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    译林版7A 期中语法复习.pdf

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    译林版7A 期中语法复习.pdf

    期中复习语法复习及试题期中复习语法复习及试题复习过程一、语法回顾一般现在时1.基本概念要清楚一般现在时表示经常性或习惯的动作或存在的状态,也表示现在的真实情况,还可表示自然现象或真理。My father goes to work by bike every day.2.主谓一致是关键一般现在时构成的重点就在主谓一致上,特别是动词第三人称单数的变化形式。Mrs Fang is our English teacher.She often chats with usafter school.3.时间状语记心间oftenusuallyalwayssometimesneverevery day/morning/week/in the morning/afternoon/当主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时的谓语动词要当主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时的谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。用第三人称单数形式。一般情况下,在动词原形后加-slikesreadslooksgetscleans以 s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的动词原形后加-esteachesdoesgoesguesseswashes以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词原形,需去 y 变 i,再加-esfly-fliesstudy-studiestry-tries特殊形式have/hasYou have much money.He has a book.be-am/is/areI am a Chinese girl.She is Toms mother.They are our good friends.注意:当主语不是人称代词而是名词时,都看作是第三人称。单数名词和不可数名词看作第三人称单数;复数名词或两个以上(含两个)名词作并列主语时,都看作第三人称复数。Your father is a doctor.Her books are in the locker.Mr Wang and Mike are good friends.否定句和一般疑问句否定句和一般疑问句be 动词的否定式是在 be 动词后加 not疑问式只需将 am,is,are 提前移至句首I am a teacher.I am not a teacher.Am I a teacher?Yes,I am./No,Im not.You are helpful.You are not helpful.Are you helpful?Yes,you are./No,you arent.The girl is under the tree.The girl isnt under the tree.Is the girl under the tree?Yes,she is./No,she isnt.实义动词的否定式是在动词原形前加 do not(dont)或 does not(doesnt)疑问式只需将 do 或 does 提至句首They go shopping on Sunday.They dont go shopping on Sunday.Do they go shopping on Sunday?Yes,theydo./No,they dont.He works in a big city.He doesnt work in a big city.Does he work in a big city?Yes,hedoes./No,he doesnt.第三人称的否定句和一般疑问句在使用助动词 does 后,实义动词一定要恢复原形特殊疑问句特殊疑问句疑问词+一般疑问句语序Where are the students?When do you get up in the morning?What does the boy eat for lunch?【模拟试题模拟试题】(答题时间:60 分钟)一、单选题一、单选题30%30%()1.Peter is.Mary is.A.boy;girlB.girl;boyC.a boy;a girlD.a girl;a boy()2.Jack and Ibrothers.A.amnotB.areC.isD.am()3.This isoffice,and thatsclassroom.A.an;anB.a;aC.a;anD.an;a()4.my bag?Its in the desk.A.WhosHowsB.WhatsC.Wheres D.()5.Whats your fathers job?.A.An officeB.In the park C.In the officeD.A teacher()6.your teachers?Yes,.A.Is she;anyB.Is he;he isC.Am I;I amD.Are they;they are()7.Are therepens in the box?Yes,there are.A.some;anyB.some;some C.any;anyD.any;some()8.Therea pen and two books on the desk.A.areB.isC.hasD.have()9.Hello!Are you Mrs Fang?.A.Yes,he isB.No,he isntC.Yes,ImMrs LiD.No,Im Mrs Li()10.Tom is in Class 1 and I am in Class2._arenot in the same class.A.WeB.YouC.TheyD.He()11.She is from,and she is angirl.A.American;American B.American;AmericaC.America;AmericanD.America;America()12.Are you?Yes,we are.A.a new studentstudentsD.a studentB.new student C.new()13.Is your classroom in the building?.A.Yes,itsD.No,it isB.No,it isntC.Yes,its not()14.WhereGuilin and Fuzhou,do youknow?A.areB.amC.isD.()15.I go home5:20theafternoon.A.at;onB.from;toC.is;onD.at;in()16.I likeTV at home at weekends.A.watchwatchesB.watchingC.to watchD.()17.do you want to go shopping?After school.A.HowB.WhatC.WhenD.Where()18.Would you likewith me?A.to goB.goC.goingD.goes()19.Li Leis kite isthat tree.A.inB.onC.atD.with()20.The shop is.A.opens B.openedC.openingD.open()21.His mother wants.A.go to shoppingC.to go shoppingB.to go shopD.go shopping()22.Can you spell the word,please?A.Thats all right.C.Yes,I can.B.Thank you.D.Whats that.()23.Mum,is Miss Green.A.heB.thisC.whoD.it()24.The man is.A.Mrs BlackB.Miss Black C.your mumD.Mr Black()25.Where is the ruler?Itsthe bag andthe glass.A.behind B.betweenC.inD.under()26.Jim and Marya new bike.A.there is B.there areC.haveD has()27.There are two toiletsthis floor.A.onB.toC.inD./()28.There are twoover there.A.library B.librarysC.librariesD.libraryes()29.Most peopleTV after dinner.A.watch B.watchesC.watchingD.are watch()30.your fatherthe bus toschool?A.Do;takeDoes;take二、句型变换二、句型变换20%20%1.Open the door,please!(改否定句)2.There are some old trees in our school.(改为单数句)3.Tom has some pens in his pencil-case.(改为一般问句)4.Whats Mr Li?(改为同义句).5.Whatyourcolourissweater.(连词成句).6.Your T-shirt is in my bag.(划线提问).7.Shes wearing an orange jacket today.(同上).8.The red bike is mine.(同上).9.Jack is from the USA.(同上)B.Does;takes C.Is;takeD.10.We can see many apples on the tree.(同上).三、完成句子三、完成句子 20%20%。1、该吃午饭了。Its.2、那幢大楼有多少层?十二层。Howin the building?There are.3、Simon 每天早上骑自行车上学。Simonschoolevery.4、你有模型飞机吗?我没有,但我表哥有。youmodel?No.I.But myone.四、完型填空四、完型填空10%10%Today is Sunday,Marys1.How many people arethere2her birthday party?There are six.The3inwhite blouse is Lucy,Tom is beside Lucy.4is Tony?Heis preparing a cake for Mary.Tom,Andy and Tony5Marys friends.They6at No.10 SecondarySchool.Andtheyre in thesame7.Mary is the monitor(班长)oftheir class.She often8Lucy with her study.Marysparents(父母)cooking in the kitchen are from9.Theyre all10.()1.A.daybirthday()2.A.in()3.A.woman()4.A.HowWho()5.A.haveare()6.A.happyhelps()7.A.school()8.A.helps()9.A.EnglishJapanese()10.A.sadsmall五、阅读理解五、阅读理解 20%20%(A)1、判断正误,正确的用“”,错误的用“”10%This is a picture of a park.You can see many trees andflowers near a small river.A hill is behind the river.Some birdsare in the tree.Many people are in the park.Some old men drinktea and talk under the tree.Two young women sit near them.They read books.Some boys fly kites.The girls dont play withthem.They sing in a boat.B.timeC.SundayD.B.onC.atD.fromB.girlC.boyD.manB.WhatB.likeB.studyB.placeC.WhereD.C.isD.C.studiesD.C.class D.roomB.gladC.writes D.sadB.America C.ChineseD.B.happyC.prettyD.()1.A small river is in the park.()2.Some hills are near the river.()3.The old men dont talk.They read newspapers.()4.The girls fly kites with the boys.()5.You can see some birds in the trees.(B)John works in a market.Its near a secondary school.Everyday,students come to buy things there.In the morning,Johngets up at six and then has breakfast.He goes to work by bike.He gets to the shop at about six thirty.The market opens atseven.They sell(出售)things like food and drinks.They haveschool things,too.So there are often many people in theirmarket from morning to evening.John has supper there.Atseven in the evening the market is closed.()1John works in a.A.supermarketB.bookshopC.market()2Johnto the shop every day.A.takes a busB.rides a bike C.walks()3 They sellin the market.A.food and drinksBB.school thingsC.A and()4 John has supper.A.in the shoprestaurant(饭店)B.at homeC.at a()5 John works for abouthours a day.A.sixB.twelveC.eight【试题答案】【试题答案】一、单选题一、单选题CBDCD/DDBDA/CCBADBCAAD/CCBDB/CACAD二、句型变换二、句型变换1.Dont open the door,please!2.Theres an old tree in our school.3.Does Tom have any pens in his pencil-case?4.What does Mr Li do?/Whats Mr Lis job?5.What colour is your sweater?6.Wheres your T-shirt?7.Which jacket is she wearing today?8.Whose is the red bike?9.Where is Jack from?10.What can you see on the tree?三、完成句子三、完成句子1.time,to,have,lunch2.many,floors,are,there,twelve3.goes,to,by,bike,morning4.Do,have,planesdont,cousin,has四、完型填空四、完型填空DCBDDBCABB五、阅读理解五、阅读理解 CBCAB


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