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    2023版高三一轮总复习英语外研版教案:选择性必修第4册 Unit 5 Into the unknown.docx

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    2023版高三一轮总复习英语外研版教案:选择性必修第4册 Unit 5 Into the unknown.docx

    >>>JICHU ZHISHI SHULIUnit5 Into the unknown基础知识梳理构建知识体系课标单词背诵(先填后背)civilisation n.文明(社会)1. astronomy n. 天文学canal n.运河2. millimetre n.毫米drilling n.钻探;勘探3. vol( = volume) n.(书的)卷,册单词拼写.运用核心单词语境运用1. bury v.将埋在下面2. ruin n.残垣断壁,废墟3. substance n.物质4. abandon v.离弃,逃离用所给词的适当形式填空1. He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins(ruin) of his career.2. Burying(bury) his face in his hands, he tried to control his weeping in front of family.3. All substances(substance) are made of atoms whether they are solid, liquid or gas.4. The old lady is so kind that she adopts many abandoned(abandon) cats and dogs every year.派生单词语境运用2. The girl was sitting on the bench in the park, burying(bury) her head in the book in her hands.3. (2020全国卷ni)The next morning he hired a boat and set out to find (find) the well-known painter.4. Many young people decided to abandon buying(buy) houses in big cities because of the high price.5. Standing under the tree over there are (be) three exchange students from Britain.II.单句改错1. The couple checked in at 10: 00 a. m. and hurried to the airport, leaving a suitcase in the hotel room.第一个 inf out2. With time going on, the castle which once was very beautiful is now completely under ruins.uode)f inBuried with the wonderful film, she didn,t know it was snowing outside. withf in3. The children got excited and enjoyed themselves with abandon at the party, forgot the time.forgotf forgettingThere are few people nowadays, if some, who remember him. somef any强技提能语言运用I .语法填空While l.diving(dive) in the deep water of a trench, some divers happened to find a whole city 2.buried(bury) beneath the waves as well as a wreck of a ship, 3.which was full of corals. This discovery intrigued some archaeologists. They immediately 4.threw (throw)themselves into studying the history of the city and how it fell 5.into ruin. In the middle of the 6, investigation (investigate), they suddenly found some mysterious creatures swimming around 7.them(they). They subdued their fear and continued to study. But with the expansion of the number of these strange 8.creatures(creature), they found it not safe to continue staying in 9.the water. Thinking twice, they decided to abandon the city as well as the ship and 10.retreat(retreat). After all, life is the most important.II .文本写作Step 1.要点提示(加黑体局部请利用本单元所学词汇)古埃及属于世界四大文明古国,其金字塔是世界八大建筑奇迹之一。Ancient Egypt belongs to the four ancient civilizations in the world, whose pyiamids aie one of the eight aichitectuial wonders in the world.古代世界奇迹大多已经损毁,但金字塔依然屹立在大地之上。Most of the wonders of the ancient world have fallen into cuin, but the pyramids still stand on the earth.关于金字塔是如何建成的众说纷纭,有人认为是借助运河的水把石料运来 的。There are different opinions on how the pyramids were built. Some people think that the stones were transported by the water from the canal.科学家和研究人员积极投入到对它们的调查研究中,试图解开金字塔是如 何建成的这一世界之谜。(同位语从句)Scientists and researchers have been throwing themselves into the investigation and study of them, trying to solve the mystery how the pyramids were built.出于对金字塔的好奇,每年都有数以千万计的人动身前往参观。这促进 了当地经济的开展,进一步扩大了它们的影响。Out of curiosity about the pyramids, tens of millions of people set out to visit them every year, which has promoted the development of local economy and further expanded thei】 influence.Step 2.衔接成文(利用适当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇)Ancient Egypt belongs to the four ancient civilizations in the world, whose pyramids one of the eight architectural wondeis in the world. Most of the wonders of the ancient world have fallen into 】uin, but the pyiamids still stand on the earth. Theie aie diffeient opinions on how the pyiamids weie built. Some people think that the stones were transported by the watei from the canal. In fact, scientists and researchers have been throwing themselves into the investigation and study of them, trying to solve the mystery how the pyiamids were built. Out of cuiiosity about the pyramids, tens of millions of people set out to visit them every year, which has promoted the development of local economy and furthei expanded theii influence.1. dismiss o.拒绝考虑,否认f dismissal n.不予考虑,摒弃;解雇2. expand v.扩张;增加;扩展;详述 f expansion几. 扩大; 增力口3.investigate v . 调查;研究 investigation n . 调查investigatorn.调查者,侦查员4. notable adj.显要的;显著的;值得 注意的f notably adu.显著地;尤其用所给词的适当形式填空1. He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work, that is, he would be at risk of being dismissed by the company. (dismiss)2. The city has been expanding rapidly, whose expansion has brought damage to the natural surroundings. (expand)3. The police carried out a thorough investigation. The investigators were going to investigate how this disaster took place on earth. (investigate)4. If more people join in the trend to ride bicycles to work then the air quality will be improved notably (notable).高考热点.熟词生义也出黑色”里中的正确汉语意是1. (2020江苏卷)LoveFone, a company that advocates repairing cellphones rather than abandoning them, opened a mini workshop in a London phone box in 2016.CA.逃离B.遗弃C.丢弃2. (2018全国卷 II )Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food?BA.废墟B.破坏C.使破产短语理解运用高频短语1. correspond to 与一致2. apply. to把运用到上3. on top of 在之上;除之夕卜语境运用选用左栏短语的适当形式填空1. The government has set up a workingparty to look into the problem of drug4. all the more 更加5. at one,s peak 在顶峰;处于高峰时期6. fall into ruin (因无人照料而)衰落, 败落7. make a getaway 逃跑, 逃走8. run for one,s life 逃命9. check out 调查,检查10. test the waters 试水,试探11. steer clear of 避开;从处脱身12. set out动身踏上(漫长的)旅途13. throw oneself into 积极投入到中去14. think twice 再三考虑,慎重考虑15. shrink from 防止做,不愿做16. look into 调查(问题)17. set sail 起航18. continue to do 继续做某事19. offer a window into.为了解提供了一扇窗20. be equivalent to 等(同)于;相当 于21. hold the record 保持纪录22. beyond the reach of 无法到达abuse.23. . The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks .24. The written record of his conversation didn,t correspond to what was actually said.25. Tourism is at its peak in August, with an average of 10, 000 visits per day.26. The wind was too strong for the ship to set sail on time.27. Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.28. He holds the record for the longest consecutive amount of time spent in space.29. The new technology, if applied to farming, will help increase the production.30. Several publishers rejected her book, but that made her all the more determined.31. Because of the fire, all the people left and the whole village has fallen into ruin.32. After Tu Youyou graduated from Peking University, she threw herself into developing a new drug against malaria.33. What moved us most was that no doctor shrank/shrunk from the dangerous work against the COVID-19.句式辨识运用句式结构仿写教材原句背诵1 . There is no need for sb. to do sth.某 人没有必要做某事While there is no need for us to shrink from new situations, we should always look into things first and consider our options .2 .完全倒装Lying under waters across the globe are an estimated three million shipwrecks.3 . There is no need for sb. to do sth.某 人没有必要做某事While there is no need for us to shrink from new situations, we should always look into things first and consider our options .4 .完全倒装Lying under waters across the globe are an estimated three million shipwrecks.5 .if型省略结构Today, some 500 years after the Esmeralda set sail, there is little 一 if anyland on our planet left unexplored.现在你没必要告诉我你的答案。思考一 下,然后告诉我。There is no need for you to tell me your answer now. Give it some thought and then let me know.沿途全是参天大树,其中一些大约有一 百年的历史。Along the load aie thick and tall trees, some of them with a history of around 100 years.你经历过一些尴尬的时刻吗?如果有 的话,你愿意和我们提供它们吗? Have you ever experienced some embarrassing moments? If any, would you like to share them with us ?A重唯考点探究ZHONGNAN KAODIAN TANJIU突破思维瓶颈1. bury 课本义仞.将埋在下面增补义掩藏,遮盖高考原句.2019d匕京卷When these organisms die, they bury carbon in the deep ocean, an important process that helps to regulate the global climate.bury sth. in.把埋在be buried in = bury oneself in 埋头于; 专心于bury one's face in one's hands 双手掩面语块存储 bury his head in the sand 逃避现实bury her face in her hands with embarrassment 她尴尬土也双手掩面be buried in heavy school work埋头于繁重的学业中基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错 The volcano erupted and the lava(岩浆)poured down the mountain, burying(bury) several villages.He stood on the sidewalk with his hands bury in the pockets of his dark overcoat.bury f buried链接写作句式升级(普通表达)Because he buried himself in/was buried in his book, he didn't notice that all the others had left.(高级表达)Burying himself in his book, he didn't notice that all the others had left.(现在分词作状语)(高级表达)Buried in his book, he didn't notice that all the others had left.(过 去分词作状语)名师点津表示“专心于”的短语还有:be devoted to be absorbed in be addicted to be lost in focus on ©concentrate on be occupied with fix one's attention on2. ruin 课本义残垣断壁,废墟增补义仞.毁坏;使破产高考原句 2021 天津 3 月卷The birthday cake was ruined.(l)in ruins严重受损,破败不堪fall into ruin 衰落,败落be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟(2)ruin one,s health/fame/future毁坏某人的健康/名誉/前途语 块存储 >1ruin the table cloth弄脏了那块桌布ruin our friendship破坏了我们的友谊financial ruin 破产the ruins of Rome古罗马遗迹基础练习单句语法填空The earthquake in Tangshan caused great damage, leaving the city in ruins (ruin).She went through a period of emotional adjustment(情绪调整)after her company fell into ruin and she finally decided to find a new job.链接写作句式升级(普通表达)It rained for two weeks on end and completely ruined our holiday.(高级表达)It rained for two weeks on end, completely ruining our holiday.(现在 分词作状语)3 .abandon 课本义仞.离弃,逃离增补义放弃;遗弃;抛弃;中止n.放任;放纵高考原句-2020-江苏卷LoveFone, a company that advocates repairing cellphones rather than abandoning them, opened a mini workshop in a London phone box in 2016.(l)abandon doing sth.放弃做某事abandon oneself to doing sth.沉湎于做某事;放纵(感情)于做某事(2)with abandon纵情;放任地(3)abandoned adj.抛弃了的;废弃的;放纵的 语 块存储 >1an abandoned farm 一个废弃的农场abandon an animal 遗弃动物abandon himself to despair 陷入绝望 l J基础练习单句语法填空The new movie directed by Zhang Yimou is set in an abandonedfabandon) factory.The government abandoned carrying (carry) out the plan because of the lack of money.In my free time, I will continue taking regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games instead of abandoning myself to playing(play) computer games.链接写作完成句子我们的车半路抛锚了。我们只好弃车,走完剩下的路。Our car broke down halfway. We had to abandon our car and walk the rest of the way.斯蒂芬沉湎于丢了猫的悲伤中,禁不住哭了起来。Abandoning himself to the sorrow of losing his cat, Steven just couldn? t help crying.4 . check out调查,检查check in (在机场、旅馆等)登记,报到check into登记入住(旅馆/私立医院)check on检查;核实金句推送】 If I hear about an exhibition that sounds interesting, T 11 check it out.我要是听到什么有趣的展览,就会去看一下。Guests must check out before 12: 00, or they will be charged for the day.旅客必须在12点前结账离开,否那么将收取全日费用。基础练习单句语法填空(2021 浙江卷)At this store, people check out and then go off to the side to bag their own groceries.Please check in at least an hour before the plane takes off.They arrived in Beijing at midnight and checked into Beijing Hotel.Will you check on the time the train leaves? I am busy packing my bags.链接写作完成句子(2020浙江1月卷)她希望我有自己的借书证,以便自己借书。She wished me to have my own library card to check out books for myself.5 . set out 课本义动身踏上(漫长的)旅途增补义出发;安排;开始做(l)set out for动身去某处set out to do sth. =set about doing sth.开始做某事(2)set aside存储;留出set up建立;创立set down放下;记下;登记setoff动身,出发;启程;燃放(烟火等);引发语 块存储set out on the last stage of their journey动身踏上他们的最后一段行程achieved what he set out to do three years ago 实现了他 3 年前的奋斗目标IJ基础练习单句语法填空In my opinion, when you reach London, the first place you should set out for is the Big Ben, which can be heard all over the world on BBC.(2020新高考卷 I )After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition(学费),because there was no extra money set aside for a college education.(2019,北京卷)Alice Moore is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者),who in May 2015 set up her business AilieCandy.©Ralph W. Emerson would always set down new ideas that occurred to him.链接写作同义句转换Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set out to prepare your business plan.f Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set about preparing your business plan.6 .教材原句Today, some 500 years after the Esmeralda set sail, there is little 一if any-land on our planet left unexplored.如今,距离“埃斯梅拉达”号起航已有差不多500年,我们星球上尚未被人 类探索的土地如果有的话已经少之又少了。句法句式(1)在if引导的条件状语从句中,有时可省略从句中的there be或省略从句 中与主句相同的局部,在这类省略结构中有的已构成固定结构,这类结构常见的 有:if so如果这样;if not不然;if necessary如果有必要;if possible如果有 可能;if any如果有的话;if ever如果曾经有的话。(2)在if引导的时间、条件或让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主 语一致,同时从句谓语含有be动词,那么可省略该从句的主语和be动词,这时从 句有以下两种常见结构:if+现在分词(主语和从句中的谓语动词是逻辑上的主谓关系);if+过去分词(主语和从句中的谓语动词是逻辑上的动宾关系)。【金句推送】 (DCorrect the errors, if any( = if there are any errors).如有错误就请改正。Experts warn that medical waste from hospitals, if (it is) not handled properly, may lead to the spread of diseases.专家警告说,医院的医疗垃圾如果处理不当,可能会导致疾病的传播。基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错You must attend the lecture on time if informed(inform) of it.You will find yourself upset by traffic jams if live in the centre of the city, especially during the rush hour.livf living链接写作结合if型省略结构完成句子(2020天5聿卷)Has it been a while since your last visit to a public library ? If 世(如果这样),you may be surprised to learn that libraries have changed for the better.If the steps you take are working, keep it up. If not(不然),take another look at other methods you could try. If necessary(如果有必要),you can turn to me for help at any time.>>>关健能力评估GUANJIAN NENGLI PINGGU强化运用技能夯基固本基础强化I.用所给词的正确形式填空1. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced to ruins(ruin), the city takes on a new look now.


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