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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上初二英语下学期期末试卷(答题时间:90分钟)听力部分一. 听对话及问题,选出能回答问题的正确答案。(5分) 1. A. Half past one. B. One twenty-seven. C. Three past two. 2. A. Because she isnt interested in it at all. B. Because she has been there many times. C. Because she has no time at the moment. 3. A. 30 yuan.B. 20 yuan.C. 25 yuan. 4. A. She didnt buy anything. B. She bought some fruit only. C. She bought some fruit, coffee and milk. 5. A. Twenty minutes. B. Fifteen minutes. C. Ten minutes. 二. 短文理解:短文后有5个小题,选出能回答问题的答案。(5分) 1. What festival is this Sunday? A. Fathers Day.B. Mothers Day.C. Mothers birthday. 2. Why arent Li Hong and Li Ping happy on Fathers Day? A. Because they dont like their father. B. Because they like their mother. C. Because their father died. 3. From this passage, we can know _. A. Mrs Li is a teacher B. Mrs Li is a student in a night school C. Mrs Li doesnt have a job 4. Li Ping thinks that the best present for his mother is _. A. glassesB. shoesC. books 5. What do you think of Mrs Li as a mother? A. Shes a good mother. B. Shes a lazy mother. C. Shes a bad mother. 三. 缺词填空:(10分) My favourite computer game is called _1_ Traveller. It is _2_ educational computer game with three _3_. The main _4_ is called Suzan Ross. She is 14 years old. The game is set in _5_ countries. The goal of the game is to _6_ around the world to learn the history of _7_ place and use this _8_ to open the treasure box. The game was _9_ by Nancy Jackson in 2002. It was produced by Sunshine Educational CD-ROMs Co. This game is _10_ in China, the USA and Japan. 笔试部分一. 单项选择:(12分) 1. How I wish I _! A. can play pianoB. can play the piano C. could play pianoD. could play the piano 2. All of us have learned English _ almost five years. A. sinceB. fromC. beforeD. for 3. I _ have supper at 5:30 p.m. every day. But now I _ having supper at 6:30 p.m. A. was used to, used to B. used to, was used to C. used to, am used to D. am used to, was used to 4. She is ill. She is _ weak _ walk. A. so, thatB. to, too C. so, toD. too, to 5. The doctor operated _ twenty patients every day. A. onB. toC. atD. in 6. Rose didnt go to the park yesterday _ she was very busy. A. soB. because of C. becauseD. so that 7. All we need is enough time to _ with our work. A. put onB. carry on C. turn onD. try on 8. The teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun. A. goesB. wentC. goingD. to go 9. We hope people will support our work by _ donations to ORBIS. A. to sendB. sendsC. sendingD. sent 10. _ useful information! A. What aB. WhatC. How aD. How 11. He is a _ boy who likes swimming. A. thirteen years old B. thirteen-years-old C. thirteen-year-old D. thirteen-year-old 12. The places you have visited _ bright purple. A. are marked inB. mark in C. are marked forD. mark for二. 英译配对:(5分) 1. fall asleep(例)_b_a. of any time 2. all-time _b. begin to sleep 3. earn _c. people who are ill, especially in hospitals 4. patients _d. people who like somebody or something very much 5. fans _e. the state of not being able to see 6. blindness _f. get 三. 动词填空:(8分) 1. The new CD player _1_ to Mr. Lin now.(belong) 2. How long _2_ you _2_ in this school since you came to this city?(work) 3. I think he has kept _3_ here for five hours.(wait) 4. I _4_ a book in my office yesterday.(leave) 5. Computers _5_ in many ways.(use) 6. It was my job _6_ each star to everyone.(introduce) 7. I hope _7_ you with your English. (help) 8. She _8_ TV when her mother came back home.(watch)四. 完成句子:(15分) 1. 张夫人过去常把钱花在服装上。 Mrs Zhang _1_ _2_ _3_ her money on clothes. 2. 在剧中,他将扮演的角色是医生。 In the play, he will _4_ the _5_ _6_ the doctor. 3. 我们必须记着为希望工程筹集捐款。 We must remember _7_ _8_ _9_ for Project Hope. 4. 我们从当地企业那获得了很大支持。 We had a lot of _10_ _11_ _12_ businesses. 5. 人们肯定很感激你们。 People must _13_ very _14_ _15_ you.五. 完形填空:(10分) Food is very important. Everyone needs to _1_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _2_. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are _3_ in everything around them. They learn _4_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _5_ story books, science books, anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _6_ to find out the answers. What is the best _7_ to get knowledge? If we learn _8_ ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the _9_ way, we will learn more and understand _10_. 1. A. sleepB. readC. drinkD. eat 2. A. sportB. exerciseC. knowledgeD. meat 3. A. interestedB. interestingC. weakD. better 4. A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything 5. A. lendB. readC. learnD. write 6. A. tryB. haveC. swimD. wait 7. A. placeB. doorC. wayD. lessons 8. A. onB. withC. toD. by 9. A. wrongB. rightC. badD. difficult 10. A. harderB. muchC. betterD. well六. 阅读理解:(20分)A Do you keep goldfish? A goldfish has two eyes. It has a mouth. A goldfish has fins. It has one fin on its back. It has a tail. Its fins and tail help it to swim. Fish swim in water and the water has some air in it. Goldfish eat fish-food. They dont eat a lot. Little worms(虫)are good for goldfish but bread is not. They will eat bread but it is not good for them. So dont feed goldfish on bread. Goldfish have to have clean water. Green water weeds(水草)help to make water clean. Baby goldfish are not red. They are brown. But when they are big, they will be gold or orange or red. 1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. A goldfish has two eyes. B. A goldfish has a mouth. C. A goldfish has only one fin. D. A goldfish has a tail. 2. Goldfish swim _. A. with the help of its fins and tail B. with the help of its mouth C. with the help of its tail only D. with the help of its fins only 3. This passage tells us not to feed goldfish on _. A. fish-foodB. bread C. little wormsD. water 4. When goldfish are small, they are _. A. redB. goldC. yellowD. brown 5. Goldfish _. A. eat a lot B. have to live in clean water C. dont eat little worms D. have to live in green water B One morning in April, Jim Reed checked his E-mail. It was from a woman in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had talked to her on E-mail many times in the last ten days. All the other messages were fun and interesting to read. This message was different. The message said, “Good-bye loved kowihn yu I am leaving.” Mr. Reed was frightened by the message. He tried to understand the words that were not spelled right. He quickly wrote a message to his new friend. “What do you mean by the message you just sent me?” He waited but did not get an answer. He wrote back, “Please talk to me.” Finally, she wrote, “I am falling asleep what it say gildye tiny friends.”Mr. Reed thought hard about this message. “Is she going to kill herself?”he thought. “What is your phone number?”he typed. The woman sent a phone number. Mr. Reed called At first the phone was busy. Then it just rang and rang. He called the police in Pittsburgh, and told them his story. Then he faxed them what his friend wrote. The police and paramedics(医护人员)quickly went to the womans house. When she didnt answer the doorbell, they broke in. They found her on the floor near the computer. She told them, “I took 60 pills,”The paramedics rushed her to the hospital. “Mr. Reed did a great job of saving this woman.”The police captain said. “If he hadnt guessed at the e-message, she would be dead now.”The woman is fine now, and she thanks Mr. Reed for saving her life. 1. Mr. Reed talked with the woman _. A. by telephoneB. on the Internet C. at his homeD. in the office 2. The e-message he found was strange because _. A. it was fun to read B. it was not interesting like usual ones C. the woman wrote nothing D. the woman wrote it ten days ago 3. As soon as Mr. Reed read the e-message, he _. A. wrote back to ask about the meaning of the message B. called the policeman himself C. went to save the woman himself D. felt frightened and turned off the computer 4. The woman wanted to _. A. say goodbye to Mr. Reed B. sleep for a whole day C. kill herself by taking pills D. make fun of Mr. Reed 5. Whats the best title(题目,标题)of the passage? _. A. A Woman Kills Herself B. A Man Saves His E-Mail Friend C. An Interesting Message D. Two Good Friends 七. 作文:(10分) 请根据表格内容写一份倡议书,号召大家踊跃参加捐款活动。文章开头已给出。要求:语句通顺,字数6080字。 Wang Jun is a student of No. 1 Middle School. _No. 1 Middle School【试题答案】听力材料一. 听对话:(5分) 1. A:Whats the time by your watch? B:One thirty. But my watch is three minutes fast. Q:Whats the time now? 2. A:Hello, Li Hua. Were going to the Summer Palace. Would you like to go with us? B:Ive been there many times. Have a good time. Q:Why wont Li Hua go to the Summer Palace? 3. A:How much are these postcards? B:Five yuan each. How many do you want? A:Five. Q:How much does the man have to pay? 4. A:Mary, what did you buy yesterday afternoon? B:Some fruit. A:Did you buy any coffee of milk? B:Both. Q:What did Mary buy? 5. A:How do you usually go to school? B:By bike. A:Is it far? B:No, its only fifteen minutes by bike. Q:How long does it take the girl to go to school by bike? 二. 短文理解:(5分) This Sunday is Mothers Day. For Li Hong and Li Ping, its the most important day. They arent happy on Fathers Day, for their father died when they were very young. Every day after work, Mrs Li spends most of her time doing housework and talking with Li Hong and Li Ping. She loves her children, and both of them love her, too. For her children, she is a parent and she is also a teacher and a friend. Mrs Li started to go to night school two years ago. Shes really happy to be a student again, but now she cant see clearly when she reads. Li Ping noticed that. He knows the best present for his mother is a pair of new glasses. 三. 缺词填空:(10分) My favourite computer game is called Online Traveller. It is an educational computer game with three levels. The main character is called Suzan Ross. She is 14 years old. The game is set in different countries. The goal of the game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place and use this knowledge to open the treasure box. The game was designed by Nancy Jackson in 2002. It was produced by Sunshine Educational CD-ROMs Co. This game is sold in China, the USA and Japan. 听力部分一. 对话理解:(5分) 1. B2. B3. C4. C5. B 二. 短文理解:(5分) 1. B2. C3. B4. A5. A 三. 缺词填空:(10分) 1. Online2. an3. levels 4. character5. different6. travel 7. each8. knowledge9. designed 10. sold 笔试部分一. 选择:(12分) 1. D2. D3. C4. D 5. A6. C7. B8. A 9. C10. B11. C12. A 二. 英译配对:(5分) 2. a3. f4. c5. d6. e 三. 动词填空:(8分) 1. belongs2. haveworked3. waiting 4. left5. are used6. to introduce 7. to help8. was watching 四. 完成句子:(15分) 1. used to spend 2. play role of 3. to raise money 4. support from local 5. be grateful to 五. 完形填空:(10分) 1. D2. C3. A4. B5. B 6. A7. C8. D9. B10. C 六. 阅读理解:(20分)A 1. C2. A3. B4. D5. BB 1. B2. B3. A4. C5. B 七. 写作:(10分) Wang Jun is a student of No. 1 Middle School. He is sixteen years old. He studies hard and does well in his lessons. His father is a worker and his mother is a housewife. Now, he is ill in hospital, But his family is so poor that they dont have enough money to treat him. I hope all of us can raise money to help him. The charity activity will be held on the playground of No. 1 Middle School on the morning of June, 30th, 2005. I hope everyone can take an active part in the activity. 专心-专注-专业


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