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    The top 10 most useful css snippets of today.I have noticed myself to use a few different code snippets on a daily basis so I thought some of you might find them useful.So here we go.1.Centering a website(or other elements)The HTML view plaincopy to clipboardprint? CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.wrap width:960px;margin:0 auto;This is an oldie,but apperantly it is not as obvious as you would think.2.Sticky Footer(make footer always be on bottom without absolute positioning)The HTML view plaincopy to clipboardprint? CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.*margin:0;padding:0;2.html,body,#wrap height:100%;3.body#wrap height:auto;min-height:100%;4.#main padding-bottom:150px;/*must be same height as the footer*/5.#footer 6.position:relative;7.margin-top:-150px;/*negative value of footer height*/8.height:150px;9.clear:both;10./*CLEAR FIX*/11.clearfix:after content:.;12.display:block;13.height:0;14.clear:both;15.visibility:hidden;16.clearfix display:inline-block;17./*Hides from IE-mac*/18.*html.clearfix height:1%;19.clearfix display:block;20./*End hide from IE-mac*/As of recently i have had to use this over 50 times i think this is one of the most important tricks you will learn today.3.Cross-Browser Min HeightThe CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.element min-height:600px;height:auto !important;height:600px;You can replace the min-height and heigth with 12em or another value that works for you.4.Box Shadow(CSS3)The CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.box box-shadow:5px5px5px#666;-moz-box-shadow:5px5px 5px#666;-webkit-box-shadow:5px 5px5px#666;As you can see since this is a CSS3 property you will need all the three commands to make it cross browser(except for ie of course).The first 2 measurements are for horizontal offset and the vertical offset.The third number is for the blur radius.And the last is the color of the shadow.5.Text Shadow(CSS3)with IE hackThe CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.text text-shadow:1px1px1px#666;filter:Shadow(Color=#666666,Direction=135,Strength=5);This technique is great for all modern browsers,the IE fix works but it is not amazing quality.6.Cross Browser CSS OpacityThe CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.transparent 2./*Modern Browsers*/opacity:0.7;3./*IE 8*/-ms-filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70);4./*IE 5-7*/filter:alpha(opacity=70);5./*Netscape*/-moz-opacity:0.7;6./*Safari 1*/-khtml-opacity:0.7;7.Opacity can be used for plenty of elements,it adds a certain new age style we all strive for.Notice that in some browsers transperancy is inherited by all child elements!7.The Famous Meyer ResetThe CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,2.h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,blockquote,pre,3.a,abbr,acronym,address,big,cite,code,4.del,dfn,em,font,img,ins,kbd,q,s,samp,5.small,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,var,6.dl,dt,dd,ol,ul,li,7.fieldset,form,label,legend,8.table,caption,tbody,tfoot,thead,tr,th,td 9.margin:0;10.padding:0;11.border:0;12.outline:0;13.font-weight:inherit;14.font-style:inherit;15.font-size:100%;16.font-family:inherit;17.vertical-align:baselinebaseline;18.19./*remember to define focus styles!*/20.:focus 21.outline:0;22.23.body 24.line-height:1;25.color:black;26.background:white;27.28.ol,ul 29.list-style:none;30.31./*tables still need cellspacing=0 in the markup*/32.table 33.border-collapse:separate;34.border-spacing:0;35.36.caption,th,td 37.text-align:left;38.font-weight:normal;39.40.blockquote:before,blockquote:after,41.q:before,q:after 42.content:;43.44.blockquote,q 45.quotes:;46.This is the most useful css reset out there,i use it for almost everything I work on(even the 52framework,coming soon).8.Removing the dotted outlinesThe CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.a,a:active outline:none;I find myself getting very annoyed with the dotted outline(especially for text-indented elements that are off the page).9.Rounded Corners(non ie)The CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.element 2.-moz-border-radius:5px;3.-webkit-border-radius:5px;4.border-radius:5px;/*future proofing*/5.6.element-top-left-corner 7.-moz-border-radius-topleft:5px;8.-webkit-border-top-left-radius:5px;9.Love rounded corners?Dont want to slave over images and elements to get the effect?This is your solution,and elements still look fine in ie.10.Override Inline StylesThe CSS view plaincopy to clipboardprint?1.override 2.font-size:14px !important;3.This comes in handy plenty of times,I personally use it way too much everyt ime something doesnt work I test if its just not being applied because of some other style.


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