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    冀教初中英语冀教初中英语3 8年级第年级第1学期学期Me and My ClassUnit 1Lesson 7Jennys Week1.What do you like to do after school or on weekends/holidays?2.Do you like to watch movies?Which one is your favourite?3.Did you have a nice week?What happened to you?To learn to talk about your weekTo learn to write a letter to a friend telling him or her something about your week adj&adv.公平的公平的Wordsfaircompetitionwinnerpleasurepronunciationnaturalcorrectlocaln.比赛;竞争比赛;竞争n.胜利者胜利者n.快乐;满足快乐;满足 n.发音发音adj.自然的;天然的自然的;天然的 adj.正确的;对的正确的;对的adj.本地的;地方的本地的;地方的www.e-l- 1.What did Jenny do after school 2.yesterday?2.Where do Marys parents work?She played basketball.In a restaurant.Listen and answer.Did Jenny make any new friends?Who did they play basketball with?Who won the game?What did Jennys mother buy for her last Saturday?Who did she talk to in the English class yesterday?What will Jenny do next Sunday?Discuss about the text.Brian and I were on the team,and Sandra and Danny were on the other.布莱恩和我在一个队,桑德拉和丹尼在另一布莱恩和我在一个队,桑德拉和丹尼在另一个队。个队。短语:短语:onethe other剖析:剖析:onethe other为固定搭配,意为为固定搭配,意为“一个一个另一个另一个”,表示两个。,表示两个。There are two books.One is yours,and the other is mine.这有两本书。一本是你的,另一本是我的。这有两本书。一本是你的,另一本是我的。词语辨析:词语辨析:other,the other,others,another 与与 theothersother 泛指泛指“另外的另外的”,常与可数名词或不,常与可数名词或不可数名词连用。可数名词连用。Do you have any other ideas?你有别的办法吗?你有别的办法吗?others等于:等于:other+复数名词,泛指别的人复数名词,泛指别的人或物。或物。Some students are in the classroom,others are outside on the playground.一些学生在教室一些学生在教室,其他的在操场。其他的在操场。the other+单数可数名词指单数可数名词指“两个其中的一两个其中的一个个”,常用常用“one.the other”结构。结构。eg.The old man has two sons.One is a doctor,the other is a teacher.这位老人有两个儿子。一个是医生,另一这位老人有两个儿子。一个是医生,另一个是老师。个是老师。the others等于等于“the other+复数名词复数名词”,表示所有人或物。表示所有人或物。eg.The girl is more beautiful than the others.这个女孩比其他女孩都漂亮。这个女孩比其他女孩都漂亮。another 指的是三个或者三个以上的人或指的是三个或者三个以上的人或同类中的另一个,只能和单数名词连用。同类中的另一个,只能和单数名词连用。eg.This dress is too small,please give me another one.这条裙子太小了,请给我另一条。这条裙子太小了,请给我另一条。This book is not interesting,please show me another.这本书没趣,请给我看一下另一本。这本书没趣,请给我看一下另一本。语法:在英语中,两个或者两个以上的人称语法:在英语中,两个或者两个以上的人称代词并列使用时,单数人称代词的顺序常为代词并列使用时,单数人称代词的顺序常为二、三、一(即你二、三、一(即你他她他她-我);复数人我);复数人称代词的顺序常为一、二、三(即:我们称代词的顺序常为一、二、三(即:我们-你们你们-他们)。他们)。eg.Li Ming and I are in the same class.李明和我同在一个班里。李明和我同在一个班里。We,you and they are all middle school students.我们,你们和他们都是中学生。我们,你们和他们都是中学生。注意:当表示做错了事时,应该先说自己再注意:当表示做错了事时,应该先说自己再说别人。说别人。I and Jack broke the window.我和杰克把窗户打碎了。我和杰克把窗户打碎了。Time for reflection1.Think about how many parts in 2.a letter?2.Think about the meanings:competition,winner,fair,pleasure,Korea,local,pronunciation,correct,naturalwww.e-l- Choose the best answer.1.Thank you very much for _ me _the meeting.A.invite,to have B.inviting,to have C.asking,have D.ask,to have2.When we played football,_ broke the windows.A.another B.I and you C.me and you D.you and me www.e-l- 3.There is an orange in my left hand,and an apple in _.A.another B.the another C.other D.the other4.We know a beautiful place _ Hangzhou.A.called B.calls C.calling D.name5.Mr.Read invites _ to the park next Sunday.A.I go B.I go to C.me to D.me to go www.e-l- 6.She would like _ more weeks.A.other B.two C.another D.some7.Li Ping is _ the school football team.A.in B.on C.to D.at8.Dont speak to the lady in a loud _,please.A.noise B.voice C.sound D.noisywww.e-l- 根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.The twins often go home t_ in 2.the afternoon.2.The w_ in Beijing is much colder than that in Guangzhou.3.The sun will come out l_ in the day.4.Yesterday,he and his friend had dinner in a big r_.ogethereatherateeastaurantwww.e-l- 5.On my tenth birthday,my aunt b_ a big cake for me.6.He likes playing basketball and he is on the city basketball t_.7.Mr.Zhang lives in a city n_ Shijiazhuang.8.He felt very sorry because they l_ the football game.9.My mother often tells me a f_ story to make me laugh.oughteamearostunny汉译英。汉译英。1.丹尼把我介绍给了他的新朋友。丹尼把我介绍给了他的新朋友。Danny _ me _ his new friend.2.我和一名叫玛丽的女孩交谈过。我和一名叫玛丽的女孩交谈过。I _ _ a girl _ Mary.3.她邀请我下周日去看电影。她邀请我下周日去看电影。She _ me to _ _ _ _ next Sunday.4.第三天,我们一起吃的早饭。第三天,我们一起吃的早饭。_ _ _,we had breakfast _.introducetotalked tocalled invitedgo to the moviesThe third daytogether5.也许他也会讲一个有趣的故事。也许他也会讲一个有趣的故事。_ he can _ _ _ _,too.6.我有两个兄弟,一个是医生,另一个我有两个兄弟,一个是医生,另一个 是老师。是老师。I have two brothers._ is a doctor,and _ _ is a teacher.7.我生日那天,妈妈给我买了件新裙子。我生日那天,妈妈给我买了件新裙子。My mother _ me a new _ on my birthday.Maybe tell a funny storyOnethe otherbroughtskirtTo preview Lesson 8:Unit ReviewWrite a letter to a friend.Tell him or her something about your first two weeks of school.


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