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    R 八年级下册SectionB 2c-3bUnit 2Talk with your partner about what kinds of volunteer work you would do.help poor kidshelp to stop hungerTalk with your partner about what kinds of volunteer work you would do.help to set up a Hope Schoolvisit sick kids in hospital 2c Look at the list of words below.Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words.1.group(adj./n.)_2.disabled(adj./adv.)_3.difference(adv./n.)_ _Wed better go in a group.I know a lot of disabled people need our help.Can you find the differences of the two pictures?2c Look at the list of words below.Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words.4.imagine(v./n.)_5.difficulties(n./adj.)_6.normal(adv./adj.)_ _You can easily imagine my surprise.Each family has its own difficulties.A persons normal temperature is 37 degrees Centigrade.2c Look at the list of words below.Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words.7.training(adv./n.)_8.kindness(n./v.)_ _Nurses have several years of training.Good looks are not as important as kindness.2d Use the information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.SUBJCTMiss LiBen SmithLuckyAnimal HelpersVERBcan gettrainssentis SUBJECTunable to move well.money to Animal Helpers.animals like Lucky.things for disabled people.1.Miss Li sent money to Animal Helpers.2.Ben Smith is unable to move well.3.Lucky can get things for disabled people.4.Animal Helpers can get things for disabled people.2e Discuss the questions with a partner.1.In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people?2.What other animals can we train to help people?Dogs can help look after the house and the sheep.They can be friends of us.Horses,cows,elephants,pigeons.3a Look at these kinds of volunteer work.Can you add more?What would you like to do?Discuss it with a partner.Working in an old peoples homeHelping kids in an after-school program3a Look at these kinds of volunteer work.Can you add more?What would you like to do?Discuss it with a partner.Being a guide at a museum What would you like to do?Id like to help kids in an after-school program.Why do you like to do that?Because I like kids and Im good at English and math.3b Write a letter or e-mail to the place you want to volunteer at.1.Which volunteer job do you want to do?Id like to/Im interested in/I want to volunteer as 2.What are your interests and hobbies?Im good at/Im strong in/In my free time,I like to so I think Id be good at the job.3.How can these help you to do the job?4.Why do you want to do the volunteer job?I want to help out as a volunteer in old peoples home/school/museum/group because 5.When are you free to do the job?Im free to help in/on 3b Write a letter or e-mail to the place you want to volunteer at.选词填空。选词填空。1.(alone/lonely)Its dangerous for a girl to go out _ at night.The old woman lives by herself,she feels very _.2.(train/training)If you _ hard,youll be a good soccer player.These dogs go to special schools for _.alonelonelytraintraining3.(blind/deaf)A _ man is sometimes guided by a dog.The old woman was _ in one ear.4.(give away/give out)Please help me _ these test papers.She _ all her money to the poor.blind deafgive outgave away我们的事业就是学习再学习,努我们的事业就是学习再学习,努力积累更多的知识,因为有了知识,力积累更多的知识,因为有了知识,社会就会有长足的进步,人类的未来社会就会有长足的进步,人类的未来幸福就在于此。幸福就在于此。契诃夫契诃夫


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