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    牛津英语高一 MU 语言点.pptx

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    牛津英语高一 MU 语言点.pptx

    In this class,you are expected to:1.answer some questions about the story2.learn some important words,phrases and sentences3.retell the story第1页/共37页Q1:What was the weather like when Polly left work at four oclock?第2页/共37页Q2:What did the bus conductor say when Polly said that she wanted to go to King Street?第3页/共37页1.The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to go that far.(Line 11)so我从未这么我从未这么/那么忙过。那么忙过。I have never been this/that busy._ farA fog this bad is rare.(line 53)第4页/共37页Sb/sth is that/this 第5页/共37页Q3:When did Polly have a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat?第6页/共37页2.As she observed the passengers on the train,she had a feeling that she was watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.(Line 15)Tell the meaning of“observe”in different sentences1)All the students should observe school rules._2)Families get together to observe the Spring Festival._3)The president observed at the meeting that we should get along with our neighboring countries._遵守(遵守(obey)庆祝(庆祝(celebrate)评论,说(评论,说(say,remark)第7页/共37页Tell the meanings of“hold”in the sentences1.Now she wanted to run,but fear held her still.(Line 29)_2.“Of course.You really shouldnt feel anxious.”He held her hand more firmly.(line 47)_使使保持某种状态(保持某种状态(keep)抓住(抓住(grasp)Could you hold the door open for me,please?Hold your head up for three minutes;it will help you relax.第8页/共37页 Q4:While the rest of the passengers were getting out,what did she do?Did she see the tall man?第9页/共37页She glanced at the faces around her.The tall man was nowhere to be seen.(Line 16-17)glance atglance atstarestare at atglare glare at atThe differences among“glance”,“stare”and“glare”look at sth very quickly and then looked away look at sth very quickly and then looked away immediately immediately look at sth for a long timelook at sth for a long timelook at sth with an angry expression look at sth with an angry expression on your faceon your face第10页/共37页1.It is rude to _ people like that.2.Mother was very angry when she knew her son had told a lie and _ him.3.He _ the clock and hurried away.stare atglared atglanced at 第11页/共37页Q5:When Polly got to the station entrance,What was the weather like outside?Did she see anyone?第12页/共37页Wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick,grey cloud.There was no one in sight.(line 20)1.He worked very hard,but he still failed._ hard he worked,he still failed.However 2.Every time I there,I will buy some books._ I go there,I will buy some books.Whenever高考链接The map is one of the best tools a man has _ he goes to a new place.(上海2012)A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however=No matter whereWhenever,however,whatever,whichever第13页/共37页A song right here waiting Oceans apart _ you _ Day after day _ you_ And I slowly go insane I will be right here waiting for you I hear your voice on the line _ it _ But it doesnt stop the pain or how my heart breaks If I see you next to never I will be right here waiting for you How can we say forever Wherever gowhatever dowhatevertakes第14页/共37页Q6:At the corner of the street,what happened to Polly suddenly?How did she feel?第15页/共37页Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her cheek.She could feel her heart beating with fear.(line 22)Our team beat theirs in the school basketball match.Sleeping in bed,I could hear the rain beating against the window.The bird was beating its wings.Do you know other meanings of the word“beat”?打败打败=defeat反复敲打反复敲打扑打扑打The ball hit him on the head.击中击中 因为恐惧而怦怦直跳因为恐惧而怦怦直跳第16页/共37页Q7:When a man reached out his hand and grasped Pollys arm,what did Polly find herself staring up at?第17页/共37页She found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.(line 33)find sb doing sth/done/a prepositional phrase 发现自己(正在做某事或处于某种状态)1.I suddenly _ _ _all the work alone.(发现自己独自一人在做所有的工作)2.When he came to,he _ _ _ _.当他苏醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院里。3.The girl _(发现自己被陌生人包围着).found myself doingfound himself in hospitalfound herself surrounded by strangers.第18页/共37页Q8:When Polly and the old man arrived at King Street safely,what did Polly say to thank him?What did the old man reply?第19页/共37页“Thank you so much for coming to my aid,”said Polly in relief.(line 52)much to ones relief/to ones great relief_It is a relief to do sth_What a relief!_relieve sb of sth_令某人很宽慰的是令某人很宽慰的是做某事是令人欣慰的做某事是令人欣慰的多么令人欣慰啊!多么令人欣慰啊!解除某人的解除某人的.第20页/共37页1.It was such _ _ _ _ that she was safe and well.听说她安然无恙,我感到很欣慰。听说她安然无恙,我感到很欣慰。2._ _ _ _/_ _ _ _,I was on time to catch the last train at the last minute.我最庆幸的是,我在最后一分钟赶上了最后一班火车。我最庆幸的是,我在最后一分钟赶上了最后一班火车。3.Enough sleep can _ me _ my tiredness.足够的睡眠能够解除我的疲乏。足够的睡眠能够解除我的疲乏。a relief to hearMuch to my reliefTo my great reliefrelieve of第21页/共37页高考链接高考链接(2012江苏高考)Dont worry,Mum.The doctor said it was only the flu._!Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.A.What a relief B.CongratulationsC.How surprising D.Im so sorryA第22页/共37页1.All my years of training as an explorer have finally _.2.How can I _ you _ for all your kindness?3.After these years,weve at last _ all our debts(债)(债).4.The man treats his mother badly.He should _what he does.“It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when it is sunny.(line 54)paid offpay backpaid offpay forpay for/pay off/pay backpay for:付钱,付出代价付钱,付出代价 pay off:还清,获得成功还清,获得成功pay back:还钱,回报,还钱,回报,报复报复第23页/共37页Other important sentences1.Once out in the street,she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.(line 7)=Once _ _ out in the street,she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.2.Having worked for a whole day,he was very tired.Once in bed,he fell asleep.=Once _ _ in bed,he fell asleep.she washe was第24页/共37页3.Once/If _(see),the film will never be forgotten.4.Once/If _(see)the film,you will never forget it.seenseeing =Once/If it is seen,it will never be forgotten.=Once/If you see the film,you will never forget it.第25页/共37页A blind man like me cant get across the road without help,except in a fog like this.(line 55)except sth/for sth on./when 1.We go to school every day _ Sunday.2.Your composition was well written except_ some spelling mistakes.3.The retired worker usually waters his garden every day except_ rainy days.5.Most of the Chinese people usually go to work except_ it rains.exceptonforwhen第26页/共37页1.The radio forecast that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.(line 3)_宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句3.As Polly observed the passengers on the train,she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark street.(line 15)_2.The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.(line 10)_4.It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people gives me when it is sunny.(line 54)_在复合句中起宾语作用的从句,有动词后和介词后的宾语从句在复合句中起宾语作用的从句,有动词后和介词后的宾语从句。在复合句中起表语作用的从句,位于系动词之后在复合句中起表语作用的从句,位于系动词之后在复合句中充当同位语的从句,从句解释该名词的实际内容在复合句中充当同位语的从句,从句解释该名词的实际内容在复合句中充当定语的从句,在复合句中充当定语的从句,从句修饰先行词。从句修饰先行词。第27页/共37页 retell the story according to the learning sheet and the eight pictures.Use the words,phrases and sentences as much as possible.retell the story第28页/共37页第29页/共37页At four oclock,Polly left work and stepped out into the fog.At the bus stop the conductor told her that it was too _ for the bus to _and Polly had to take the Underground to Green Park first.On the train,Polly_ the passengers on the train and she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man,while the rest of the passengers were getting out,she _ the faces around her,but the tall man was _.foggyrun that farobservedglanced atnowhere to be seen第30页/共37页 When Polly got to the station entrance,_ she looked,the fog_ like a thick,grey cloud and there were _.When she got to the corner of the street,she felt a rough hand brush her cheek and her heart_.A few seconds later,a hand _ and Polly found herself_the face of an old man.With the mans aid,Polly reached her home at 86 King street.She thanked the man for_.The old blind man said that the fog _ bad gave him the chance to_ the help that people gave him when it was sunny.whereverlayno one in sightbeating with fearreached outstaring up atcoming to her aidthispay back 第31页/共37页summary第32页/共37页Words observe 观察观察;遵守遵守;庆祝庆祝;评论评论 hold 使处在某种状态使处在某种状态;抓住抓住 beat 心脏跳动;打败;连续敲打心脏跳动;打败;连续敲打;拍打翅膀,拍打翅膀,第33页/共37页Phrases 1.that far/this bad 2.glance at/stare at/glare at 3.find sb doing sth/done/.4.in relief/much to ones relief/it is a relief to do/what a relief/relieve sb of sth 5.pay back/pay off/pay for 第34页/共37页Sentences1.Once out in the street,she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.(line 7)2.A blind man like me cant get across the road without help,except in a fog like this.(line 55)第35页/共37页Writing task 1.Rewrite the story according to the text,but you should write in the first person.2.Create a story of your own.Try to use the words,phrases and sentences you learn today.The more,the better.Choose one of the tasks based on your interest.第36页/共37页感谢您的观看!第37页/共37页


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