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    经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Seeking a Job and CareerUnit 8Book Three经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Unit 8Seeking a Job and Career1Around the Topic2Section A A3Section B4Section CLeading in Exploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesWarming-upText AExercisesBackground InformationReading ThroughExercisesRelated KnowledgeSample ReadingExercisesUseful TermsSection BSection CSection AExploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesSection BSection CSection AExploring the TopicPlus Activities经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用 If you are graduating this year or next,you are actually in the transition from graduation to employment.To make the transition smooth,you need to do lots of things.The first,and perhaps the most important,is to decide which career you want to start and find out what job you are interested in.Once you know what career and job you want,nothing should get in the way or keep you from attaining your goal.Just believe in the power you hold!Section BSection CSection ALeading inPlus ActivitiesSection BSection CSection ALeading inPlus Activities经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Directions:In this section,youll hear a short story about job-seeking experience.While listening,choose the best item to complete each of the following statements according to the information you hear.1.Most likely,the speaker wants to be a(n)_.A.manager B.secretary C.teacher D.advertiserASection BSection CSection ALeading inPlus ActivitiesSection BSection CSection ALeading inPlus Activities经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用2.When hunting for a job,the speaker pays more attention to _.A.event-planning B.the company search and investigation C.advertising technique D.decision-making3.All the following is true except that _.A.the speaker is interested in management B.the speaker knows how to conduct company research C.the speaker thinks she is very capable D.the speaker knows what she wants to do4.The speaker is very _.A.worried B.shy C.confident D.nervousBDCSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Tips?DressPersonal ResumeExpressionsConfidence1.Job interviewSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用2.Work Experience What is your feelings about this job?Your harvest.Is it helpful to your life?Section BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用3.Choice of a career*What kind of career do you like?*What is your reason for choosing this job?*What tips do you have for hunting jobs?Section BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用4.Identification of ones likes,dislikes,strengths and limitationsSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSection BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用1,Why Andy can find the job?2,Why Andy at last quit the luring job?3,What is the most important,the career or your family?Watch and ThinkSection BSection CAround the TopicSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用New College Grad Job-Seeker StoryText AExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicText AExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用doctor,actor,lawyer or a singer why not president,be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man,fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor,actor,lawyer or a singer why not president,be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be i know that we all got one thing that we all share together we got that one nice dream we live for Enjoy the MusicText AExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicText AExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用you never know what life could bring coz nothing last for ever just hold on to the team you play for i know you could reach the top make sure that you wont stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me we may have different ways to think but it doesnt really matter we all caught up in the steam of this life focus on every little thing thats what does really matter luxury cars and bling thats not real life Text AExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicText AExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用i know you could reach the top make sure that you wont stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor,actor,lawyer or a singer why not president,be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man,fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be last year i used to dream about this day now im here im singing for you i hope i could inspire you coz ive got all the love,coz ive got all love for you Text AExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicText AExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Directions:The following paragraph is taken from Text A.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks without referring to the original text.Spot Dictation Cindys immediate _ is to spend the summer at home doing part-time work to save money and _ for the perfect job in New York City,_ she plans to move in September with a college friend who already has a job _ up.By that time,Cindy hopes to have _ her first career job.But now the challenge is to _ out what that job will be.plan searching where lined landed figure Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用New College Grad Job-Seeker StoryNew College Grad Job-Seeker Story Para.1 New college grad Cynthia(Cindy)Buenger has just one tiny ambition for the future:to change the world.Two weeks after graduation she doesnt yet know exactly what form her future world-changing career will take.So in addition to the usual new-grad burden of trying to find the first career job,Cindy must also determine what that job will be.新大学毕业生求职者的故事辛西娅(辛迪)宾格尔是位刚刚毕业的大学生,她对未来有一个小小的抱负:改变世界。毕业两周了,可她还不清楚自己未来那改变世界的职业是什么。因此,除了肩负通常新毕业生要努力寻找第一个职业的负担外,辛迪还必须确定那项工作是什么。Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用 “My biggest problem is not knowing where to go,”she says.“I know I love dealing with people;from there Im not sure.I need some more emotional direction as far as my first career goes.”Although Cindy hasnt had a real taste of the working world,her work experience while in school is richer than that of many college students.“I started out as a waitress at a local restaurant and moved up to becoming one of their best waitresses,”Cindy recalls.Para.2-3“我最大的问题是不知道往哪里去,”她说,“我知道我喜欢与人打交道,除此以外心里就没底了。就我的第一职业来看,我需要更多情绪上的指导。”虽然辛迪尚未真正涉足职场,但她在校学习时的工作经历却比很多大学生丰富。“一开始,我在一家当地餐厅做服务员,慢慢地我成了那里最好的服务员之一,”辛迪回忆道。Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.3“I never dreaded going into work,and I dont remember being miserable at work.What I do remember is the people interaction.I have customers to this dayI havent worked there in yearswho still e-mail me and invite me over for tea.I love interacting with people.”“我从不害怕工作,也不记得工作中有什么不愉快。我记得的是与人交往。如今还有顾客和我保持联系,尽管我不在那里工作有好几年了,他们依然给我发电子邮件,邀我去喝茶。我喜欢与人交往。”Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.3 In fact,it is through working as a waitress that Cindy realized she had the ability to relate to people,and this led her to her choice of college major management.By taking as many courses as possible,she has now completed college in three years despite carrying a major and a minor.“I started out with management,”she says,“and this is still my passion.”事实上,就是通过做服务员,辛迪才意识到自己具有理解他人的能力,这也导致她选定自己大学的专业管理。通过尽量多地研修课程,如今,她用三年的时间完成了学业,尽管是同时研修一门主科和一门副科。“我开始是选管理,”她说,“而这依然是我的爱好。”Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.4 In addition to various service positions in restaurants,Cindy has served as a teaching assistant to several of her professors,worked as a research assistant for authors,and completed two summer internships.Among her many jobs and heavy coursework,Cindy managed to hold a work-study job in the Management Department,and serve as a community assistant in a university apartment facility.除了在多家餐厅做过不同的服务工作外,辛迪还给她的几位教授当过助教,给作者当过助理研究员,有过两次暑假实习经历。在她诸多的工作和繁重的功课中,她还设法在管理系谋得一项边学习边工作的差事,在一所大学公寓里当社会助理。Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.4She also spent a summer studying abroad.On several occasions during her time at college she participated in professional training of secretaries.These jobs and internships help her develop a determined personality.“I enjoy interacting with people and solving problems,”she says.“I also have a very determined personality,and I dont like to leave things unsettled or incomplete.Both of these qualities combined have made me good at what I love to do.”她也在国外学习了一个暑假。还在读大学期间,她参加了几次秘书职业培训。这些工作和实习有助于她培养坚定的性格。“我喜欢与人交往和解决问题,”她说,“我性格坚定,不喜欢事情悬而未决或做事半途而废。这两种品质加起来就使我擅长做我喜欢做的事。”Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.5 Still,there are some“unexpected twists”in the road.Although she says she does not believe in regrets,Cindy can point to her biggest mistake in the work world:“I was joking around with someone in upper management,and the person seemed to interpret it as a sign of disrespect.I approached the individual about it later and was told I need to be aware of my audience.然而,职业道路上依然有“意外挫折”。尽管辛迪说后悔没用,她还是会提起自己在职场里犯过的最大错误:“我和一个上层管理人员开玩笑过头,此君似乎将它看作不恭的信号。后来我向他解释,得到的回答是我需要注意自己的听众。Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.5This is my biggest mistake.Im so excited about meeting people and interacting with othersso excited about my desire to make a difference in the worldthat sometimes I forget who Im talking to,and I just need to slow down and be who I need to be.”这是我犯过的最大的错误。与他人相识和交往令我非常兴奋,想做点与众不同的事情的欲望也令我感到非常兴奋,以致有时我忘了我在和谁说话。我得放慢节奏,该怎么做还怎么做。”Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Para.6 Cindys immediate plan is to spend the summer at home doing part-time work to save money and searching for the perfect job in New York City where she plans to move in September with a college friend who already has a job lined up.By that time,Cindy hopes to have landed her first career job.But now the challenge is to figure out what that job will be.眼下,辛迪计划在家过暑假,为攒钱做点兼职,然后到纽约找一份理想的工作。她计划九月份去纽约,同行的还有一位工作已经安排好了的大学朋友。到那时,辛迪希望自己已经找到了第一份工作。但现在,她面对的挑战是弄清楚那是份什么工作。Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用1Meaning of the SentencesMeaning:Two weeks after graduation she doesnt yet know exactly what kind of career she will have which may change her world.Two weeks after graduation she doesnt yet know exactly what form her future world-changing career will take.(Para.1)Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用So in addition to the usual new-grad burden of trying to find the first career job,Cindy must also determine what that job will be.(Para.1)Meaning:Cindy needs to complete the first difficult task for new graduatestrying to find the first career job.Then she must determine what that job will be.Meaning of the Sentences2Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Meaning:I began working as a waitress,and by and by I became one of their best waitresses.Meaning of the Sentences3I started out as a waitress at a local restaurant and moved up to becoming one of their best waitresses.(Para.3)Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Meaning:I was never afraid of going into work,and I dont remember if I ever felt sad at work.Meaning of the Sentences4I never dreaded going into work,and I dont remember being miserable at work.(Para.3)Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Meaning of the Sentences5Meaning:In fact Cindy had worked as a waitress.This working experience helped her realize that she had the ability to understand people,and make up her mind tochoose management as her college major.In fact,it is through working as a waitress that Cindy realized she had the ability to relate to people,and this led her to her choice of college majormanagement.(Para.3)Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用6Meaning:She has taken as many courses as possible and completed college in three years.In addition to amajor,she has finished a second main subject.Meaning of the SentencesBy taking as many courses as possible,she has now completed college in three years despite carrying a major and a minor.(Para.3)Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWarming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或接受服务的费用Meaning of the Sentences7Meaning:Cindy tried successfully to work in the Management Department while stud


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