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    大冷B2010年年度审计报告(英文版) 2011-04-15.pdf

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    大冷B2010年年度审计报告(英文版) 2011-04-15.pdf

    ZonZun Certified Public Accountants Co.,Ltd.4/F.Guoxing Building No.22 Shouti South Rd.,Haidian Dist.,Beijing,P.R.China 100044 AUDITORS REPORT ZonZun(2011)No.6028 TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF DALIAN REFRIGERATION COMPANY LIMITED We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited(hereinafter“the Company”),which comprise the consolidated balance sheet and balance sheet as at December 31,2010,and the consolidated income statement and income statement,the consolidated statement of changes in equity and statement of changes in equity,the consolidated cash flow statement and cash flow statement for the year then ended,and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.Managements Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Peoples Republic of China.This responsibility includes:(a)designing,implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,whether due to fraud or error;(b)selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies;and(c)making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.Auditors Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing.Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgment,including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,whether due to fraud or error.In making those risk assessments,we considers internal control relevant to the entitys preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Companys internal control.An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management,as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.Opinion In our opinion,the financial statements present fairly,in all material respects,the financial position of the Company as at December 31,2010,and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Peoples Republic of China.ZonZun Certified Public Accountants Co.,Ltd.China CPA:Sui Guojun Beijing g China China CPA:Pei Yi April 13,2011 The reader is advised that this report has been prepared originally in Chinese.In the event of a conflict between this report and the original Chinese version or difference in interpretation between the versions of the report,the Chinese report shall prevail.CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2010 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited 31 December 2010 Unit:RMB Yuan Items Ending balance Beginning Balance Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current Assets:Monetary funds 491,775,575.71 373,620,785.42 403,139,585.35 304,973,089.79 Transaction financial asset Notes receivable 56,479,888.76 49,784,046.02 40,209,996.20 21,335,155.82 Account receivable 390,976,267.06 214,541,164.10 425,397,218.64 245,319,863.04 Account paid in advance 26,314,393.85 7,366,672.20 25,596,323.14 7,044,245.77 Dividend receivable 27,875.00 1,895,196.91 3,629,735.08 6,621,471.05 Other account receivable 18,701,693.90 8,559,690.90 19,043,927.34 9,797,715.20 Inventories 347,022,118.02 225,531,781.02 277,566,058.11 192,852,790.37 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets Total current assets 1,331,297,812.30 881,299,336.57 1,194,582,843.86 787,944,331.04 Non-current assets:Available for sale financial assets 5,808,000.00 5,808,000.00 18,883,800.00 18,883,800.00 Long-term equity investment 1,005,117,178.44 1,135,594,407.36 1,003,792,955.33 1,133,841,184.25 Investing property Fixed asset 358,624,031.52 192,591,756.92 366,005,762.61 213,493,488.86 Project in construction 20,965,359.70 11,475,403.00 7,151,868.41 691,197.90 Engineering material Fixed asset disposal Intangible assets 174,288,663.96 104,068,094.85 101,642,968.01 29,785,134.96 Development expense Goodwill Long-term expense to be apportioned 3,258,475.26 2,852,348.21 3,396,953.58 2,973,295.85 Deferred tax assets 13,021,002.41 6,018,225.85 10,831,589.55 5,466,574.25 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 1,581,082,711.29 1,458,408,236.19 1,511,705,897.49 1,405,134,676.07 Total assets 2,912,380,523.59 2,339,707,572.76 2,706,288,741.35 2,193,079,007.11 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET(CONTINUED)AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2010 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited 31 December 2010 Unit:RMB Yuan Items Ending balance Beginning Balance Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current liabilities:Short-term borrowings 63,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 Notes payable 112,902,026.83 82,819,852.85 119,785,760.78 86,390,969.71 Account payable 452,300,932.97 302,583,777.60 394,117,576.34 265,214,427.00 Account received in advance 259,326,042.99 155,923,536.16 180,479,306.45 105,565,661.24 Employees compensation payable 42,953,092.00 17,605,092.59 42,215,810.06 17,906,388.85 Tax payable 3,363,873.43-97,556.60 5,452,830.38 1,265,221.74 Dividend payable 1,345,383.24 533,156.00 5,683,185.71 533,156.00 Other account payable 46,435,002.51 13,647,561.23 47,248,597.16 15,970,462.37 Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities 1,699,101.00 585,101.00 3,468,639.14 2,354,639.14 Total current liabilities 983,325,454.97 623,600,520.83 858,451,706.02 545,200,926.05 Non-current liabilities:Long-term borrowings 10,200,000.00 10,200,000.00 Provisions for contingent liabilities Deferred tax liabilities 1,304,071.00 1,304,071.00 4,144,026.92 4,144,026.92 Other non-current liabilities 99,066,350.27 48,936,347.27 66,583,801.00 15,339,798.00 Total non-current liabilities 110,570,421.27 60,440,418.27 70,727,827.92 19,483,824.92 Total liabilities 1,093,895,876.24 684,040,939.10 929,179,533.94 564,684,750.97 Owners equity Share capital 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00 350,014,975.00 Capital surplus 590,783,185.25 589,554,257.63 599,303,053.00 598,074,125.38 Less:Treasury Stock Reserved fund 421,079,823.34 421,079,823.34 399,190,859.34 399,190,859.34 General risk provision Retained earnings 364,217,259.03 295,017,577.69 341,096,035.56 281,114,296.42 Foreign exchange difference Total owners equity attributable to holding company 1,726,095,242.62 1,655,666,633.66 1,689,604,922.90 1,628,394,256.14 Minority interest 92,389,404.73 87,504,284.51 Total owners equity 1,818,484,647.35 1,655,666,633.66 1,777,109,207.41 1,628,394,256.14 Total liabilities and owners equity 2,912,380,523.59 2,339,707,572.76 2,706,288,741.35 2,193,079,007.11 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2010 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited Year of 2010 Unit:RMB Yuan Items 2010 2009 Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I.Total sales 1,495,527,374.22 942,986,099.31 1,394,541,531.47 865,374,847.07 Including:Operating income 1,495,527,374.22 942,986,099.31 1,394,541,531.47 865,374,847.07 II.Total operating cost 1,473,008,901.60 950,643,531.37 1,389,966,618.91 887,291,389.77 Including:Operating cost 1,194,506,810.09 791,672,208.80 1,124,198,173.44 714,092,741.03 Taxes and associate charges 5,482,065.52 3,596,533.28 6,135,922.42 3,945,189.98 Selling and distribution expenses 101,243,584.74 56,887,707.05 91,183,602.31 54,591,763.14 Administrative expenses 160,725,337.72 93,990,537.26 137,301,413.89 86,749,665.07 Financial expense 3,560,433.76 2,035,861.70 8,399,169.27 7,154,238.74 Impairment loss 7,490,669.77 2,460,683.28 22,748,337.58 20,757,791.81 Add:gain from change in fair value Gain/(loss)from investment 78,389,757.49 85,174,052.83 69,875,087.10 75,330,888.60 Including:income form investment on affiliated enterprise and jointly enterprise 57,644,980.51 57,644,980.51 43,677,849.60 43,677,849.60 Foreign exchange difference III.Operating profit 100,908,230.11 77,516,620.77 74,449,999.66 53,414,345.90 Add:non-business income 23,107,331.56 19,427,015.48 22,095,430.39 17,392,613.98 Less:non-business expense 452,837.26 205,364.23 537,151.95 281,661.51 Including:loss from non-current asset disposal 228,378.07 151,864.23 391,399.04 278,342.86 IV.Total profit 123,562,724.41 96,738,272.02 96,008,278.10 70,525,298.37 Less:Income tax 13,972,175.24 8,443,780.50 8,291,005.00 5,227,724.13 V.Net profit 109,590,549.17 88,294,491.52 87,717,273.10 65,297,574.24 Net profit attributable to parent company 99,806,352.77 88,294,491.52 78,631,260.28 65,297,574.24 Minority shareholders gains and losses 9,784,196.40 9,086,012.82 VI.Earnings per share (I)basic earnings per share 0.29 0.22 (II)diluted earnings per share 0.29 0.22 .Other comprehensive income-8,519,867.75-8,519,867.75 9,192,000.00 9,192,000.00.Total comprehensive income 101,070,681.42 79,774,623.77 96,909,273.10 74,489,574.24 Total comprehensive income attributable to parent company 91,286,485.02 79,774,623.77 87,823,260.28 74,489,574.24 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders 9,784,196.40 9,086,012.82 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2010 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited Year of 2010 Unit:RMB Yuan Items 2010 2009 Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company 1.Cash flows arising from operating activities:Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 1,382,718,613.51 898,291,901.33 1,190,032,568.67 818,038,810.37 Refund of tax and fare received 548,234.85 568,554.26 Other cash received relating to operating activities 100,062,082.02 76,097,839.47 40,730,396.11 28,521,046.26 Sub-total of cash inflows 1,483,328,930.38 974,389,740.80 1,231,331,519.04 846,559,856.63 Cash paid for goods and services 890,464,323.16 638,187,374.04 676,697,289.23 478,878,330.38 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 188,745,876.25 107,235,242.68 172,672,474.62 101,956,427.33 Tax and fare paid 85,549,677.51 50,987,737.45 93,191,155.41 53,017,329.08 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 146,653,935.20 65,268,802.47 90,671,411.81 46,782,209.66 Sub-total of cash outflows 1,311,413,812.12 861,679,156.64 1,033,232,331.07 680,634,296.45 Net cash flow from operating activities 171,915,118.26 112,710,584.16 198,099,187.97 165,925,560.18 2.Cash Flows arising from Investment Activities:Cash received from return of investments 1,715,976.33 1,715,976.33 Cash received from investment income 79,618,394.46 84,462,103.86 67,354,637.30 70,048,583.18 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,intangible assets and other long-term assets 104,273.25 59,615.39 154,755.00 128,655.00 Other cash received relating to investment activities 5,651,027.00 2,231,027.00 7,090,020.00 4,537,620.00 Sub-total of cash inflows 87,089,671.04 88,468,722.58 74,599,412.30 74,714,858.18 Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets,intangible assets and other long-term assets 117,138,338.07 87,357,198.75 16,301,321.02 3,732,377.85 Cash paid for acquiring investments Other cash paid relating to investment activities 3,513,952.70 Sub-total of cash outflows 117,138,338.07 87,357,198.75 19,815,273.72 3,732,377.85 Net cash flow from investing activities-30,048,667.03 1,111,523.83 54,784,138.58 70,982,480.33 3.Cash Flows arising from Financing Activities:Cash received from absorbing investment Cash received from borrowings 78,228,000.00 60,200,000.00 66,799,000.00 50,000,000.00 Other proceeds relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows 78,228,000.00 60,200,000.00 66,799,000.00 50,000,000.00 Cash paid for settling debt 65,473,000.00 50,000,000.00 163,735,000.00 150,000,000.00 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profit or reimbursing interest 65,856,366.88 55,374,043.33 64,989,502.18 60,251,496.25 Including:dividends or profit paid to minority interest 4,086,848.94 4,086,848.94 4,654,868.03 4,654,868.03 Other cash payments relating to financing activities 223,472.74 154,243.28 Sub-total of cash outflows 131,552,839.62 105,374,043.33 228,878,745.46 210,251,496.25 Net cash flow from financing activities-53,324,839.62-45,174,043.33-162,079,745.46-160,251,496.25 4.Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate 94,378.75-369.03-1,779.49-11.57 5.Increase in cash and cash equivalents 88,635,990.36 68,647,695.63 90,801,801.60 76,656,532.69 Add:Cash and cash equivalents at year-begin 403,139,585.35 304,973,089.79 312,337,783.75 228,316,557.10 6.Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 491,775,575.71 373,620,785.42 403,139,585.35 304,973,089.79 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN OWNERS EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2010 Prepared by Dalian Refrigeration Company Limited Year of 2010 Unit:RMB Yuan Items 2010 Owners equity attributable to parent company Minority equity Total of owners equity share capital Capital suplus Lessen:treasury stock Surplus reserve General risk reserve Retained profits Others I.balance at the end of last year 350,014,975.00 599,303,053.00 399,190,859.34 341,096,035.56 87,504,284.51 1,777,109,207.41 1.Change of accounting policy 2.Correction of errors in previous period II.Balance at the beginning of this year 350,014,975.00 599,303,053.00 399,190,859.34 341,096,035.56 87,504,284.51 1,777,109,207.41 III.Increase/decrease of amount in this year(“-”means decrease)-8,519,867.75 21,888,964.00 23,121,223.47 4,885,120.22 41,375,439.94(I)Net profit 99,806,352.77 9,784,196.40 109,590,549.17(II)Other comprehensive income -8,519,867.75 -8,519,867.75 Subtotal of(I)and(II)-8,519,867.75 99,806,352.77 9,784,196.40 101,070,681.42 (III)Input an reduced capital of owners 1.Input capital of owners 2.Amount of Shares included in the owners equity 3.Others (IV)Profit distribution 21,888,964.00 -76,685,129.30 -4,899,076.18-59,695,241.48 1.Withdrawing surplus public reserve 21,888,964.00 -21,888,964.00 2.Withdrawing general risk reserve 3.Distribution to all owners(shareholders)-52,502,246.25 -4,899,076.18-57,401,322.43 4.Others -2,293,919.05 -2,293,919.05 (V)Internal carrying forward of owners equity 1.New increase of capital(share capital)from capital reserves 2.Convert surplus reserves to capital(share capital)3.S


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