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    最新资料推荐2016届九年级第一次月考英语试题一单项选择1I called you, but nobody answered. Where you?Ais Bare Cwas Dwere2I my hometown for a long time, I really miss it!Aleft Bwent away from Chave left Dhave been away from3 How do you like your English teacher? He is great. We friends since three years ago.Awere Bhave made Chave been Dhave become4If there is any change to the plan, I you as soon as possible.Awill write Bwill talk Ctell Dwill tell5He went into his room, the light and began to work.Ahas turned on Bturned off Cturned on Dhas turned off. 6.一Does the soup_ nice? 一YesIts hot, but really deliciousAsound Bfeel Clook Dtaste7. When you have difficulty, do remember to _. Two heads are better than one. A. make a decisionB. give up C. ask for helpD. give advice8.Although many great people ever failed, they never_ and managed to succeed.A. set out B. stayed up C. kept on D. gave up9Great changes _in Tongren in the past five years.A.have happened B.have taken place C.have been happened D.have been taken place10.Why didnt you buy any bread?Sorry, I _. A.forget B.forgot C.remember D.remembered11. When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to_ the next one.A. give up B. keep off C. call off D. wait for12.Dear, what time is the flight to Beijing on Saturday? Wait a minute. Let me _ in the schedule (时刻表).A. look at it B. look for it C. look after it D. look it up13. If all business goes paperless, at least one million tons of paper will be a year. A. usedB. savedC. copiedD. offered14. After hard training for a long time, Liu Xiang the records again. A. broke B. achieved C. invented D. completed15. In order to eat safely, I think we make some food by ourselves instead of buying some. A. used to B. prefer toC. had betterD. are supposed to二. 阅读理解 A.“If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!”That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too.All children soon learn what “Don't touch!” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things as we might buy food, clothes and so on. To see something well, we have to touch it.There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them!Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show. If we want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see!1By touching things, _. Ayou will have a strange feelingByou will learn how to use your hand Cyou can learn more about themDyou can tell what colours they are2When people buy things in shops, they often _. Atry them on first Bkeep their right hands on them Cask about them Dfeel and touch them3Why does the writer say “At first, it is not easy to feel these things”?Because_. Athe things are used by people, tooBpeople feel the things too often Cpeople know how to use the thingsDthe things are easy to feel4_ museums today have things for you to touch. ANo BSome CMost DAll5Which of the following is true? ATouching is more important than seeing. BOur feet, fingers, hands, and skin can help us buy food. CPeople have to learn to see by feeling as they grow up. DVisitors can feel the things on show in some museums. BHome Alone is a very funny 1990 American film. It tells us a story about a boy who is accidentally left alone at home.One night before Christmas, the McAlister family meet at their house. They are planning to fly to Paris for the holiday and are busy getting ready. Eight-year-old Kevin is the youngest child and is fighting with his brothers, sisters and cousins. When he goes to bed, he is so angry that he wishes all his family would go away. In the morning, everyone wakes up very late. They are all in a hurry to get to the airport, so they forget Kevin and he is left alone at home by accident. Although Kevin is alone, he is very happy at first. His terrible family have gone-his wish has come true. He watches TV, eats lots of fast food and plays games. He has a good time. But later on, he goes out and hears two bad men called Harry and Marv planning to steal from his house. He goes home and plans some very funny ways to catch Harry and Marv. Many things in the houses get broken as Kevin tries to stop them. Finally, the police come and the men are taken away. The house is now in a mess, so Kevin tidies it up and waits for his parents. They get back from Paris and are very happy to find that Kevin is safe. 1. According to the passage, Home Alone is _. A. a look B. a film C. a play D. a song 2. Why does Kevin think his family are “terrible” at first? A. Because his family are busy preparing for the holiday. B. Because he is angry with his brothers, sisters and cousins. C. Because his family wake up late. D. Because he is left alone at home.3. What doesnt Kevin do when he is alone at home? A. Going to the police station. B. Eating fast food. C. Playing games. D. Stopping the thieves stealing. 4. When Kevins family come home, they find _. A. the house is in a mess B. two bad men are at their home C. Kevin is safe D. Kevin is gone 5. From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _. A. Kevin is not clever or brave B. Kevin cant do housework C. Kevin loves his family D. Kevin doesnt want to go for the holiday C.For Chinese, it's a time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi (粽子). But across the Yellow Sea, South Korea, wrestling (摔跤) and swing play are the highlights. However, both events go by the same name-the Dragon Boat Festival-which falls on May 5 of the lunar calendar. One festival, two cultures: does one nation have the right to call its own? It has been reported that South Korea will apply to the UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) to make the celebration its cultural heritage (文化遗产). If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Festival as a Korean creation. As the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situation. "It would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage ahead of China," said Zhou Heping, deputy culture minister. The Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat event. Over the years, the Dragon Boat Festival has spread throughout the world. In Japan and Viet Nam, as well as South Korea, the festival has mixed with and become part of local culture. With this in mind, some experts say that it is meaningless to argue about which country the festival belongs to. "No one can deny that it came from China," said Long Haiqing, an expert from Hunan Province. "But if all the countries involved can protect culture heritage together, they will all benefit."1. The underlined word "highlights" can be probably replaced by "_".A. most exciting eventsB. highest lights on the buildingC. brightest lights at nightD. most famous festivals2. It can be inferred that South Korea _.A. has proclaimed (宣布) the Dragon Boat Festival as a part of its cultural heritageB. has the exactly same Dragon Boat Festival as ChinaC. has no idea that China has such a festivalD. is paying more attention to its cultural heritage than China3. China is not happy with the situation because _.A. it created the festivalB. it is also making an applicationC. South Korea has no right to call the festival its ownD. UNESCO may approve (批准) South Korea's application4. If South Korea's application to UNESCO is successful, _.A. China will also make its own application to UNESCOB. it will be meaningless to celebrate the Dragon Boat FestivalC. people from other parts of the world will think South Korea created the festivalD. the Dragon Boat Festival will become part of local culture5. The author would probably support(支持) _.A. a move by South Korea to cancel its applicationB. China getting UNESCO's approval of the festival firstC. the opinion of Zhou HepingD. China paying more attention to its cultural heritage D.“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown student Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of fifty, and in just a few years, she has made great progress!Ellen chose to study on Englishtown because no evening classes were offered in the German countryside where she lives. On Englishtown, she has conversation classes online and speaks with native English-speaking teachers.“Englishtown is a wonderful place for study,” she says. Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly progressed. “I spent hours and hours studying,” she said. “Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my courses after 2 years, but I still had grammar difficulties.”Instead of giving up, she chose to continue. After another 2 years on Englishtown, shes still studying in the online classroom. “Studying online is never boring, but you need practice, practice, practice!”Ellen says studying English isnt all about hard work. It should also be fun. “I really like the online conversation classrooms,” she says. “I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.”Ellen has been able to put her English to use by visiting England five times! “Im very thankful to Englishtown because my life has improved because of it,” Ellen says.1. Ellen started to learn English .A. 50 years ago B. in a city of GermanyC. when she was a high school student D. when she was 50 years old2. Why did Ellen study English on Englishtown?A. She had no free time during the day. B. She lived far away from school. C. There were no evening classes near her home. D. Englishtown was a famous website to learn English.3. Ellen had trouble learning .A. pronunciation B. grammarC. writingD. listening4. How long has Ellen learned English?A. For 2 years.B. For 4 years.C. For 6 years.D. For 15 years.5. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. You are never too old to learn something new.B. Englishtown is a good place to visit. C. The courses are good on Englishtown.D. Studying English is not boring at all三.任务型阅读 Luciano Pavarotti (卢西亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂) is one of all-time Italian tenor(男高音歌手)superstars. (1) He is famous not only in but also in other parts of the . Unfortunately for the world, in his home town of Modena (蒙得那),Italy , (2)他因癌症(cancer)于2007年9月6日去世。The world mourned(哀悼)the loss of the great tenor superstar.“When I was a boy, my father, a baker, introduced me to the wonders of songs,” Pavarotti remembered. “He encouraged me to work hard to develop my voice, Arrigo Pola, an experienced tenor in my home town ,took me as a pupil. I also entered a teacher college .On graduating(毕业), I asked my father, what shall I be, a teacher or a singer?”“Luciano” my father replied, “If you try to sit on two chairs, you will fall between them .For life, you must choose one chair.”“I choose one. It took seven years of study and hard work before I made my first appearance on the stage. It took another seven years to reach the Metropolitan Opera. I think whether its laying (砌) bricks, writing a book No matter what we choose, we should devote ourselves to it.” Pavarottis successful career shows that we should put all of our effort into the chosen post (岗位),then well succeed surely.1.在(1)句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整,上下文通顺: , 2.将(2)句译成英文:_ 3. In Chinese, the word “experienced” in paragraph 2 means_ 4.找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子:After I studied and worked hard for 7 years, I appeared on the stage for the first time. _5.写出文中最能表达该短文主题的句子: 四.综合填空Who is your hero? Why do you like the person? Cool looks? Money? A lot of talent (才华)? I think Helen Keller is one of the most famous (1) h all over the world.Helen is a famous writer and educator in America. When Helen was a baby, she got very (2) s . She couldn't see or hear. As time passed, things got (3) s bad that she couldn't understand anything. She couldnt speak to anyone (4) e . But she had a great (5) w . With the help of Miss Sullivan, she (6) a college when Helen was older. Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer and helped many blind and deaf people. Helen was a very old woman when she died (7) o illness. She is still (8) r 8 today because she was both brave and wonderful. No matter in what environment, dont (9) s trying. Helen Keller said so. Form her true story, I realised whatever we do or how hard it is, we will never give (10) u . 五 短文还原On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Daychildren all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. 1 2 He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents. 3 In Jim and Kate's house, “Father Christmas” is really Mr. Green. Mr. Green doesnt climb down the chimney. 4 Then he quietly goes into their bedrooms and fills their stockings with small presents. When they were very young, Mr. Green sometimes wore a red coat. But he doesn't do that now. The children are no longer young, and they know who “Father Christmas really is. 5 A. Of course, Father Christmas isnt real.B. But the


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