省罗定市围底中学 彭彩华2018年广东省计算机教育软件评审活动


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