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    高考英语题型专项导练(名师打造)一单项选择做单选题既可以考察学生对词法,句法和其它语法知识的了解和运用的熟练 程度,同时也可以学到课本上学不到的知识点,因此考生有必要把近些年的高考单选 题拿过来仔细研究,找出考察要点和答题技巧。解题思路点拨通读题干,不放过半点信息,尤其要注意暗示时间的词语和句中暗示句子结构的标点。 做题时首用直接法,然后用和排除法和比较法。所谓直接法,就是在读题时大脑即刻 想到的并一眼能够在选项中看到的答案。这种方法既准确又快。所谓排除法,就是把 比较明显的认错误选项排除掉。然后把学过的知识与老师的讲解集合起来,再用上平 时做题是的经验和教训,比较余项间的差异,最后得出正确选项。测试要点一、基础语法要点:1)语法知识的运用能力:2)词组搭配和习惯语法;3)对词 义的理解和辨析。二、基础知识要点:I)名词。2)冠词。3)代词。4)数词。5)形容词和副词。6) 介词。7)动词的时态和语态。8)非谓语。9)情态动词。10)虚拟语气。11)短语 动词与辨析。12) 一致。13)倒装。14)连词和复合句15)定语从句。16)表语从句。 17)强调句18)情景交际和习惯用法三、高考例句分析:1) I am sure David will be able to find the library. He has a pretty good of direction高考浙江)A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense答案D.本题考察名词用法。a sense of direction意为“方向感”,sense表示“辨别 力”;feeling通常用于“冷、暖、饿”等具体的“感觉”;ideas表示“主意、办法”, 若用于have some/no idea则表示“了解” / “不了解二C项意为“经验、经历”, 明显不对。2) If you grow up in large family, you are more likely to develop ability toget on well with others.(高考江西)A.不填;an; the B. a ; the 不填 ;C. the ; an ; the D. a ; the ; the答案B. a large family (任意)一个大家庭中,the ability特指后面不定式所表示的这一 能力。Others不加the表泛指其他人。3) We' ve been looking at houses but haven' t found we like yet.(高考浙江)A. one B. ones C. it D. them答案A.本题考察代词用法,根据题意,我们一直在看房子,但还没有找到我们喜欢 的一所,此处用。ne表示泛指。B项的复数用法不符合实际,C,D用于特指,意义不 正确。4) Shortly after the accident , two policeman were sent to (he spot to keep order.(MET 1992)A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of答案为C。dozen前有数词,many, several等,不用复数;数词+dozen后不用of,但 之后的名词前有the, his, their等限定词或之后跟them, us, you可以用of; dozens of 是固定短语,译为“几十;许多”。一5)1)1 must be fat- I can do my (rousers up.(高考全国 H)A. fairly B. hardly C. nearly D. seldom本题考察在特定语境中恰当使用副词的能力。根据题干第一句句意:“我一定是发胖 了”,第二句应该表示发胖的程度:“裤子几乎都系了"。A和C不符合题意,seldom 表示各种各样的声音,因此答案为A。另外,06年江苏卷第48、49、51、52小题都 属此类。搞清逻辑关系。例如:It has been many years since 1 was last in London I still remember something thathappened during (hat visit.A. and B. for C .but D. as根据前面的many years和句后的still remember ,答案应是表示转折的连词but。 另外,06年江苏卷第38、41、42、45、47、54小题都属此类。重视动词。动词出现率最高。首先要搞清是谓语用法还是非谓语用法,然后再根据 时间等分清它的变化形式。例如:1 ) Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people to enjoy the advantages of this new technology.( 江苏)A. beginB. beganC. have begunD. had begun此题考察的是谓语用法,从句讲的九十年代的事,所以选一般过去时B项。 另外,06年江苏卷第44、45、46、49、50小题都属此类。考点精练 ATwo weeks before Christmas, Mother told me we were going to my grandmother's house for the holiday. Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town. They had no electricity or running water and 1what I considered the "good things”in life . They 2 made no plans fbr Christmas. When Christmas Eve arrived , Mom told me in her best “ I-meant-il” voice to 3 all the decorations (装饰物)from our tree . She packed those up ,4 all the trimmings (材料)fbr a 5 turkeydinner.Christmas morning 6 perfectly, with the sun shinning brightly across a fresh blanket of snow .7 I sulked (生气)silently in the backseat of the car as we madeour 8 to grandma' s . This was going to be the 9 Christmas ever!Grandma was 10 to see us as we walked up to her door. "What on earth are you going here ?” she stammered We weren't expecting 11. It's Christmas , and Idon't even have a turkey to cook fbr you "I knew 12 Mom said as we set boxes of goodies on the kitchen table. That's 13 we brought one with us.M "We 14 have a tree,“ Mom insisted. u15 what will wc do with all these decorations? Uncle Henry quickly caught Mon's spirit. He called me to join him, and we found a perfect Christmas tree in the woods. Soon the house 16 fresh and piney as we decorated the tree, and the day 17 a festive air. The turkey dinner was very good, too. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas day! Dessert was forgotten 18 Mom came out with the final surprise 一a flaming (燃烧的)pudding ! u Merry Christmas, mother,M Mom said. " Dear me! ” Grandma gasped. " I haven' t seen a flaming pudding since I left England before I was married.n Tears of 19 filled her eyes .1 could not keep the tears 20 my eyes, either. I knew then that Mom had also given me the best Christmas present evershe had taught me what a beautiful thing it is to give .1. A. preparedB. lackedC. refusedD. desired2. A. alsoB. stillC. neverD. hardly3. A. replaceB. collectC. removeD. show4. A. instead ofB. by the side ofC. along withD. in spite of5. A. normalB. completeC. freshD. separate6. A. dawnedB. passedC. brokeD. happened7. A. ButB. SoC. AndD. Then8. A. decisionB. wayC. wishD. plan9. A. lastB. busiestC. bestD. worst10. A. expectedB. eagerC. surprisedD. ready11. A. anyoneB. othersC. someoneD. no one12. A. youB. itC. thatD. this13. A. howB. whyC. whereD. when14. A. mayB. willC. canD. must15. A. MeanwhileB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Otherwise16. A. improvedB. smelledC. becameD. changed17. A. showed upB. carried onC. took onD. lighted up18. A. untilB. afterC. becauseD. unless19. A. sadnessB. joyC. regretD. worry20. A. insideB. backC. intoD. fromBAs a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.Maybe it was the strange 1(hings looked and sounded in my familiar room a( night thatme so much. There was never total 3, but a streetlight or passing car lights 4clothes hung over a chair take on the 5 of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my 6 I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no 7 . A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My 8 would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would 9 very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, 10 on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my homethat was no 11.After school, 12 ,whcn all the buses were 13 up along the street, I was afraid that I'd get on the wrong one and be taken to some 14 neighborhood. On school or family trips to a park or a museum. I wouldn't 15 the leaders out of my sight.Perhaps one of the worst fears 16 all I had as a child was that of not being liked or 17 by others. Being popular was so important to me 18, and the fears of not being likedwas a 19 one.One of the processes of growing up isbeing able to 20and overcome our fears.Understanding thethings that frightenedus as children helps ius achieve greater successlater in life.1. A. wayB. timeC. placeD. reason2. A. woundedB. destroyedC. surprisedD. frightened3. A. quietnessB. darknessC. emptinessD. loneliness4. A. gotB. forcedC. madeD.caused5. A. spiritB. heightC.bodyD. shape6. A. eyeB. windowC. mouthD.door7. A. breathB. windC. airD. sound8. A. beliefB. feelingC. imaginationD.doubt9. A. layB. hideC. restD. lie10. A. especiallyB. simplyC. probablyD. directly11. A. discussionB. problemC. jokeD. matter12. A. thoughB. yetC. althoughD. still13. A. calledB. backedC. linedD. packed14. A oldB. crowdedC. poorD. unfamiliar15. A. leaveB. letC. orderD.sendc16. A. aboveB.inC. ofD. at17.A. protectedB. guidedC. believedD. accepled18. A. thenB. thereC. onceD. anyway19. A. strictB. powerfulC. heavyD. right20. A. realizeB. rememberC. recognizeD.recoverHalf world's languages "under threat'More than half of the some 6000 languages 1 in the world today may 2 by (heend of the century, the UN 3 organization UNESCO said today on International 4 Language Day. The day was marked at UNESCO 5 in Paris by a conference 6 linguistic diversity focusing on the difficulties of African, Asian and American minorities to 7 their traditional tongues. When a language 8 it is a vision of the world that disappears, ''UNESCO director general Koichiro Matsuura 9 A major part of UNESCO's 10_ to safeguard languages is aimed at 11 greater diversity on (he internet and in 12 texts. Today 72 per cent of internet sites 13 in English. Some 90 per cent of the world's languages are 14 represented at all on the Internet. 1520 per cent of languages have16 written version. In Africa- 17 one-third of the world's languages are spoken-some 80 per cent of these are 18 oral, and thus in greater 19 of diving out. The 20 Union has declared a year of mother languages.1. A. speakingB.spokenC. to speakD.speaks2. A. appearB. applyC. disappearD. discover3. A. culturalB. cultureC. committeeD. education4,A.B. EnglishC. MotherD. Foreign5. A. officesB. officeC. headquarterD. headquarters6. A. afterB. beforeC. onD. at7. A. preventB. previewC. preserveD. produce8. A. deadB. diesC. comes outD. comes intouse9. A.spokeB. talkedC. saidD. admitted10.A. effortsB. marksC. affectionsD. rights1 LA. ensuredB. ensuringC. inventedD. inventing12. A. informalB. illegalC. officialD. special13.A. isB. areC. to beD. have being14. A. representedB. not representedC. forbiddenD. not forbidden15. A. The otherB. OtherC. SomeD. Certain16. A. drawingB. drawnC. writingD. written17. A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what18.A. perfectlyB. justlyC. exactlyD. Purely19. A. possibleB. possibilityC. dangerD. dangerous20.A. AsiaB. AfricaC. AsianD. African三、阅读理解能力要求阅读能力包括两个方面的内容:一是理解。二是速度。阅读理解率高,阅读速度快是 阅读理解能力强的两个标志。要提高阅读能力,既要注意理解,也要注意速度。速度 服从于理解,并在理解的基础上逐渐提高速度。近年来,随着国内外英语测试方法的 改革和发展,阅读理解一直是全面评估学生英语水平的重要测试题型。在现行的全国 卷和江苏高考试卷中阅读信息量有进一步上升的趋势。概括起来,阅读理解能力测试 的主要要求如下:1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和细节;2、既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念;3、既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等;4、能理解某句、某段的意义,并能把握全篇的文脉。即句与句、段与段之间的关系, 并能据此推理和判断;5、能根据材料所提供的信息,结合中学生应有的常识正确判断生词和词语的含义。1、文章中的一个词;2、文章中的一个短语,一个句子或一个从句;3、文章中的一个或几个段落;4、全篇文章。这些内容的考查形式主要有如:1、直接解答题。只要理解字面所表达的意思即可找到答案。这种问题是考查学生捕 捉和回忆文章中所提供的信息的能力。2、字句理解题。这类题通过同义转换方式考查学生对短文中一些关键字句的理解, 考生必须理解题意,从短文中找到相关字句。正确理解其意思,然后才能排除干扰, 选对答案。4、推理判断题。这类题主要考查学生通过字里行间抓住陷含在文中的信息,从而做出合乎逻辑的推理判断。例如:作者或 文中人物的性格、品质、处事态度、行为动机等。6、假设性问题。这类题是根据短文的内容,通过合理的假设来考查考生准确理解、 灵活运用的能力。7、计算题。这类题要求考生记住文章中的若干个数据,理清各数据间的关系,通过 简单的计算,才能得出正确的数量值,进而选定答案。另外,从答题的方式上讲,还有选图题,判断题等。前两种属表层理解题,后几种为 深层理解题。提高阅读速度的方法提高阅读速度没有捷径可循,但确有方法可以借鉴。首先要多读。读少了不行。读物 的体裁也应避免单一化。记叙文、说明文、应用文都应涉猎。题材也应包括:“人物 传记,寓言故事,活动记述,社会文化,文史知识,科普小品等内容。”只有各种体 裁,题材都熟悉了,才能摸清外语文章的特点,做到心中有数,从容应试。下面是几种常见的快速阅读法。1、带题阅读法。在快速阅读一篇文章,搞清其大意后,再看文章后的题目,弄清楚 问的是什么内容,带着这些问题再到短文中的相应处找答案,这样就可避免把时间花 在与题目无关的内容上。2、抓首尾句法。说明文和议论文的段落一般都有主题句,而且大多位于每段开头(少 数情况位于段落末尾或中间),这时,只细读开头和结尾,就可以抓住文章的中心。能否抓住主题句是阅读理解的关键。3、人、地代名法。阅读文章中经常遇到一些外国人名、地名等,这些名词在试卷中 一般不加注释。它们既难读又难记。这时,可用一两个大写字母写在它们底下代替它 们。如用 G 代替 Georgina, SH 代表 William Shakespeare;用 W.P.C 代表 Washington District of Clumbia这样,一是醒目,查找有关人、地的信息时方便好找;二是省时,当必须反复阅读或比较时,不必再为读人名、地名而耗费过多的时间。4、猜词义法。阅读中最感困惑的是英语单词的词义难以确定。它们经常与课本上学 过的词义大相径庭。这时,就要利用上下文来猜测其含义。当遇到某些动词短语时, 切不要被己熟悉的单词字面含义所局限,而要根据其前后的语境,进行逻辑上的分析 和推测,确定其真正含义。有些词是由学过的单词加前缀或后缀派生而来的,这时, 可根据有关的构词知识,确定其词义。有些词虽然没学过,但在上下文中含有对其的 解释,阅读时可用符号标出,无需再为推测其义而浪费时间。有时候,代词的含义也 不能忽略,要弄清它到底指代哪一个或几个词,最好也用符号标出,以避免误解。 阅读技巧随着教育的发展和高考考试改革的深入,人们已越来越清楚地认识到:英语学科想在 高考中得高分,仅靠牢固的知识积累远远不够的,还必须掌握如下的解题技能和技巧: 1、有意设问,顺藤摸瓜。在速读全文,了解大意的基础上,可以用五个"W”(Who、 Where、When、Whal、Why )和一个H (How)有意设问。即何人何时何地何原因 发生了何事?事情发展和结果怎样?作者的观点是什么?论点、论据是什么?从而理 清思路,顺藤摸瓜找到答案。2、辩析过渡转折词。阅读材料中的过渡转折词宛如道路上的路标。路标为我们提示 哪里有岔道,急弯以及路面状况;过渡转折词语帮助我们遵循作者的思路进行阅读理 解。转折词语可能是单词,也可能是短语,它能提示我们作者何时何处从个想法向 另一个想法过渡,或者何时改变思维的方向。例如:有人对你说:"You are a strange friend .You are dependable .trustworthy ,and loyal .Also ,you have a great sense of humor .In addition, you are hardworking and considerate of my feelings . But ”当你听到 also 和 in addition 这样的词汇时,你内心肯定有洋洋得意、沾沾自喜之感,但当听到but时,你会有何感想呢?你肯定会 意识到:说话人要改变语气,谈你的缺点了。3、辨认语气及含义。领会语气,识别反语,辨认讽刺是阅读能力上水平的体现。它 们在阅读中体现了作者对主题、人物甚至是作者本人的态度。从作者所写的文字中我 们常可以推断出隐含的,甚至与字面意义完全相反的意思来。例如:当你的朋友与你约会再次迟到时,你对他说:"Well,I'm glad you're on time as usual你真的高兴吗?你不是在委婉地批评他老是迟到吗?4、捕捉主题和主题思想。主题即论题、话题(topic, subject) 一般位于段首、段尾或 位于段中的主题句中,它通常是用单词、短语表达的。表达主题的词或短语一般由主 题句中的主语充当。当然,有些短语没有完整的主题句,其主题只好根据短文中多次 出现的词、短语、上下文及全篇故事大意来归纳。5、逻辑推理和推断。这类题属深层理解题,要求考生把握所读材料的逻辑线索、时 间和空间的顺序。透过字面意思去挖掘文章的内涵,去理解作者的立场、观点、感情 和写作目的或根据已知的事实推断出文段未直接写出的意思。此时,要特别注意两点: 一是摆脱自己对某些问题的主观看法,以免误入歧途;二是结合所读短文以外的有关 背景知识,如西方的社会风俗习惯、人文景观、科普常识等。在此基础上再加以分析、 推论才能做出合乎逻辑的推理和推断。考点精练AAccess courses are aimed at people who want to study but don't have the necessary qualifications to get into HE. They're an ideal way to get back into the study habit by introducing you not just to the subject but how to learn at this level. Access courses are usually run at local colleges, and lake up to a year to complete. However, they are flexible and some people take their time and study over two years.You'll usually study part-time, attending a couple of half-days or evenings a week to suit your circumstances. In between, you'll study on your own or meet up with others on your course, and this is all part of what the course is about. You'll be introduced to the study skills you need, such as taking notes and revising, writing essays or reports and researching topics in the library or on the internet.Access courses start off with a gentle introduction (o study, but by the end you'll have all the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in HE and achieve the qualifications you're aiming fbr. You will have also spent a year or more studying alongside people who have goals and aspirations like yourself, which can be a great source of support.If you think this is ihe right route for you, get in touch with your local college or Learn Direct on 0800 100 900. They have all the information you need and can point you towards the nearest course that's right for you. Or try the UCAS access course database.Courses usually cover a broad subject area, for example, business, science or humanities (which touches on geography, history and other subjects). This means you can begin to study even if yoifrc not yet sure what course or qualification you eventually want to aim for. Your tutors on the course will be able to help you make the right choice and help with any application to HE you decide to make.Your costs are kept to a minimum and can often be paid by your LEA or the Government. As you will find out, applying to access courses couldn't be simpler!1. The passage is somewhat like a.A. duty reportB. study programC. commercial advertisementD. official document2. Access courses are offered to people who.A. are studying in collegeB. are not qualified for college educationC. study in iheir own wayD. are not sure of their aims3. The best title of the passage should be.A. Learnt DirectB. Local CollegeC. Access courseD. the UCAS access course database4. Which of the following tell us true information about the access course ?a. They are run by local collegesThey introduce you to the subjects as well as how(o learn them.b. The costs are expensive, so the government pay for it.c. You can finish the course in one year or more.d.


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