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    2022年牛津译林七年级英语上册Unit 1-3单元综合测试卷附答案.docx

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    2022年牛津译林七年级英语上册Unit 1-3单元综合测试卷附答案.docx

    2022年七年级英语上册Unit 1-3单元综合测试卷听力局部(20分)I.听字母。选择与所听内容对应的选项,字母读一遍。(5分)()LA.XB.SC.I【)B.PC.T(B.MC.N(B. JCM(B.BC. DII.听句子。选择与所听内容相符的图片,句子读一遍。(5分)1)6.)7.C.C.)10.A.C.m.听句子。根据所听内容选择适当的应答语,句子读两遍。(5分)11. A. Good morning.)12. A. I am fine.)13. A. Hi, Judy.)14. A. He is my father.)11. A. Good morning.)12. A. I am fine.)13. A. Hi, Judy.)14. A. He is my father.B. Good afternoon.B. Goodbye.B. I am Andy.B. He is fine.C. Good evening.C. My name is Kate.C. You are Helen.C. He is a doctor.)15. A. This is Miao Miao.B. It is a cat.C. She is my mother.IV.听对话和问题。根据所听内容选择最正确答案,对话和问题读两遍。(5分)16. Is Mr. Smith fine today?A. Yes, he is.)17. What's the girl's name?A. Ann.)18. What is this?A. It is a family.)19. Whafs Mike's father?A. A nurse.)20. Who's the man?A. He is Sally.)16. Is Mr. Smith fine today?A. Yes, he is.)17. What's the girl's name?A. Ann.)18. What is this?A. It is a family.)19. Whafs Mike's father?A. A nurse.)20. Who's the man?B. He is Sally.B. No, he isn't.B. Helen.C. Yes, I am.C. Lucy.C. It is a photo of Jim's family. C. It is Jim.B. A policeman.B. He is my uncle.C. A doctor.C. He is Sally's uncle.笔试局部(80分).单项填空(20分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1. Which is in the right order (顺序)?A. a, d, 1, h.B. e, j, g, n.C. d, g, m, q.D. f, o, x, w.2. Our English teacher is a man. We can call (称呼)him Green.A. Mr.B. Mrs.C. MissD. Aunt3. It's 8:00 a.m. We can say “" to Miss Fang.A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon.4. My dog is dead(死的)and I'm very A. happyB.sad5. What does PRC "mean (意思)?C. Good evening.D. Good night.C. strongD. slimA.非常重要的人物B.中华人民共和国C.基础知识D.工商管理硕士6. -Hello, Peter. How are you?7. -Hello, Peter. How are you?A. Hello. How are you?C. He's fine, thank you.8. - is Lucy. my sister.-Nice to meet you.A. It; It'sB. He; She's9. She's fine, thank you.D I'm fine, thank you.C. This; She's D. This; He's10. There are two blackboards the wall and six windows the wall.A. on; in9. -Sit down, please.A. Yes, I am10. What A. am11. There is A. a, anB. on; onB.OK the boys' names?B. is _ “u"and B. a, aC. in; onC. Thank youC. be“s" in the word “student”.C. an,aD. in; inD. You're rightD. areD. an, an12. -You are Jill, right?A. I am PeterB. Yes, Tm NickC. No, I'm NickD. No, I am13. On the desk, there are nineteen new books.A. teacherB. teachers14. -Who is that man?C. teacher'sD. teachers'A. Uncle BobB. Bob Uncle15. That's football. I often playC. Aunt Mary football after school.D. Mary AuntA. a; theB. a; /C. a; a16. “Is this your school?”D. the; /A. Yes, it isn'tB. Yes, it isC. No, it is17. There a pencil and two books in my bag.A. areB. beC. isD. No, he isn'tD. am are good .A. Pat and me; friends B. I and Pat; friendsC. Pat and I; friendsD. Pat and I; friend19.-He is thirteen.A. How is your brother?C. What is your brother?20. Look the blackboard, please.A. atB. inWho is your brother?D. How old is your brother?B. withD. onII.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)21. Kitty and I (be) good friends.22. Let's (go) to school.1.1 1 always wear (glass).24. What's his job? (father)They have four new (pencil-box).25. My hobby is (swim).26. Jack is 13 (year) old.27. The little girl likes (dance) very much.28. Tom is an (America) boy.29. Twelve and eight is (20).111.句型转换,每空一词GO分)She is an English girl.(同义句) The girl is.31. They are classmates.(改为否认句) classmates.33.1 have two books in my bag. (同义句)two books in my bag.34. My cousin is a policeman.(划线局部提问)your cousin?35.1 do well in English.(同义句)I am English.IV.完形填空(10分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最正确选项。My name is 36. Fm 37 Chinese girl. I 38 a happy family. There are 39people (人)in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a doctor. My mother is a doctor,40. They work hard. I am in No. 1 Secondary School. Tm in 41. There 42 thirtystudents in my class: fourteen boys and teacher. All my classmates 45students in my class: fourteen boys and teacher. All my classmates 4543 girls, friendly (友好的)to36. A. Han Mei Mei37. A. a38. A. am39. A. one40. A. toB. Han MeimeiB. anB. beB. twoB. too44me.C. Han meimeiC./C. isC. threeC. twois our Chinese teacher. She is a goodD. Han Mei meiD. theD. haveD. fourD. the41. A. Class Three, Grade Seven41. A. Class Three, Grade SevenC. Grade Seven, Class ThreeB. class three, grade sevenD. grade seven, class three42. A. is43. A. fourteen44. A. Mr. Gao45. A. have46. A. is47. A. fourteen48. A. Mr. Gao49. A. haveB. beB. fifteenB. Miss GaoB. areC. amC. sixteenC. Uncle GaoC. isD. areD. twenty-sixD. Gao MissD. amV.阅读理解(20分)A根据表格内容,判断下面句子的正误,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。NameAgeJob(Father)Job(Mother)Peter10teacherteacherJill12farmer(农民)nurseLily11driverdoctorNick12policemanpolicewomanSandy9workerteacher46. There are three teachers and two doctors.47. Jill and Nick are 12.48. Lily's father is a driver.49. Sandy's father and mother are teachers.50. Peter's father and mother are teachers.BI have six baskets. Three are big. Three are small. I have some pears and some oranges. I put three pears in every small basket, and I put three oranges in every big basket and one orange in every small basket. The number of oranges is my age.51.1 have pears.A. three B. fiveC. sevenD. nine52.1 have oranges.A. sixB. eightC. twelveD. ten53. What are those in the small baskets?A. nine pearsB. nine orangesC. three pears and nine oranges D. nine pears and three oranges 54. Where are the pears? They are in the .A. three big basketsB. three small basketsC. a big basketD. a small basket55 . Do you know how old I am? I'm .A. twelve B. tenC. elevenD. nineVI.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(10分)56 . Tom是有礼貌而且乐于助人的。Tom is and .57 . Eric和Andy是双胞胎兄弟。Eric and Andy are.58 .让我看一看。Let a look.59 .我和奶奶一起住。I live my .60 .下次别再迟到了。Don't again.听力局部朗读材料(20分)I .听字母。选择与所听内容对应的选项,字母读一遍。(5分)1.S2. B 3.M4. G 5.DII .听句子。选择与所听内容相符的图片,句子读一遍。(5分)6. The old woman is my grandmother.7. This is Le Le. She is my friend- Mark's cat.8. Miss Wang is my English teacher.9. My twin sister is a policewoman.10. This is my dog. His name is Hua Hua.III.听句子。根据所听内容选择适当的应答语,句子读两遍。(5分)11. Good afternoon, Jack.12. How are you, mom?13. What is your name, please?14. What is the man, Carl?15. Who is the woman?IV.听对话和问题。根据所听内容选择最正确答案,对话和问题读两遍。(5分)16. A: Hi, Mr. Smith. How are you today?8: I am fine, thank you.Q: Is Mr. Smith fine today?17. A: You're Ann, right?B: No, Tm Helen.Q: What's the girl's name?18. A: Is this a photo of your family, Jim?B: Yes, it is.Q: What is this?19. A: Is your father a policeman, Mike?B: No, he is a doctor.Q: What's Mike's father?20. A: Who is the man, Sally?B: Oh, Peter. He is my uncle.Q: Who's the man?听力局部(20分)题目12345678910答案BABACBCAAB题目11121314151617181920答案BABCCABBCC笔试局部(80分)21are22go23 glasses24 father's25 pencil-boxes26 swimming 27 years28 dancing29 American30 twentyI.单项选择(20分)题目12345678910答案cAABBDCACD题目11121314151617181920答案ACCABBCCDAIL用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)III.句型转换(10分)31from31fromEngland32 Theyaren't33 There题目36373839404142434445答案BADCBADCBBisatareIV.完形填空(10分)34 What35 goodV阅读理解(20分)题目46474849505152535455答案FTTFTDCDBAVL根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(10分)brothers 58 me56 politehelpful 57 twinhave 59 withgiandmothei 60 be late


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