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    会计学1新概念新概念(ginin)英语件英语件 第一页,共26页。Envelope envlpn nn.信封,封皮(fngp)n n红包;压岁钱;论坛福利红包n nRed envelope第1页/共26页第二页,共26页。Pre-tasksn nWhat did Jane do when she and her family were travelling across the channel?n nWhat happened ten months later?n nHow do the two girls send letters to each other now?第2页/共26页第三页,共26页。regularlyrjlli n nadv.定期地;有规律(gul)地;整齐地;匀称地n nYou should gargle regularly.n nFrequently frikwntli n nadv.频繁地,经常地;时常,屡次n n我们要定期的有规律(gul)的来伯明汉学习英语。n nWe should come to Birmy to study English regularly and frequently.第3页/共26页第四页,共26页。dream v.做梦做梦(zu mng),梦想梦想n nV.V.做梦,梦见做梦,梦见n ndream that+dream that+从句从句n nI dreamt/dreamed(that)I was in Scotland.I dreamt/dreamed(that)I was in Scotland.n n(与(与ofof,aboutabout连用连用(linyng)(linyng))n ndream of/about sth.dream of/about sth.n n我昨晚梦见她了。我昨晚梦见她了。n nI dreamt of her last night.I dreamt of her last night.n ndream of doing sth.dream of doing sth.梦想梦想n nI dreamed of flying in the sky.I dreamed of flying in the sky.n nI dreamed of finding the gold.I dreamed of finding the gold.第4页/共26页第五页,共26页。n n n.梦;梦想(mngxing),幻想n nhave a dream=dream a dream 做了一个梦n nHave a good/sweat dream!祝你做个好梦!n nHave you heard of the American Dream?n nGuess:n ndream boatn n在台上演出是我梦想(mngxing)的事情n nDo you have dream boat?n ndaydreamn n你在做白日梦吗?n nAre you daydreaming?第5页/共26页第六页,共26页。age n.年龄年龄(ninlng)teengager n.十几岁的人adolescent dles()nt adj.青春期 n.青少年under16 (一般指成年(chngnin)以前由13至15的发育期)at the age of 在几岁时 如:I left school at the age of 18.我中学毕业时18岁。第6页/共26页第七页,共26页。n nby the age of n n到到.的年龄的年龄n nbronze age n nn.铜器时代铜器时代(在石器时代之后在石器时代之后,铁器时代之前铁器时代之前)n ninformation age n n信息化时代信息化时代 n niron age n nn.铁器时代铁器时代 n nbone age n n骨龄,骨骼骨龄,骨骼(gg)年龄年龄 n nlegal age n nn.法定年龄法定年龄,成年成年 第7页/共26页第八页,共26页。throw(threw,thrown)v.扔扔,抛抛n n vt.投,扔,抛n nDont throw stones at the dog.n nThrow the ball to Tom.n nthrow away 扔掉n nShall I throw this old newspaper away?n n 把对准目标,向作出举动(jdng)n nGeorge was very happy today.Julie had thrown a smile at him in the morning.n nThe boss threw him an angry look.第8页/共26页第九页,共26页。channeltnl n n名词名词 n.n n1.水道水道,航道航道n nThe channel is marked by buoys.n n航道由浮标标示。航道由浮标标示。n n2.海峡海峡n nThe English Channel separates France from England.n n英吉利海峡将法国与英国分开。英吉利海峡将法国与英国分开。n n3.沟渠沟渠;河床河床n n4.途径途径;渠道渠道(qdo);手段手段P1n nYou should go through the official channels if you want the government to help.n n你应该通过正式渠道你应该通过正式渠道(qdo)来来争取政府的帮助。争取政府的帮助。第9页/共26页第十页,共26页。第10页/共26页第十一页,共26页。Lets watch第11页/共26页第十二页,共26页。A glass envelope n nMy daughter,Jane,never dreamed of receiving a letter My daughter,Jane,never dreamed of receiving a letter from from a girl of her own agea girl of her own age in Holland.Last year,in Holland.Last year,we we were travelling were travelling across across the Channelthe Channel and Jane put a and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle.She threw the bottle into the sea.She never bottle.She threw the bottle into the sea.She never thought of it again,but ten months later,she received a thought of it again,but ten months later,she received a letter from a girl in Holland.Both girls write to each letter from a girl in Holland.Both girls write to each other regularly now.However,they have decided to use other regularly now.However,they have decided to use the post office.Letters will the post office.Letters will costcost a little more,but they a little more,but they will certainly travel faster.will certainly travel faster.第12页/共26页第十三页,共26页。1、My daughter,Jane,never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland.同位语同位语My daughterMy daughter,JaneJaneYesterday I met Tom,a friend of my brothers.Yesterday I met Tom,a friend of my brothers.我们的新老师我们的新老师(l(l osh)osh)史密斯先生对我们很好。史密斯先生对我们很好。Mr.Smith,our new teacher,is very kind Mr.Smith,our new teacher,is very kind toto us.us.He is interested in sports,especially ball games.He is interested in sports,especially ball games.dream of doing sth.dream of doing sth.梦想,幻想梦想,幻想of ones own age of ones own age 同年龄的同年龄的 He is boy of my own age.He is boy of my own age.receivefrom receivefrom 从从收到收到第13页/共26页第十四页,共26页。n n2、Last year,we were travelling across Last year,we were travelling across the the ChannelChannel and Jane put a piece of paper with and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle.her name and address on it into a bottle.n nthe Channel=the English Channel 英吉利海峡第14页/共26页第十五页,共26页。n n3、Both girls write to each other regularly now.n nwrite to sb.给某人写信n nwrite(a letter)to men neach other 相互,彼此,往往强调两者之间的相互(注意(zh y)连读)有时这个短语也可用来指许多人之间“互相”n n We must all help each other.n none another 强调三或三者以上的相互,有时可替代each othern nThey do this by sending messages to one another.第15页/共26页第十六页,共26页。n n4、Letters will cost a little more,but they will certainly travel faster.n ncost意为“(使)花费,价钱为”,其主语通常为某物或某件事情n n sth.cost(sb.)n n Eg.The dress costs me twenty pounds.n nmore即可做形容词,又可做代词(dic),文中的“more”为代词(dic)=more money n ngive me more 再给我一点n na little稍微,可以修饰比较级;much修饰比较级,译为“多得多”n nIts a little hotter.n nIts much hotter.n nThat is more expensive.(贵一些)n nThat is a little more expensive.(稍微有点贵)n nThat is much more expensive.(贵得多)第16页/共26页第十七页,共26页。跟跟of,from,in和和on的动的动词词(dngc)动词动词+介词的固定短语通常可分开使用,可以有自己的宾语,并且大部分都可用于被动介词的固定短语通常可分开使用,可以有自己的宾语,并且大部分都可用于被动(bidng)(bidng)结构:结构:1 1、后接、后接ofof的动词:的动词:accuse accuse kjukju zofzof(控告);(控告);approveapprove prupru vofvof(赞成);(赞成);assure assure ;of of (让(让放心);放心);beware bbeware b wewe ofof(谨防);(谨防);boastbboastbst of/aboutst of/about(夸耀)(夸耀),complainkcomplaink mplemple n of/aboutn of/about(埋怨);(埋怨);consistkconsistk nsns st ofst of(由(由组成);组成);convincekconvincek nvnv ns of/aboutns of/about(使信服);(使信服);curekjcurekj;kj;kj of of(治愈);(治愈);despairddespaird spespe of of(丧失(丧失希望);希望);第17页/共26页第十八页,共26页。跟跟of,from,in和和on的动词的动词(dngc)动词+介词的固定短语通常可分开使用,可以有自己的宾语,并且大部分都可用于被动结构(jigu):1、后接of的动词:dream of/about(幻想);expect of/from(期望);hear of/from(听到消息);be/get rid of(摆脱);smell of(闻到);suspectsspekt of(对猜疑);think of/about(思考);tired of(对感到厌烦);warnwn of/againstgenst;genst(警告有危险)第18页/共26页第十九页,共26页。n n2 2、后接、后接fromfrom的动词:的动词:n nborrow fromborrow from(从(从借);借);n ndefend ddefend d fend from/against fend from/against genst;genst;gege nst nst(保护(保护使免于);使免于);n ndemand ddemand d mmnd from/ofnd from/of(向(向要求要求);n ndiffer ddiffer d f f from from(有别于);(有别于);n ndismiss ddismiss d smsm s froms from(解雇);(解雇);n ndraw fromdraw from(从(从中得出中得出(d ch)(d ch)););n nemerge emerge mm d d from from(从(从出现);出现);n nescape escape skeske p fromp from(从(从逃出);逃出);第19页/共26页第二十页,共26页。2、后接、后接from的动词的动词(dngc):excuse from/for(允许(ynx)不);hinder hnd from(阻止);prevent prvent from(妨碍);prohibit pr()hbt from(不准许);protect prtekt from/against genst;genst(向提抗议);receive from(接到);separate sep()ret from(把分开);suffer sf from(受之苦)第20页/共26页第二十一页,共26页。n n3 3、后接、后接、后接、后接inin的动词:的动词:的动词:的动词:n n believe in believe in(信仰);(信仰);(信仰);(信仰);n n delight d delight d lala t int in(喜欢);(喜欢);(喜欢);(喜欢);n n employ(ed)employ(ed)mplmpl in in(从事);(从事);(从事);(从事);n n encourage encourage nknk r r d d in in(鼓励);(鼓励);(鼓励);(鼓励);n n engage(d)engage(d)ngenge d d in in(正做);(正做);(正做);(正做);n n experience(d)in experience(d)in(在(在(在(在有经验);有经验);有经验);有经验);n n fail in fail in(没有(没有(没有(没有(mi y(mi y u)u)尽到);尽到);尽到);尽到);n n help in/with help in/with(帮助);(帮助);(帮助);(帮助);第21页/共26页第二十二页,共26页。3、后接、后接in的动词的动词(dngc):include nklud in(包括);(包括);indulge ndld in(沉醉);(沉醉);instruct nstrkt in(教导);(教导);interest(ed)in(对(对感兴趣);感兴趣);invest nvestin(投资);(投资);involved nvlvd in(卷入);(卷入);persist psst in(坚持(坚持(jinch)););share in(分享)(分享)第22页/共26页第二十三页,共26页。n n4 4、后接、后接onon的动词:的动词:n nact onact on(遵守);(遵守);n nbased bebased be st onst on(在(在基础上);基础上);n ncall oncall on(拜访);(拜访);n ncomment kcomment k ment onment on(评论);(评论);n nconcentrate kconcentrate k ns(ns()ntre)ntre t ont on(集中于);(集中于);n ncongratulate oncongratulate on(祝贺);(祝贺);n nconsult kconsult k nsns lt on/aboutlt on/about(商量);(商量);n ncount kacount ka nt onnt on(依赖(依赖(yli)(yli)););n ndecide ondecide on(决定);(决定);n ndepend ondepend on(依靠);(依靠);n neconomize economize k k n n mama z onz on(节约);(节约);第23页/共26页第二十四页,共26页。4 4、后接、后接、后接、后接onon的动词的动词的动词的动词(dngc)(dngc):embark mbk on(从事);(从事);experiment ksperm()nt on(尝试);(尝试);insist nsst on(坚持);(坚持);lean lin on/against(倚靠于(倚靠于););live on(靠(靠为生);为生);operate pret on(起作用);(起作用);perform on/in(扮演);(扮演);pride(oneself)on(为(为感到自豪);感到自豪);rely rla on(依靠(依靠(yko)););vote on a motionm()n/for someone(对(对表决表决(投投的票的票);write on/about(写(写的事)的事)第24页/共26页第二十五页,共26页。第25页/共26页第二十六页,共26页。


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