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    五年级英语阶段性练习班级姓名得分(听力部分)一、听录音,选出所听到的内容。(10 分)()1.A.why B.where C.when()2.A.big B.fit C.fat()3.A.bathrooms B.mushrooms C.bedrooms()4.A.by taxi B.by train C.by metro()5.A.get to B.get off C.get on()6.A.put on B.turn on C.try on()7.A.get out B.come out C.look out()8.A.too many B.too much C.too young()9.A.cinema B.season C.sister()10.A.near B.in front of C.next to 二、听录音,选择正确的答案。(8 分)()1.A.I m Liu Tao.B.This is Liu Tao speaking.()2.A.She feels thirsty.B.I fell thirsty.()3.A.Yes.I have a cold.B.Yes,I do.()4.A.He s a doctor.B.He has a toothache.()5.A.Im sorry to hear that.B.Lets play basketball.()6.A.They go home by taxi.B.They go home at four.()7.A.He goes to school on foot.B.Because he is too young.()8.A.She lives on Apple Street.B.She works in a school.三、听录音,补全短文。(12分)Lily sweets.she has a .When her hurt,she cannot or fruit.She can only drink some .She should not eat sweets.She should brush her teeth in the and before bedtime.(笔试部分)四、选择填空。(10 分)()1.-How he to school?-By bus.A.does;goes B.do;go C.does;go()2.The film is over.We are late.A.too B.not C.also()3.I have a cold.I should go to the doctor.A.look B.watch C.see()4.You should brush your teeth before .A.lunch time B.bedroom C.dinner time()5.You have a high fever.Your temperature is .A.104 F B.104 C C.36 C()6.He feels hot.He should not his coat.A.take off B.get on C.put on()7.We should not shout in the library.We should not eat or drink there .A.either B.too C.also()8.Walk the street and you can see the bookshop your right.A.along;at B.on;in C.along;on()9.How she feel?A.do B.does C.is()10.What s wrong with?A.him B.he C.his 五、根据首字母或用动词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1.They want to see a new film in the c .2.Beijing is f f Guangzhou.3.Bobby and Tina w for the bus at the bus s .4.We often buy shoes at this s .5.Su Hai s father works in a h .He is a doctor.6.Helen (put)on a new hat.She (like)it very much.7.Andrew (feel)thirsty.He is (have)a drink now.8.Bobby (have)a new bike.He likes (ride)it in the park.9.He should (drink)some warm water and (have)a rest.10.Tom (live)near school.He (go)to school on foot.六、按要求改写句子。(10 分)1.Take some medicine,please.(改为否定句)take medicine,please.2.Mr Brown goes to Guangzhou by plane.(对划线部分提问)Mr Brown to Guangzhou?3.We live on Rainbow Street.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-Do on Rainbow Street?-Yes,do.4.Peter is sad because his mother is ill.(对划线部分提问)is Peter?七、从右栏中找出与左栏句子匹配的答句。(5 分)()1.Where do you live?A.Because he has a new bike.()2.When does Mike go to bed?B.At nine oclock.()3.What subjects does she like?C.You can take Bus No.3.()4.How do I get to your home?D.English and Maths.()5.Why does Bobby look so happy?E.I live in China.八、看图,完成对话。(12 分)1.M:Su Hai,whats wrong you?S:I a headache.M:Lets go to Doctor Wu.S:.2.D:She a fever.M:should she?D:She should have a at home.M:Thank you,Doctor.3.S:Hello,Miss Li.I come to school today.L:What s?S:I have a headache and a fever.L:I see.,Su Hai.九、完形填空。(8 分)Hello,I m Jessica.I m 11 years old.I 1 from Australia.I live 2 my parents in Shanghai now.they 3 in a university and I 4 in a primary school.Our home is near my school,so I go to school 5 foot.My parents go to work 6 bike.They like 7 bikes.In Shanghai,many people go to work by bike.I can see bikes here and there.Shanghai is a great 8 .I like it very much.()1.A.come B.go C.walk()2.A.in B.on C.with()3.A.teaches B.teachers C.teach()4.A.work B.study C.studies()5.A.on B.by C.in()6.A.on B.with C.by()7.A.riding B.ride C.rides()8.A.town B.city C.street 十、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10 分)Tom has a bad tooth.It hurts very much.His father takes him to see the dentist.The dentist pulls out the bad tooth.Then,he asks Tom s father for fifty yuan.“Fifty yuan?Why?I should give you only ten yuan for a tooth!”Tom s father is very angry.“That s right.”Says the dentist.“But when I pulled out the tooth for your son,he cried too terribly.Four patients were too afraid and they left,so you should give me forty yuan for that.”()1.What is wrong with Tom?A.He has a cough.B.He has a toothache.C.He has a headache.()2.Who takes Tom to the hospital?A.His father.B.His mother.C.His teacher.()3.What does Tom do when the dentist pulls out his tooth?A.He leaves.B.He cries.C.He laughs.()4.What is the cost for pulling out one tooth?A.Fifty yuan,B.Forty yuan.C.Ten yuan.()5.Why do the four patients leave?A.Because they do not have a toothache.B.Because they are afraid.C.Because it is too expensive.十一、根据提示,写一写某人的病情并给出一些建议,不少于五句。(5 分)ill headache cough take some medicine drink some water have a rest 五年级英语阶段性练习听力材料一、听录音,选出所听到的内容。(10分)1.Why is Helen so happy?2.The shoes do not fit.3.Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree.4.I come to school by taxi today.5.How do I get to your home?6.Many girls try on the shoe.7.Some children come out from the bookshop.8.There are too many people on the street at weekends.9.We can ask the policeman the way to the cinema.10.There is a metro station next to the school.二、听录音,选择正确的答案。(8 分)1.Hello,may I speak to Liu Tao.2.How do you feel,Lingling?3.Are you ill,Grandma?4.Whats wrong with Mike?5.I have a headache,Mr Green.6.When do the boys go home?7.Why cant Bobby go to school by bike?8.Where does your grandma live?三、听录音,补全短文。(12 分)Lily likes eating sweets.Sometimes she has a toothache.When her teeth hurt,she cannot eat rice or fruit.She can only drink some warm water.She should not eat too many sweets.She should brush her teeth in the morning and before bedtime.


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