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    大数据与城市规划 (17).pdf

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    大数据与城市规划 (17).pdf

    Featured GraphicShrinking cities in arapidly urbanizing ChinaMany cities across particular areas in Europe and North America have a dwindlingpopulation,emerging vacant spaces,and the underuse of existing urban infrastructure(Haase et al.,2014).As one of the more prosperous urbanized countries in the world,China has witnessed an unprecedented active stage of urban expansion(see the BeijingCity Lab Ranking 8 for details,http:/ alsoattracted extensive attention from academics(Deng et al.,2010).Our previous study on mushingrooming Jiedaos(the basic administrative unit of a cityproper)indicates that urbanization in China often involves a significant political dimension.Largely rural settlements(e.g.,Zhen)could be accorded with the city status(e.g.,Jiedao)overnight by administrative power,which further accelerates the urban process(Wu et al.,2015).Meanwhile,some large cities and inshore developed cities in East China have attractedhuge numbers of migrants from rural areas and small cities during the last ten years.Vacantvillages have been widely reported in the context of China(Long et al.,2012),while weobserve shrinkage at township and city levels.For all the townships in Mainland China,we estimated their population(residents notHukou)based on the Population Censuses of China in 2000 and 2010,respectively.We foundthat 19882 among all 39007 townships were losing their population during 200010,and thetotal area was 3.24 million km2,which covered almost about one third of the territories ofChina(Figure 1).Those shrinking townships are distributed in both rural and urban areas.Among them are 1147 urban townships with a total area of 47420km2in 367 cities.Besides the shrinking townships observed,we further identify 180 shrinking cities inChina including one provincial capital city,Urumqi40 prefectural-level cities and 139county-level cities(Figure 1).In addition,we use a cartogram to reveal populationdensity in 2010 at the prefectural level,based on which shrinking prefectures are mapped(Figure 2).More work is needed to understand these shrinking localities,the reasons behind thepopulation falls,and possible policy tools.Both decision makers and city planners areaccustomed to the urban growth and population increasing in China.We hope that thesefeatured graphics will inform them of our findings.In addition,we have established theCorresponding author:Ying Long,Beijing Institute of City Planning,China.Email:Environment and Planning A2016,Vol.48(2)220222!The Author(s)2016Reprints and permissions:sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.navDOI:10.1177/0308518XFigure 2.Prefectural level population variation in China.Figure 1.Shrinking territories at the township and city levels in China(Pop2010 population in 2010,Pop2000 population in 2000).Long and Wu221Chinese shrinking city research network(http:/ exploring this important issue via proposing necessary planning rulesfor shrinking cities.Software:ArcGIS 10.2 and Cartogram Geoprocessing Tool(http:/ X,Huang J,Rozelle S and Uchida E(2010)Economic growth and the expansion of urban landin China.Urban Studies 47:813843.Haase A,Rink D,Grossmann K,Bernt M and Mykhnenko V(2014)Conceptualizing urbanshrinkage.Environment and Planning A 46:15191534.Long H,Li Y,Liu Y,Woods M and Zou J(2012)Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled byincreasing vs.decreasing balance land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages.Land UsePolicy 29:1122.Wu K,Long Y,Mao Q and Liu X(2015)Featured graphic.Mushrooming Jiedaos,growing cities:analternative perspective on urbanizing China.Environment and Planning A 47:12.222Environment and Planning A 48(2)


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