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    高中英语人教版新课标必修4 Unit2 Working the land【问题查找】一、单词翻译1. struggle vi.&n. 2. equip vt.&vi.3. regret (regretted) vt. 4. reduce vt.&vi.5 ment vi.&vt.Keys: 1.斗争;拼搏;努力 2.配备;装备3.(对.)遗憾;惋惜4.减少;减缩5.表达意见;作出评论二、短语翻译1. thanks to 2. rid sb./sth. of.3. be satisfied with 4. would rather5. lead toKeys: 1.幸亏;由于;因为2.使某人/某物摆脱3.对表示满足或满意4.宁愿.5.导致;造成(后果);通往三、句子翻译.她是班上最早一个到达教室的人。1 .他的勤奋使得被这个大学录取成为可能。2 . Tom有很多挚友,在他们之中Tom和Jack相处非常融洽。Keys: 1. She is the first one to arrive at the classroom.2. His intelligence makes it possible to be admitted into this university.3. Tom has lots of bosom friends, among which he gets on very well with Jack.【要点精讲】一、重点词汇讲解1. struggle vi.&n.斗争;拼搏;努力典例They were struggling to get out the burning car.他们挣扎着从烧着的车里往外爬。1) The book is about their struggle for liberation.这本书写的是他们为解放而作的斗争。词语归纳struggle for为而斗争) struggle with / against 与作斗争) struggle to do sth,努力做某事二、用所给动词的适当形式填空If you can keep(read) English newspapers, your English will be improved.1. He has promised(e) to my birthday party.2. I hate(tell) lies!4.1 will never forget(go) to Beijing with him last summer.5. It's no good(try) to remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned.6. His illness could mean him(miss) next week's game.7. We can never imagine her(pass) the exam, for she has never reviewed the lessons.8. The suspect (嫌疑犯)at last admitted(steal) the necklace.9.1 still remember(take) to a concert by Liu Dehua when I was five.1(). I forgot(tell) her the news; so she knew nothing about it.6.missing7.passing8.stealing 9. being taken10. to tel1三、单句语法填空. My ambassadorial duties will include(introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research centre in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.1 .Leaving the less important things until tomorrow (be) often acceptable.2 .Keep (hold) your position for a while.3 . If you could have one(超能力),what would it be?4 .To help you do that, your brain increases your hunger new experiences.5 .Scott's last journey, plctcd as he lay in a tent dying of cold and(tIL饿),caught the world's imagination, and a film made in his honor drew crowds.7 .TV Ears helps you listen to TV without(打扰)others.8 .Their(expand) business became a large corporation in 1996, with three generations of Ans working together.9 .For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, to (扩大)their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships.1().Without gravity to help(循环)air, the carbon dioxide you exhale (呼气)has a tendency to form an invisible cloud around your head.Keys: I. introducing 2. is 3. holding 4.superpower 5jor6.hunger 7.disturbing8.expanding9. expand10. circulate【梳理优化】翻译下列必背短语1.幸亏;由于;因为 2.使某人/某物摆脱3.集中于4.宁愿5.对表示满足或满意6.逐渐建立;逐渐增强体质;积累;开发.导致;造成(后果);通往.使免受(影响/伤害);使不含(有害物)Keys: 1.thanks to 2. rid sb./sth. of.3. focus on4. would ratherbe satisfied with 6. build up 7. lead to8. keep. .free from/of总结:一、常考题型:1 .完型填空;2.阅读理解题;3.语法填空题 4.书面表达二、解题技巧语法填空题中词汇的解题技巧.判断空格中所需单词的词性;.观察所给单词的词性和所需单词词性是否一致;.根据题目修改相应的单词形式【强化巩固】一、单句语法填空1. We would rather our daughter (stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.2. Bears buildfat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.3. The news shocked the public, (lead) to great concern about students' safely at school.4. At first I regretted (invite) them to stay, but we soon became great friends.1.1 had a busy and tiring weekend because _(decorate) the house for the Christmas cost me a whole day.6. New technologies have made possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.7. The United Nations is trying to free the world the threat of war.8. His contribution to the boy's welfare was to equip him the world in which he would live. Keys: 1. stayed 2. up 3. leading 4. inviting 5. decorating 6. it 7. froin/of 8. for二、语法填空Ihe is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers 2 a farmer, for he works the land to do his research. Indeed, his 3 (sunburn) face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for 4 he has struggled for the past five decades. Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice. In 1974, he 5(bee) the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has 6high output. This special strain of rice makes 7 possible to produce onethird more of the crop in the same fields. Now more than 60% of the rice 8(produce) in China each year is from this hybrid strain.Born into a poor farmer's family in 1930, Dr Yuan graduated 9Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways 10(grow) more rice has been his life goal.Keys: 1. Although 2. himself 3. sunburnt 4. whom 5. became 6. a 7. it 8. produced 9. from 10. to grow【课后练习】 一、阅读理解New research finds a link between poverty and poor decision making. The findings may explain why poor people sometimes make bad choices that continue their hardship.Earlier studies have found the poor less likely to escape poverty. But there has been little research on why the poor make decisions that make their lives harder. Until recently, Eldar Shafir, a psychologist and his team did two experiments. One took place at a shopping center in New Jersey. The other was carried out among sugar cane( 蔗)farmers in rural India.The New Jersey experiment involved individuals with low paying jobs and others belonged to the middle class. All the volunteers were asked what they would do if their cars needed repairing.The volunteers were given two imaginary situations. In the first, the car repair cost $ 150. In the second, $1500.“In the first, the poor and the rich performed equally well.”“And when the repair cost S1500, the poor performed significantly worse." The poorer lost about 13 IQ points on average. This is about the loss experienced when a person has not slept for one night.The scientists then wondered if the same person reacted differently when he was rich and when he was poor. Once a year when the harvest es in, the India sugar cane farmers earn most of their money, which often does not last through the year.“So they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the ine es in and poor just before the harvest.”The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey. They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.“They performed much more slowly and with many more mistakes when they were poor than when they were rich.”Mr. Shafir says the results support 5() years of research that shows all humans have limited mental powcr to deal with things in life.“And so the insight here is that, having not enough of something in a way makes it harder to make good decisions fbr everything else.”.What is true about earlier studies?A. They were done by economists and psychologists.B. They found il hard for poor people to bee rich.C. They explained why poor people make poor decisions.D. They showed the poor people care little about their wealth.1.1 n the first experiment, the poor performed worse because .A. they had not slept for one nightB.it was just an imaginary situationC. the increased price affected their decision D. they didn't take the second situation seriously.The Indian sugar canc farmers .A. are smarter when they are poorB. earn money all through the yearC. earn a lot of money so they think they are richD. feel rich after the harvest and poor before the harvest. What is the main idea of the passage?A. It is hard for the poor to rid their poverty. B. The poor will bee much poorer.C. Poverty weakens brain power.D. Different experiments and their findings.【语篇解读】最新的研究显示,贫穷与作出不好的决定有关,本文解释了贫穷的人为什么会作 出不好的决定从而延续了他们的贫困。LB【解析】考查细节理解。根据文章第二段的第一句话可知,早期的研究发现贫穷的人不太 可能摆脱贫困,由此可知选项B符合题意。2 .C【解析】考查推理判断。根据题干的关键词"the poor performed worse 可将信息定位于 文章第六段的内容,从而可知答案选C.3 .D【解析】考查细节理解。根据文章第八段的"they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the me es in and poor just before the harvest "可知,答案选 Do.C【解析】考查主旨大意。分析文章结构可知,最后三段归纳了文章的大意:人们贫穷时表 现得更缓慢,犯的错误更多,当某物不充足时,会更难作出好的决定。所以答案选C。 二、语法填空Even in China today, most I (ability) teenagers have to go to special schools to receive 2 education. I know people are trying to give them more help, fort and care, 3 I don't quite agree with such idea.Disabled people's life is difficult and frustrating. 4 we should give them a hand in their normal life. But despite their disability, they're plete. They have their own thoughts and feelings, we can't say disability will limit a person's life. So it's necessary for them to study 5 (independent) and equally just as normal people. If they 6 (ask) to go to the special school, they will probably treat themselves 7 special, unlucky people. That will make them 8 (lose) hope.9 the disabled people need the most is confidence and dignity. Most of them hate 1() feeling that they always need others' help. They just want to prove themselves as we do.In a word, help is essential, but we should give the disabled more individual space.Keys: 1. disabled 2. their 3. but 4. So 5. independently 6. are asked 7. As 8. lose9. What 1(). the练习按要求填空或翻译。1) . They are(为而斗争)the position. They struggled all through the years us the Japanese4介词). The fox struggled(escape).2) .我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。We should help those who are still .3) .他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。They had to.Keys: 1). struggling for2). with; against 3). to escape 4). struggling for independence. struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties2.equip vt.&vi.配备;装备 equipment n.u装备;设备典例. They equipped themselves for the expedition.他们为远征治装。1) .A good education should equip you for life.有良好的教育能受用终生。重点用法equip sb./sth. with用武装某人;用装备某物equip sb./sth. for为而武装某人;为而装备某物be equipped for sth 装备有equip sb to do sth装备某人做某事a piece of office equipment 一件办公设备练习按要求填空或翻译。1) . The soldiers were well(装备好了) weapons.2) . We must equip young teachers(对付)difficult children.3) . This library is equipped(介词)atomic research.4) . Our classroom(装备有)a puter and a tape recorder.Keys: 1). equipped with 2). to deal with 3). for 4). is equipped withregret (regretted) vt. (t)遗憾;惋惜 n.c,u遗憾;惋惜典例. If you go now, you, 11 regret it.假若你现在就走,一定得彳灸悔。1) . I regret to say the job has been filled.十分抱歉,那个工作已经有人做了。重点用法(1) regret to say/tell/announce/inform 遗憾地说/告诉/宣布/通知 regret doing / having done sth.后悔已做 了某事regret that遗憾/后悔练习用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空或翻译。1) . 1 now regret(leave) school so young.2) .(非常抱歉),I am unable to accept your invitation.3) . I regret(inform) you that your contract will not be renewed.Keys: 1). leaving / having done 2). Much to my reret/To my great regret 3). to informreduce vt.&vi.减少;减缩reduction n,缩减,减少,降低典例. He reduced his weight from 98 to 92 kilos/by 6 kilos.他把体重从 98 公斤减少到 92 公斤。1) . The reform has reduced us to servants of the State.这一改革把我们都降为公务员 了。重点用法reduce sth (from.) to.把某物从减少到reduce sth. by.减少多少练习根据句子意思填入正确的介词。1) . We must reduce our expenses 300 yuan a month.2) . Their output has been reduced 1() percent.3) . He reduced his weight 6 kilos.Keys: I), to 2). by 3). by5 ment vi.&vt.表达意见;作出评论n. c, u评论;议论典例. The scandal caused a lot of ment.这件丑闻遭到很多议论。1) . “Will you resign, Minister?” “No ment!”“部长,你是要辞职吗?”“无可奉告。”重点用法ment on/about sth./sb.对某事/某人评论 make ments/no ment on sth./sb,对某事/某人评论/不进行评论练习按要求填空或翻译。1) . Have you any mcnt(s)(make) on the recent developments?2) . Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister(发表意见)nodecision had yet been made.3) . She was asked about the pay increase but(不进行评论)on it.Keys: 1). to make 2). mented that 3). made no men!6. A 词语辨析 expand / extend / spread / stretch【解释】) expand指向四面八方的扩大扩张) extend强调向某一方向的延长) spread指消息,疾病,瘟疫等的传播、蔓延,也指把某物铺开,把胳膊张开) stretch指手掌,手臂,腰,腿,颈由曲变直,由短变长的伸展或伸出,多与。ut连用【练习】用expand, extend, spread, stretch的适当形式填空。1) . The man the information around.2) . The empire its country in the 16th century.3) . The road builders worked hard to the high way.4) . She out her hands to meet me.5) . The project will the city's telephone network to cover 1 ()()()()()() users.Keys: 1). spread 2). expanded 3). extend 4). stretch 5). expandA 词语辨析 occupation / job / work / employment / career / profession【解释】occupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。(1) job非正式用语,指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。(2) work多用来指工作本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。(3) employment指受雇于他人,领取工资谋生计,并且比较固定的工作。(4) career指职业、事业;指某种经过特殊训练而又为之献身的终身事业,带有崇高色彩。(5) profession指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性 的脑力劳动。【练习】用 occupation, job, work, employment, career, profession 的适当形式填空。1) . She has a good in the bank.2) . She is an architect by.3) . She abandoned her stage.4) . Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find.5) . Please write down your name,and address here in the form.Keys: I), job 2). professioii/occupation 3). career 4). employment 5). occupation 二、重点短语讲解thanks to幸亏;由于;因为(有时作反语)典例. Thanks to your help, much trouble was saved.多亏你的帮助,减少了许多麻烦。1) . Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled.多亏这个倒霉天气,比赛取消 了。 重点用法thanks to 相当于 because of /owing to /due to /thanks to /on account of /as a result of 如:1) . He was injured due to /owing to a car accident.2) . His failure is due to the fact that he lacks experience.3) . The train arrived late on account of /as a result of a heavy snow.4) . Thanks to him, I'm getting better and better .5) . It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game .练习翻译句子。1) .多亏了新的政策,我们现在过着幸福的生活。2) .多亏了他的忠告我才得以成功。(用强调句).由于交通堵塞我迟到了。Keys: 1). Thanks tothe new policy, we are now having a happy life.2) . It was thanks to his advice that / succeeded.3) . I was late thanks to the traffic jam.2. rid sb./sth. of.使某人/某物摆脱典例. Many people are working hard to rid the world of famine.很多人在努力使世界不再有饥荒。1) . The dentist rid him of the pain by taking out his bad tooth.牙科医生把他的坏牙拔掉,使他免 除痛苦。重点用法rid短语:(1) be rid of 摆脱get rid of摆脱;除掉;去掉rid oneself of debt 还清债务类似用法动词inform/ warn/ cure sb. of.通知/警告/治愈某人练习翻译填空。1) . He struggled to(使自己摆脱)his guilt.2) . The proposals are an attempt to(使国家清除)political corruption.3) . He was a boring nuisance! V m glad to(摆脱他的纠缠)him.4) . I still can, t(摆脱)my cold.5) . The sales manager asked his men to(通知)everything concerning the sales in time.6) . The passengers(警告)the danger of unsteady landing.Keys: I), rid himself of 2). rid the country of3). be rid of 4). get rid of5) . inform him of 6). are warned of3. be satisfied with = be content with 对表示满足或满意典例. I was not satisfied with the result.我对那个结果感到不满意。1) . You've done well at school. Tm very satisfied with you.你在干得不错,我对你很满意。重点用法sb. is satisfied sth.对表示满足或满意be satisfied to do对做感到满意a satisfied smile满意的微笑 a satisfied customer感到满意的顾客feel a sense of satisfaction 感到满足感to sb's / sth


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