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    半导体物理学半导体 (1).pdf

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    半导体物理学半导体 (1).pdf

    What are semiconductor materials?01Applications of semiconductor in daily life02Simple history of semiconductors03Moores law and the post-moore era04ZTE event,Huawei kirin chip05IntroductionWhat are semiconductor materials?Substances and materials in nature can be divided into conductors,semiconductors and insulators according to their conductivity(or resistivity).Conductors:CopperSemiconductors:SiliconInsulators:CeramicsConductivitySm107 10810-6 10510-6ChipTriodeCircuit element based on semiconductor materialsLight emitting diodeDiodeOther circuit elementsWhat are semiconductor materials?The external environment has a significant influence on the conductivity of the semiconductor,thus,we have various devices.temperature,light,gas,pressure,magnetic fieldThermocouplePhotoresistanceGas sensorPressure SensorHall sensorWhat are semiconductor materials?Applications of semiconductor in daily lifeDaily life:clothing,food,housing,transportation;Study,work and play;otherClothing(衣):refrigerationheatingApplications of semiconductor in daily lifeEating(食)Applications of semiconductor in daily lifeLiving(住)Applications of semiconductor in daily lifeTravelling(行)Applications of semiconductor in daily lifeTesla Model S ElectromobileConfigurations:lithium ion battery of 85 kwh;0-100 acceleration capability:5.6 s;100km energy consumption:18 kwh;Motor power:306 kw(414 horsepower);Performance:Maximum mileage:500 km,maximum speed:210 km/h;Ordinary charging time:480 mins;Quick charging time:60 mins;Applications of semiconductor in daily lifeSimple history of semiconductorsStage 1:Observation of phenomena(1833-1935)Michael Faraday(法拉第)(1791-1867)discovered the first semiconductor material,silver sulfide,in 1833,because its resistance decreased with the rise of temperature.In 1874,Braun(布劳恩)discovered the asymmetry of current conduction in the contact of metals(such as copper and iron)and semiconductors(such as lead sulfide),which was used for early radio detectors;In 1906 Pickard(皮卡德)made a silicon point contact detector;Diode rectification was discovered by Pierce(皮尔斯)in 1907 when he sputtered metal on a semiconductor;In 1935,selenium rectifier and point contact diode were widely used;Simple history of semiconductorsStage 2:Theoretical developmentIn 1931,A.H.Wilson(威尔逊)developed the energy band theory by solving the Schrodinger equation;In 1939,Walter Schottky(肖特基)(1886 1976)published an important paper on rectifier theory in the German journal of physics;In 1942,Bethe(贝特)proposed Thermionic emission theory;Simple history of semiconductorsStage 3:The invent of the transistorThe first transistor was made at bell LABS in December 1947,by William Shockley(威廉肖克利),John Bardeen(约翰巴丁),and Walter H.Brattain(沃尔特H布拉顿).Inventing the transistorNobel prizeSimple history of semiconductorsStage 4:Emergence of integrated circuitsIn 1958,Dr.Jack Kilby(杰克凯比)of Texas instruments(TI,德州仪器)company invented the first integrated circuit,including 12 devices on Ge(锗)chip.In 2000,he won the Nobel prize in physics(诺贝尔物理奖).Simple history of semiconductorsThe first CPU was Intels 4004 microprocessor(微处理器)in 1971,which had about 2,300 transistors and was capable of processing 4 bits of data at 60,000 operations per second at a frequency of 108 kHz.Simple history of semiconductorsSemiconductor technology(半导体工艺)Simple history of semiconductorsMoores law and the post-moore eraMoores law(摩尔定律):the level of integration and memory capacity of integrated circuits doubles every 18 months on average(Gordon Moore,1965).The first computer(Eniak)PadMoores law was developed by Gordon Moore,one of the founders of Intel.Moores law has had a huge impact in the more than 40 years since its discovery,but as technology such as 3D chips runs out,American physicist Michio Calais says it could collapse within a decade.(图片待更新!)Moores law and the post-moore eraPost-moores law(后摩尔时代):I would not be surprised if,over the next 10 years,Scaling comes to an end.“Gordon Moore said.A technology roadmap for the post-moore eraThe dimensions shrunk to the endMoores law and the post-moore eraMoore and MoreMoore than MorePost-moores lawQuantum devicesSingle electron deviceSpin devicesNanowire deviceMoores law and the post-moore eraZTE event,Huawei kirin chip(中兴事件,华为麒麟芯片)On June 8,2018,the US department of commerce reached a new settlement agreement with Chinas ZTE corporation,in which ZTE paid a$1 billion fine and prepared another$400 million for escrow before the US department of commerce removed ZTE from the banned list.Semiconductors are very important!A large company may be shut down due to the shortage of semiconductor supplies.The kirin 990 is a new generation of mobile phone processor developed by Huawei.The Hess kirin 990 processor will be manufactured using TSMC(台积电)iis 7nm process.The overall performance of the kirin 990 processor is about 10%better than that of the kirin 980 processor.The hsi kirin 990 processor has a baron-5000 baseband built into it,or 5G.Huawei kirin(麒麟)990 chipZTE event,Huawei kirin chip(中兴事件,华为麒麟芯片)


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