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    语法专题训练 构词法 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.All the girls were breathing (heavy)after the 800-metre race.2.Dont pour the (pollute)water everywhere,or youll be punished.3.Its (polite)of you to shout at others in public.You must have good manners.4.Are there any (different)between the two sentences?Sorry,I dont know.5.The more (careful)you work,the more mistakes you will make.6.The kids seem very (satisfy)with themselves.7.After class,children should go out of their classroom to enjoy the (warm)of the sun.8.In China,most of the (north)people like to eat dumplings.9.I like reading and writing,and I want to be a (write)when I grow up.10.My father is very (humour)and often makes us laugh.11.At the class meeting,our teacher gave us quite a few (suggest)on how to get on well with each other.12.Mr Dean was (thank)to the policeman who had helped his kids arrive safely.13.Mary and Tony are a pair of pet pigs.The two have recently got a special license so that their (own)can take them for a walk.14.My mother is (care)and sometimes she leaves the house with the door open.15.A person who doesnt like fishing usually looks (patient)in doing his work.16.Hes very excited about the (possible)of playing for Englands first team.17.With the money we have (success)sent many poor children to school.18.We have made a (decide)to climb the mountain tomorrow.19.China is now working (close)with many foreign countries to practise“the Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路倡议)”.20.Dont take the magazines away.They are for that (science).21.All their efforts seemed (help),so they decided to give it up.22.The (nation)Day of China has become a 7-day holiday for people to travel and relax.23.Huaian is a city with a long history and it lies in the east of (Chinese).24.I (agree)that mums do all the housework.Everyone should share.25.Tom likes China because Chinese people are (friend).26.Henry is a (honest)boy,so all of his friends hate to play with him.27.(luck),this man lost his wife and two children in the earthquake.28.I dont like soap operas because I think they are (meaning).29.We are sad about the (pollute)of our environment.30.Erquan Yingyue is (move)piece of music that Ive ever heard.31.Nicks mother worries about his (healthy)lifestyle,though he is a college student.32.Tom has invented a tree-planting machine.I think no one is (create)than him.Hes a boy full of strange ideas.33.Qi Baishi was one of the most famous (art)in China.34.To complete the work,he drank some coffee to keep himself (wake).35.All the people in the world wish to enjoy a beautiful and (peace)life.36.We are still (sure)now if my friend will visit me.37.Once a week my business suit is (smooth)ironed.38.Failure isnt always bad.It can teach you (use)lessons.39.Wild animals which are now in danger need our (protect).40.What a pity!Sue lost the game because the (weigh)of her shoes made it difficult for her to run fast.参考答案 1.heavily 2.polluted 3.impolite 4.differences 5.carefully 6.satisfied 7.warmth 8.northern 9.writer 10.humorous 11.suggestions 12.thankful 13.owner(s)14.careless 15.impatient 16.possibility 17.successfully 18.decision 19.closely 20.scientist 21.helpless 22.National 23.China 24.disagree 25.friendly 26.dishonest 27.Unluckily 28.meaningless 29.pollution 30.the most moving 31.unhealthy 32.more creative 33.artists 34.awake 35.peaceful 36.unsure 37.smoothly 38.useful 39.protection 40.weight 1、When the fox preaches,take care of your geese22. 2、I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six.Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.。二二二年四月二十六日 2022 年 4 月 26 日星期二 3、Your time is limited,so dont waste it living someone elses life.20:384.26.202220:384.26.202220:3820:38:424.26.202220:384.26.2022 4、The only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you havent found it yet,keep looking.Dont settle.4.26.20224.26.202220:3820:3820:38:4220:38:42 5、Be brave and clear.Follow your heart and dont be overly influenced by outside factors.Be true to yourself.Tuesday,April 26,2022April 22Tuesday,April 26,20224/26/2022 6、I have no trouble being taken seriously as a woman and a diplomat in Ghana.。8 时 38 分 8 时 38 分 26-Apr-224.26.2022 7、When the fight begins within himself a mans worth something.22.4.2622.4.2622.4.26。2022 年 4 月 26 日星期二二二二年四月二十六日 亲爱的读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。


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