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    Unit 4 Body language 考点基础落实拓展与背诵学案-高三英语一轮复习人教新课标必修四.docx

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    Unit 4 Body language 考点基础落实拓展与背诵学案-高三英语一轮复习人教新课标必修四.docx

    人教新课标高考复习Book 4Unit 4Body language考点基础落实拓展与背诵 .词汇与派生联想记忆法1.curious adj.好奇的be curious about对好奇2.approach vt. & vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法approach to sth.的方法/道路/通道3.defend vt.保护,保卫;辩解defend.against/from.保卫免受的伤害4.dash vi.猛冲,突进make a dash for向猛冲,奔向5.adult n.成年人;adj.成人的;成熟的(同义词)grown­up6.likely adj.可能的not likely绝不可能;不太可能7.function n.作用;功能;职能;vi.起作用;运转function as.起作用;具有功能8.ease n.安逸;舒适;vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)at(ones) ease安适,不拘束,自在9.subjective adj.主观的objective adj.客观的构词记忆法1.statement n.陈述,说明state vt.陈述,说明;声明2.represent vt.代表,象征representative n.代表;代表人物;adj.典型的,有代表性的3.association n.社团;联系;联想associate vt.联想;联系;交往4.major adj.主要的majority n.大多数,大部分5.misunderstand vt.误会misunderstanding n.误会,误解6.truly adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地true adj.真实的;真正的;正确的(反义词)false adj.错误的;假的7.anger n.怒气,怒火angry adj.发怒的,生气的.短语与拓展1.(sb.)be likely to do sth.(某人)很可能去做某事It is likely that.(某人)去做某事是可能的2.in general总的来说,通常(同义短语)generally speaking 3.at ease舒适;快活;自由自在take it/things easy别着急,放松4.lose face丢脸lose heart灰心丧气5.turn ones back to背对turn a deaf ear to对充耳不闻turn a blind eye to对视而不见6.be wrong about/be mistaken about误解7.express oneself表达自己的思想8.show respect for.对表示尊敬9.kiss sb. on the cheek吻某人的脸pat sb. on the shoulder拍某人的肩膀10.on the contrary相反contrary to.与相反/相对thumb大拇指index finger/forefinger食指middle finger中指ring finger无名指little finger小拇指重点单词2. touch vt. a. 触摸, 接触, 触及, 轻触b. touch sb./ sth. (with sth.)感动(某人)触动某人(某人的感情)Her miserable experience touched us all deeply / touched our hearts with sorrow深受感动 /都很伤心。c. 接触,联系 n.get / keep in touch with sb. 与取得/保持联系be in/ out of (with sb.) 与-有/无联系Weve been out of touch for years. 3.introduce sb. to sb.把某人介绍给某人introduce sth. into 采用;引进introduction n. a letter of 介绍make a self-introduction 作自我介绍make to each other 互相介绍5. curious-adj. 好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的, 爱挑剔的be curious about sth 对感到好奇be curious to do sth 很想做 渴望做 n. curiosity 好奇心 adv. Curiously 好奇 a curious glance 好奇的眼光 curious neighbors 爱管闲事的邻居out of curiosity 出于好奇He is acurious boy who is always asking questions. 他是个有求知欲的孩子,老是问这问那。6、major nv.&adj. 主修;. 专业的学生; 主要的(主要做定语,无比较级) majority n. 大多数,大部反义词: minority 少数the majority of 大多数8. close adv. 接近地;靠近地;紧密地(常与介词to连用)adj. 近的;接近的;(关系)密切的;严密的;(尤指比赛)势均力敌的v. 结束;关闭;关His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近这个工厂。易混辨析close/closely high/highly;wide/widely; deep/deeply等一类词。带ly的副词往往用作抽象意义或比喻意义,而不带ly的副词多用作实际意义。 10ease n安逸;安心;轻松;v.减轻easy adj.容易的;安逸的at ease舒适,快活,自由自在stand at ease!稍息!(军事口令)take ones ease休息;轻松一下with ease容易地;无困难地ease sb. of.减轻某人的take things/it easy不紧张,从容,不急 He passed the exam with_ease.他轻松地通过了考试11. apologize v. apology n. apologize to sb. for sth. / doing sth. make an apology to sb. for (doing) sth. accept / refuse an apology12.express vt. (用语言,神色,动作等)表达,表示 (感情,意见) express sth. to sb.对我的帮助,我感激不尽。 I cant to you how grateful I am for your help. express oneself(清楚地)表达自己的意思 他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。 He is still unable to express himself in English. n. 快车(=express train) The 8 am express to Beijing. (邮局, 铁路, 公路等部门提供的) 速递, 速运 send goods by express 特快货运n. expression 表达,表情 a happy 愉快的神情13.spoken English. written English . English-speaking countries 14.avoid vt. 避开,避免avoid (sth / doing).I think she is avoiding me. I avoid meeting him. avoidable adj.重点短语1in general总的来说;通常generally speaking总的来说;一般来说in short/brief/sum简而言之,总之on the wholeto be short/brief to sum up总的来说in conclusion总而言之all in all总的来说in one/a word一句话frankly speaking. honestly speaking 2turn ones back to背对;背弃turn back往回走,折回get back恢复;取回fight back还击,还手bring back归还take back带回;收回look back回头看look back on/upon回忆,回顾 4turn one's back to背对;背弃have one's back to the wall处境极为艰难on one's back 仰卧着;卧病在床 put one's back into 使劲干I look back on those days as the happiest time of my life. 3.lose face: 丢脸lose ones temper 发脾气;失去耐性 lose ones balance 失去平衡 lose weight 减轻体重save (ones) face挽回面子 lose heart 灰心,泄气lose one's heart to 爱上,钟情于lose one's temper 生气;发脾气lose one's life 献出生命;丧生lose ones way 迷路 lose courage 丧失勇气lose weight 减肥 lose sight of 看不见lose touch with 与失去联系lose one's voice失声5.We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do. 误解 他如果那样想,就很正常了。It was natural that he should think so. It is a/an amazing/surprising/exciting thing that sb (should) do 后经常跟虚拟语气如果女孩这么早结婚会令人很吃惊的。It is really a surprising thing that the girl marry so early.句式与运用1、The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.(P26) 第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼·加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅·史密斯。动词不定式作定语,我们应该注意以下问题:(1)注意非谓语动词动作所发生的时间都是在谓语动词之后。与先行词是主动关系,就用to do; 形成被动关系,就用to be done。Everyone to visit the Great Wall sign here, please.(2) 由only, last, next, 序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词常用不定式作定语。动词不定式作定语要放在所修饰的名词或代词之后。She was the only one to get a scholarship.(3) 当谓语动词是have 或get作“有”讲时,动词不定式的主动与被动取决于句中有没有其逻辑主语参与动词不定式这一活动,有,就用主动式;没有,就用其被动式。 I'll go to the post office because I have something to post. Do you have something to be posted?(4)作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具,不定式后面须加相应的介词。She is looking for a room to live in.3She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands,as if in defence.她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫(1)as if/though可引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用过去式,be动词通常用were(有时也可用was);若表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词则用had过去分词;若表示与将来事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词则用would动词原形。如果as if/though引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,就要使用陈述语气。(1) He looked as_if_he_had_known something about it.他好像已经知道了一些情况。(2)It seems as if the boy has lost his way.那个男孩好像迷路了。5Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. not nor 即不又不 not all 连用形成部分否定部分否定通常由not+ all/both/each/everybody/everything等来表达。并不总是用这种方式表达部分否定,有时也以一般否定句的形式出现,即把否定主语的not与谓语动词放在一起。Not every Welshman speaks Welsh. 并不是每个威尔士人都说威尔士语。All is not gold that glisters. 发光的并不都是金子。若要表示全部否定,则应用相应的表示全部否定的否定词。all none (一个人也没有、没有任何东西); both neither (两个都不);every no(没有,不是);everyone no one(没有人);everything nothing(什么也没有)等。I like neither of the books. 这两本书我都不喜欢。7However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.而且很可能接触对方。likely/possible/probable likely是常用词,指从表面上看很有可能。主语既可以是人也可以是物。可以说sb./sth. be likely to do或it's likely that, 但是不可以说 It is likely for sb. to do。possible强调客观上有可能,但含有实际上可能性很小的意思。主语不可以是人,只能是用it作形式主语。构成It is possible for sb. to do sth.或It is possible that probable 语气比possible强,主要强调有根有据、合情合理的推测,含有“很有可能,十有八九”的意思。构成It is probable for sb. to do sth. 。作表语时,主语不能是人或动词不定式。It's nearly eleven o'clock and mother _ walk in at any moment. A. is possible to B. is probable to C. is likely to D. is able to 习惯用语as likely as not 可能;多半;Not likely! 口不可能! 才不呢! 8. In the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance,actions or posture.that引导的是定语从句。The way that/ in which/或不用关联词。.经典课文原句1.Most people around the world now greet each other by_shaking_hands(通过握手), but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the Japanese, who prefer to bow. 2.How_about(怎么样) showing that I am bored?3.With_so_many_cultural_differences(有如此多的文化差异) between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.I书面表达请以body language 为标题,写一篇100词左右的短文。写作点释 本文主要论述肢体语言的概念、作用及不同文化背景下的差异。写作导引 1 体裁:论述文2 时态:一般现在时3 人称:第二人称4 要点提示:1)肢体语言是指通过运用身体姿势、手势以及面部表情来表达看法、感情和意见或者进行交流的一种语言。2) 当你走进别人时,你的面部表情会显示出你是否友好;使用不恰当的手势会导致误解。3) 来自不同地区的人对肢体语言的使用也有差异。4)在不同文化背景下,尽量避免使用不恰当的肢体语言,这有助于你更好地进行交流。精点妙写1 参考词汇:gesture, facial expression, general, approach, misunderstand, touch, introduce,等。2 参考句型:1)somebody be likely to do something. 2) avoid doing something Body language is defined as the use of posture, gestures and facial expressions that communicate attitudes, emotions and reactions. When you approach someone, your facial expression shows whether youre friendly or not. Youre likely to misunderstand each other by using improper gestures. In Britain people feel uncomfortable touching strangers. People from the USA might move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them. Body language is very general but not all members of all cultures will help you to better communicate with others.4学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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