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    Module9 Unit1-外研版英语八年级上册.pptx

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    Module9 Unit1-外研版英语八年级上册.pptx

    Unit1Theworldspopulationwasabout7.8billionin2020.PopulationModule92020年,世界人口大约是78亿。billion 十亿1 billion 10亿7 billion 70亿pointNumberCan you tell me how to write down 41 in English?forty-oneCan you tell me how to write down 231 in English?two hundred and thirty-oneHow about 1,223?one thousand,two hundred and twenty-three十位数用“-”百位用“and”千位用“,”thirteen 与fourteenfourteen 与fortyNumber 2,000,030,000?2,463,128?million 百万thousand千billion十亿two million,four hundred and sixty-three thousand,one hundred and twenty-eight two billion and thirty thousandfourhundredandsixty-threethousand,twomillion,onehundredandtwenty-eight92,112,181,350 billionmillionthousandninety-twobillion,onehundredandtwelvemillion,onehundredandeighty-onethousand,threehundredandfifty【结论】:从右往左,三位数字一个逗;一逗千、二逗百万、三逗十亿。百十个位依次读,百十之间加and。8,742eightthousand,sevenhundredandforty-two1,370,000,000onebillion,threehundredandseventymillion5,237,166,234fivebillion,twohundredandthirty-sevenmillion,onehundredandsixty-sixthousand,twohundredandthirty-four1 What is the population of New York?a)About 17 million.b)About 9 million.c)About 30 million.2 What is the population of Tokyo?a)About 4 million.b)About 28 million.c)About 14 million.listen and choose the correct answer.2Whentheworldspopulationincreases(增长增长)toofast,whatproblemswillitcause?The trafic will become_.There will be less _.Too much noise!room heavytoomuch_smokeWhentheworldspopulationgrowsslowly,whatproblemswillitcause?There arent _ people to do all the jobs.There are more older people than the _ ones.Too little labour(劳动力)!enoughyoungTonyandLinglingaretalkingabouttheworldspopulation.Readtofinishthefollowingtasks.()1.What is Tony preparing(准备)?A.diary B.news C.report()2.What will be the worlds population in 2030?A.1.5 billion B.8.5 billions C.8.5 billion()3.Where will the largest increase in population take place?A.India,China,Pakistan B.India,Nigeria,Pakistan C.India,Africa,Pakistan听力提示:(1)关注疑问词;(2)找题目关键词(3)区分选项(4)听时关注关键词3Listen and chooseCCBThe worlds populationProblems caused by population About 1._in 2020About 2._in 2030Countries with the most population growthIt can cause too much3._and4._Countries with slow-growing population(1)There arent enough people to do all the5._.(2)There arent enough young people to look 6._the older ones7.8 billion8.5 billiontrafficnoise jobs after4Listen and fill听力提示:听前:分析很重要(1)内容;(2)所缺单词词性(3)关注上下文格式听中:听关键词。5Watch and read1.The world population is about 7.8 billion.billion 数词,意为“十亿”。在英语中,hundred,thousand,million和billion前面有具体数字时,它们都要用单数形式;但是当与of搭配使用时,它们都必须用复数形式,表示概数,而且不能与具体的数字连用。hundreds of 数百thousands of 数千,成千上万millions of 数百万billions of 数十亿two hundred 二百five thousand 五千three million 三百万seven billion 七十亿【翻译】1.男人非常富有。他拥有50亿。2.那个大图书馆有数以亿计的图书。The man is very rich.He has five billion.There are billions of books in the big library.1)toomuch+toomany+muchtoo+形容词/副词2.辨析:toomuch,muchtoo与toomanyHe doesnt have too much money.There are too many people in the park.The coat is much too big for me.They bought _eggs yesterday.She spent _money on clothes.You are walking _fast.Slow down.太多太多toomuchtoomanymuchtoo不可数名词可数名词复数太太3.population1)询问人口:Whats the population of+地方?2)回答人口:The population of+地方+is+数字 地方+has a population of+数字3)形容人口多少,用big/large/small。It said the worlds_ was about 7.8 billion in 2020.And the number will _ 8.5 _ in 2030.Thats a _ number.When populations increase too fast,it can cause _,such as too much _ and _.Countries with low _ have problems too.There arent _ people to do all the jobs,or enough young people to _ the older ones.populationbillionhugeproblemsbirthratestrafficPost-listeningRetellthepassage.climbtonoiseenoughlookafter.trafficnoisetoo many people airpollutionProblemsWhat should we do to solvetheseproblems?waterpollutionPopulationincreaseis a big problem.ProblemsSuggestionsairpollution&traffic1.Itsagoodideato_2.Wecangotoschoolon_or_.waterpollution&rubbish1.Dont_intherivers.2.Weshould_.3.Dont_.planttrees.footbybikethrowrubbishsavewaterwastewater8Extend thinkingIf there is no enough population,what will happen?No enough people to do all the jobs.No enough young people to look after the older ones.What should we do?There are many problems in the worlds population.We should try our best to help the world.Visit the old and make them happy.Play with the children whose parents are not at home.9Emotion


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