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    冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1单元语法及练习2021-2022学年(word 版 无答案).docx

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    冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 1单元语法及练习2021-2022学年(word 版 无答案).docx

    单元语法精讲构词法合成词:在英语中有很多单词是通过合成的方法构成的,即:把两个(或更多)独立的单词合在一起 构成一个新词,用这种方式构成的单词叫合成词。常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种 类型。合成词的类型一、合成名词合成名词常见的几种基本构成:1 .名词+名词 如:football足球2 .形容词+名词 如:greenhouse温室3 .名词+动名词 如:horse-riding骑马4 .动词+名词 如:playground操场5 .动词+副词 如:get-together聚会6 .副词+名词 如:income收入7 .介词+名词 如:afternoon卞午二、合成形容词合成形容词常见的几种基本构成:1 .名词+形容词 如:world-famous世界闻名的2 .形容词+形容向 如:light-green浅豪色的3 .名词+现在分词 如:peace-loving热爱和平的4 .名词+过去分词 如:mammade人造的5 .形容词+现在分词 如:good lookingg看的,easy-going随和的6 .形容词+过去分词,这里的过去分词大多是名词加ed构成的假分词。如:new-born刚出生的, simple-minded头脑简单的7 .数词+名词(+形容词)如:four-hour四小时的,8000milelong八千英里长的8 .副词+现在分词如:outgoing外向的9 .副词+过去分词如:well-known著名的10 .其他词类或结构转化而来合成形容词如:onceaweek每周一次的三、合成动词合成动词常见的几种基本构成:1 .名词+动词如:water-cool用水冷却2 .形容词+动词如:quick-charge快透充电3 .副词+动词如:overcome克服,舐豆合成名词的意义1 .完全是两局部意义的复合。如:weekend: week周;end末尾。合成为周末。2 .与原义相关,但有差异,这种词在翻译时要注意不要望文生义。如:underwear: under下面;wear 穿,戴。合为内衣。3.完全失去了原有的意义。如:busboy: bus公共汽车;boy男孩儿。合成为饭店杂工。单元语法集训1 .单项选择。( )l.Many students signed up for the race in the sports meeting.A.800-metre-long B.800-metres-long C.800 metre length D.800 metres length()2. We all expect the holiday after the exam.A.two monthB.two-monthC.two-monthsD.two months()3.As we all know, Heze is for its peony (牡丹).It attracts millions of visitors every year.A.popularB.well-knownC.man-madeD.income()4.The New York Times is a popular daily.A.storybookB.magazineC.newspaperD.guidebook( )5.He is because he has never been back to his hometown for a long time.A.homeworkB.homesickC.houseworkD.hard-workingIL从方框中选择单词组成合成词填空。.speaking, well, peace, over, English, loving, green, house, known, comeLAustralia is an country.2 .People plant the vegetables in the in winter.3 .They are people.They are against the war.4 .The Great Wall is all over the world.5 .We must the difficulties we meet on the way to success.单元重难点集训题组训练一 neither.nor., bothand, either.or.的用法辨析 I.单项选择。( )1.my brother I do well in our lessons.My mother is very proud of us.A.Not; but B.Neither; norC.Either; or D.Both; and()2.一Tell us something about Canada, OK?一I'm sorry.Jack I have ever been there.A.Either; orB.Not only; but alsoC.Both; andD.Neither; nor( )3. We just need one of you for the game.you your brother can join us.A. Both; andB.Neither; norC. Either; orD.Not only; but alsoIL用所给词的正确形式填空。l.Neither you nor your sister(go) to play football every afternoon.6 .Both my teacher and I(be) busy with our model plane these days.题组训练二 another, other, others, the other 而用法辨析 从方框中选择适当的词填空。another, other, others, the otherl.There are two books on the desk.One is Chinese,is maths.7 .Beijing is very cold now.You should take some warm clothes.3.1 have some apples.But I need three apples.4.There are some people on the square.Some are dancing,are walking and talking.5.1 don't like the pair of shoes.Can you show meone?题组训练三asas的用法 “L单项选择。( )l.Playing basketball is playing the piano.I want to join the two clubs.A.as boring; as B.not so bored as C.as interesting as D.not so interested( )2.Alex believes he will soon be able to play chess as as the computer.A.wellB.betterC.bestD.goodII .根据汉语意思完成句子。1 .我能和艾丽斯跑得一样快。我们将都参加比赛。I can run Alice does.We both will take part in the race.2 .我将尽可能快地做完作业,然后咱们一起打篮球。I will finish my homeworkand then playbasketball with you.题组训练四There be结构的用法 单项选择。( )LLook! There a photo of our English teacher in today9 s newspaper!A.isB.areC .haveD.has()2. There an NBA match on TV this weekend.A.haveB.is going to beC.will haveD.is going to have( )3.Is there any outdoor learning in your school?_.We learn outdoors once or twice every month.A.Yes, there isB.No,there isn'tC.Yes, it is D.No, it isn't( )4.There a book and some pens on the desk.A.isB.areC.haveD.has题组训练五not.until的用法 单项选择。()1.一You look so tired.Whafs wrong?一I didn't go to bed I finished watching In the Name of People last night.A.untilB.ifC.thoughD.unless( )2.She not give up until she succeeds.A.willB.isC.doesD.did单元滚动阅读集训I.完形填空。When spring comes, flowers are beginning to come out.For teenagers in the U.S.,that means a vacation is on 1 way.In the US, students may begin their spring vacation at different time, 2 where they live, So while students from one town are on vacation, their neighbors in the next town might 3 as usuaLSpring vacation is also known 4 spring break”.During this time,students have one or two weeks off from school.The break usually happens in late March or 5Spring break is a 6 time.Teachers usually don't give homework over the break, so students can spend their days and nights free from school-time stress.There are lots of ways to spend the time.Some families go on vacation, visit a new city or even a new 7 .Others may travel to visit family members who live far away.Some students 8 relax at home or visit friends9 houses.Sometimes teachers lead overseas trips for groups of students.On aten-day trip, for example,students might have a 9 through Spain, France, orItaly.These trips are often expensive,10_ they give students an unusual chance to seeother parts of the world.()1. A.theirB.itsC.yourD.ours()2. A.depending onB.depend onC.to depend onD.depended on()3. A.play basketballB.take examsC.have classesD.leave school()4. A.byB.inC.forD.as()5. A.FebruaryB.AprilC.OctoberD.December()6 A.relaxingB.busyC.privateD.tiring()7. A.familyB.cityC.townD.country()8. A.bothB.allC.eitherD.neither()9. A.tourB.restC.walkD.picnic()10. A.orB.butC.andD.soII .阅读理解。Dear friend, do you know the boy in the picture? He is Wang Yuan, a member of theChinese boy band,TFBOYS.Do you want to know more about him? Follow me please.Wang Yuan was born on November 8th, 2000 in Chongqing.His English name is Ray.He is a senior high school student now.He is good at singing, dancing and playing the piano.He can also write songs alone.He and two other boys formed the boy band TFBOYS in 2013.They are very popular with the young girls and boys in China now.On February 10th, 2017, Wang Yuan made a short speech on good quality education (优 质教育)in English at the United Nations in front of 500 people from around the world.Ifs great.As for middle school students, we should learn from Wang Yuan, and put our hearts into what we are doing to make a difference in our daily lives.( )l.Wang Yuan was born.A.on November 8th, 2013B.on November 18th, 2001C.on November 8th, 2000D.on November 8th, 2013( )2.Wang Yuan' s English name is.A.JayB.RayC.LayD. Kay( )3.Wang Yuan is a talented boy, he can, sing and play the piano.A.play the drumsB.driveC.paintD.dance()4.Wang Yuan made a short speech atin 2017.A.ChongqingB.BeijingC.ShanghaiD.the UnitedNations( )5.What can you learn from the passage?A.Working hard can make a difference.B.Being a star can make a lot of money.C.Wang Yuan sings well but can" write songs.D.Four people are in the band.


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