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    中国法官遴选制度问题探究,司法制度论文本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 中国法官遴选制度问题探究【引言 第一章】【第二章】【第三章】【第四章】【结束语/以下为参考文献】 摘 要 法官作为判决的主体,优秀的法官就意味着 清静的水源 ,是公正判决的保障。固然最近几年我们国家一直都在倡导和实行司法改革,也获得了一些可喜的成效,但是层出不穷的司法腐败现象,使我们国家的司法改革面临严峻的挑战。在我们国家法律体系和制度日趋健全和完善的今天,一些法官素质低下,十分是职业道德素质低下所导致的司法腐败、司法不公现象,严重阻碍了我们国家司法改革的进行,并阻碍了我们国家法治社会的建设。因而,在这种背景下,研究我们国家法官的遴选制度,找出问题的症结所在变的至关重要。 从当下我们国家的法官遴选制度来看,由于法院内外部关系的行政化,比方初任法官的遴选要通过公务员考试,法官的逐级遴选要通过组织的考核,法官的工资标准比附相应级别的公务员工资标准,法官和其他单位的公务员能够互相调动等等,加重了法官角色的行政化色彩。这一问题的产生与我们国家建国以来一直奉行的 管 任用理念有着密切关系,当时的司法是为政治服务的。 但时至今日,建设法治之中国需要的是 作为职业的法官 ,这就要求我们国家在进行法官遴选时应以 司法职业遴选 理念为主导,继续奉行 管 任用理念会严重阻碍司法公正的实现。对于此问题的解决,需要我们更深层次的从理念上去挖掘当今中国受制于 管 原则的来由,建立起与公务员制度并行的公开化的提名和选任程序。 论文分为引言、正文和结束语;华而不实,正文由三章构成。 论文第一章阐释了选题的背景,对我们国家法官遴选制度存在的问题及产生诸问题之原因进行了分析,提出了现有的原因分析缺乏以解释我们国家为什么发展不出科学的法官遴选制度,必须直指问题的矛头-科层化的司法管理体制。 第二章是科层化行政管理体制影响下的新中国法官遴选制度。该章首先对科层化行政管理体制的内涵进行界定,厘清了科层化影响下新中国法官遴选制度的发展脉络,并以此为基点,论证得出中国法院管理无论是在改革开放前,还是在改革开放后,都具有典型的科层化特征。 第三章主要是对受科层化行政管理体制影响的我们国家法官遴选制度的理念基础进行探析,分析 政 选拔理念与 司法职业 遴选理念之间的冲突与调和,从我们国家特有的司法改革理论出发探究我们国家构建不出不受政治影响的职业化法官的缘由。 第四章以新一轮司法改革为视角,针对我们国家法官遴选制度存在的众多问题,分析新一轮司法改革的举措,并对关乎法官遴选制度的典型改革措施进行分析,试图寻求我们国家法官遴选制度的可能出路。 本文关键词语:法官遴选, 遴选理念, 管, 科层化行政 Abstract As a judge ruling body, a good judge means quiet water is the guarantee of afair judgment. Although in recent years, China has been advocating andimplementing judicial reform, also made some encouraging results, but there areplenty of judicial corruption, make our country s judicial reform is facing seriouschallenges. In our legal system increasingly improve and perfect today, the lowquality of some judges, especially judicial corruption,judicial injustice caused bypoor quality of professional ethics, seriously hindered the judicial reform in ourcountry,and hindered the construction of our country under the rule of lawsociety.Therefore, in this context,study the judge selection system in our country,find out the crux of the problem becomes crucial. From the current judge selection system of our country, due to the internal andexternal relationships between the court of the security administration , such as theselection of newly judges to pass the civil service exam, the judge s selection step bystep to assess the assessment organization, the judge s wage above the correspondingthe level of the civil servants salary standard, judges and civil servants in other unitscan be mobilized each other and so on, increased the role of judge securityadministration.The problem has been closely related to the concept Party cadres that our country has always pursued. But now, China needs to build the professional judge rule of law, which requires the selection of judge should beperforming the judicial career selection concept-oriented, continue to pursue the Party cadres appointment can severely hinder the realization of judicial justice. Forsolving this problem, we need a deeper dig up from the concept of today s China issubject to the Party cadres principle,the purpose that establish a parallel system ofpublic and civil servants of open nomination and selection process. Paper is divided into introduction, body and conclusion; the body consists ofthree chapters. First part of the paper explains the background of selected topic, moderncivilization implication of Judge Selection System ,the selection system existingproblems and the reasons for the various problems are analyzed, and puts forwardwhy the existing reasons can not sufficient to explain our country not developscientific judge selection system. For solving this problem, must be directed at theproblem spearhead - the bureaucratic administration of justice system. The second chapter is the judge of the People s Republic of China under theinfluence of the bureaucratic administrative of justice system.First,clarify the judgeselection system of the People s Republic of China under the influence of thedifferent levels of development,and as a basis,the argument concludes that Chinesecourt management whether before the reform and opening up,and after the reformand opening up,has the typical characteristics of different levels. The third chapter is mainly analysis the judge selection concept under theinfluence of the bureaucratic administrative of justice system in China. analysis theconflict and harmony between the Party cadres concept and the professionaljudge concept, from the characteristic of the judicial reform theory to explore ourcountry to build the professional judge that is not affected by the political reason. The forth chapter in the perspective of a new round of judicial reform,aiming atthe existing problems of the judge selection system in our country,analysis of thenew round of judicial reform measures,and the typical reform measures about thejudge selection system,trying to seek the possible way of the judge selection systemin China. Keyword:Judge Selection, Selection Concept,Bureaucratic Administration,Party Cadres 目 录 引 言 一、 我们国家法官遴选制度概述 一选题的背景 二我们国家现行法官遴选制度存在的一些主要问题 三我们国家法官遴选制度诸问题之原因分析 二、科层化行政管理体制影响下的新中国法官遴选制度 一科层化行政管理体制的内涵 二科层制影响下的新中国法官遴选制度的发展脉络 三、 我们国家法官遴选制度的理念基础与反思 一 政 选拔理念 二 司法职业 遴选理念 三两种法官遴选理念的冲突与调和 四我们国家法官遴选理念的中国图景 四、 对我们国家法官遴选制度的评价-以新一轮司法改革为视角 一新一轮司法改革的措施 二对新一轮司法改革措施的评价 结 语 参 考 文 献 致 谢


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