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    七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks 单元综合测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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    七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks 单元综合测试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

    最新资料推荐Unit 7 How much are these socks?单元综合能力训练I.补全对话A) 根据所给情景完成下列对话,每空一词A: Can I_(1) you? B: Yes, _(2). I want _(3)buy some tomatoes. A: How _(4)do you want? B: Six. _(5)_(6)are they? A: Three yuan. _(7)that all? B: I want some potatoes, _(8). A: OK. _(9)you are. B: _(10)you. II. 完形填空AI work in a small shop. It is near_1_English school. Every day students come to_2_things in the shop._3_the morning, I get up at six, and then I have_4_. I go to work_5_my bike. I get to (达到) the shop at about six forty. The shop_6_from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We_7_many things like food and drinks. We have school things,_8_. So_9_many people in our_10_from morning to evening. 1. A. / B. a C. an D. the 2. A. buy B. play C. like D. look 3. A. On B. At C. In D. For 4. A. food B. lunch C. dinner D. breakfast 5. A. from B. on C. at D. by 6. A. open B. eats C. has D. is open 7. A. sells B. to sell C. sell D. selling 8. A. too B. two C. and D. but 9. A. there is B. there are C. there has D. there have 10. A. shop B. home C. school D. family B_1_my coat, Mum? Do you know? _2_in the box? Let me_3_. Oh, _4_. But its_5_old one. Wheres my new one? I_6_know._7_this green one? Isnt it a small _8_? I think_9_all right. Oh, yes._10_, Mum. 1. A. Which is B. What is C. Who is D. Where is 2. A. Is there B. There is C. Is it D. It is 3. A. have a look B. looking C. to look at D. look at 4. A. here you are B. here it is C. thats all right D. OK 5. A. a B. an C. some D. the 6. A. not B. am not C. dont D. am not to 7. A. Whose is B. What is C. Is D. That is 8. A. one B. ones C. it D. that 9. A. its B. its C. shes D. youre 10. A. Thank B. Thanks C. Thanks you D. All right III. 阅读理解ANear my home, there is a shop. Its not big. I can buy lots of things there. Sometimes(有时)I buy school things, like exercise-books, erasers, rulers, pens and color pencils in it. They are very cheap. My mother often buys food and drinks there. The apples are five yuan a kilo(千克). I think they are a little expensive (昂贵的). There are only four people in the shop. They are three young men and an old woman. They are very friendly (友好的). The shop closes at 5:30 in the afternoon and you cant buy things before 7:30 in the morning. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 1. Where is the shop? _ 2. Are the school things cheap in the shop? _ 3. How many people are there in the shop? _ 4. Are the people in the shop friendly? _ 5. How long is the shop open? _ B观察表格,完成下列各小题。Masons Clothes StoreClothesColorPriceSockswhite, blue$ 4Pantsblack$ 11Sweaterred, white$ 8T-shirtred, green, black$ 7Hatblack, red$ 66. Which is the cheapest(便宜的) of all? A. Hat. B. T-shirt. C. Pants. D. Socks. 7. How much are two sweaters and a hat? A. $14. B. $20. C. $21. D. $22. 8. You can buy _in Masons Clothes Store. A. black pants B. a blue sweater C. a green hat D. red socks 9. You like red and you only have $6. You can buy_. A. a sweater B. a hat C. a T-shirt D. none (全无) 10. You only have sixteen dollars. You can buy_. A. a sweater and a pair of pants B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks C. two sweaters D. a sweater and two hats CThis is a boy. His name is Tom. He has a nice cat. It is an English cat. His friends are Lucy and Mike. They have cats, too. Their names are Mimi and Maomao. They are Chinese cats. The English cat is five. The Chinese cats are three. They like their cats. Today they cant find the English cat and the Chinese cats. They ask an old man, “Where are our cats?” “I dont know.” he says. “Are they in the tree?” Tom and Mike say. “Listen, listen!” Lucy says. “Miaow, miaow.” “Oh, over there.” They go to the tree, and carry(抱) them down. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 11. _ has a good English cat. A. Tom B. Mike C. Lucy D. The old man 12. Tom has _ friends. A. one B. two C. three D. four 13. The English cat is _ and the Chinese cats are _. A. three; five B. three; four C. four; five D. five; three 14. Tom and his friends have _cats. A. three B. four C. five D. six 15. Where are their cats? A. In a box. B. In a tree. C. In a house. D. We dont know.IV. 写作根据汉语提示及要求,用英语编写一段对话。 提示:1. 韩梅买了一千克(kilo)西红柿,十二个鸡蛋和一支钢笔; 2. 韩梅又买了冰淇淋; 3. 共花了十九元。 要求:1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范; 2. 要将提示内容全部体现在对话中; 3. 不少于50个单词。参考答案I. 16. help 2. please 3. to 4. many 5. How 6. much 7. Is 8. too 9. Here 10. Thank II. A) 1-5CACDB 6-10 DCABA B)1-5DCABB 6-10CCABBIII. A) 1. Its near my home. 2. Yes, they are. 3. There are four people in the shop. 4. Yes, they are. 5. The shop is open about ten hours.B) 6-10 DDABCC) 11-15 ABDAB IV. One possible version: A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I want a kilo of tomatoes, twelve eggs and a pen.A: OK. Four yuan a kilo of tomatoes, fifty fen an egg and seven yuan a pen. Is that all? B: I want some ice cream. How much are they? A: Nineteen yuan, please. B: Here is the money. A: Thank you very much. B: Thats all right. 最新精品资料整理推荐,更新于二二二年四月四日2022年4月4日星期一08:46:37


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