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    Module5 Unit 1-外研版七年级英语下册.pptx

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    Module5 Unit 1-外研版七年级英语下册.pptx

    Module 5ShoppingUnit 1What can I do for you?1.Match the words and expression from the box with the picture.marketsupermarketclothes shopT-shirt;trousers;dress;coat;sweater;jeans;jacket;clothes shop 服装店服装店What colour do you like?(I like)Purple/Green.What size do you take?(I take)large/medium/small,please.biscuit;milk;vegetables;water;sugar;meat;bread;cakesupermarketHow much is/are.?Its/Theyre.a kilo.price applebananawatermelonstrawberrylemonmarket市场市场How much would you like?(Id like).kilo(s),please.Mothers Daythe 2nd Sunday in May What are you going to buy/make for your mother?carnationkne()nListen and answer the questions.1 What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mothers Day?2 What is Betty going to make for her mother?3 What does Betty want to buy?4 When are they going to the shops?A T-shirt.A cake.Strawberries,biscuits and some lemons.Tomorrow afternoon.Listening Tips:听前浏览题目,注意与问题有关颜色、:听前浏览题目,注意与问题有关颜色、尺码、价格等信息。尺码、价格等信息。1.What colour does Linglings mother like?Purple.2.What size does she take?Small.3.Whats the price at last(最后)?(最后)?99 yuan.Listen and fill in the blanks.Tips:听前浏览题目,注意数字等关键词。:听前浏览题目,注意数字等关键词。1.How much are the sausages?The sausages are _ yuan a kilo.2.Lingling would like_kilo of sausages.3.The sausages,a kilo of beans and two lemons are _yuan.4.How much are the strawberries?The strawberries are _yuan a kilo.half a383010Now complete the table.T-shirt Sausages StrawberriesHow much/many do they buy?How much is it/are they?199 yuanhalf a kilo19 yuan10 yuan1 kiloFind what the shop worker saysWhat can I do for you?Can/May I help you?What colour do you like?What size do you take?What about this one?How much would you like?What else would you like?There is a sale on today.Everything is half price.That will be thirty yuan.Find what the customer saysId like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.I like purple.I want a small/large/middle one.May I try it on?Look at the price.It yuan.Thats too much.OK!Ill take it.Ive got some food to buy.=I want to buy some food.Id like some sausages.How much are they?Id like half a kilo.Here is fifty-nine yuan.店员:What can I do for you?顾客:Id like(to buy).店员:What colour do you like?顾客:I like purple/green.店员:What size do you take?顾客:.yuan a kilo.店员:How much are they?顾客:I take large/small.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.41 The strawberries look very _ and the _ is only ten yuan a kilo._ is so cheap!2 This is my _.Can I try it on?-_.The clothes are _ price today.freshpriceEverythingsizeCertainlyhalfcertainly everything fresh half price size1.颜色颜色 -What color does she like?-Purple.2.尺码尺码 -What size does she take?-Small.3.时刻时刻 -What time is it?-Its five oclock.What引引导导的特殊疑的特殊疑问问句句时时,其后可以搭配部分名其后可以搭配部分名词词使用使用How引引导导的特殊疑的特殊疑问问句句时时一般与与形容一般与与形容词词或副或副词词搭配使用搭配使用1How old问问年年龄龄、年代。、年代。How old is your friend?你朋友多大了?你朋友多大了?How old is the bridge?这这座座桥桥有多少年代了?有多少年代了?2How many问问可数名可数名词词数量数量。常将可数名。常将可数名词词复数复数紧紧随其后。随其后。How many pictures are there on the wall?墙墙上有多少幅画?上有多少幅画?3How much询问询问不可数名不可数名词词的数量、物品的价格。的数量、物品的价格。How much money is there in the purse?钱钱包里有多少包里有多少钱钱?How much are the apples at the moment?目前苹果什么价目前苹果什么价钱钱?4How long提提问问物体的物体的长长度、度、时间时间的的长长短。短。How long is the Changjia River?长长江有多江有多长长?How long does it take you to do your homework every day?你每天花多你每天花多长时间长时间做作做作业业?5How soon 对对“in+一段一段时间时间”提提问问,表示表示“多久之后多久之后”。How soon will you be back?你多久后回来?你多久后回来?6How often对对表示表示频频率的副率的副词词或短或短语语提提问问。How often does Mrs.Green go shopping?格林夫人多久去格林夫人多久去购购一次物?一次物?7How about用来征求用来征求对对方意方意见见。Your father is a worker,how about your mother?你父你父亲亲是工人,你母是工人,你母亲亲呢?呢?How about playing games after school this afternoon?下午放学后做游下午放学后做游戏戏怎么怎么样样?一一.根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。1._(可以可以)I have one apple,Mum?OK,my child.2.The boy always has some _(饼干饼干)and milk for breakfast.3.This shirt is nice.What is the _(价格价格)of it?4.Where does your mother work?She works in a _(超市超市).5.Can we look at your new watch?_(当然当然)!Certainly MaybiscuitspricesupermarketQuiz二、二、选择题选择题1.Excuse me,_ is the nearest bookshop?Go down the street and turn left.A.how B.what C.where D.who2._ is a ticker for the film Hacker He?About forty yuan.A.How old B.How many C.How much D.How often3._ are you going?Im going to the library.A.Who B.Which C.What D.Where4._ tea did you have?Two cups.A.How many B.How much C.How soon D.Which CCDB三三.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.我可以试穿一下这件短裙吗?我可以试穿一下这件短裙吗?Can I _ _ this skirt?2.李梅想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭。李梅想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭。Li Mei wants to cook a meal on _ _.3.盼盼每天都有太多的作业做。盼盼每天都有太多的作业做。Panpan has _ _ homework to do every day.too muchtry onMothers Day4.张力,你还想要其他什么东西?张力,你还想要其他什么东西?_ _ would you like,Zhang Li?5.稍等!我有重要的事情告诉你们。稍等!我有重要的事情告诉你们。_ _ _!I have something important to tell you.Wait a minute What else 单项选择单项选择1.-_ is your T-shirt?-Its 40 yuan.A.How many B.How big C,How much2.-_?-Id like to buy some books.A.What are you doing B.Can I help you?C.How are you3.Here is a big sale in the shop!Everything is _price.A.half B.full C.zero4.I want to buy a pair of gloves _my father.A.to B.for C.in5.-What size do you like?-_.A.Small B.Black C.70 yuanDo you know?母亲节的来历母亲节的来历:母亲节起源于美国。1906年5月9日,美国费城的安娜贾薇丝的母亲不幸去世,她悲痛万分。在次年母亲逝世周年忌日,安娜小姐组织了追思母亲的活动,并鼓励他人也以类似方式来表达对各自慈母的感激之情。此后,她到处游说并向社会各界呼吁,号召设立母亲节。她的呼吁获得热烈响应。1913年5月10日,美国参众两院通过决议案,由威尔逊总统签署公告,决定每年5月的第二个星期日为母亲节。这一举措引起世界各国纷纷仿效,至1948年安娜谢世时,已有43个国家设立了母亲节。Mothers Day父亲节的来历父亲节的来历:1909年,华盛顿一位叫布鲁斯-多德的夫人,在庆贺母亲节的时候突然产生了一个念头:既然有母亲节,为什么不能有父亲节呢?多德夫人和她的5个弟弟早年丧母,他们由慈爱的父亲一手养大的。姐弟6人时常回想起父亲含辛茹苦养家的情景。于是,她提笔给州政府写了一封措辞恳切的信,呼吁建立父亲节。州政府采纳了她的建议,将父亲节定为6月第3个星期日。翌年,多德夫人所在的斯波堪市正式庆祝这一节日。1972年,尼克松总统正式签署了建立父亲节的议会决议。这个节日终于以法律的形式确定了下来,并一直沿用至今。Fathers Day


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