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    教师资格考试高中英语专业面试真题汇编1 简答题1. 题目:阅读教学试讲 2. 内容: We can learn a lot about a place, its history and culture from a postcard and the stamp on it. In 2005, some postcard collectors from different countries started a project. First, they created a website. Then people from all over the world could join and become members. The members send each other postcards. As a result, they make new friends and learn about the cultures and history of different countries. 3. 基本要求: (1)朗读所给材料; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对所给材料,设计相应的读前教学活动; (4)试讲时间 10 分钟; (5)用英文试讲。参考解析:Teaching Procedures: I. Lead-in Show students some postcards and stamps. Give some hints and ask students about what they know about the pictures. Questions: Do you know what they are? What do you know about them? II. Pre-reading 1. Show students some key words on the blackboard, like postcard, stamp, website, members, friends, cultures and history. 2. Based on the pictures in the leading in and the key words on the blackboard, let students guess what the main idea of this passage is. III. While-reading Activity 1 Skimming Ask students to read the passage quickly and confirm their predictions about the passage. The teacher asks students a few questions like “What do you think will be mentioned in this passage?” “What can a postcard do?” to elicit the topic “postcard” of this passage. Then ask students to conclude the main gist of the passage. Activity 2 Scanning Present students with a chart containing information from the passage and ask students to scan the passage to fill in the chart. Then the teacher asks students three questions: Q1: Who started the project? Q2: How do the members make friends with each other? Q3: What can people know from making friends with each other? Activity 3 Intensive reading Ask students to read the passage carefully for the last time, and they need to finish the stage of the project: 2. Students underline the important phrases on the book, like learn about, make friends, all over the world and so on. Then discuss with partners if they have some difficulties in understanding these phrases. IV. Post-reading 1. Try to retell the short paragraph this time with the guidance of the key words on the blackboard. 2. Group discussion: How can you make friends? How can you learn about the culture of other countries? V. Summary Students summarize the main language points about postcards and the teacher makes supplements. Develop students reading skills and arose their interest in English culture. VI. Homework Surf the Internet after class for more kinds of stamps and stories behind them and share with the class in the next lesson. 板书设计:略2 简答题参考解析:A Couch Potato Teaching aims Students will be able to comprehend the passage and list the main characters daily activity using timeline. Students can be able to master the pronunciation, spelling, meaning and usage of the three underlined words. Students will be able to use the words in their daily communications. Students will be able to cultivate the awareness of having a healthy lifestyle. Key and difficult points Key point To understand the passage and master the underlined words. Difficult point To apply the words in daily use accurately and learn to improve their lifestyle. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Have students describe what their perfect day will be like and what they will do. Invite some volunteers to share their perfect days. Have others decide whether the lifestyles are healthy. Tell students Brian is telling us about his perfect day as a couch potato. Lead into the topic and ask them to guess what a couch potato is according to the context. Step 2: Presentation 1. Have students read the article quickly and share their understanding of couch potato (a person who takes little exercise and watches a lot of television). 2. Read the passage again and complete the timeline on the screen in 5mins. Check the answers together. 3. Have students guess the meaning of the three underlined words. The teacher makes a summary and adds more information about these words. a. “Immediate” means at once or soon, and its adverb is “immediately”. b. “downstairs” means to the floor lower than the one you are on, and its antonym is “upstairs”. c. “Living room” means a room in a house where people sit together and watch television. Besides, in dining room, people have meals, and in bathroom, people take a shower. Step 3: Practice Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Encourage students to share their answers and have other students to review them. 1. Our troops immediately returned the fire. 2. Wait downstairs in the hall. 3. You have my room and I'll bed down in the living room. 4. He carried the plate through to the dining room. 5. Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died. Step 4: Production Tell students that Brian is determined to a have healthy lifestyle, and invite them to design a timetable for him. 5 minutes are given for discussion. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary learned as much as possible. Then invite some groups to share. Step 5: Summary and Homework Summary: wrap up todays lesson and remind them to exercise regularly, eat healthily, reduce stress and drink plenty of water. Homework: ask students to observe their mothers or fathers lifestyles. Describe them to group members next class and share their opinions on how to improve them. Blackboard design略3 简答题参考解析:My First Ride on a Train Teaching aims Students can comprehend the listening material which talks about a train traveling experience. Students can get familiar with expressions, such as cassette and Afghanistan, especially the pronunciation of these two words. Students can learn useful listening strategies, i.e. the sequence of various activities. Students can talk about their own train traveling experiences. Key and difficult points Key point To comprehend the listening material. Difficult points To learn useful listening strategies, i.e. the sequence of various activities. To talk about their own train experiences. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming-up 1. Say “Hello” to students and share my weekend to activate their experiences. 2. Let students enjoy a song named Five hundred miles to mobilize their passion and participation. The song goes like this: If you missed the train I'm on You will know that I am gone You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles A hundred miles a hundred miles A hundred miles a hundred miles You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles Ask students to share the topic of this song to lead into todays subject: My first ride on a train. Step 2: Pre-listening 1. Word learning Explain the confusing words to students: cassette and Afghanistan with some pictures. Emphasize the pronunciation of these two words, which will be helpful for them to understand the listening material. 2. Develop imagination Show the title “My first ride on a train” and ask students to let their imagination run wild about what the author experienced on a train. Step 3: While-listening 1. Extensive listening Read the passage for students and ask them to find out the words used for describing the whole train experience. Then invite one student to write the answer on the blackboard. 2. Intensive listening Play the tape and ask students to fill in the blanks on the PPT and remind them to focus on the sequence of various activities. Then write the key words on the blackboard. Guide students to appreciate the beauty of language “the stars shone like diamonds”. 3. Ask students to listen to the tape again and answer the question: Why is the train called “Ghan”? Step 4: Post-listening Mobilize memory Ask students to recall their train experiences in groups of four about what they see, what they do, what they feel, etc. Time is limited within 5 minutes. They can speak out their voice if ready. Step 5: Summary and Homework Summary: Invite a student to summarize todays lesson. Encourage students to go out, rather than staying at home, like a couch potato. Homework: Ask students to write an article to record their train experiences. Blackboard design4 简答题参考解析:A Coach Potato Teaching aims Students can classify the countable and uncountable nouns and pay attention to some special usages. Students can understand what a perfect day is for the man after reading the passage. Students will apply this grammar rule in their daily life. Students will try to go through a day meaningfully and truly. Key and difficult points Key points To recognize the countable and uncountable nouns. To read and understand the whole passage. Difficult points To master the usage of this grammar rule in their daily life. To spend a day meaningfully. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greet students as usual by asking “How do you do recently?” . 2. Let students enjoy a poem written by William Shakespeare. The poem goes like this: Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date. Tell students that reading English materials is my routine of every morning. Invite students to share their regular activities in public. Then lead into the topic: the whole day of a man. Step 2: Presentation 1. Ask students to read the passage to find the main idea and guess the meaning of the title “A coach potato” and illustrate the slang for them: it refers to a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television. 2. Guide students to read the passage again to focus on the underlined words to classify them in terms of some standards. Following their observation, the teacher concludes that these nouns are divided into countable and uncountable words. Make an explanation in detail: a. For countable nouns, we usually add “-s” or “-es” at the end of the word to show the plural form. For example, “hourhours” in this passage, and “foxfoxes”. But there are some irregular plural forms of nouns, for example, the “oo” should be changed into “ee” in the word “foot” to form the plural. b. For uncountable nouns, theres no plural form. for example, “money”, “exercise”, “water”. and “fish”. Remind students that uncountable words are modified by “much”, not “many”. Step 3: Practice 1. Fill in the blanks: Ask students to fill in the blanks using the right form of nouns. The plane took off an late. (hour) Professor Wangs is really useful to me. (advice) (ask students to pay attention to the differences beween “advice” and “suggestion”) 2. Sharp eyes: Guide students to find the mistakes with their sharp eyes. She has brown hairs and blue eyes. These are sheeps. Those are goats. You must have some more chickens. Step 4: Production A Perfect Day Students imagine students is going to have a perfect day. Ask them to have a discussion about what they will do, see, or say, etc in groups of four. Encourage them to be brave and innovative. They need to pay attention to the countable and uncountable nouns. Time is limited within 5 minutes. Later, invite some groups to share their “day dreaming”. Step 5: Summary and Homework Summary: invite a student to share what they learned today and make a supplement. Remind them to go through a day meaningfully and truly. Homework: ask students to sort out more information about the grammar rule about countable and uncountable nouns. Blackboard design略5 简答题参考解析:Earthquakes Teaching aims Students can learn the meaning and usage of some phrases including “at an end”, “in ruins” and “cut across”. Students will be able to infer the meaning of the target phrases according to the context. Students will learn to use these phrases in their oral practice. Students will cherish their lives and their families and also learn how to protect themselves when earthquakes happen. Key and difficult points Key point To grasp the meaning and usage of phrases including “at an end”, “in ruins” and “cut across” and learn how to use them while speaking. Difficult point To cherish their lives and families and learns the ways of protecting themselves when earthquakes happen. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song called Heal the World and ask students how they feel. The song goes like this: Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for you and for me Ask students to answer the question. They may say they are in sorrow. Then tell them that this song is composed by Michael Jackson to call for life cherish and they will have a deep understanding of this song after todays lesson. Then lead into the topic. Step 2: Presentation 1. Ask students to read through the passage and get the main idea of the passage. 2. Then read the passage for them and ask them to find out some new phrases. Invite one to write down on the blackboard including “at an end”, “cut across” and “in ruins”. 3. Ask students to guess the meanings of those phrases according to the context. Then explain them. For example, “cut across” meaning travel across or pass over. In the passage, we can see that a huge crack pass over houses, roads and canals. While for “in ruins”, it means damage according to the word “terrible”. 4. Emphasize that “at the end” and “in ruins” are prepositional phrases while “cut across” is verb phrase and ask them to pay attention to the function of them in sentences. Step 3: Practice 1. Show some pictures and ask students to make sentences using the phrases weve learned to describe them. Some students will be invited to show their sentences. 2. Show the documentary of the Wenchuan Earthquake and ask students to describe what happened in the video using the phrases weve learned in the passage in groups of 4 in 5 minutes. Then, ask someone to share their answers. They may make sentences like “The severe shake of the mountains caused a huge crack cutting across the city”, “The village was in ruins after the earthquake”, etc. Then give positive feedback Step 4: Production Invite students to be a journalist at that time when the earthquake was happening and report what was happening. They may refer to the passage and take advantage of those phrases. And they will work in groups of 4 for 7 minutes. Then ask 2 representatives to deliver the report in front of the class. They may give a real-time report of how the earthquake happened and what the rescuers are doing. Step 5: Summary and Homework Summary: invite a student to be an assistant teacher and summarize todays lesson. The


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