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    天津市河北区2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试题 (含答案).docx

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    天津市河北区2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试题 (含答案).docx

    天津市河北区2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试题学校:学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择Here is interesting book. Whose is it?一Oh, it's mine. I bought book this morning.A.a; aB.an; aC. a; theD.an; theThere will be an in noise when the new airports open.A.increaseB.accidentC. umbrellaD.earthquake. Jack was talking on mobile phone when the car hit.A. him; hisB. him; heC. his; himD. his; heIt's to read the map when you can't find the way.A.harmfulB.helpfulC.colourfulD. beautifulI didn9t like the weather in the mountain. It changed and started to rain.A.especiallyB.suddenlyC.bravelyD. loudlySome roads have a lot of rocks on them, but people are trying to them quickly.A. dropB. warnC. coverD. clearSometimes cars appear the corner and do not stop. Thafs very dangerous.A. aboveB. exceptC. underD. roundDon't open your present now! In China, you wait and open it later.A. canB. can'tC. mustD. mustn'tMy parents went to the market some fruit and vegetables just now.A. buyB. boughtC. buyingD. to buy1. When you work with wild animals, you may be.A. in dangerB.in silenceC.in peaceD. in painI at the lights when T saw the old woman fall off her bike.A. was waitingB.am waitingC.will waitD. waitThe population of China is about 1.4 billion. That's almost one of the world'spopulation.A. fiveB . the fiveC. fifthD. the fifth2. The town had a lot of pollution in the past,it is not a problem any more.A. soB. butC. andD. because试卷第10页,共10页参考答案:1. DA2. CB3. BD4. DC5. DA6. AC7. BC8. AD17.B18.A19.C20.D21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C26. A27.C28.C29.B30.DD32.B33.C34.A35.D36. B 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. C41. F 42. A 43. G 44. D 45. E46. paying attentionfell off47. first aid答案第1页,共2页48. computer gamesthought about49. 21#twenty-one 52. dance teacher 53. thank the doctors 54. a 什iend's mother55. dance(a)lways 57. (d)ifferent 58. (s)topped 59. (n)othing 60. (w)orried 61. (t)old 6 2. (j)oined 63. (m)usic 64. (t)ogether 65. (m)oved66. 例文SaturdayI was very glad to take part in the volunteer activity this morning. Our school organized a volunteer team to Tianjin Railway Station at 9:00 a.m. to provide volunteer service for passengers. We helped passengers carry heavy luggage. We also helped passengers use ticket vending machine and picked up garbage. Through this activity, we not only learn how to communicate with others, but also experience the fun of helping others. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will continue to do volunteer activities.答案第2页,共2页14 . Last Saturday, from about 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Betty a piano lesson in the MusicClub.A. hasB. hadC. was having D. will have15 It's snowing. What about making a snowman after school? Let's ask Tony to join us!A. That sounds interestingB. Never mindC. It's bad luckD. Me either二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选 项。When my dad was a young man, he spent some time in the north of Africa. While in Africa, my dad took a 16 in the town one day. Dad entered a small shop and saw a toy butterfly (蝴蝶)there. "How much fbr this?” he asked. The man in the shop told him the17, but dad was not interested in buying it. He just wanted to know how much itwas.Dad left and continued (继续)his walk 18 the town. Suddenly, he saw the man from the shop. "Hey sir,“ said the man. 6CI would really like to 19 this butterfly to you. I can give you a better price, only one dollar.”Dad refused (拒绝)the man politely. Soon he was on another 20 and to his surprise, the man from the shop was there too. 21 he asked my dad to buy the butterfly and my dad said no.Later, Dad met the man three more times. Finally, the man said, “It's the custom (风俗) that one 22 sell something to the first person to enter his shop on a Friday morning. You are the first to come to my shop today. 23 you don't buy anything from me, it will mean bad luck to me.”Hearing this, my dad24to buy the butterfly. He gave the man two dollars, forhe had learned something25of the country culture (文化)that day.16.A.breakB.pictureC. jobD.walk17.A.colourB.priceC. nameD.time18.A.aroundB.fromC. oppositeD.between19.A.writeB.postC. sellD.return试卷第2页,共10页20. A. buildingB playgroundC. bridgeD. street21. A. SlowlyB. AgainC. FinallyD. Sometimes22. A. mayB may notC. mustD. mustn't23. A. SoB. IfC. AlthoughD. Before24. A. decidedB triedC. waitedD. allowed25. A. boringB expensiveC. specialD. relaxing三、阅读单选May was coming soon and Sophie couldn't wait. It was her favorite time of the year. She loved November and December because she could spend the vacation with her family. August was great too. Spending time at the pool was a lot of fun. But for Sophie, May was strawberry picking time. She kept visiting the website (网站)of her favorite strawberry farm to see when its strawberry picking would start. Finally, they made it May 7th. She showed her mom what she saw on the farm's website.Sweet Berry FarmStrawberry Picking Opening Day May 7th8: 00 a.m.一5: 00 p.m.On the big day, Sophie and her mom got up early and went to the farm just after breakfast. After arriving at the farm, Sophie and her mom got two large bags and started picking. The sun was warm on their backs. After about an hour, their bags were full of red strawberries. They paid for their strawberries, and then went into the farm store. In it there was lots of nice food made from strawberries. Sophie and her mom bought a strawberry pie (草莓馅饼)fbr Sophie's dad and strawberry cupcakes fbr Sophie's brothers. Then Sophie and her mom each ordered a strawberry ice cream. On the way home, they talked about all the delicious things they would make with the strawberries. Sophie wanted to make smoothies(水果沙冰).Her mom had a new way of cooking strawberry cakes and she wanted to try.26. Which month did Sophie like best?A. May.B. August.C. November. D. December.27. From the picture we know.A. how to get to the farmB what to make on the farmC. when to go for strawbeixy pickingD. how much to pay for strawberry picking28. What did Sophie and her mom do on the farm?A. They ate lots of strawberries.B They got lots of strawberries for free.C. They picked strawberries for about an hour.D. They got one large bag to put strawberries in.29. What did Sophie and her mom buy for Sophie's brothers in the farm store?A. Strawberry pies.B. Strawberry cupcakes.C. Strawberry ice creams.D. Strawberry smoothies.30. How do you think Sophie and her mom felt on the way home?A. Tired.B. Bored.C. Lucky.D. Happy.Tatse, 33, is from Tibet. He uses picture books to create (仓造)a colourful world for children there. Why picture books?“I remember I was quite interested in painting, and I often drew on the blackboard.When I was in sixth grade, my uncle brought me a set of picture books, with the world's most famous fairy tales (童话故事)in them, said Tatse. With both pictures and characters, the books were easy to read, and Tatse finished reading them quickly. “I was quite excited after reading them. he said.In 2009, after finishing university, Tatse became an English teacher in Chengdu and got interested in education (教育).He learned that many parents knew picture books well and wanted their children to read picture books. So he had the idea of creating picture books for children.In 2013, he came back to Tibet and started his picture book work. The next year, Tatse and his friends started to create a picture book of Tibetan old stories. In 2018, the picture试卷第4页,共10页book came out. In the same year, Tatse went abroad to study children's early education.Learning more about jt, he started a public account (公众号)called "Bedtime Stories for Children on WeChat. He also opened a bookshop selling all kinds of children's picture books in different languages.“I hope that more children will enjoy the happiness brought by picture books." he said.31. When Tatse was in Grade Six,.A. he often went to the bookshopB he became interested in paintingC. he often read fairy tales to his friendsD. he got a set of picture books from his uncle32. Tatse had the idea of creating picture books because of.A. an English teacherB. many children's parentsC. his parentsD. his uncle33. Which is the right order of the following things Tatse did? He started his picture book work. He worked as an English teacher in Chengdu. He went abroad to study children's early education.A.B.C.D.34. The word "it" in Paragraph 5 refers to.A. children early educationB. the public accountC. a picture bookD. the bookshop35. . Whafs the main idea of this passage?A. Tatse got a good education.B Tatse enjoys creating picture books.C. Tatse did a good job in children's early education.D. Tatse tries to create a colourful world for children through picture books.Golden Hook is a group of grandmas and a young man. They make beautiful hats and sell them all around the world.You don't buy Golden Hook hats in a shop. It you want one, you need to go to their website and choose the size and colour you want. Then you look at photos of some grandmas and choose one to make the hat by hand just for you. One week later, you will get the hat witha special message from her.Jeremy Emsellem started Golden Hook in Paris. In 2005, when he was 19, Jeremy began to knit(编织)hats for fun. He wore the hats to school. Other students really liked them.Everyone wanted one! Jeremy made hats fbr 50 students, but he didn't have time to make hats for everyone.Then, in 2007, he visited his old aunt and had an idea. His old aunt and her friends had lots of time. They were also very good at knitting. Jeremy asked them if they wanted to make hats. Six of the grandmas said yes. In 2008, Jeremy started the Golden Hook company. In the first year, they only sold 300 hats, but the hats got popular soon. In 2010, Golden Hook had 20 grandmas making those beautiful hats.Jeremy is happy that Golden Hook lets people get excellent hats and helps grandmas getmoney and something interesting to do.36. How can we get a Golden Hook hat?A. By going to its shop.B. By visiting its website.C. By leaving a message.D. By making a phone call.37. Why did Jeremy knit hats at first?A. To have fun.C. To look cool at school.B. To make money.D. To help his classmates.38. Who helped Jeremy with the start of his company?A. His friends.B. His classmates.C. His aunt and her friends.D. His grandma and her friends.39. Which word can we use to describe Jeremy?A. Successful. B. Strange.C. Strict.D. Shy.40. The writer wrote the passage to.A. tell us how to open a companyB. ask us to buy Golden Hook hatsC tell us the story of Golden HookD. ask more grandmas to knit hats四、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从下面选择恰当的句子,将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A: What a delicious smell! 41Beef dumplings. Would you like to try some?试卷第6页,共10页42 Hmm, who taught you to make dumplings?A: My mum.A: Well, they're traditional Chinese food and they taste really delicious. Can I eat some more?B: Of course. 43No, thanks. Tm afraid I'll do something wrong.A: Don't worry. If you put your heart (心')into it, everything is possible.A: I see. 44Good. Then I'm going to write a short story about you.A. 45 Are you going to describe how I511 learn to make dumplings?B. Thafs right. I think it'll be interesting.A. Yes, please.B . Can I help you?C. You5re welcome.D. Let me have a try.E. What do you mean?F. What are you cooking, Amy?G. And do you want to learn to make them?五、完成句子.对不起,我没有注意到公告栏中的告示。I'm sorry, I wasn't to the notice on the board.46 .女孩从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了胳膊。The girl her bicycle and hurt her arm.47 .司机没有及时获得急救。The driver didn't get in time.48 .我们应该忠告这些男孩不要整天玩这些电子游戏。We should advise the boys not to play these all day.49 .我的父亲考虑过开始写一部小说。My father starting to write a novel.六、阅读补全句子阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Maria Eduarda is a young girl from Brazil. Fourteen years ago, she was 7 years old. She loved dancing and always made everyone happy. But one day, she had a health problem and had to go to the hospital. Her parents took her to Hospital Brasilia. At first, she was afraid. The doctors there often encouraged her. Luckily, with the help of the doctors, she got better and better. Later, she became a dance teacher and she still remembered the care and help she got in the hospital.Maria said she wanted to do something to thank the doctors. "I dreamed of this for a long time J she said. "I have always felt very thankful to them for helping me. I wanted to bring hope and courage to children in the hospital. But I didn't know what to do.”Luckily, Maria met a friend. Her mother works in the hospital. "I talked about my story and my dream of going back J Maria said. "Her mother said I could dance fbr the doctors and children. And she helped to make it possible. So Maria visited them in full ballerina mode (芭蕾舞模式)and danced Swan Lake for them. It is sure that her talent (天赋)and good health brought hope to everyone there that day!50 . Maria Eduarda is years old now.51 . Years after Maria Eduarda got better, she became a(n).52 . Maria Eduarda dreamed of doing something to.53 . Maria Eduarda made her dream come true with the help of.54 . Maria Eduarda brought hope to everyone in the hospital with her.七、短文首字母填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。There is nothing special from my home to school every day. The train is a 56busy, and I usually find a place to sit down, start reading and then get off after 20 minutes.But last Tuesday was d 57 I happily listened to music when the trains 58 At first, everyone said n 59 but sat there. Then after about five minutes, I saw people on the train start to look around and talk. Fifteen minutes later, the train试卷第8页,共10页still didn't move. It seemed that there was an accident in front of us. People gotw 60 because everyone would be late. They began to complain (抱怨)about the train and the accident, but later they started talking to each other about daily (日 常的)things.I hardly " L乎不)ever talked with others before, but not that day. A man called Louist 61 me about his pet dogs and his new house. I talked with him about my teachers and studies. Soon a businessman (商人)j 62 us. He was an interesting man, I thought. A young girl took out her guitar and played a piece of m 63 All of us sang t 64 We had a lot of fun.Luckily, after 20 minutes, the train finally m 65 again. We all felt happy. The next day, I took the train as usual but none of my new “friends” were there. I will never forget those friendly people.八、日记66.上周六你校组织了志愿者团队到天津站为旅客提供志愿服务。假如你是李华, 是志愿者团队的一员,请你用英语写一篇日记。记录此次有意义的活动。内容要点:志愿服务1 .活动时间:上周六上午9: 00。2 .活动地点:天津站。3 .活动内容:帮助旅客搬运重行李、帮助旅客使用自助取票机、捡垃圾。我的感受活动意义:参考词汇:天津站 Tianjin Railway Station行李 luggage自助售票机 ticket vendi


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