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    教学目标:听说:1.能运用英语描述一段事件 2.能读懂看懂相关话题 3.能够用英语关于本课话题自由对话。读写:1.背诵或复述课文 2.掌握本课单词,词组和语法 3.能够仿写课文教具准备:a real clock.a real telephone.第1页/共33页重点难点:单词:until,outside,ring(rang,rung),aunt,repeat.短语:参见后面重点词组语法:often,sometimes usually 这些频度副词的使用及在句子中的位置 第2页/共33页新课内容:一:Greetings Good morning,everyone.What did you do during the weekend?Whats the weather like today?and so on.二:Revision 1.Dictate the words and phrases of lesson 1,then give the students their scores.2.Make comparisons and make up sentences:notany=no 没有 There is not any water.=There is no water.I do not have any milk.=I have no milk.He does not have an English book.=He has no English books.They did not pay any attention.=They paid no attention.第3页/共33页三:Presentation1.Lead in:Enjoy some pictures and talk about food.第4页/共33页第5页/共33页第6页/共33页 Can you have breakfast everyday?What kinds of food do you usually eat at breakfast?Can you have lunch everyday?What kinds of food do you usually eat at lunch?Do you usually go to the expensive restaurant or the cheap one?第7页/共33页Ok,today lets learn an interesting story about meal.2.New words and expressions第8页/共33页第9页/共33页outside第10页/共33页ring第11页/共33页mumaunt第12页/共33页第13页/共33页untiloutsideringauntrepeat第14页/共33页3.Watch the flash and enjoy the text Watch the flash carefully and then answer the following questions Why was the writers aunt surprised?第15页/共33页 Ask and answerWhat day was it?What does the writer never do on Sunday?Where does the writer until lunchtime?Where did the writer do last Sunday?第16页/共33页When did he look out of the window,is it so dark?What did he think about?Who telephoned me on Sunday?How did the writers aunt come to here?What was he doing,just now?What was the time?第17页/共33页4.Analyze the textAnalyze the text and then ask students to read the text or retell the story.第18页/共33页5.Retell or recite the text Let the students work in pairs try to retell or recite the text by given pictures.then ask them to recite one by one 第19页/共33页6.Act out the story Let the students work in pairs and practice the story then act out the text using the teaching aids.a real clock.a real telephone.then give them the marks.第20页/共33页7.Phrases Pick out the words and phrases then learn them and try to recite the relative sentences and make up new sentences.第21页/共33页Get up earlyStay in bedUntil lunchtime第22页/共33页Get up very late LookLookoutofthewindowoutofthewindowJust thenCome to see youSo late第23页/共33页8.Notes on the text :1.on Sundays,指每个星期日。星期几的前面用介词on.2.What a day!多么糟糕的天气!这是一个省略的感叹句。完整的句子应该是What a day it is!英语中的感叹句常用What 开头,后面紧跟一个名词或名词性短语,然后是主语和谓语,句号用感叹号。3.Im coming to see you.在这句话中现在进行时用来表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。4.Dear me!天哪!这也是一个感叹句!第24页/共33页9.Key structures Now,Often,AlwaysNow,Often,Always 表示现在和经常发生的动作Now Often and AlwaysIts raining.I never get up early on Sundays.Im coming to see you.I sometimes stay in bed.Im having breakfast.Do you always get up so late?第25页/共33页2:still,sometimes,always,often,usually,never位置:动词前,be动词后I sometimes get up very late.I am sometimes late for school.重组句子I,breakfast,having,still,am._.She,gets,late,up,never._.第26页/共33页3notuntil-直到.才.She didnt get up until 11 eleven.She didnt finish her.She did not go back to sleep.She went back to sleep at 12:00.第27页/共33页10.Special difficulties:感叹句在英语中往往可以用What引导的感叹句来表示惊奇,愤怒,赞赏,喜悦等感情。在感叹句中主谓语采用正常语序。Eg:Instead of say:We can say:It is a terrible day!What a terrible day!This is a beautiful picture!What a beautiful picture!Or:What a beautiful picture it is!第28页/共33页11:Answers to the multiple choice on Page 19.1-4:c,d,c,c,5-8:a,b,b,a,9-12:d,c,d,b第29页/共33页12.Summary writing :Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.Does the writer always get up early on Sundays,or does he always get up late?Did he get up early last Sunday,or did he get up late?Who telephoned then?Has she just arrived by train,or had she come on food?Was she coming to see him or not?Did he say,“I m still having breakfast,or did he say,”I am still in bed?Was his aunt very surprised or not?What was the time?第30页/共33页四:Summary Today we learnt the words、phrases and text of lesson 2.and we also learnt some grammar points.I hope you can master them.Go over the knowledge quickly again.第31页/共33页五:Homework口语作业:熟读课文5遍,家长签字。书面作业:本课单词和词组每个写5遍,汉语1 遍,背会。第32页/共33页感谢您的观看!第33页/共33页


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