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    第二部第二部 专题专题句型句型 宾语从句宾语从句考点揭密考点揭密中考考点设置中考考点设置典型例题解析典型例题解析课时训练课时训练考点揭密考点揭密宾语从句在主从复合句中作宾语宾语从句在主从复合句中作宾语中考考点设置中考考点设置1.宾语从句的三种类型及其引导词的选择。宾语从句的三种类型及其引导词的选择。(1)以以that引导引导(that无词义常可省略无词义常可省略)。(2)以以if 或或whether引导引导(意为意为“是否是否”)。(3)以连接代词或连接副词引导。以连接代词或连接副词引导。2.宾语从句的时态,尤其是主句为过去式时,宾语从句的时态,尤其是主句为过去式时,从句的时态选用。从句的时态选用。中考考点设置中考考点设置3.宾语从句中,从句部分都是真理性的,则时态不随主宾语从句中,从句部分都是真理性的,则时态不随主句改变,永远用一般现在时。句改变,永远用一般现在时。4.宾语从句的语序,即从句部分应为陈述句语序。尤其宾语从句的语序,即从句部分应为陈述句语序。尤其要注意引导词:或要注意引导词:或whether引导的宾语从句及以连引导的宾语从句及以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句。接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句。【例例1】When I went to have the bill,I realized I had my wallet at home.2003 青岛市青岛市 A.forgotten B.left C.had D.taken 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例例3】Do you know _ I could pass the exam?Sorry,Ive no idea.A.that B.whether C.what D.which B【例例2】Could you tell me _?2003 甘肃省甘肃省 A.when will Tom come back B.when does Tom come back C.when Tom will come back D.when Tom comes back CB【例例4】Do you know _ during the coming summer holiday?2003 北京海淀区北京海淀区 A.what will Tom do B.what did Tom do C.what Tom will do D.what Tom did C【例例7】Mr King didnt know _ yesterday evening.2003 吉林省吉林省 A.when does his son come home B.when his son comes home C.when did his son come home D.when his son came home【例例5】Do you know _?2003 北京市北京市 Next year.A.when he come B.when did he come C.when he will come D.when will he come 典型例题解析典型例题解析C【例例6】Could you tell us _?2003 河南省河南省 A.when you will send the fridge to our house B.when will you send the fridge to our house C.when you would send the fridge to our house D.when would you send the fridge to our house DA.单项选择单项选择1.Do you remember _ last time?A.what is your teacher sayingB.what your teacher said C.what did your teacher say D.what your teacher says2.He didnt tell me _.A.how old he was B.how old was he C.he was how old D.how much did it cost3.Excuse me,could you tell me _?A.whats wrong with him B.what wrong is with himC.what was wrong with himD.what wrong was with him课时训练课时训练(B)(A)(A)课时训练课时训练4.Excuse me,can you tell me _?A.does the train leave B.the train had left C.the train leaves D.did the train leave5.I wonder _.A.where have you gone B.where you have gone C.where have you been D.where you have been6.He wants to know _ America.A.when will Mr.Li leave for B.when will Mr.Wang stay inC.why will Mr.Wang stay in D.when Mr.Wang will leave for7.I want to know if _ a meeting tomorrow.A.you have B.you will have C.do you have D.will you have(C)(D)(D)(B)8.Id like to know _.A.when will he give back the tapeB.whether has he received higher educationC.that he has been busyD.whether she will join in our English Evening9.He asked me whether I _ to his birthday party if I _ time.A.was going,had B.would go,would have C.was going,was going to have D.will go,have10.He said he _ to visit that famous museum the next week.A.will go B.should go C.were going D.would go11.He asked _ they could go to Beijing or Nanjing.A.how B.what C.if D.whether课时训练课时训练(D)(A)(D)(D)12.Will you please tell me _?A.where Lukou Airport is B.where Lukou Airport was C.now can we go to Lukon Airport D.when was Lukou Airport built13.Please tell me _ you can come or not.A.if B.whether C.weather D.how14.He decided to tell people _ to protect the environment under the sea.A.how important is it B.how important it is C.how important was it D.how important it was15.The geograph teacher told us _.A.the earth moves around the sun B.the earth moved around the sun C.the earth move around the sun D.the earth moves the sun课时训练课时训练(A)(B)DA.句型转换句型转换同义句转换同义句转换(1)He taught me how to surf.He taught me how _ _surf.(2)The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese well.The foreigners want to know _ _learn chinese well.(3)He cant decide which one to choose.He cant decide which one _ _choose.(4)He asked“Do you like living here?He asked _you _living here.课时训练课时训练I couldhow tohe could if liked(5)Could you tell me where I should show the tickets.Could you tell me _ _ _the tickets.(6)I wondered whether I could go.I wondered _ _go.(7)I dont know what I should say at the meeting?I dont know _ _say at the meeting.(8)Can you tell me which dress we should buy.Can you tell me _ _ _buy.课时训练课时训练where to showwhether towhat towhich dress to


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