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    8B Unit1 Past and PresentMain task1学会描述两张照片所反映的同一地区过去学会描述两张照片所反映的同一地区过去和现在的不同情况。和现在的不同情况。2学会从图片中获取相关信息。学会从图片中获取相关信息。3记录所见、所闻、所感,形成描写家乡变记录所见、所闻、所感,形成描写家乡变化的文章。化的文章。学习 目标4.了解下列句型了解下列句型It used to be a quiet place.The area has changed over the years.The changes to Moonlight Town have brought many advantages,but they have also caused many problems for people.Revision1.What changes have taken place to Sunshine Town?Mr Chens life:The changes to Sunshine Town:Mr Chens feeling:First Mr Chen lived in the southern part of town with his parents.Soon after he got married,he and his wife moved to another flat in the center of town.Last year they moved again when his children bought them a new flat.Sunshine Town has changed a lot over the years.Mr Chen thinks life is better than before in some ways.However,some of his old friends have moved to other areas in Beijing,and he feels a bit lonely from time to time.Sometimes they come back to see him and that makes him very happy.2.What about Starlight Town?RevisionEnvironmentTransportPeopleA place of natural beautyBicycleLived in old housesSmaller lakesTaxi,bus or trainA lot of them have moved into the new flatsUndergroundUnderground12Talking aboutThe changes to Moonlight Town43The changes to Moonlight TownTalking aboutparkwastelandThe changes to Moonlight TownTalking aboutThe changes to Moonlight TownDiscussionTransportsEnvironmentAdvantagesProblemIn the pastAt presentquiet green hills around fresh airmany new roads new building more peoplego to town by bicycle or on footmany buses pass the town go there by taxi,bus or train a new railway station a good environment a modern lifeless developmentfewer treesWritingA.Complete Amys report.Moonlight Town is a place near Beijing and is not very far from Sunshine Town.It used to be a _ place.There were _ and fresh air.However,the area has changed over the years.There are now many _,_ and a lot more people.In the past,people could only go to Moonlight Town _ or _.Things have changed a lot.Many _ pass there now,and _has been in use since 2003.Now,people can take the bus,the taxi or the train to Moonlight Town,and it is faster and easier to get there.The changes to Moonlight Town have brought many _,but they have also caused many problems for people.There are _trees,and the environment is not as good as before.However,most young people feel happy because the change have brought them a _ life.WritingA.Complete Amys report.Moonlight Town is a place near Beijing and is not very far from Sunshine Town.It used to be a _ place.There were _ and fresh air.However,the area has changed over the years.There are now many _,_ and a lot more people.quietgreen hillsnew roadsnew buildingsIn the past,people could only go to Moonlight Town _ or _.Things have changed a lot.Many _ pass there now,and _has been in use since 2003.Now,people can take the bus,the taxi or the train to Moonlight Town,and it is faster and easier to get there.by bicycleon footbusesa new railway stationThe changes to Moonlight Town have brought many _,but they have also caused many problems for people.There are _trees,and the environment is not as good as before.However,most young people feel happy because the change have brought them a _ life.advantagesfewermodernB.Helpful questions Discuss and go through the questions in Part B on Page 22.1.What is the title of your report?2.When were the photos taken?3.What can you see in the old photo and the recent photo?4.Describe how things look.What changes can see in the two photos?5.Do you like the changes?Why or why not?What do you know about your hometown?What do you know about your hometown?In the pastAt presentEnvironmentTransportAdvantagesProblemsThe changes to your home town Describe the changes to your partner.EnvironmentTransportPeopleOther things:advantages problemsWriting a report on the changes to your home town.Lets check your work,if you are the best!1.Remember the expressions in this lesson.2.Finish the additional exercises.3.Try to learn more about your home town.HomeworkHomeworkThank you!Bye!


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