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    2023老高考旧教材英语高考第二轮专题复习40分阅读十七选五限时总分值练(二)I .阅读理解A(2022河北邢台一模)Looking for a cool new book this season?TFK Kid Reporters read and reviewed some of the best books of the year.Yusuf Azeem Is Not a HeroYusuf Azeem is hoping to have a great first year in the middle school.Standing in his way are the hate notes left in his locker and his struggle to find his place in a new community. Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero,by Saadia Faruqi,will appeal to readers who like stories about everyday kids overcoming challenges and finding inner strength.Black Boy JoyThe short stories in Black Boy Joy,edited by Kwame Mbalia,celebrate the pleasures of Black childhood.There are also stories about victories,competitions,and getting dressed for their first day of school.Most are short,with simple plots.People who enjoy bite-size stories of happiness will like this collection.Paradise on FireIn Paradise on Fire,by Jewell Parker Rhodes,Addy is a shy,15-year-old girl who escaped from an apartment fire that killed her parents.When a fire breaks out at the wilderness camp,Addy knows what to do.Will Addy be able to lead her fellow campers to safety?Readers will love the mix of suspense,action,and emotion in this book.ChunkyChunky was written by Yehudi Mercado.In the book,Hudi tries sports,which,however,take him away from what he' s truly passionate about:comedy.His imaginary friend,Chunky,appears throughout the story to help Hudi achieve his dreams.Chunky is a great book for kids who want to read about friendship,family,and try to find where they might fit in.l.Which of the following tells about happy childhood?A.Yusuf'Azeem Is Not a Hero.B. Bl ack Boy Joy.C.Paradise on Fire.D.Chunky.2 .What is the book by Jewell Parker Rhodes about?A.A girl trying to escape from danger.B.A boy suffering at school.C.A boy participating in a summer camp.D.A girl taking an interest in comedy.3 .Who is Chunky in the book?A.A comedian.B.Hudi' s classmate.C.A shy boy. D.An unreal friend.B(2022河南濮阳一模)Around the world,doctors,nurses,and other medical professionals are enlisting (入伍)to fight the new coronavirus.Where there is a need,these courageous individuals are stepping up to the plate and offering their expertise even though they have retired.In fact,on a single day in March,hundreds of retired doctors and nurses joined New York City' s Medical Reserve Corps,a program of the City' s Department of Health,after the city' s mayor Bill De Blasio asked for help.According to ABC News.dX least 82,000 people have thus enlisted in New York State? s medical reserve force,bringing together a wide range of health care workers to fight the coronavirus."Whatever it is that they need' m willing to do,“ said Jerry Kops,a retired New York nurse and musician in the world-famous Blue Man Group,whose tour got cancelled due to the outbreak.She explained/I knew that all of my old co-workers were on the front line,so I felt I should sign up too.”Jane Bedell,a retired primary care doctor from the Bronx,also signed up after De Blasio' s request for help.Although she celebrated retirement a little over a month ago,she felt it was her duty and privilege to get involved."I' ve always wanted to make sure that V m part of the solution and not part of the problem J She told The New York Times.Chuck Wright,a physician refused to let anything stop him from volunteering.After he retired a year and a half ago,he immediately started volunteering with medical organizations,and was among the responders who took care of California s firefighters during the 2019 wildfires.He' s been deployed (调 遣)twice to assist efforts,and was in charge of turning a Holiday Inn into a medical center.But New York is not alone.Other states,such as California,Massachusetts,Washington,and New Jersey have also put out similar calls for help.4 .What did Bill De Blasio request people to do?A.Donate money for the New York City.B.Offer some support to Blue Man Group.C.Replace the City' s Department of Health.D.Join New York, s medical reserve force.5 .Why did Jerry Kops decide to be a volunteer?A.She performed much better on the front line.B.She was motivated by her former colleagues.C.She wanted to make her music group famous.D.She found it a way to celebrate her retirement.6 .Who volunteered on a regular basis?A.Bill De Blasio.B.Jerry Kops.C.Chuck Wright.D.Jane BedelL.What is the best title for the text?A.Retired Doctors and Nurses Enlist to Fight the Coronavirus.Medical Professionals Are Willing to Be Volunteers C.Retired Health Care Workers Start Working Again D.Many Struggling Cities in America Are Calling for HelpC(2022福建厦门二模)Time zones were created by railroad officials to deal with a major headache.lt was becoming impossible to know what time it was.At that time each town or city in the US kept its own solar time."Fifty-six standards of time are now employed by the various railroads in preparing their schedules of running reported The New York Times on April 19,1883.In 1883,railroad representatives attended the General Railroad Time Convention.On April 11,railroad officials agreed to create five time zones in North America.And the new standard took effect on November 18,1883.Though the new time standard was not sanctioned by the federal government,the Naval Observatory in Washington offered to send,by telegraph,a new time signal so people could synchronize (同步)their watches.Most people had no objection to the new time standard.An article in The New York Times on November 16,1883 noted,“The passenger from Chicago to New Orleans,can make the entire run without changing his watch.”As the time change was instituted by the railroads,and voluntarily accepted by many towns and cities,some incidents of confusion appeared.A report in The Philadelphia Inquirer on November 21,1883,described an incident where a debtor had been ordered to report to a Boston courtroom before 10:00.He appeared at 9:48,standard time,but was ruled that it was after 10:00.Incidents like that demonstrated the need for everyone to adopt the new standard time.However,there were objections.An item in The New York Times on June 28,1884,detailed how the city of Louisville had given up on standard time.Louisville set all its clocks ahead 18 minutes to return to solar time.By the 1890s,standard time and time zones were accepted as ordinary.The successful adoption in the US in 1883 set an example of how time zones could spread across the globe.The following year,a conference in Paris created the time zones worldwide and eventually they came into use.7 . What was the headache of the railroad officers?A.Various railroads.B.Different solar times.C.Endless conferences.D.Frequent press coverage.8 What does the underlined word “sanctioned“ in paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Approved.B.Replaced.C.Tested.D.Raised.9 .Evidence of opposition to standard time was available in.K.The New York Times (April 19,1883)B.TTze New York Times (November 16,1883)C.The Philadelphia Inquirer (November 21,1883)D.The New York Times (June 28,1884)10 .What is the last paragraph mainly about? A.The US simplified time zones.B.Paris created its time zone.C.Time zones went worldwide. D.Time zones proved effective.D(2022福建漳州二模)Saturn(土星)is famous for its lovely rings,but a new study suggests the planet has spent most of its 4.5 billion years without them.ThatJ s because the rings are likely only 10 million to 100 million years old,according to a newly published report in the journal Science that' s based on findings from NASA' s Cassini probe (探测器).Cassini spent some 13 years orbiting Saturn before diving and impacting into its atmosphere.During its final orbits,the spacecraft dove between the planet and its rings.That let scientists measure the gravitational effect of the rings and get a good estimate of the ring materialJ s mass.What they found is that it' s only about 40 percent of the mass of Saturn' s moon Mimas.This small mass suggests that the rings are relatively young.“There' s no huge amount of massive material hidden in the rings that we can' t see J says Philip Nicholoson,a planetary scientist,uthe rings are almost pure ice." He says the relative youthfulness of Saturn' s ring system is something that scientists have come to suspect only recently."It was easier to believe that it formed at the same time as Saturn and its satellites did,“ he says."It' s hard to understand how they could have formed that recently." It' s possible that the rings are the remains of a comet (彗星) or some other icy objects that made a chance encounter with Saturn and got tom up,he says.Or,perhaps one of Saturn' s icy moons got whacked by an impact with a large comet.Whatever happened,it? s looking more and more likely that Saturn' s splendid rings are a temporary phenomenon that humans are lucky to get to see at all.Previous measurements from Cassini helped show that the rings may be disappearing at a rapid speed,as dusty ice particles (颗粒)get pulled down to Saturn by its gravity .In another 100 million years,Saturn' s most unique feature might be gone.11 .How did scientists estimate the ring material' s mass? A.By analyzing the age of the rings.B.By timing Cassini' s orbiting Saturn.C.By recording Cassini' s flying speed.D.By measuring the gravitational effect of the rings.12 .What? s the previous common understanding of Saturn' s rings?A.They are made up of pure ice.B.They are the remains of a comet.C.They came into being when Saturn formed.D.They are a natural phenomenon of all planets.13 .What does the underlined word “whacked“ in the third paragraph mean?A.Crashed.B. Separated.C.Absorbed.D.Pulled.14 . Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Saturn Put Rings on It Relatively RecentlyB.How Saturn' s Rings Formed Came to Light FinallyC.NASA Detected Icy Object in Saturn' s Rings RecentlyD.When Saturn' s Rings Will Disappear Is Being Dug into H.七选五(2022江西九江二模)Rollerblading is an excellent sport that just about anyone can enjoy.After you have mastered the basics of rollerblading,you can begin to master the sport.There are a variety of different methods and styles that you can try. 1However,some athletes prefer to perfect their sport and compete in their chosensport.The sport of rollerblading has many forms and styles that allow competition.Some types of rollerblading,including free skating and aggressive skating,have a heavy emphasis on tricks.Free skating is a type of rollerblading that is primarily about getting from start to finish as fast as possible. 2Some inline skaters prefer to go the way of inline speed skating. 3 Unlike free skating and aggressive skating,inline speed skating does not involve tricks or obstacles.The competitions take place on roller skating rinks,or on outdoor rinks.Inline speed skating competitions include a variety of different events and formats that range from sprints to longer distance relay competitions.Many athletes who choose inline speed skating can also ice speed skate as the seasons change.4 In this sport teams compete against each other for the puck,using sticks to pass and direct the puck into the goal.Roller hockey is played essentially the same way as ice hockey,but the equipment has been redesigned in order to adapt to the non-ice conditions.Each of these sports requires different skills and is comprised of a different group of people. 5 Whichever sport a beginning inline skater may choose if they want to develop their skills as a skater,they will have fun mastering one of the excellent sports.A.Inline speed skating is all about racing.B.Many people enjoy rollerblading just for the simple pleasure of exercise.C.In addition to emphasizing speed,free skating often includes different tricks.D.Free skating is set in an urban setting and participants must travel through streets.E.Roller hockey is of course another,yet completely different form of rollerblading.F.Those inline skaters can also try sports like inline figure skating and speed skating.G.Each sport requires skills,and experience's well as having different equipment requirements.40分阅读+七选五限时总分值练(二)I .【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四本儿童书的情况,包括作者、故事梗概 等。1 .B 解析 细节理解题。根据 Black Boy Joy 局部中“The short stories in Black Boy edited by Kwame Mbalia,celebrate the pleasures of Black childhood.”可知,Black Boy Joy 讲述了快乐的童 年。2 . A 解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“In Paradise on Fire.by Jewell Parker Rhodes,Addy is a shy,15-year-old girl who escaped from an apartment fire that killed her parents.“可知 Jewell Parker Rhodes写的书是关于一个试图逃离危险的女孩的。3 .D 解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“His imaginary friend,Chunky,appears throughout the story to help Hudi achieve his dreams.”可知,书中 Chunky 是一个虚构的朋友。【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道。疫情期间,退休的医生和护士纷纷应征加入抗击疫情的队 伍。4 .D 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“In fact,on a single day in MarchBill De Blasio asked for help.”可知,纽约市长Bill De Blasio请求人们加入纽约医疗储藏队,为其提供力量。5 .B 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中“She explained, ' I knew that all of my old co-workers were on the front line,so I felt I should sign up too.' ”可知 Jerry Kops 决定成为志愿者是受到了 前同事 的鼓舞。6 .C 解析推理判断题。根据第五段可知,Chuck Wright热衷于志愿服务,可推断出他会定期参 加志愿活动。7 .A解析主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是文章第一段可知,本文主要讲述的是退休的医生和护 士响应呼吁,纷纷应征加入抗击疫情的队伍。因此推断A项“退休医生和护士报名抗击疫情”为 最正确标题。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了时区是怎么来的。8 .B 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中 “At that time each town or city in the US kept its own solar time.”可知,让铁路官员头疼的是美国的每个城镇都有自己的太阳时,即:不同的太阳时。9 .A 解析 词义猜想题。根据画线词后的“the Naval Observatory in Washington offered to send,by telegraph,a new time signal so people could synchronize their watches.”及表示让步转折的 Though 可知,新的时间标准没有得到联邦政府的批准,由此可知画线词词义为“批准.C 解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中“A report in The Philadelphia Inquirer on November 2L1883,.but was ruled that it was after 10:00.”可知,反对标准时间的证据可以在1883年11月21 日的费城问询报中找到。10 .C解析段落大意题。根据最后一段可知,本段主要介绍了时区走向全球,即:全球都采用时区 标准。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。一项新的研究说明,土星在45亿年的大局部时间里都没有光 环,这是因为这些环可能只有I 000万到1亿年的历史。11 .D 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段的“That let scientists measure the gravitational effect of the rings and get a good estimate of the ring material? s mass.”可知,科学家是通过测量环的引力效应 来估计环物质的质量的。12 .C 解析细节理解题。根据第三段的“It was easier to believe that it formed at the same time as Saturn and its satellites did”可知,以前对土星环的普遍理解是它们是在土星形成时形成的。13 .A 解析词义猜想题。根据第三段的“义 s possible that the rings are the remains of a comet or some other icy objects that made a chance encounter with Saturn and got torn up”可知,画线词所在句 子的意思是“也许土星的一颗冰雪覆盖的卫星被一颗大彗星撞击了”,因此画线词的意思是“撞 击”,即 crashed o.A解析主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段可知,本文主要讲的是一项新的研究说明,土星 在45亿年的大局部时间里都没有光环,这是因为这些环可能只有1 000万到1亿年的历史,因此 本文最好的题目是A选项“Saturn Put Rings on It Relatively Recently(土星的光环是最近才出现 的)II.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。滑旱冰是一项很好的运动,几乎每个人都喜欢。文章主要 介绍不同类型的滑冰方式以及技能、设备要求。1 .B 解析根据上文“Rollerblading is an excellent sport.and styles that you can try.”以及下文 "However,some athletes prefer to perfect their sport and compete in their chosen sport.”可知,下文 However表示转折,说明了运发动滑旱冰是为了完善运动,故可推测本句是在说明人们喜欢滑旱 冰的原因:为了运动的乐趣,故B项符合语境。2 .C 解析根据上文“Some types of rollerblading.from start to f


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