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    1.What makes your friend like reading (杂志)2.He often feels (无聊的)after class.3.She looks much (害羞)4.The Yellow River is the second river in our country.A the longest B longest C longer D long5.Siyang is becoming and .A beautiful;more B beautiful;beautiful C more;more beautiful D more beautiful more beautiful6.Bob is cleverer than in his class.A any other boys B any other boy C any boys D the other boyRevision 第1页/共30页1.To master different words for the same thing in British English and American English.2.To learn some expressions about describing school life.3.To arouse the students interests in talking about school life.Studyingaims第2页/共30页pronunciation (发音发音)spelling (拼写拼写)American EnglishBritish EnglishEnglishStep1.Be a language learner第3页/共30页Do you know which countries the flags stand for?Chinathe UK the USA第4页/共30页 People speak English in both the UK and the USA.However,sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing.So there are British English and American English.Step1.Be a language learner第5页/共30页biscuits Different words for the same thing:cookies第6页/共30页eraser rubberDifferent words for the same thing:第7页/共30页football soccerDifferent words for the same thing:第8页/共30页 shop storeDifferent words for the same thing:第9页/共30页 holiday vacationDifferent words for the same thing:第10页/共30页 film movieDifferent words for the same thing:第11页/共30页ground floorfirst floorDifferent words for the same thing:第12页/共30页Different words for the same thing:autumnfall第13页/共30页British English1 biscuit2 autumn3 lorry4 film5 football6 holiday7 garden8 rubber9 shop a.eraserb.soccerc.vacationd.cookie e.fallf.storeg.truckh.yardi.movie AmericanEnglish1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._degibchafStep1.Be a language learner第14页/共30页Listen to Daniel and Simons conversationat Page 19,Part B.Pay attention to some British words and underline these British words.第15页/共30页truckstorecookiesmoviefallpracticesoccer第16页/共30页 I am a boy from England.I am a Grade8 student.I like playing football.And I am good at maths.Autumn is coming.So my best friend,Maxs birthday is coming too.He lives on the ground floor.I will give him my present.Thats a nice rubber.And I plan to watch a film with him on that day.soccermathFallfirsterasermoviefloorPlease change the British English into American English第17页/共30页mathsfavouritehumourcolourcentretheatretravellerpractise(v.)mathfavoritehumorcolorcentertheatertraveler practice(v.)American EnglishBritish English第18页/共30页 Do you think they need to go to school?Step2.Be a sharp reader第19页/共30页1).Lets listen!Because Eddie thinks dogs are cleverer than people.Its like watching TV,but there are fewer advertisements.Step2.Be a sharp readerWhy dont dogs go to schoolin Eddies opinion?What does Eddie think school is like?第20页/共30页2).Lets read and act!(Page 18)Step2.Be a sharp reader第21页/共30页1.Whats school like?Its like watching TV.like:prep.像像 (反义词)反义词)unlikeJohn looks smart,_.(就像他父亲)*like:v.喜欢喜欢(反义词)反义词)dislike.他像他父亲一样喜欢踢足球。他像他父亲一样喜欢踢足球。language pointsjust like his father他的帽子像我的帽子。他的帽子像我的帽子。这噪音听起来像哭泣。这噪音听起来像哭泣。His hat is like mine.The noise sounds like crying.He,_ his father,_ playing football.(like)likelikes第22页/共30页2.there are fewer advertisements.*afew和few+可数名词alittle和little+不可数名词*fewfewerfewest littleless-least1.We must do_ work with_ people.A.moreless B.less less C.fewer fewer D.more,fewer2.Can you finish your homework better with_ time?A.fewer B.few C.little D.less3.你英语考试中越认真,犯的错误将越少。你英语考试中越认真,犯的错误将越少。The _ _ you are in the English test,the_ mistakes youll make.DDmore carefulfewer第23页/共30页当堂巩固1May I use your_(橡皮)?2The Englishmen speak _(英式)English.3There are many_(美国)students in their class.4Eddie thinks school life is like _(看)TV.5There are too many_(advertisement)on TV.6Kate is very thin and weak because she eats_(little)food in our class.7.I have_(few)friends than you.8.She often goes to the library_(borrow)books.Step 3.Be a motivated learnermutiveitid积极的第24页/共30页Choice()1“Movie”has the same meaning as_ Afilm Bsoccer Crubber Dfall()2People_English in_Britain and the USA Aspeak;both Btalk;all Ctell;both Dsay;a11()3_most students,he never comes to school 1ate ALike BAs CFor DTo()4一I usually go there by train 一Why not _by plane?Its faster Ato try going Btrying to go Cto try and go Dtry to go()5This film is very easy for students because there are _new words in it Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few 第25页/共30页1.我喜欢这个报纸,但是如果广告少一点更好了。I like the newspaper.But it would be better_ _.2.你的学校生活是怎么样的,能说说吗?_ your _ _ _?Can you say something about it.3.你为什么不参加我们的俱乐部呢?_ _ _our club?4.英式英语与美式英语听起来有些不一样。_ _sounds a little different from American English.5.你这个周末有没有什么好计划?Do you have any_ _ _this weekend?with fewer advertisementsWhats school life likeWhy not join British Englishgood plans forTranslation第26页/共30页Step 3.Be a motivated learner第27页/共30页Homework:1.Search online for more differences between British English and American English.2.Preview Part Reading第28页/共30页Thank you!Wujin Star Experimental School Jiang Yingnan第29页/共30页感谢您的观看!第30页/共30页


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