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    Unit 1:Brands“Truly great brands are more than just labels for products.”-Tony OReilly(1936-_),Irish entrepreneurTeaching ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1.think and talk about their own attitude toward brands;2.become familiar with the basic vocabulary related to brands;3.understand the article Made in Europe;4.discuss more freely on brand-related issues;5.write an email:solutions to Caferomas problems.Key Words in This Lesson Brands(partnership)partnershipTypes of products and brands Step One:Students will be randomly divided into 4 or 6 groups(using cut maps).Each group will have one type of product.Students then will be asked to suggest one or two brands for each category and explain why they chose the brands they did and if they have recently bought any of them.Business English(Card 1)Step 2Make lists of Ss favorite brands and answer the following questions on page 6.1.Are they international or national brands?2.What image and qualities does each one have?Use the following words and expressions to help you3.Why do people buy brands?value for money luxurious timeless well-madetop of the range durable inexpensive coolreliable stylish fashionable well-designed4.Why do you think some people dislike brands?5.How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen?For example,when you buy jeans,do you always buy Levis?Step 3 Vocabulary Learning Finish Describing brands in Market Leader Vocabulary in Unit 1(in CD-Rom)Step 4 The expressions on page 6 will be written on one side of the board as key vocabulary relating to brands.Step 5?Listen to 2 speakers talking about brands.What reasons does each person give for liking or disliking brands?likes:guarantee of good quality,reliable,attract attention,stylish and good design,impress other people.dislikes:free advertising,not to impress with logos,dont want to see the same things,genuine/illegal,inflated price.Which speaker do you agree with?Why?Step 6 Vocabulary Learningbrand management Group Work(4 groups)Each group will be given a card and finish the task on card 2.Card 2 in Unit 1.docbrand and product Complete these sentences with word partnerships from Exercise A on page 7.Additional vocabulary learningBrand ManagementVocabulary in Unit 1 in CD-Rom.Step 7:2.Examples of outsourcing?1.What is Outsourcing?幻灯片 164.Financial TimesReading:Outsourcing Production 3.Luxury Goods-Card 3 in Unit 1.docNew words and expressions:1.super-luxury brands:n.2.gross margins:n.3.plant:n.4.retail value:n.5.snob:n.6.flagship:n.7.offshore:a.8.round the corner:a.9.quality:a.10.cardinal:a.超级奢侈品牌毛利润工厂零售价值市值势力的人旗舰店境外的即将来临的高质量的极其重大的Please go through the text,find out the following words and expressions&guess their meanings:What is outsourcing外部采购/外包?Outsourcing can be where companies stop making goods or parts for these goods and subcontract this work to other companies,which may or may not be in the same country.But in this article the idea is very much that the luxury goods companies are subcontracting to cheaper suppliers abroad.Questions Why do some companies make luxury products abroad rather than at home?If you bought a Burberry or Gucci product,would you mind where it was made?Language Pointsoutsourcing:外部采购/外包 The buying-in of components,finished products and services from outside the firm rather than self-supply from within the firm.从企业外部买进零部件、制成品和服务,而不是由企业内部自己供应。In some cases this is done because it is more cost-effective to use outside suppliers or because outside suppliers are more technically competent or can supply a greater range of items.在某些情况下这样做是因为使用外部供应商更有成本效益,或者外部供应商在技术上更有竞争力,或者外部供应商可以提供更大范围的产品。For example in 2000 the Bank of Scotland signed a 10-year outsourcing agreements with IBM which involves IBM taking over the Bank of Scotlands computer systems and operating them.例如,2000年,苏格兰银行与IBM签订了一份为期10年点外部采购协议,包括由IBM接管并操作苏格兰银行的计算机系统。The deal will enable the Bank of Scotland to“save”up to 150 million on its information technology(IT)costs as well as being able to draw on IBMs expertise to create a more technically advanced IT infrastructure than it could have achieved on its own.这项交易使苏格兰银行在其信息科技(IT)成本上“节约”了多达1.5亿英镑,并且苏格兰银行可以利用IBM的专业知识,来创建一个(比它自己可以做到的)技术上更加先进的IT基础设施。On the debit side,however,reliance on outside suppliers may make the firm vulnerable to disruptions in supplies,particularly missed delivery dates,problems with the quality of bought-in components,and“unreasonable”terms and conditions imposed by powerful suppliers.然而,另一方面依靠外部供应商可能使得厂商容易受到供应中断的破坏,特别是延迟交货期限、买进的零部件有问题,以及强大的供应商强加“不合理”的条款和条件。The decision to produce internally or outsource will depend upon the combined production costs and Transaction Costs of the alternative supply source.进行内部生产还是外部采购,其决定有赖于其他供应渠道的生产成本和交易成本之和。Financial Times The Financial Times(FT:金融金融时报)is a UK English language international daily with a special emphasis on business and economic news internationally.The paper,published by Pearson in London,was founded in 1888 by James Sheridan and Horatio Bottomley,and merged with its closest rival,the Financial News in 1945.(which had been founded in 1884)Read and Answer(p.8):1.Why do some companies make luxury products abroad rather than at home?2.Which brands are mentioned?Do you know which country each is from?3.Which companies make all of their products in their own country?It is cheaper,mainly because of cheaper labourCoach-US,Burberry-UK,Gucci-Italy,Prada-ItalyGucci and PradaRead and Translate:1.Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or thinking of it.(para.1)除顶级奢侈品牌之外的几乎每个时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产或正在考虑去亚洲生产。2.In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares,Puerto Rico,its last company-owned plant,and outsources all its products.(para.1)2002年3月蔻驰关闭了其在颇多黎哥拉雷斯的工厂(公司拥有的最后一家工厂),将所有产品全部外包。3.Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements.(para.2)巴宝莉在亚洲有很多特许授权安排。4.This means that almost half of Burberrys sales at retail value will continue to be produced under licence in Asia.(para.2)这就意味着巴宝莉几乎一半市值的产品都将继续由授权的亚洲工厂生产。5.Sanyo is now reacting to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyos Ginza,where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.(para.3)一些自以为懂行的人要求有产品替代在亚洲工厂生产的巴宝莉产品。作为对此要求的回应,三洋在东京银座开了一家巴宝莉旗舰店,专门出售欧洲进口的博柏利产品。Words Review:1.brand:n.2.the difference between price and cost of production3.factory4.subcontracts5.making with the permission of the brand owner6.the most important branch of a retail chainlabelgross marginplant outsourcesproduce under licenceflagship storeGo through the first 3 paragraphs and look for words&phrases which mean the following:Further Information:Coach:A global leader in handbags and accessories,Coach is a modern luxury brand with a rich and authentic American heritage.All over the world,the Coach name is synonymous with effortless New York style.With exciting new footwear(鞋类)and ready-to-wear collections(时装展销),Coach offers sophisticated(高雅时髦的)head-to-toe looks for work,play and everyday.Burberry:Burberry Group plc(public limited company)is a British luxury fashion house(时 装 公 司),distributing unique luxury outerwear(外衣/帽),fashion accessories,fragrances,sunglasses,and cosmetics.Its distinctive tartan pattern(花格图案)has become one of its most widely copied trademarks.Burberry is most famous for its trench coat(军用防水外套),which was designed by founder Thomas Burberry.The company has branded stores(品牌店)and franchises(授权店)around the world and also sells through concessions(特许)in third-party stores.Queen Elizabeth II and the Prince of Wales have granted the company Royal Warrants(英国王室供货 许 可),which have been maintained despite Burberrys closure of its factory in Wales.The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange(伦敦证券交易所).Gucci(古驰):Gucci is an Italian fashion and leather goods brand,part of the Gucci Group,which is owned by French company Kering(开云集团)formerly known as PPR(Pinault Printemps Redoute:碧诺-春天-雷都集团).Kering(开 云 集 团)(previously PPR:Pinault Printemps Redoute)is the French luxury goods holding company,owner of Alexander McQueen(亚历山大麦昆),Balenciaga(巴黎世家),Brioni(布里奥尼),Gucci,Puma(彪马),Volcom(钻石),and other luxury,sport&lifestyle brands distributed in 120 countries.The company was founded in 1963 by businessman Franois Pinault and is now run by his son Franois-Henri Pinault.Prada(普拉达):Prada is an Italian luxury fashion house,specializing in ready-to-wear leather and fashion accessories,shoes,luggage,perfumes,watches,etc.,founded in 1913 by Mario Prada.INSEAD(欧洲工商管理学院):INSEAD is a graduate business school with campuses in Europe(Fontainebleau枫 丹 白 露,France),Asia(Singapore),and the Middle East(Abu Dhabi阿布扎比).INSEAD offers various academic programmes including a full-time Master of Business Administration(MBA)programme,a Master in Finance programme,a PhD in management programme,and several executive education programmes(including an executive MBA).Step 8:Applying and AnalyzingDiscussion:Two promotionsNew words and expressions:1.rebellious2.recapture3.centenary4.baby-boom generation(1946-1964)5.tractor6.earth-moving vehicle7.loading machine反叛的重温一百年婴儿潮一代拖拉机挖土机装货机Individual work:Student A:Case 1Student B:Case 2Write down your answers to each of the questions.Pair work:Read and explain your case to your partner;Ask your partner to answer the 4 questions;Share your answer with your partner.Answers to the questions in Case 11.It is based on the spirit of wild and rebellious youth such as Marlon Brando in the film The Wild One.2.Because the performer was Elton John,not the Rolling Stones.3.Their customers will be getting older,and their market shrinking.4.Harley Davidson could try to appeal to younger customers,but this may put off existing and potential older ones.Answers to the questions in Case 21.From the name of its founder.2.Adults children have very different images of the company.Adults saw the brand as being very British,with an image of quality and being functional.Children,on the other hand,saw the brand as big,muddy and fun.3.JCB might have developed robust toys for children.4.open-endedStep 9 Taking part in meetings 1 Skills audioUnit1_Activ06.mp3 Ss read Useful Language on P.11 Role play this situation Card 4 in Unit 1.doc Practice:Card 5 in Unit 1.doc Step 9 Taking part in meetings 1 After-class practice Use correct forms of the expressions in Practice and others from page 11 to role play a meeting about this situation.In a design company,some designers have been allowed to work at home for up to three days a week for the last year.Student A is the head of the company.Student B is the Chief Designer.They meet to discuss the arrangements for homeworking and whether to continue them Step 9 Taking part in meetings 1 Student A:Head of the design company You want all the designers to work at home four days a week because:the company will need less office space,fewer computers,etc.This saves the company a lot of money.you have the feeling that they work more effectively at home.you think that when theyre at the office,they waste a lot of time chatting,having coffee,etc.Student B:Chief Designer You want all your designers to work at the companys offices full-time because you:want to see them at work and to know what they are doing.have the feeling that at home they waste time and dont work as effectively.want them to work together in the same large office in order to encourage team spirit and better communication.are worried about issues of security.If you can keep an eye on the designers,you feel you will know if they are giving away the companys design secrets.Step 10 Evaluating and CreatingCase Study:Caferoma1.Turin,Italy2.ground.a.3.hypermarket.n.4.instant coffee5.decaffeinated 6.cafetiere7.percolator8.licensing fee意大利都灵磨碎的 grind-ground超大型超市速溶咖啡去除咖啡因的咖啡壶过滤器使用费Problems Brand loyalty1Copycat products3Brand image4Pricing2Possible solutionsStretching the brandRepositioning the product Pricing Multiple brandsAdvertisingOwn brand label productsA new productDisadvantagesAdvantagesAn informal meeting:groups of 6Pros&cons of each solutionRepositioning the product:Pros:appeal to more target customers.Cons:lose its original style and customers.Pricing:Pros:less expensive,affordable to more people.Cons:less attractive to some people whod like to be among the few who can afford the price.Advertising:Pros:make to brand known by more people.Cons:costly.Pros&cons of each solutionMultiple brands:Pros:more possible sources of revenue.Cons:more efforts to make small changes to product,less focus on Caferoma.Own brand label products:Pros:more sales.Cons:The brands popularity will remain the same or even decline.Pros&cons of each solutionA new product:Pros:give customers more options.Cons:more investment,popularity uncertain.Stretching the brand:Pros:popularity growth.Cons:poor quality of the stretched products may damage the image of Caferoma.Brand-stretchingOnew taste Oinstant coffee Oproduce some goods like dessert,cups,spoons under the same brand.Brand-stretchingcup matCelebrity endorsementOin different sales areas use different stars in the ads.Oin accordance with local cultureOPositive imageOattractiveListen,think,discuss and Write:Writing:e-mail p.13Ref:Collins English for Business:Writing(Unit 4:Layout for an email or letter)Transcript of the conversation(MM=Marketing Manager,SD=Sales Director)MM:Pietro,can I have a word with you?Ive just been talking to Gina Delassi,Majestics new Purchasing Manager.Theyre going to cancel their contract with us.They wont change their mind.SD:Why,whats the problem?Thats fifty percent of our business:we cant afford to lose them.What reason did they give for cancelling?MM:You know that Cafe Velvet has just launched a new advertising campaign?Well,Majestics Head Chef is endorsing it!Theyre introducing Cafe Velvet in all their hotels.Cafe Velvet is also talking to the supermarkets,apparently.SD:What can we do?Are you talking to other hotel chains?Any ideas on who can get to endorse our product?We need to talk to the supermarkets about our new campaign.MM:Yes,our department has already brainstormed a shortlist of possible celebrity names.And we have drawn up an action plan to target supermarkets.We aim to put these plans before the board next week.SD:Good to see a sense of urgency.Dont forget to survey other hotels chains.We cant rely on one chain in the current situation.Grading criteria/rubricAssignments1.Writing:email(pay attention to the layout);2.Learn the remaining sections in unit 1 autonomously;3.Read and finish the exercieses in 9.1:Branding(from Success with BEC);4.Recite para 1-3.


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