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    七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题试题_1 (2).pdf

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    七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题试题_1 (2).pdf

    创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日曹县曹县 2021-20212021-2021 学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题创创 作人:作人:考前须知:埃半来埃半来日日 期:期:二二 OO 二二二二 年年 1 1 月月 1111 日日I需要用 2B 铅笔把答案涂到答题卡上,一共60 题II 请把答案写在答案卷上3.总分 120 分;时间是 120 分钟卷 I一、听力每一小题 1 分,一共 20 分听句子,选择恰当的应答语。5 分()1A.Yes,she is.B.No,she cant.CNo,she doesnt.()2A.Volleyball.B.After school.C.With my classmates.()3.A.No,he doesnt.B.Yes,he is.C.Yes,I do.()4.A.By subway.B.For two hours.C.About 3 kilometers.创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:()5ABread and milk.BAt 7:30 a.m.CAt school.II.听小对话,选择正确的图片。5 分()6What does Mike like?二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日A.B.C.()7Who can play the guitar well?A.B.C.()8What time does the boy brush his teeth?创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日A.B.C.()9How does does the boy go to school?A.B.C.()10What does Jack want to be?A.A.B.C III 听长对话,选择正确答案。5 分听第一段对话,答复第11-12 小题。()11What is the boy good at?A.Playing soccer.B.Playing tennis.C.Playing volleyball.()12What club does the girl want to join?创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日AA sports club.B.A music club.C.An English club.听第二段对话,答复第 13-15 小题()13.What is Miranda good at?ATelling stories.BPlaying tennis.CPlaying the violin.()14What sport do they like?ASoccer.B.Tennis.C.Basketball.()15What time do they want to meet?AAt 7:00.BAt 6:30.CAt 6:00.IV 听短文,选择正确答案。5 分()16When does Kitty usually get up?A.At 6:30.a.m.B.At 7:00.a.m.C.At 7:30.a.m.()17What does Kitty eat for breakfast?ANoodles.B.Rice.C.Eggs and bread.()18How does Kitty go to school?ABy bus.B.By bike.C.On foot.()19What is Kitty good at?A.Playing the violin.B.Playing the guitar.CPlaying the piano.()20What club is Kitty in?AThe music club.BThe sports club.CThe English club.二、单项选择每一小题1 分,一共 15 分创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:()21Can your sister play _ piano?二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日Yes,she _.And she plays it well.A:the;does B.a;can C.the;can D/;can()22 We want four musicians _ the school music club.Is your brother_ it?Yes,he is.Aabout;in Bto;for Cfor;in Don;in()23.In the school library I see some people,but I dont know_.Aher Bhim Cit Dthem()24.Dont be _!We can ask the policeman for help.Atidy Bearly Chappy Dafraid()25.My mother can make dumplings(饺子)and she can_ make noodles(面条)A.only Balso Ceither Dtoo()26Can you sing the song in Chinese _ in English?I can sing it in Chinese.Abecause Bor Cand Dbut()27There is no bridge over the river,so we cant cross the river.Lets think about getting a small_.Asubway Bbus Ctrain Dboat()28.If you are _ old people,please help us at the old peoples home.Athink of Bgood at Cgood for Dgood with创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日()29Lindas mother has two _.And she _ in a clothes store onweekends.A.works;works Bwork;work Cjobs;work Djobs;works()30s go to ask the teacher.A.am Bis Care Dbe()31Its not easy for this English boy_ stories in Chinese.Atelling Btells Cto tell Dtell()32What do you_ do on rainy days?I read books at home.I_ go out on rainy days.A.usually;never Bnever;usuallyC.usually;usually Dnever;never()33I dont sleep well,because I _ very late in the evening.Aget dressed Bget upCgo to school Dgo to bed()34_ is it from here to your school?About six kilometers.AHow many BHow far CHow long DHow much()35.What time is the TV show?_.A.Its in the evening BIts in January CIts at 9 oclock DIts on Friday创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:三、完形填空每一小题1 分,一共 10 分二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日Beijing is the capital of china.It is a very 36 city.Lots of people live andwork there.It usually takes them a long 37 to get to work.My friend Zhang Yu works in a company in Beijing.The company is 38 from hishome.He goes to work either by bus 39 by subway.When he gets up early,he 40the bus to work.His home is next to the first stop of the No.456 bus.It is easyfor him to get a seat 41 the bus.But he spends two hours getting to the 42 .When he doesnt get up early,he takes the subway.It takes 43 about one hourto go to work by subway.But there are too 44 people on it.Sometimes Zhang Yucant even 45 !It is zhang Yus dream to buy a house near his company.Can his dream come true?()36.A.small B.big C.funny D.free()37.A.time B.hour C.day D.life()38.A.new B.busy C.far D.short()39.A.for B.but C.and D.or()40.A.takes B.rides C.sits D.lets()41.A.by B.under C.on D.at()42.A.club B.station C.school D.company()43.A.his B.him C.he D.her()44.A.some B.small C.many D.much()45.A.take on B.get on C.put on D.sit on四、阅读理解每一小题2 分,一共 30 分创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:A 篇Teachers Wanted二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日Can you paint or draw well?Do you like kids?We need two teachersfor our club trip on July 29.Please find Mr.Wang or call him at862-81134 before July 25.Musicians WantedOur rock band needs musicians for our music festival on December23rd:one for playing the piano,one for playing the guitar and twofor playing the drums.Do you want to join our band?Call Mr.Li at858-94566 before December 18.You can also e-mail us.Our e-mail.46.The club needs teachers to help kids with .A.art B.rock C.sports D.music47.How many musicians does the rock band need?A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four48.When is the club trip?A.On July 25th.B.On July 29th.C.On December 18th.D.On December 23rd.49.You want to help the kids with the club trip.You can .A.find Mr.Li B.call 862-81134C.call 858-94566 D.e-mail the club50.We can NOT know _from the second ad.A.when the music festival isB.the e-mail address of the rock band创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日C.what kind of musicians the rock band needsD.where the rock band has the music festivalB 篇Miss Li is a teacher.She teaches in a middle school.She gets up at half pastfive in the morning.She has breakfast at 6:00.After that she goes to school by bike.She gets there very early.She cleansthe desks and chairs for other teachers.Classes begin at 8:00.She and other teacherswork hard.She goes home at 4:00 in the afternoon.Then she does some housework.After dinner she reads books and checks 检查the students homework.She goesto bed at about ten.51.Miss Li works .A.in a shopC.on a farmB.in a middle school D.in a factory52.She gets up at in the morning.A.5:10 B.5:20C.5:30D.5:4553.She goes to work .A.late B.at nightC.early D.on foot54.She does some housework .A.at 4:30 p.m.B.before 4:40 p.m.D.in the morningC.after 4:00 p.m.55.After supper she .A.reads books B.checks the students homework创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:C.watches TV二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日 D.both A and BC 篇I am Miko and Im from Japan.I am twelve years old.My home is far from myschool.It is about 25 kilometers.So I usually take a train to my school in themorning.My friend Senagoes to school with me.The journey takes us 25 minutes.Ourfirst lesson starts at 8:15.I often leave my home at 7:25.Im Aram.I have a big family.I live with my grandparents,parents,sisterand brother in Canada.Its about 10 kilometers from my home to school.It takesme about 20 minutes by bus.I go to school at 8:15 and my first class starts at 9:00.I like music and my dream is to buy a piano for myself.So I work at a supermarketevery Sunday.The supermarket is about 6 kilometers away from my home.I usuallygo there by bike.The bike ride takes about 30 minutes.56.How long does it take Miko from her home to school?A.15 minutes by train.B.25 minutes by train.C.30 minutes by train.D.45 minutes by train.57.There are_ people in Arams home.A.five B.six C.seven D.eight58.Aram goes to school_.A.by bike B.on foot C.by train D.by bus59.Arams dream is to buy a _.A.guitar B.car C.bike D.piano60.Which of the following is TRUE?创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日 A.Miko goes to school with her sister.B.Miko lives far from the school.C.Arams first class starts at 8:15 a.m.D.Aram works in a clothes store on Sunday.卷 II请把答案写到答案卷上五、任务型阅读每一小题2 分,一共 10 分 My friend,Tom lives a happy life.(1)He usually gets up at 6:00.Then he goes fora walk.At 7:00 he comes back.He brushes his teeth and takes a shower.(2)Thenhe eats breakfast.After breakfast,he goes shopping with his friends.(3)他大约十点半到家。And he cooks lunch.After lunch,he goes to the club.He reads booksand plays chess.He eats dinner at home at 6:00 pm.4_ the eveninghe likes watching TV.At around 9:00 pm he goes to bed.根据短文内容完成以下任务:61.对1处画线局部提问;_62.将2处画线局部译成汉语:_63 将3处画线局部译成英语:_64.文中4处的横线上应填的介词是_.65.根据短文内容,以下句子中_ 是正确的。创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:A.Tom eats breakfast at 6:30.B:Tom goes to the club in the afternoon.C:Tom goes to bed at 10:00pm.D.Tom likes reading before he goes to bed.二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日六、从方框中选择适宜的单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。每一小题 1 分,一共 5 分swim,villager,brush,tooth,hundred66.The old watch is two _ years old.67.Tom,come and _ your shoes.68.These _ never leave their village.69.Who is good at _ in your family?70.Alans _ are very white.七、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(每一小题 2 分,一共 10 分)71.你能在英语方面帮助我吗?Can you _ me _ English?72.迈克擅长交朋友。Mike is good at _ _.73.放学后,他要么看电视,要么玩电子游戏。After school,he _ watches TV _ plays computer games.74.坚持努力学习,你将会梦想成真。Keeping studying hard,and your dream will _ _.75.在他们的和村庄之间有一条很大的河。创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日There is a very big river _ their school _the village.八、书面表达。20 分假设你是 Laura,你想向笔友 Betty 讲述你在星期天的活动。请你根据表格提示,适当发挥,完成信件内容。时间是7:007:308:009:0010:3012:302:004:009:00要求:1.语言通顺、连接,条理明晰;2.70 个词左右信件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Betty,_活动内容起床吃早饭清扫房间弹钢琴做家庭作业吃午饭读书踢足球去睡觉创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日_ Yours,Laura英语月考试题卷 II 答案卷(一共 45 分)五、任务型阅读每一小题2 分,一共 10 分创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日六、从方框中选择适宜的单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。每一小题 1 分,一共 5 分七、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(每一小题 2 分,一共 10 分)_ _ _ _ _75._ _八、书面表达。20 分假设你是 Laura,你想向笔友 Betty 讲述你在星期天的活动。请你根据表格提示,适当发挥,完成信件内容。时间是7:007:308:009:0010:3012:302:004:009:00要求:1.语言通顺、连接,条理明晰;活动内容起床吃早饭清扫房间弹钢琴做家庭作业吃午饭读书踢足球去睡觉创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日 2.70 个词左右信件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Betty,_ Yours,Laura座号:创 作人:埃半来日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 11 日


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