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    1-1ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Workbench-Mechanical Introduction 12.0Chapter 1IntroductionIntroduction1-2ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualWelcome!Welcome to the ANSYS Mechanical application introductory training course!This training course covers the basics of using ANSYS Mechanical in performing structural and thermal analyses.It is intended for all new or occasional ANSYS Mechanical users,regardless of the CAD software used.Course Objectives:General understanding of the user interface,as related to geometry import,meshing,application of loads and supports,and postprocessingProcedure for performing FEA simulations,including linear static,modal,and harmonic structural analyses and nonlinear steady-state thermal analysesUtilizing parameters for what-if scenariosInterfacing with the ANSYS solver for more advanced functionalityTraining Courses are also available covering the use of other Workbench modules(e.g.DesignModeler,Design Exploration,etc.).Introduction1-3ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualAgenda(Day 1)9:00 10:00Lecture Introduction10:00 11:30Lecture Chapter 2:Mechanical Basics11:30 12:00Workshop 2.1 ANSYS Mechanical Basics12:00 1:00Lunch1:00 1:45Lecture Chapter 3:General Preprocessing1:45 2:15Workshop 3.1 Contact Control 2:15 3:15Lecture Chapter 3:General Preprocessing(cont.)3:15 3:45Workshop 3.2 Meshing Control 3:45 5:00Lecture Chapter 4:Static Structural AnalysisIntroduction1-4ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualAgenda(Day 2)9:00 9:30Workshop 4.1 Linear Structural Analysis9:30 10:00Lecture Chapter 4:Static Structural Analysis10:00 10:30Workshop 4.2 2D Structural Analysis10:30 11:00Lecture Chapter 5:Vibration Analysis11:00 11:15Workshop 5.1 Free Vibration Analysis 11:15 11:30Workshop 5.2 Pre-Stressed Vibration Analysis 11:30 12:00Lecture Chapter 6:Thermal Analysis12:00 1:00Lunch1:00 1:30Workshop 6.1 Steady State Thermal Analysis 1:30 2:00Lecture Chapter 7:Linear Buckling Analysis2:00 2:30Workshop 7.1 Linear Buckling Analysis2:30 3:30Lecture Chapter 8:Results Post-processing3:30 4:00Workshop 8.1 Results Processing 4:00 4:30Lecture Chapter 9:CAD&Parameters4:30 5:00Workshop 9.1 Parameter Management Introduction1-5ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualCourse MaterialsThe Training Manual you have is an exact copy of the slides.Workshop descriptions and instructions are included in the Workshop Supplement.Copies of the workshop files are available on the ANSYS Customer Portal().Advanced training courses are available on specific topics.Schedule available on the ANSYS web page under“Solutions Services and Support Training Services”.Contents:A.About ANSYS Inc.B.ANSYS Workbench OverviewC.ANSYS Mechanical OverviewD.Starting MechanicalE.The Workbench EnvironmentF.Workbench File ManagementG.Working With UnitsH.License PreferencesIntroduction1-6ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualA.About ANSYS,Inc.ANSYS,Inc.Developer of ANSYS family of productsGlobal Headquarters in Canonsburg,PA-USA(south of Pittsburgh)Development and sales offices in U.S.and around the worldPublicly traded on NASDAQ stock exchange under“ANSS”Introduction1-7ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual ANSYS Family of ProductsANSYS,Inc.Family of Products include the following:ANSYS Workbench Complete environment for simulation and modeling needs.ANSYS CFD State-of-the-art CFD solvers,including CFX and FLUENT.ANSYS AUTODYN Explicit dynamic solver for transient non-linear simulations involving large deformations and strains,non-linear material behavior,non-linear buckling,complex contact,fragmentation,and shock wave propagation.ANSYS LS-DYNA LSTCs LS-DYNA explicit dynamic solver technology with the pre-/post-processing power of ANSYS software.This powerful pairing can be used to simulate crash tests,metal forging,stamping,and catastrophic failures.ANSYS ICEM CFD Powerful meshing tools with general pre-and post-processing features.Introduction1-8ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualB.ANSYS Workbench OverviewWhat is ANSYS Workbench?ANSYS Workbench provides powerful methods for interacting with the ANSYS family of solvers.This environment provides a unique integration with CAD systems,and your design process.ANSYS Workbench is comprised of various applications(some examples):Mechanical for performing structural and thermal analyses using the ANSYS solverMeshing is also included within the Mechanical applicationMechanical APDL for performing advanced mechanical and multiphysics analyses using the traditional ANSYS user interface.Fluid Flow(CFX)for performing CFD analyses using CFXFluid Flow(FLUENT)for performing CFD analyses using FLUENTGeometry(DesignModeler)for creating and modifying CAD geometry to prepare the solid model for use in Mechanical.Engineering Data for defining material propertiesMeshing Application for generating CFD and Explicit Dynamics meshesDesign Exploration for optimization analysesFinite Element Modeler(FE Modeler)for translating a NASTRAN and ABAQUS mesh for use in ANSYSBladeGen(Blade Geometry)for creating blade geometryExplicit Dynamics for explicit dynamics simulations featuring modeling of nonlinear dynamicsIntroduction1-9ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual ANSYS Workbench OverviewThe Workbench environment supports two types of applications:Native applications(workspaces):Current native applications are Project Schematic,Engineering Data and Design Exploration.Native applications are launched and run entirely in the Workbench window.Data Integrated Applications:current applications include Mechanical,Mechanical APDL,Fluent,CFX,AUTODYN and others.Native ApplicationData Integrated ApplicationIntroduction1-10ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualC.ANSYS Mechanical OverviewAnalysis types available in Mechanical:Structural(static and transient):Linear and nonlinear structural analyses.Dynamic Capabilities:modal,harmonic,random vibration,flexible and rigid dynamics.Heat Transfer(steady state and transient):Solve for temperature field and heat flux.Temperature-dependent conductivity,convection and materials allowed.Magnetostatic:To perform 3-D static magnetic field analysisShape Optimization:Indicates areas of possible volume reduction using Topological Optimization technology.Note,the active ANSYS license dictates what functionality is available to the user.Not all features listed are covered in this Introductory course.Introduction1-11ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual Product ConfigurationMechanical ApplicationThe environment for simulation automation and ease of use combined with the full power of the ANSYS solver technology.Formerly called SimulationMechanical APDL ApplicationThe user interface environment that emphasizes access to commands,customization and scripting.Formerly called the ANSYS PREP7/POST1 interfaceIntroduction1-12ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual Product ConfigurationTypes of licenses available for Mechanical:Various ANSYS licensing configurations are available.The license chosen will dictate what features and capabilities are available in the Mechanical application.License management allows license sharing when multiple instances of a particular application are open.(Other ANSYS licenses are supported for meshing only)Introduction1-13ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual Product ConfigurationAdd-on licenses for Mechanical:Rigid and Flexible Dynamics(one add-on license)Fatigue Module12.0 Workbench products are available for Windows and Linux operating systems.Note,Linux will be supported starting at the 12.1 ReleaseCheck the ANSYS web site or online documentation for the latest compatibilities.Network licensing capabilities are used for all ANSYS and ANSYS Workbench products.Introduction1-14ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualD.Starting MechanicalThere are two methods of launching Workbench:From the Windows start menu:From the CAD systemIntroduction1-15ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualE.The Workbench EnvironmentFor most situations the Workbench GUI is divided into 2 primary sections(there are other optional sections well see in a moment):The ToolboxThe Project SchematicIntroduction1-16ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualThe ToolboxThe toolbox contains 4 subgroups:Analysis systems:predefined templates that can be placed in the schematic.Component systems:various applications that can be accessed to build,or expand,analysis systems.Custom Systems:predefined analysis systems for coupled applications(FSI,thermal-stress,etc.).Users can also create their own predefined systems.Design Exploration:Parametric management and optimization tools.Introduction1-17ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The ToolboxThe systems and components displayed in the toolbox will depend on the installed products.Using the check boxes in the“View All/Customize”window,the items displayed in the toolbox can be toggled on or off.The toolbox customization window is normally left closed when not in use.Introduction1-18ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualThe Project SchematicThe Workbench project schematic is a graphical representation of the workflow defining a system or group of systems.The workflow in the project schematic is always left to right.There are currently several applications which are native to Workbench,meaning they run entirely in the Workbench window:Project Schematic,Engineering Data and Design ExplorationNon-native applications(called data-integrated)run in their own window:Mechanical(formerly Simulation),Mechanical APDL(formerly ANSYS),ANSYS Fluent,ANSYS CFX,Etc.Blocks of cells can be deleted by RMB on the block header cell that is shaded in blue.Introduction1-19ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The Project SchematicIn this example a Static Structural analysis type is selected for the project schematic.From the toolbox the selection can be dragged and dropped onto the schematic or simply double clicked.Introduction1-20ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The Project SchematicBy dropping applications and/or systems into various locations in the schematic,an overall analysis project is defined.“Connectors”indicate the level of collaboration between systems.In the example below a structural system is dragged and dropped onto a thermal system at the Model cell(A4).Before completing the operation notice there are a number of optional“drop targets”that will provide various types of linkage between systems(continued next page).Introduction1-21ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The Project SchematicBy completing the operation from the previous page,notice the linkage here is only at the Model level and above.In this case there would be no thermal/structural coupling.Notice too each system block is given and alphabetic designation(A,B,C,etc.).Introduction1-22ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The Project SchematicBy dropping the structural system at the“Solution”level we obtain a structural system that is coupled to the thermal solution.Notice,the candidate“drop target”indicates data will be shared from fields A2 to A4,and transferred from A6.Introduction1-23ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The Project SchematicA schematic can also be constructed by RMB and choosing to“Transfer Data To New”or“Transfer Data From New”.In using this RMB transfer feature all transfer possibilities(upstream and downstream)are displayed.These selections will vary depending on which cell in a particular system you highlight.Introduction1-24ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.The Project SchematicIdentifying cell states:Unfulfilled:missing upstream data.Attention required:may need to correct this or upstream cells.Refresh required:upstream data has changed.Need to refresh cell(update will also refresh the cell).Update required:the data has changed and the output of the cell must be regenerated.Up to date.Input changes pending:cell is locally up to date but may change when the next update is performed due to upstream changes.Introduction1-25ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualOptional Workbench WindowsThe“View”menu(and RMB)allows additional information to be displayed in the Workbench environment.Below,the geometry is highlighted and the properties are displayed.Introduction1-26ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training ManualF.Workbench File ManagementWorkbench creates a project file and a series of subdirectories to manage all associated files.Users should allow Workbench to manage the content of these directories.Please do NOT manually modify the content or structure of the project directories.When a project is saved a project file is created(.wbpj),using the user specified file name(e.g.MyFile.wbpj).A project directory will be created using the project name.In the above example the directory would be MyFile_files.A number of subdirectories will be created in the project directory(explained next).Introduction1-27ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary 2009 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.February 23,2009Inventory#002593Training Manual.Workbench File ManagementDirectory Structure:dpn:this is the design point directory.This essentially is the state of all parameters for a particular analysis.In the case of a single analysis there will be only one“dp0”directory.global:contains subdirectories for each application in the analysis.In the example at right the“Mech”directory will contain the database,and other associated files from the Mechanical application.SYS:t


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