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    主要内容:自然失业率摩擦性失业结构性失业如何产生劳动力市场的均衡最低工资法 失业.ppt

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    主要内容:自然失业率摩擦性失业结构性失业如何产生劳动力市场的均衡最低工资法 失业.ppt

    主要内容:自然失业率摩擦性失业结构性失业如何产生劳动力市场的均衡最低工资法 失业 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望新华网洛杉矶5月9日电(记者高原)美国的一项最新调查发现,失业可能增加人们罹患多种疾病的风险。该研究有助于人们认识失业与健康间的关系,及早采取预防措施,减少失业带来的消极影响。美国罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会的研究人员在5月份的人口学杂志上报告说,为研究失业对人体健康的影响,他们对1999年、2001年和2003年美国政府公布的健康和就业数据进行了分析。其中涉及8125人,他们分别从事销售、管理、手工艺制造、机械操作等多个行业。美国调查发现失业影响健康美国调查发现失业影响健康 在充分考虑了失业者失业原因后,研究人员在对失业者及其健康状况进行的调查中发现,与有稳定工作的人相比,失业者更容易患上高血压、糖尿病、心脏病等多种疾病。其中,因工作单位倒闭而失业的人出现上述健康问题的几率增加83;被解雇或裁员的失业者出现上述健康问题的几率增加43。年轻劳动力当中居高不下的失业率已经成了一场巨大悲剧的根源,这悲剧的影响将持续若干年,绵延整整一代人的时间。与此同时,我们不久前经历的经济灾难也已经成为了那些年长者的灾难,彻底埋葬了很多老人的财富,让他们不知道该如何去面对余生。美国高失业率的重灾区美国高失业率的重灾区青年与老年青年与老年 衰退开始时的2007年12月,官方发布的失业率数字是5%,而到2010年的9月,这一数字已经上扬到了9.6%。与此同时,失业人口总数量也从770万增加到了1480万。这些数字已经够触目惊心,但实际上,这触目惊心的数字还隐藏了很多痛苦,比如说,这些数字没有计入那些彻底放弃找工作的希望,因此退出劳动力大军的人们。对于十几岁的青年人来说,情况还要糟得多。就业市场原本就对年轻人不甚友好,现在的情况可想而知。官方提供的十几岁的劳动力的失业率目前为26%,与一年前创纪录的27%相去不远。更要命的是,大多数十几岁的年轻人,即便是无所事事,现在也不愿意出来找工作,因此他们也就没有被计入失业人口。截至九月底,十几岁的年轻人当中只有25%的人拥有一份工作,为历史最低水平。要知道,一代人的时间之前,有接近50%的十几岁的年轻人都在工作,在大约十年前的1999年,这一比例也还超过45%。自世纪之交以来,这些年轻的劳动力在整个劳动力市场上的比重就在持续萎缩,哪怕在经济扩张周期当中也是如此。在1999年,所有十几岁的年轻人当中,大约半数在工作或者是在找工作,而现在,这一比例只有三分之一左右。至于二十出头的年轻人,他们的情况要略略好一些,但是显然也不可能好到哪里去。自衰退开始至今,已经有大约275万二十到二十五岁的年轻人要么是丢掉了工作,要么是彻底退出了劳动力市场,如果没有这一场大变动的话,这一数字原本应该至少低100万。成千上万的年轻人找不到自己的第一份工作,因此也就无法获得学习必要技能的机会,而后者对于他们的第二份工作显然是至关重要的。缺乏经验这一重大缺陷可以让人在未来的许多年当中都遭受影响,让他们未来十年乃至更长的时间当中的收入缩水。国际劳动组织表示,年轻人口中的高失业率是一种全球性的趋势,这就意味着导致这一局面发生的原因并非美国所独有。美国劳工部指出,2月非农就业环比增长19.2万。但该数字低于经济学家平均预期的19.6万。另外,2月失业率降至8.9%,创下2009年4月以来新低,低于1月的9.0%,这主要得益于更多的美国人报告自己找到了工作。市场对2月失业率的平均预期为增至9.1%。美国就业增幅美国就业增幅9 9个月最高个月最高 失业率失业率2 2年来首年来首跌破跌破9%9%纽约奥本海默基金公司经济学家Brian Levitt称:“我们已进入经济循环的扩张期,经济已具备自我增长能力。”鉴于失业率仍明显偏离5%至6%的自然水平,且通胀率低于美联储设定的2%左右的目标区间,分析师普遍预期美联储将在6月底如期完成6000亿美元的国债购买计划,以推动经济更快速增长。新浪教育讯 6月2日,由麦可思研究院撰写、社会科学文献出版社正式出版的2010年就业蓝皮书2010年中国大学生就业报告在京召开了新闻发布会暨高校培养与就业改进研讨会。20102010大学生就业蓝皮书发布大学生就业蓝皮书发布 1515个专业失个专业失业率最高业率最高 该调查显示,2009届大学毕业生(211院校)半年后的就业率约为86.6%,比2008届(85.6%)高1个百分点,但仍比2007届(87.5%)低0.9个百分点。从薪资来看,2009届“211”院校、非“211”本科院校毕业生半年后月薪分别为2756元、2241元,较上届均有明显增长,但还没超过2007届毕业生。相反,高职高专毕业生半年后月薪虽为1890元,但其增幅最大,比去年前年都高。20072009连续三届失业人数最多的专业有8个:法学、计算机科学与技术、英语、国际经济与贸易、工商管理、汉语言文学、电子信息工程、会计学。麦可思指出,解决大学生就业问题的有效途径之一是解决专业结构性失业,解决此失业类型的核心是调控各专业的供应量。对专业的失业率和失业量进行监测和预警,以个别专业的招生指标控制为主要杠杆,主动干预、调控专业结构,是我国高等教育“招生计划”体制下提高就业率的途径之一。Unemployment can be divided into two categories.Natural rate of unemployment refers to the amount of unemployment that the economy normally experiences.Cyclical unemployment refers to the year-to-year fluctuations in unemployment around its natural rate.UNEMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT AND ITS NATURAL RATEITS NATURAL RATEITS NATURAL RATEITS NATURAL RATE美国的经济增长周期美国的经济增长周期1940-20091940-2009GDP growth rates in US GDP growth rates in US GDP growth rates in US GDP growth rates in US 1998-20081998-20081998-20081998-2008美国的失业率美国的失业率1998-20091998-2009The government places each adult in each household into one of three groups.UnemployedEmployedNot in the labor forceWhat is unemployment?What is unemployment?A person is unemployed if he is looking for a job,on layoff,or is waiting to start a new job.A person such as a student is not in the labor force.A person is considered employed if he or she has spent most of the previous week working on a paid job.Labor Force:劳动力人口 the total number of workers,including both the employed and the unemployed.Unemployment Rate:the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.How Is Unemployment Measured?How Is Unemployment Measured?Labor-Force Participation Rate:参工率 the percentage of the adult population that is in the labor force.Unemployment rate=Number of unemployed/labor forcex100%Labor force=Number of employed+Unemployed.Labor force participation rate=Labor force/Adult populationx100%1.Suppose some country had an adult population of about 50 million,a labor-force participation rate of 60 percent,and an unemployment rate of 5 percent.How many people were employed?A.1.5 millionB.28.5 millionC.30 millionD.47.5 million练习练习1 12.John is looking for work as a lawyer.He has turned down a couple of jobs to search for a better match.Curtis is an out of work garbage collector.He would work for less than what the jobs he applied for pay.a.John and Curtis are both frictionally unemployed.b.John and Curtis are both structurally unemployed.c.John is frictionally unemployed and Curtis is structurally unemployed.d.John is structurally unemployed and Curtis is frictionally unemployed.3.Who would be included in the labor force?A.Homer,who is waiting for his new job to startB.Michelle,who has become discouraged looking for a job and has quit lookingC.Derrick,an unpaid homemakerD.None of the above would be included in the labor force.4.Policies that reduce the time it takes unemployed workers to find new jobsA.can reduce both frictional unemployment and the natural rate of unemployment.B.can reduce frictional unemployment,but it cannot reduce the natural rate of unemployment.C.cannot reduce frictional unemployment,but it can reduce the natural rate of unemployment.D.cannot reduce either frictional unemployment or the natural rate of unemployment.5.Economists have found evidence that receiving unemployment-insurance benefitsa.decreases the job-search effort of the unemployed.b.has no effect on the job-search effort of the unemployed.c.increases the job-search effort of the unemployed.d.has an uncertain affect on the job-search effort of the unemployed.6.Providing training for unemployed individuals is primarily intended to reduceA.frictional unemployment.B.seasonal unemployment.C.structural unemployment.D.cyclical unemployment.7.Other things the same,an increase in wages above their equilibrium levelA.increases frictional unemployment but leaves the natural rate of unemployment unchanged.B.increases frictional unemployment and increases the natural rate of unemployment.C.increases structural unemployment but leaves the natural rate of unemployment unchanged.D.increases structural unemployment and increases the natural rate of unemployment.Frictional Unemployment:摩擦性失业unemployment that results because it takes time for workers to search for the jobs that best suit their tastes and skills.Structural Unemployment:结构性失业unemployment that results because the number of jobs available in some labor markets is insufficient for everyone who wants a job to get one.Why Are There Always People Unemployed?Why Are There Always People Unemployed?Why Are There Always People Unemployed?Why Are There Always People Unemployed?Job Search:the process by which workers find appropriate jobs given their tastes and skills.Because workers differ from one another in terms of their skills and tastes and jobs differ in their attributes,it is often difficult for workers to match with the appropriate job.Job Search Job Search 1.Frictional unemployment often occurs because of a change in the demand for labor among different firms.公司需求的变化引起失业。-When workers decide to stop buying a good produced by Firm A and instead start buying a good produced by Firm B,some workers at Firm A will likely lose their jobs.Why Some Frictional Unemployment Is Why Some Frictional Unemployment Is Inevitable?Inevitable?-New jobs will be created at Firm B,but it will take some time to move the displaced workers from Firm A to these openings.-The result of this transition is temporary unemployment.2.Because the economy is always changing,search unemployment is inevitable.Workers in declining industries will find themselves looking for new jobs,and firms in growing industries will be seeking new workers.行业发展,导致淘汰落后技术。邮政局的工人,生产缝纫机的工厂。A government program that partially protect workers incomes when they are employed.失业保险导致失业增加。The unemployment insurance increases the amount of unemployment.Receiving unemployment insurance reduces the search effort of the unemployed.Unemployment insuranceUnemployment insurance3 possible reasons for structural unemployment are:Minimum-wage laws UnionsEfficiency wagesStructural UnemploymentStructural UnemploymentUnemployment from a wage above the equilibrium当工资高于均衡水平时,就会导致结构性失业.In the labor market,the wage at which supply and demand balance is the equilibrium wage W_e.Equilibrium WageEquilibrium WageUnemployment can occur because of minimum-wage laws.If the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage in the labor market,a surplus of labor will occur.Minimum-wage laws therefore have the largest effect on workers with low skill and little experience(such as teenagers).Minimum-Wage LawsMinimum-Wage Laws2010年,3月记者近日从广东省人力资源和社会保障厅获悉,广东从今年5月1日起将调整企业职工最低工资标准,并相应提高非全日制职工最低工资标准,调整后最低工资标准水平平均提高21.1,为历年最高。20102010年广东大幅提高最低工资标准年广东大幅提高最低工资标准根据广东省政府日前下发的关于调整我省企业职工最低工资标准的通知,调整后的企业职工最低工资标准和非全日制职工最低工资标准均为5个档次,其中广州市执行最高的第一类标准,为1030元月,增幅19.8,对应的非全日制职工最低工资标准为99元小时;第二类标准为920元月,增幅19.5,执行地区为珠三角地区珠海、佛山、东莞、中山市,对应的非全日制职工最低工资标准为88元小时 此次调整是根据广东经济社会发展状况,按照最低工资规定规定的比重法、恩格尔系数法、国际平均工资比例法等办法,综合考虑近期就业状况、工资水平、物价增长、社保水平等因素制定。为促使各地根据当地实际,进一步提高低收入职工的收入水平,通知还规定,“有条件的地区可在省确定的标准上适当上调。”中华全国总工会保障工作部部长邹震在昨天全国人大组织集体采访中透露,全总已经建议逐步提高最低工资标准,使各地的最低工资标准能够达到当地社会平均工资的40%60%的水平。目前各地的最低工资标准均没有达到上述水平。比如,北京市2008年月最低工资标准为800元,月社会平均工资为3726元,占到21.4%;深圳特区2008年最低工资标准为1000元,月社会平均工资为3621元,占到26.7%。全国总工会的一项调查显示,有61%的职工认为普通劳动者收入过低是当前社会收入分配中最大的问题、最突出的问题。全国总工会建议大幅提高最低工资全国总工会建议大幅提高最低工资在2010年全国政协会议的众多提案中,收入分配话题已成为突出重点。比如,九三学社提交的关于优化国民收入分配结构,推动经济社会持续健康发展的提案就认为,我国收入分配结构中的一些问题值得高度重视。该提案指出:“目前贫富差距还在不断扩大。收入最高10%群体和收入最低10%群体的收入差距,从1988年的7.3倍上升到2007年的23倍。在中低收入居民消费能力普遍低下的同时,我国的奢侈品消费近两年年均增长达22%,升至世界第二。”全国政协委员、成都市副市长刘家强在接受本报记者采访时表示,农民工已经成为产业工人的主体,增加他们工资收入的首要手段就是提高最低工资标准。同时,由于政府这些年一直提高退休职工的养老金标准,年均增幅超过10%,养老金与最低工资标准出现了倒挂,这是不正常的现象,因此,他认为提高最低工资标准是大势所趋。更现实的一个原因是,蔓延在沿海的“用工荒”正在倒逼地方政府提高最低工资标准。经过了2009年返乡潮之后,农民工首次以“用脚投票”的方式为自己赢得了收入分配上的些许主动权。Union:a worker association that bargains with employers over wages and working conditions.Collective Bargaining:the process by which unions and firms agree on the terms of employment.Unions try to negotiate for better wages,better benefits,and better working conditions than the firm would offer if there was no union.Unions and Collective BargainingUnions and Collective Bargaining Economists have found that union workers typically earn 10 to 20 percent more than similar workers who do not belong to unions.This implies that unions raise the wage above the equilibrium wage,resulting in unemployment.Efficiency wages are the above equilibrium wages paid by firms in order to increase worker productivity.Efficiency wages raise the wage above the market equilibrium wage,resulting in unemployment.The Theory of Efficiency WagesThe Theory of Efficiency Wages1.Worker Health:Better-paid workers can afford to eat better and can afford good medical care.2.Worker Turnover 工人的流动性It is costly for firms to hire and train new workers.And new workers are not as productive as experienced workers.A firm can reduce turnover by paying a wage greater than its workers could receive elsewhere.3.Worker Effort If a firm pays a worker more than he or she can receive elsewhere,the worker will be more likely to try to protect his or her job by working harder.Employers benefit from unemployment because the threat of unemployment help to discipline workers.4.Worker Quality Offering higher wages attracts a better pool of applicants.1。如何应对毕业生就业问题,可以采取什么措施?2。造成大学生就业问题的主要原因是什么?课堂分组讨论:课堂分组讨论:1.Frictional unemployment can be the consequence ofa.workers leaving existing jobs to find ones they like better.b.an industry declining while another is growing.c.changes in the working conditions offered by competing firms.d.All of the above are correct.练习练习2 22.A typical American worker covered by unemployment insurance receives a.100 percent of their former wages for 26 weeks.b.50 percent of their former wages for 26 weeks.c.25 percent of their former wages for 50 weeks.d.None of the above are correct.3.Minimum wage lawsa.are the major cause of natural unemployment.b.probably reduce teenage employment.c.mainly affect skilled workers.d.None of the above are correct.4.When a union bargains successfully with an employer,it a.increases unemployment and wages.b.decreases unemployment and wages.c.increases unemployment and decreases wages.d.decreases unemployment and increases wages.5。If all workers and all jobs were the same such that all workers were equally well suited for all jobs,then there would be noa.cyclical unemployment.b.frictional unemployment.c.natural rate of unemployment.d.structural unemployment.6。Consumers decide to buy more computers and fewer typewriters.As a result,computer companies expand production while typewriter companies lay-off workers.This is an example ofa.frictional unemployment created by efficiency wages.b.frictional unemployment created by sectoral shifts.c.structural unemployment created by efficiency wages.d.structural unemployment created by sectoral shifts.7。Wages in excess of their equilibrium level help explaina.frictional but not structural unemployment.b.structural but not frictional unemployment.c.both frictional and structural unemployment.d.neither frictional nor structural unemployment.8。The theory of efficiency wages explains whya.setting wages at the equilibrium level may increase unemployment.b.it may be in the best interest of firms to offer wages that are above the equilibrium level.c.the most efficient way to pay workers is to pay them according to their skills.d.it is efficient for firms to set wages at the equilibrium level.


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