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    Unit7 Chinese Festivals period4 教学设计一、教学目标:知识目标:1.多方面了端午节的传统习俗。2.掌握端午节习俗的表述。3.重点了解并掌握裹 粽子的方法。能力目标:1.能流利介绍端午节的相关习俗。2.体验并掌握端午节的代表性活动裹粽子。情感目标:1.在动手体验中掌握技能,激发学生的学习兴趣。2.增加对传统文化的认识,激 发学生热爱传统文化,促使学生承担起弘扬、传承传统文化的责任。二、教学重、难点重点:1多方面了解传统文化节日。2.体验代表性美食粽子的制作。难点:了解粽子的制作方法并在体验中掌握。三、教学过程:Step 1.Before learningGuessing gameT: We have learnt some Chinese festivals before. Do you still remember them? Do you know a lot about them? Really? Let's play a guessing game. (4 个学过的节日)Free talkT: In these four Chinese festivals, which is my favourite? Can you guess?S:.T:My favourite festival is Spring Festival. Because I can buy a lot of new clothes and shoes before this festival.T: What about you? What's your favourite Chinese festivals? And why?【意图】以自由谈话和游戏的方式预热,使学生进行积极思考的同时,复习旧知,为下面重 点学习端午节做好铺垫。1. Know more about Chinese festivalsT: Except these festivals, there are more Chinese festivals. Do you want to know them?T: Here is a video for you. You can know more Chinese festivals from it.(视频:我们的节日)T: Do you know any other festivals now? Can you tell me?(学生随机说,相机介绍)T: Different festivals have different meaning, but all of them are worth leaning. They together make up the unique Chinese culture. Boys and girls, I think we should know more about Chinese festivals and enjoy them after class.2. TitleT: Look! Which festival is coming soon?Ss: Dragon Boat Festival.T: Yes. Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. So today, let's talk about Dragon Boat Festivals at first.Step2.While learning1. Picture bookT: We knew something about this festival from U7. Actually, there are many interesting customs about it. Do you want to know?Ss: Yes!T: Look! I have a picture book here. It's about about Dragon Boat Festival. You can find more interesting things about this festival in the picture book. Do you want to read it now?Ss: Yes.(1) Let's readT: Please take out your book. First, read from page 1-4. Then, find out things about Dragon Boat Festival.(2) Let's judgeT: Do you find them now? Let's check in a game. You will see some pictures, if it is about Dragon Boat Festival, please sayYcs, yes, yes”. If it is not, please say"No,no no.”进行游戏。(3) Let's matchT: Well done! You find them. Do you know what are they? Can you name them?【意图】借助自编图书,帮助学生了解更多关于端午节的传统习俗,同时要求学生进行图文 匹配,训练了学生提取信息的能力。(4) Let's check and learn校对时教学单词读音,并拿出实物,让学生摸一摸、问一问,了解传统习俗。A. WormwoodT: This is wormwood. People usually hand the wormwood on the front door.B. Realgar wine)T: I have some realgar wine here. Smell! Do you want to drink?C. Salted eggColoured threadT: Parents will ask their children to wear il. 1( can bring good luck.D. Perfume sachetT: Look! This is a perfume sachet. Smell! Does it smell good.So that the pests will be afraid then do away.T: These things are all about Dragon Boat Festival.【意图】教学单词并展示实物,让学生对这些有节R元素的物品不仅仅停留在画面认识,而 是通过眼睛看,手触摸,闻气味等多种感官认识加深记忆。2. rice dumplingsLet's enjoy!T: These interesting customs are different from place (o place. In Wuxi, what do you usually do al Dragon Boat Festival?SI : We usually eat rice dumplings.S2:T: Yes. We usually cat rice dumplings at this festival. Do you like eating rice dumplings?T: I like eating rice dumplings too. I have some pictures for you. Rice dumplings is the most popular food at this festival. They have different shapes, such as triangle, rectangle, cone and so on. They also have different flavors, rice, red beans, salted eggs and meet.T: How are they?51: Nice.52: Delicious.T: We like eating them. But most us can't make rice dumplings.T: Boys and girls, let's leam to make rice dumplings at this lesson.【意图】直观性的图片对学生的视觉产生巨大的冲击,在加上教师生动的语言渲染气氛,学 生对吃粽子、裹粽子的期待达到了高潮,将学生的吸引力牢牢地吸引在课堂上。(2) Let's leam!A. Prepare the thingsT: With so many shape and flavors, it's difficult to make a rice dumpling. Don't be sad. We can begin with (he easiest one.(定格图片)T: To make the easiest rice dumplings, what do we need first?Ss:学生自由说,可以用中文T: we need sticky rice, bamboo leaves and a thread.教学单词T: Can you make the easiest rice dumplings?S: .B: Learn the stepsshow (老师演示,分解动作,动作夸张)T: Let me show you.(演示包粽子动作) order (排序,教学动词 fold, fill up, wrap, tie,)practice空手演示动作 read and learnT: Now we can do the actions. But can you talk about it with more details? Don't worry. Let's learn!Task: take the picture book again, turn to page5. Learn how to make rice dumplings step by step.T: Can you find the sentence?(3) Let's make!T: Now, I think you arc ready. Do you want to make a rice dumpling by yourself?Ok! Let's do it.Tips:1. Make and say (only in English)Finish in 8minutes (when time is up. everyone should stop)2. Clean your hands and desks before making and after making.T: hurry up! You have 10 seconds.(倒计时)T: Stop! Time is up. Put your things back .【意图】在包粽子的环节,教师通过展示、引导学生有序地阅读并讲述包粽子的“说明书”, 一步步帮助掌握包粽子的过程,再让学生动手体验,学生的学习力得以发展。(4) Lefs show!让学生展示自己的劳动成果,并放在锅子里,带有仪式感地结束包粽子活动。Stcp3 After learningSummaryT: Wc have so much fun today? Arc you excited?T: We know more about rice dumplings in these ways(板贴 4 个词).T: We enjoy some nice pictures of them, learn to make, make one by ourselves.T: After class, you can cook your rice dumplings and share with your parents.T: About this festival, there are other activities.令一关注有礼令学科网中小学资源库扫码关注可免费领取80套PPT教学模版令海量教育资源一触即达令新鲜活动资讯即时上线于学科网


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