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    Unit 2第4课时 (Section B 2a-c) 课时练习-试题版.docx

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    Unit 2第4课时 (Section B 2a-c) 课时练习-试题版.docx

    Unit2 What time do you go to school ?Section A 2a-2c基础篇一、根据汉语提示填空Sally is(或者)at home or at school now.1. The store sells(大量)of things.2. (有时)my mother gets up very early.3. The food(品尝)great. Would you like some?4. I like my school(生活).h's interesting.二、单项选择6. I usually cat lotsvegetables for lunch.They are goodme.A. of; forB. of; withC. to; forD.for; of7. What do you usually do in the evening?Well, I either watch TVplay games with my sister.A. andB. butC. orD.so8. People usuallyat homethe evening.A. eat breakfast; in B. eat dinner; inC. eats dinner; atD.eat lunch; on9. The orangessweet.-Of course. They are from Yongxing. Chenzhou.A. tasteB. eatC. drinkD.look10. Mike doesn't want to walk home, and Bob doesn't,.A. alsoB. thenC. tooD.either11. Eat vegetables and do sports, and you will be healthy.A. lotB. lots ofC. muchD.a lot12. do you usually dance?After school.A. What timeB. HowC. WhenD.Where13. Why do so many people come here to eat dinner?Because the food nice.A. looksB. tastesC. getsD.sounds14. Lucyyou can't go to the party. One of you has to stay at home to look afteryour grandma.A. Neither; norB. Either; orC. Not only; but alsoD.Both; and15. The old mantakes a walk in the park.A. some timesA. some timesB. sometimesC. some timeD. sometime三、用所给单词的正确形式填空16 . He goes to school after he has breakfast. (quick). Either you or Mike stories to us after class.(tell)17 . The food tastes. (well). She goes to bed before 10 p.m. (usual)18 . We often have lots of for lunch, (vegetable)四、完成句子19 .我喜欢放学后和我的朋友一起做体育运动。I like to with my friends after school.20 .我有时打半个小时的篮球。I play basketball.21 .晚上我要么看电视要么玩电子游戏。In the evening, I watch TV play computer games.22 .在十二点,她午餐吃很多水果和蔬菜。At twelve, she eats fruit and vegetables for lunch.23 .她知道冰激凌对她不好,但是冰激凌味道很美。She knows ice-cream is not her, but it.24 .凯特不喜欢很晚起床。Kate like to up very.25 .汤姆通常在电视上看早间新闻。Tom usually the news on TV.26 .我通常晚上看半小时电视。I usually watch TV for in the evening.27 .这些老年人每天吃许多蔬菜。The old people eat vegetables every day.28 .跑步有利于健康。is good health.提高篇五、语法填空Hi! I'm Tony. I don't like to get up early. In the morning, I get up at eight. Then I go to school at eight thirty. I 31 (have) much time fbr breakfast, so I usually ea( very 32 (quick). For lunch, I usually eat 33 (hamburger). After school, I sometimes play basketball fbr half an hour. When I gel home, I always do my homework 34 (one). In (he evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, 1 brush my 35 (tooth) and then I go答案第2页,共4页 to bed.Mary is my sister. She usually 36 (get) up at six thirty. Then she always takes a shower and cats a good breakfast. After that, she goes to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she cats 37 (lot) of fruit and vegetables for lunch. After lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball. She always eats ice-cream after dinner. She knows i( 38 (be) good for her, but it 39 (taste) good! In the evening, she does 40 (she) homework and usually swims or takes a walk. At nine thirty, she goes to bed. 六、完形填空Hi, I'm Jack.I like Sundays 41 I don't go to school.What do I usually do on 42?In the morning, I don't need to get up 43 For breakfast I only have some 44 Then I do some exercise.At about ten o'clock I start(开始)to do my homework.My family always have a 45 lunch on Sundays.We eat well, and chicken is my favorite food.In the afternoon I usually play 46 with my friends for two hours.It's relaxing for47to do sports.Whatabout Sunday evenings? At about six o'clock I have dinner with my48But sometimes weeat out.Do we watch TV in the evening? Sure.My favorite TV programme(节 目)is Running Man.Mier that I 49 with my pen friends on the computer.We always talk about our school50 I tell (hem what I do in (he clubs.We talk about family life, too.Al half past (en I go to bed.41. A. becauseB. andC. soD.but42. A. MondaysB. SundaysC. SaturdaysD.Fridays43. A. lateB. wellC. earlyD.quickly44. A. eggB. appleC. breadD.hamburger45. A. smallB. busyC. freeD.big46. A. basketballB. musicC. chessD.stories47. A. herB. usC. themD.you48. A. teachersB. cousinsC. friendsD.parents49. A. showB. drawC. talkD.find50. A. nameB. lifeC. testD.job七、阅读单选As a student, Lin Tao has a healthy habit. He gets up early in the morning. After he gets up, he goes out (o exercise. He thinks It's good for him. Sometimes he plays basketball with his classmates. Sometimes he runs on the playground. After he gets home, he takes a shower and has a good breakfast. He goes to school at a quarter to eight. He likes English and math. He also likes music, art and P. E. He thinks music is relaxing. He wants to join the art club. He wants to learn to draw. After school, he usually plays soccer with his friends. After he gets home from school, he often helps his mother with some housework. He eats dinner at six o'clock. After dinner he doeshis homework. Sometiines he watches TV fbr half an hour. He goes to bed at nine o'clock.51. What does Lin Tao do after he gets up?A. He takes a shower.B. He goes to school.C. He does his homework.52. Where does he run?D. He goes out to exercise.D. In a store.D. 7:15.A. At home.B. On (he playground. C. In his room.53. What time does he go to school?A. 8:45.B. 8:15.C. 7:45.54.What club does he want to join?A. The music club.C. The math club.55. Why does he like music?Because it's.A. difficultB. interestingB. The English club.D. The art club.C. relaxingD. boring答案第4页,共4页


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