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    1 课时作业(一)Module 1 Unit 1(20 分钟 50 分).根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词(5 分)1.(哪里)is Steven from?He is from Nanning.2.This book is (关于)Harry Potter.3.Miss Hill is (不是)a teacher.She is a doctor.4.Today is my birthday.Im twelve y old now.5.Tony and I are in Class Two,G One.用所给词的适当形式填空(5 分)1.I come from China.I am (China).2.What about (go)swimming tomorrow?3.Tony is an English boy and he lives in (English)now.4.Mr Yang is (we)Chinese teacher.5.This is an (America)film.I like it very much.单项选择(10 分)1.Sallys mother an English teacher.A.are B.is C.am D.be 2.My sister is Class Three.A.on B.for C.in D.at 3.Are Tina and Anna from Beijing?A.Yes,she is.B.No,she isnt.C.Yes,they is.D.No,they arent.4.My name is Sara Im from America.A.and B.so C.but D.with 5.I got an email this morning.Its my best friend,John.1 A.in B.of C.at D.from.句型转换(10 分)1.Im from Chongqing.(对画线部分提问)you?2.old,hes,and,English,years,hes,thirteen(.)(连词成句)3.Im Chinese.And you?(改为同义句)I China.you?4.She is an English teacher.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)an English teacher?No,.5.Im in Grade 7.(对画线部分提问)you?.补全对话(10 分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A.How old are you?B.How are you?C.Good morning!D.Hello.E.Whats your name?F.Nice to meet you.G.Are you from England?Daming:Good morning!Linda:1 Daming:My name is Daming.Im Chinese.2 Linda:My name is Linda.Daming:3 Linda:No,Im not.Im from America.Daming:Im twelve.4 1 Linda:Im eleven.Daming:5 Linda:Nice to meet you,too.Daming:Lets go and play games.Linda:OK!Lets go.阅读理解(10 分)My name is Kate Green.Im an American girl.I am twelve.I am in China now.I have a Chinese friend here.Her name is Lin Fang.She is from Zhengzhou.She is thirteen.I am in Class Three and she is in Class Three,too.We are good friends.Lin Fangs father is a teacher.He teaches us English.We like him very much.1.Kate is from .A.China B.England C.America D.Zhengzhou 2.Lin Fang is her .A.sister B.American friend C.teacher D.Chinese friend 3.How old is Kates friend?A.She is 12.B.She is 13.C.She is 14.D.She is 15.4.Is Kates father a teacher?A.No,he is.B.No,he isnt.C.Yes,he isnt.D.Yes,he is.5.Which is TRUE according to(根据)the passage?A.Kate lives in America now.B.Kate and Lin Fang are in the same class.C.Kates father is an English teacher.D.Kate and Lin Fang dont like their English teacher.1 答案解析.答案:1.Where 2.about 3.not 4.years 5.Grade.答案:1.Chinese 2.going 3.England 4.our 5.American.答案:15.BCDAD.答案:1.Wherere;from 2.Hes English and hes thirteen years old.3.am/come from;What about 4.Is she;she isnt 5.What grade are;in.答案:15.CEGAF.1.【解析】选 C。事实细节题。由“Im an American girl.”可知凯特来自美国,故选 C。2.【解析】选 D。事实细节题。由“I have a Chinese friend here.Her name is Lin Fang.”可知选 D。3.【解析】选 B。事实细节题。由“She is thirteen.”可知选 B。4.【解析】选 B。推理判断题。由“Lin Fangs father is a teacher.”可知林芳的爸爸是一位老师而不是 Kate 的爸爸,故选 B。5.【解析】选 B。主旨大意题。由“I am in Class Three and she is in Class Three,too.”可知她俩在同一个班里。故选 B。1 课时作业(二)Module 1 Unit 2(20 分钟 50 分).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5 分)1.Is e here,Tom?No,Lily is not here.2.Paris is the c of France.3.This book is old,b I like it a lot.4.Tony is the (最后)to come to my birthday party.5.(全体)the students will go to the park this weekend.用适当的人称代词填空(5 分)1.Hi,am Xu Lili.2.This girl is my friend.is 10 years old.3.That boy is from England.name is Jack.4.Are from Class One,Lucy?Yes,am.5.This is our teacher,Mr Zhang.is 36 years old.单项选择(5 分)1.I a boy and my name Mike.A.am;am B.am;is C.is;is D.is;am 2.She is my English teacher and name is Jessica.A.she B.her C./D.Hers 3.is Linglings English name?Linda.A.Where B.Who C.What D.How 4.Its glad you here,Daming.A.see B.seeing C.to see D.sees 5.Where are you from?We are from .We are .A.English;English B.England;England 1 C.English;England D.England;English.完成句子(5 分)1.伦敦是英国的首都。London is England.2.莉莉和露西是我们的好朋友。Lily and Lucy good friends.3.这是王明。他的英文名是汤姆。Wang Ming.His is Tom.4.李新不在五班。Li Xin in Class Five.5.我很高兴和你们一起踢足球。Im football with you.用 be 动词的适当形式填空,完成下面短文(10 分)Hello!I 1 Wu Haiyuan.My English name 2 Betty.There 3 three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and I.I have two pen friends.They 4 Ann and Linda.They 5 from America.Ann and Linda 6 in Grade Two,but Ann 7 in Class Three,and Linda 8 in Class Four.I 9 in Class One,Grade Two.We 10 very happy every day.补全对话,每空一词(10 分)A:Hello!1 your name?B:My name 2 Jack.A:Nice to 3 you!B:Nice to meet you,4!A:5 old are you?B:Im eleven.What 6 you?A:Im eleven,too.B:Im Chinese.7 are you from?A:Im 8 England.Do you have a friend?1 B:Yes.His first name is Jill.And his last name is Black.He is my friend,9 he is not 10 my class.A:Goodbye!B:Bye!阅读理解(10 分)Im Mrs Zhou.Im a teacher in No.1 Middle School(第一中学).This is Li Lei.Hes Chinese.He is in Class 2,Grade 7.Hes my student,and my son(儿子)too.Hes twelve.That girl is Jean.Shes American.Shes eleven.And that boy is Jack.Hes English.Hes ten.Theyre in Li Leis class.Im their Chinese teacher.All the students and the teachers have two names:an English name and a Chinese name.Li Leis English name is Tom.My English name is Mary.Their English teacher Miss Jins English name is Sue.Jeans and Jacks Chinese names are Wei Hua and Zhang Li.1.Li Lei is .A.eleven B.twelve C.ten D.thirteen 2.Jeans Chinese name is .A.Wei Hua B.Zhang Li C.Liu Ying D.Li Mei 3.Jack is .A.Chinese B.American C.English D.French 4.Mrs Zhous English name is .A.Sally B.Mary C.Jean D.Sue 5.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?A.Li Lei is Mrs Zhous son.B.Jean and Jack are in Li Leis class.C.Miss Jins English name is Sue.D.Mrs Zhou is an English teacher.1 答案解析.答案:1.everyone 2.capital 3.but 4.last 5.All.答案:1.I 2.She 3.His 4.you;I 5.He.答案:15.BBCCD.答案:1.the capital of 2.are our 3.This is;English name 4.is not 5.happy to play.答案:1.am 2.is 3.are 4.are 5.are 6.are 7.is 8.is 9.am 10.are.答案:1.Whats 2.is 3.meet 4.too 5.How 6.about 7.Where 8.from 9.but 10.in.1.【解析】选 B。事实细节题。由文章第一段最后一句话“Hes twelve.”可知李磊 12 岁了,故选 B。2.【解析】选 A。事实细节题。由文章最后一句话“Jeans and Jacks Chinese names are Wei Hua and Zhang Li.”可知选 A。3.【解析】选 C。事实细节题。由文章第二段的“And that boy is Jack.Hes English.”可知选C。4.【解析】选 B。事实细节题。由文章第三段的“My English name is Mary.”可知选 B。5.【解析】选 D。推理判断题。由最后一段第一句话“Im their Chinese teacher.”可知周老师是语文老师,并非英语老师,故选 D。1 课时作业(三)Module 1 Unit 3(20 分钟 50 分).根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5 分)1.Davids C name is He Xiaofan.2.Where do you come f?America.3.Whats the c of England?London.4.She is Helen Kate,and Helen is her f name.5.This apple is small.I want the b one.用所给词的适当形式填空(5 分)1.My name (be)Wang Dong.2.Emma is an (America)girl.3.Sam is twelve (year)old.4.What is (he)name?5.My good friend Tony is from (English).6.Nice (meet)you.单项选择(10 分)1.Are you in Class One?.A.Yes,Im not B.No,I am C.Yes,you are D.Yes,I am 2.Sam is in class.Hes new friend.A.my;she B.my;my C.she;my D.she;she 3.?John Brown.A.Whats this B.How old are you C.Whats your name D.How are you 1 4.Chinese put(放)the first.A.family name B.given name C.middle(中间)name D.full name 5.Hello,John!This is my friend,Tom.A.Tom is his friend.B.Nice to meet you.C.Fine,thank you.D.This is my given name.句型转换(10 分)1.Lin Shuhao is from America.(对画线部分提问)Lin Shuhao?2.We are Andys classmates.(改为一般疑问句)Andys classmates?3.Beck is in Class One and his friends are in Class Two.(改为否定句)Beck in Class One and his friends in Class Two.4.How about doing our homework?(改为同义句)doing our homework?5.Emma is fourteen.(改为同义句)Emma is fourteen .完形填空(10 分)My name is Tony Brown.Tony 1 my first name,2 Brown is my last name.I am twelve years old.I am an American boy.There 3 five people(人)4 my family.I 5 two sisters.6 are Lily and Lucy.They are twins(双胞胎).They are only four.My father and my mother 7 teachers.My father is American,and my mother is from 8.They 9 their work very much.And they have many 10.1.A.am B.are C.is D.be 2.A.and B.or C.to D.but 3.A.are B.is C.have D.has 4.A.of B.for C.at D.in 1 5.A.has B.have C.am D.are 6.A.They B.We C.You D.Her 7.A.is B.are C.be D.have 8.A.Chinese B.English C.England D.American 9.A.does B.likes C.like D.do 10.A.boys B.children C.teachers D.students.阅读理解(10 分)My name is Felix Black.I am from America.I am twelve years old.And I am a student in No.2 Middle School in Suzhou.Mrs Zhao is our Chinese teacher.My friend is also a student here.Her name is Maria Smith.She is from England.She is thirteen years old.Maria and I are new students in No.2 Middle School.We like our Chinese class.阅读短文,判断正误(T/F)。()1.Felix is thirteen years old.()2.Mr Zhao is Felixs Chinese teacher.()3.Maria is from England.()4.Felix and Maria are in the same school.()5.They dont like their Chinese class.1 答案解析.答案:1.Chinese 2.from 3.capital 4.first 5.big.答案:1.is 2.American 3.years 4.his 5.England 6.to meet.答案:15.DBCAB.答案:1.Where is;from 2.Are you 3.isnt;arent 4.What about 5.years old.1.【解析】选 C。本题考查 be 动词。主语 Tony 为单数,因此系动词用 is。故选 C。2.【解析】选 A。本题考查词义辨析。句意:Tony 是我的名字,Brown 是我的姓。前后句为并列关系,and 连接并列关系的句子。故选 A。3.【解析】选 A。本题考查固定句型。there be“有”;又 five people 为复数,因此用系动词 are。故选 A。4.【解析】选 D。本题考查固定搭配。in my family“在我的家庭里”,故选 D。5.【解析】选 B。本题考查词义辨析。句意:我有两个妹妹;又“I”为第一人称,故用 have。故选 B。6.【解析】选 A。本题考查词义辨析。句意:她们是莉莉和露西,故选 A。7.【解析】选 B。本题考查 be 动词。主语 my father and my mother 为复数,故选 B。8.【解析】选 C。本题考查词义辨析。句意:我妈妈来自英国,A 项“中国人;中国的”;B项“英国人;英国的”;D 项“美国人;美国的”,故选 C。9.【解析】选 C。本题考查词义辨析。句意:他们非常喜欢他们的工作。they 并非第三人称单数形式,所以不用 likes,故选 C。10.【解析】选 D。本题考查词义辨析。由前几句可知,此处应为:他们有很多学生,故选 D。.1.【解析】F。由“I am twelve years old.”可知该题错误。2.【解析】F。由“Mrs Zhao is our Chinese teacher.”可知该题错误。3.【解析】T。由“She is from England.”可知该题正确。4.【解析】T。由文章倒数第二句“Maria and I are new students in No.2 Middle School.”可知该题正确。5.【解析】F。由文章最后一句话“We like our Chinese class.”可知该题错误。1


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