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    高二英语Unit10 language points课件 新课标.ppt

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    高二英语Unit10 language points课件 新课标.ppt

    Language points2021/8/11 星期三1,I am frightened to death.shes scared to death.The _ look on the boys face suggested he was _at the _news.(frighten)frightening=scary frightened=scared frightened frightened frightening(scare)It is a _ adventure.I am _to go out alone.She is scared of snakes.I am scared that these will turn out to be wrong ones.Hes scared to answer the phone.scary scared scared 表示人的心理状态表示人的心理状态当修饰当修饰face,look,smile,voice 等表现人的情感的词等表现人的情感的词时,多用过去分词型的形容时,多用过去分词型的形容词词2021/8/11 星期三2 be frightened /scared to death frighten/scare sb.to death starve to death beat sb.to death sentence sb.to death 宣判某人死刑宣判某人死刑to 表示表示”达到一结果达到一结果”变成达到变成达到The cup was broken to pieces.When Mary heard the story of the hero,she was moved _ tears.a.at b.to c.by d.with 2021/8/11 星期三3,threat n.Nowadays,terrorism is becoming a threat to country security.There was a threat of rain in the dark sky.the threat to the countrys economy inflation carry out a threat threaten vt./vi.The boss threatened an employee with dismissal.The clouds threatened a rain.国家通货膨胀的危机国家通货膨胀的危机威胁;构成威胁的人或物威胁;构成威胁的人或物预兆;不详之兆预兆;不详之兆威胁;有征兆威胁;有征兆2021/8/11 星期三43.He gets into a total panic.get into a panic/be thrown into a panic/in a panic The crowd got into a panic about the fire.We were thrown into a panic when the lights suddenly went off that night.The news caused widespread panic.The children panicked when they realized they were lost.panicked,panicked,panicking.2021/8/11 星期三54,It makes my hair stand on end.The terrible sight made her hair stand on end.We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door.He sat there for hours on end .连续地连续地直立,竖直直立,竖直,Yeah,man!Man,that was a lucky escape .Man,the waterfall is a most beautiful.man man 感叹词,多用口语,感叹词,多用口语,表示惊奇,赞美,兴奋等表示惊奇,赞美,兴奋等2021/8/11 星期三6,sweep No game in recent years has swept the country like football.He swept aside the papers on his desk to make room for the large book.Sweep up the dust from the bookshelves.The searchlight swept the sky .His eyes swept the lake and saw a boat in the distance.席卷;横扫席卷;横扫打扫打扫掠过,扫视掠过,扫视2021/8/11 星期三7,draw ones attention to/draw the attention of attract/catch/call/get/bring ones attention to fix ones attention on devote ones attention to hold ones attention on pay attention to with attention stand at attention 立正立正吸引注意力吸引注意力专心于专心于2021/8/11 星期三8 beg sth,of sbHe begged food of me.beg to do shtHe begged to be allowed to go.beg sb to do sthHe begged me to go with him.beg that.He begged that he should be sent home.beg 2021/8/11 星期三9 urge urge sb to do/into doing sthHe urged me to(into studying)study hard .urge sb on/upon sth urge that(should)doI urged that he(should)do his best.urge 接宾语从句,接宾语从句,“强烈要求,强烈要求,”从句用从句用虚拟虚拟(should)+do 2021/8/11 星期三101.On the 24th of August in 79 AD,between two and three 1.On the 24th of August in 79 AD,between two and three in the afternoon my mother in the afternoon my mother drew my uncles attention todrew my uncles attention to a a cloud of unusual size and shapecloud of unusual size and shape pay attention to attract sb.s attention to draw sbs attention to bring sth to sbs attention call sbs attention to2021/8/11 星期三112.The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand一看到这种情景,叔叔身上的科学精神被唤一看到这种情景,叔叔身上的科学精神被唤醒了,醒了,他要靠近火山去看个究竟。他要靠近火山去看个究竟。这句话带有拟人修辞成分:这句话带有拟人修辞成分:有有sight唤醒唤醒the scientist in my uncle例如:例如:The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control system2021/8/11 星期三123.Her house lay at the foot of Vesuvius,and there was no way out except by boat.way out(克服困难的克服困难的)办法,出路办法,出路Eg:He was trying to think of a way out,but it was impossible to find one.2021/8/11 星期三134.Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were 4.Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now,falling onto the ship now,darker and more,the closer darker and more,the closer they wentthey went.the more,the moreEg越实践越熟练越实践越熟练The more you practice,the more perfect you will be2021/8/11 星期三145.Upon arrival,my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage.Upon/on 后跟表示后跟表示动态的名词或动词动态的名词或动词-ing 形形式式,表示,表示“在(做某事)时;当(某事发生)在(做某事)时;当(某事发生)时时”Upon arrival,they went in search of a hotel.She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first steps.2021/8/11 星期三156.There were earthquakes and a rain of burning rocks was coming down.a rain of 起数词的作用,表示起数词的作用,表示 burning rocks 的数量之多。下文中的的数量之多。下文中的 a shower of rock 也是也是起同样的作用。起同样的作用。2021/8/11 星期三167.It was daylight now in other parts of the world,but 7.It was daylight now in other parts of the world,but there the darkness was darker and thicker than there the darkness was darker and thicker than any any nightnight.注意:句中的注意:句中的night前没有前没有other。这是因为。这是因为it指指 daytime 而不是而不是night。如果如果it 指指night,那,那么这个么这个other不能少不能少2021/8/11 星期三17 the moment.immediately hardly when no sooner than upon+n./doing=on+n./doing 一一就就.Upon returning from the USA,he sent out to start a company.2021/8/11 星期三18On his return from the USA,he sent out to start a company.The moment he returned from the USA,he sent out to start a company.Immediately he returned from the USA,he sent out to start a company.Hardly had he returned from the USA when he set out to start a company.No sooner had he retuned form the USA than he sent out to start a company.2021/8/11 星期三198.He looked more asleep than dead.more than与其说与其说,不如说不如说Eg:Dont be too hard on him.He is more misled than stupid.2021/8/11 星期三209.You can pick out the important bits,for it is one 9.You can pick out the important bits,for it is one thing to write a letter,another to write history,one thing to write a letter,another to write history,one thing to write to a friend,another to write for the thing to write to a friend,another to write for the public.public.It is one thing to do,another to do.是一回事,是一回事,.又是另一回事又是另一回事It is one thing for you to stay here,another for me to ask you to stay here.2021/8/11 星期三212021/8/11 星期三222021/8/11 星期三23


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