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    Section A 1 1a2dUnit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world?square n.平方平方meter n.米米Check the preview deep adj.深的深的desert n.沙漠沙漠population n.人口人口Asia n.亚洲亚洲tour v.n.旅行旅行tourist n.旅行者旅行者wall n.墙墙amazing adj.令人大为惊奇的令人大为惊奇的ancient adj.古代的古代的wide adj.宽的;宽阔和宽的;宽阔和Lets read numbers2.3451656,671600,0009,600,0001,300,000,000two point threeforty-fiveone hundred and sixty-fivesix thousand six hundred and seventy-onesix hundred thousandnine million six hundred thousandone billion three hundred millionbillion十亿十亿million百万百万thousand 千千111,121,435,678111,121,435,678billionmillionthousandone hundred and eleven billion one hundred and twenty-one million four hundred and thirty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight十亿的读法十亿的读法Can you read them?8,448 5,654 4,321 9,543 23,345 34,666 43,233 67,3216,3005,0005,464300Can you translate the below sentences?1.6,300是最大的数字。是最大的数字。6,300 is the biggest(largest)number.2.300是最小的数字。是最小的数字。300 is the smallest number.3.6,300比比5,000要大很多。要大很多。6,300 is much bigger than 5,000.4.5,464和和5,000差不多一样大。差不多一样大。5,464 is almost as big as 5,000.Read the number!4,69826,471,904,75827,6449,237,5865.4176,934,524,456389298,50328,596,73890Group work:Write down some numbers and ask your group mates to read it.No.1-No.4No.2-No.32米长米长1米宽米宽150米高米高1125米深米深1.5米厚米厚9,600,000平方公里平方公里two meters longone meter wideone hundred and fifty meters highone thousand one hundred and twenty-five meters deep one point five meters thick数词数词+单位单位+形容词形容词(long,wide,high,deep,thick)面积:数词面积:数词+单位单位+in sizenine million six hundred thousand square kilometers in size 1.最高的山最高的山 the highest mountain 2.最长的河最长的河 the longest river 3.最深的海最深的海 the deepest sea 4.最大的沙漠最大的沙漠 the biggest desert 5.1025米深米深 1025 meters deep 6.8844.43米高米高 8844.43 meters high 7.6671公里长公里长 6671 kilometers long 8.面积面积 9600000平方米平方米 9600000 square meters in size 9.比其它任何山都高比其它任何山都高 higher than any other mountain请四号请四号朗读这朗读这些短语些短语请快速请快速记住这记住这些短语些短语Which isA.mountainB.riverC.lakeD.desertQomolangmathe Nilethe Caspian Seathe SaharaIt has two banks.the richest?_ meters high_ meters long_ meters deep8,844.436,6711,025_ square kilometers in size9,600,000Qomolangmathe Nilethe Caspian Seathe SaharaHow high/long/deep/big is.?写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式1.deep _ _ 2.long _ _ 3.high _ _ 4.big _ _ 5.nice _ _ 6.large _ _ 7.easy _ _ 8.good _ _9.beautiful _ _10.exciting _ _deeper deepestlonger longesthigher highestbigger biggestnicer nicestlarger largesteasier easiestbetter bestmore beautiful most beautifulmore exciting most exciting请思考并总结:请思考并总结:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成形式有哪些?(先独立思考,再小组讨论。)成形式有哪些?(先独立思考,再小组讨论。)请小组核对请小组核对预习与交流(一)预习与交流(一)的答案,然的答案,然后在全班展示。后在全班展示。请五号朗读这些单词。请五号朗读这些单词。Geographical facts地理常识地理常识the longest river(has)the biggest populationthe highest mountainthe biggest countrythe biggest desertthe biggest salt lake the biggest oceanthe biggest continent1.The Nile2.The Amazon River3.Yangtze River1.Russia 2.Canada 3.China The SaharaThe Caspian SeaAsia The Pacific Ocean ChinaQomolangmadi:rfklGeographical facts地理常识地理常识the longest riverhas the biggest populationthe highest mountainthe biggest countrythe biggest desertthe biggest salt lake the biggest oceanthe biggest continent-Whats the longest river in the world?-The Nile.Pair workMatch the facts you know.1a1b Listen and complete the sentences.1.Qomolangma is _ than any other mountain in the world.2.The Sahara is _ desert in the world.3.The Caspian Sea is _ of all the salt lakes.4.The Nile is _ river in the world.higherthe biggestthe deepestthe longestany other+n any other+n 单数单数A:What is the highest mountain in the world?B:Qomolangma.1cPairworkUse the information in 1b to make conversations1.一般情况一般情况:+er(比较级比较级)+est(最高级最高级)quiet-quieter-the quietest bright-brighter-the brightest2.词末为词末为-e(不发音)(不发音)+r-+stfine-finer-the finest nice-nicer-the nicest3.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的:双写重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的:双写辅音字母辅音字母+er-双写辅音字母双写辅音字母+esthot-hotter-the hottest wet-wetter-the wettest4.三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和和most5.特殊变化特殊变化goodbetterbest many/muchmorethe most1.一般情况一般情况:+er(比较级比较级)+est(最高级最高级)quietquieterthe quietest brightbrighterthe brightest2.词末为词末为-e(不发音)(不发音)+r+stfinefinerthe finest nicenicerthe nicest3.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的:双写辅音字母重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母的:双写辅音字母+er双写辅音字母双写辅音字母+esthothotterthe hottest wetwetterthe wettest4.三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和和most5.特殊变化特殊变化goodbetterbest many/muchmorethe most比较级主要运用与两者比较,最高级运用于三者包括三比较级主要运用与两者比较,最高级运用于三者包括三者以上的比较。者以上的比较。A+erthan B,A+estof the three,A+est than others Our homeland,China.China has the longest wall,China has the third longest river,China has the river which has the most sand,China is the third biggest country,China has larger population than any other country,the Great Wall.the Yangtze River.the Yellow River.9,600,000 square kilometers in size.1,300,000,000比较级比较级1.My hair is longer than_.她她2.Theweatherisgetting_and_(warm)3.The_(old)Iget,the_(weak)Iseemtofeel.4.Qomolangma is higher than any other _ in the world.(山山)5.Its raining,and it is much _.(cold)herswarmerwarmerolderweakermountaincolder比较前后一致比较前后一致比较级比较级 and 比较级:越来越比较级:越来越the 比较级,比较级,the 比较级比较级:越:越越越比较级表示最高级比较级表示最高级much,a lot,a little,a bit,even+比较比较级级最高级最高级1.Summeris_(hot)seasonoftheyear.2.TheChangjiangRiverisoneof_intheworld.A.thelongestriver B.longestriversC.thelongestrivers D.longerrivers3.The Yangtze River is _ river in the world.(第三长第三长)the hottestCthe third longest 双写加双写加er,est:hot,big,wet,thin,fat最最之一之一one of the 最高级最高级+n复数复数第几长第几长,高高,宽宽 the+序数词序数词+最高级最高级Finish the sentences with the right forms of the adjs.1.Kate is young,but Joe is _.2.My shoes are new.My sisters are _ than mine.3.Her bag is heavy,and his is _ than hers.But yours is _ of all.youngernewerheavierthe heaviest4.Toms kite is high.Jims is _ than Toms.Mikes is _ of them all.5.Bill is seven.John is nine and Tom is eleven.Tom is _ than John and Bill.Bill is _ than John.Bill is _ and Tom is _ of the three.the highestolderyoungerthe youngestthe oldesthigher1,025 How do you read these number?6,671 9,600,0008,844.43 What do you know about the number 8,8844.43?QomolangmaWhat do you know about the following numbers?1,025 meters deepThe Caspian SeaWhat do you know about the following numbers?6,671 kilometers longThe NileWhat do you know about the following numbers?9,600,000 square kilometers in sizeThe Sahara_The Yangtze River is about _ kilometers long and the Yellow River is _ kilometers long._ China has the biggest population in the world.Its a lot bigger than the population of the US._ China is over _ years old.It has a much longer history than the US.The US is not even _ years old._ China is almost as big as the US,and it is the biggest country in Asia.Listening2a Listen and number42132b Listen again and fill in the blanks.6,300 5,000 5,464 300_The Yangtze River is about _ kilometers long and the Yellow River is _ kilometers long._ China has the biggest population in the world.Its a lot bigger than the population of the US._ China is over _ years old.It has a much longer history than the US.The US is not even _ years old._ China is almost as big as the US,and it is the biggest country in Asia.6,3005,4645,0003001432The comparisonWhat is the longest wall in the world?the Great Wallthe Great Wall thousands of thousands of touristtourists stravelertravelervisitorvisitor 中国的长城共有近一万公里,东起河北秦皇岛的中国的长城共有近一万公里,东起河北秦皇岛的山海关,西到嘉峪关,这是明代修筑长城的两个最山海关,西到嘉峪关,这是明代修筑长城的两个最大关口,北京境内的长城有大关口,北京境内的长城有600余公里,比较著名的余公里,比较著名的有八达岭长城、金山岭长城、司马台长城、慕田峪有八达岭长城、金山岭长城、司马台长城、慕田峪长城、居庸关长城和箭扣长城等。长城、居庸关长城和箭扣长城等。The Great Wall 2dRole-play the conversation.Q:Whats the conversation about?Its about a tour to the Ming Great Wall.Q:How long is the Ming Great Wall?Its about 8,850 kilometers long.Q:What does the guide say about the wall?Its quite tall and wide./Its the longest wall in the world./The ancient emperors built it to protect their part of the country./There are no man-made objects as big as this./Badaling is the most famous part of the Ming Great Wall.2d Read the conversation and answer the questions:1.Which is the biggest man-made objects in the world?2.Which is the most famous part of the Ming Great Wall?The Great Wall.Badaling part of the wall.2d T or F1.The relationship betweenThe relationship between them is a teacher and students.2.There are no objects as big asas big as the Great Wall.3.The ancient emperorsancient emperors built the Great Wall in order to protectprotect the country fromfrom enemies(敌人敌人).4.The most popular partThe most popular part of the Great Wall is Badaling part.FFTT2dRole-play the conversation.Guide:Feel free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour.Tourist 1:How long is the wall?Guide:Ah,the most popular question!If were only talking about the parts from the Ming Dynasty,its about 8,850 kilometers long.This makes it the longest wall in the world.Tourist 2:Wow,thats amazing!Why did the ancient emperors build the wall?Guide:The main reason was to protect their part of the country.As you can see,its quite tall and wide.As far as I know,there are no man-made objects as big as this.Tourist 3:Is Badaling part of the Ming Great Wall?Guide:Yes,its the most famous part.feel free 是英语口语中一人常用表是英语口语中一人常用表达。达。feel free to do sth“无需拘束,无需拘束,只管按照自己只管按照自己 的意愿去做事的意愿去做事”As far as I know是一个固是一个固定的表达方式,也可以说定的表达方式,也可以说成成 so far as I know“据我据我所知所知”翻译句子翻译句子 1.这张桌子两米长,一米宽。这张桌子两米长,一米宽。2.这座山有这座山有1500米高。米高。3.这栋楼这栋楼120米高。米高。4.这本字典有五厘米厚。这本字典有五厘米厚。5.这个湖有多深?这个湖有多深?1025米深。米深。The table is two meters long and one meter wide.The mountain is 1,500 meters high.The building is 120 meters tall.The dictionary is five centimeters thick.How deep is the lake?Its 1,o25 meters deep.1.The p_ in our hometown is very large.2.We t_ by car every summer.3.We have to make plans to p _ the endangered animals.4.They came to a _(宽阔的宽阔的)river.5.Some _(古老的古老的)towns have walls around them.opulationourrotectwide根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。ancientChoose the best answer.1.My brother is _ more outgoing than me.A.many B.little C.much2.October 12th was one of _ days in 2005.Shenzhou-VI was launched(发射发射)successfully.A.exciting B.more exciting C.the most exciting3.Which city is _,Beijing,Shanghai or Fuzhou?A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful4._ children there are in a family,_ their life will be.A.The less,the better B.Fewer,richer C.The fewer,the better5.Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _ than before.A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheapest6.In our city,its _ in July,but its even _ in August.A.hotter,hottest B.hot,hot C.hot,hotter7.Of the two skirts,the pink one is _.A.the nicest B.the nicer C.nicer8.Jacks handwriting is as _ as Mikes.A.good B.better C.best9.We can do the work better with _ money and _ people.A.little,few B.less,fewer C.fewer,less10.Jim is the tallest student in our class and Tom is the second _ one.A.tall B.taller C.tallest课时重点回顾课时重点回顾as far as I knowas/so far as I can remember/I can tell/I can seeas far as 远至远至合成词合成词man-madeWhats the population of.?It is meters high(long,wide).much,even,a little,still,a lot,less+形容形容词比较级词比较级A:To memorize the important phrases and sentences.B:To make some dialogues about asking the size of objects.


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