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    1 七年级上册英语 Module1 基础练习 一、翻译下列短语 1.来自于_2.13岁_3.7年级 3 班_ 4.怎么样_5.的首都_6.英语名字_ 7.一个很大的城市_ 8.名字_9.姓_ 10.我的同学_11.中国人,汉语;中国人的,中国的 _ 12.在哪里,去哪里_ 13.美国,美洲_ 14.不,不是,没有_ 15.英格兰_ 16.美国人,美洲人,美国的,美洲的_ 17.我们的_18.中国_19.大家,每人_ 20.但是,然而_21.很,非常_22.小的_ 23.第一,首要的,首先,先_ 24.最后的,最末的,最后,最末_ 二、翻译下列句子。1.王老师来自山东。Miss Wang _ _ Shandong.2.我们在二班。We _ _ Class Two.3.我的父母是中国人。My father and mother _ _.4.上海是一个大城市。Shanghai is a _ _.5.王芳在我们班里。Wang Fang is _ _ _.6.我们是好朋友。We _ good _.三、完成下列表格 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 第一 人称 单数 复数 第二 人称 单数 复数 第 三 人 称 单 数 他 她 它 复数 2【使用方法】人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher.You are student.He is a student,too.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me.Lets go(lets=let us)形容词性物主代词+名词 Is this your book?No,,it isnt,【特别提醒】人称代词,不论是主格还是宾格,一旦并列,排列的口诀方法是:单数人称二三一,复数人称一二三。根据括号中的汉语提示,用正确的人称代词填空。1.Excuse me,can you tell _(我们)the way to the post office,please?2.Dont worry,_(我)can help you work out the problem.3.Where are _(他们),do you know?4.Wang Meis mother is a lawyer,and _(她)works hard every day.5.Tell me where _(你)went yesterday evening.6.Marks father often takes _(他)to the park on Sundays.7.I bought a cat last week._(它)is white and lovely.8.What are _(你们)under the tree?9.That is _(她的)sister.10.Miss Li is _(他们的)teacher.四、“be”动词的使用方法 一.“be”的形式:1)_2)_3)_ 二、巩固练习,用“be”的适当形式填空 1.“I”_a letter.(字母)2.How _you?I _ fine.3.What _under the desk?There _some boxes,but there _any rulers under it.4._there a bag and two tables in the picture?No,there _.5.You and I _good friends.6.She with her parents_at home.7.Look!These _apple trees.8.Where _ your pens?9.We _ good students and you _a good teacher.3 Module1 My classmates达标题 一根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.1.I am f _ Wuhan.2.What is y _ name?3.W _ are you from?4.Daming and I are c_ and we are in C _ Two.5.This year Im t _ years old and next year Im thirteen 二、用 a 或 an 填空,不需填的用“/”符号表示。1Its bike.Its my _ bike.2.What colour is it?Its yellow.3.This is orange.Those are _ apples.4.Its book.Its _ English book 5.There is _football under the chair.I can play _ football.三单项选择()1.Nice_meet you.A.of B.at C.to()2.He is_ Class One.A.in B.at C.on()3.Mr Wang is _Chinese teacher.A.a B.an C./()4.Where are Lucy and Lily from?-They_ from Amercia.A comes B.are C.is()5.How many _are there?_five.A.pencil,There are B.pencils,There are Cbooks,There is D.orange There are ()6.Mary and I are good_.A.friend B.friends C.a friend()7.Where are you from?-Lingling is _ and we are _.A.a Chinese;England B.a Chinese;English C.Chinese;England D.China;English()8.-Hello,Miss Yang._.A.Fine,thank you.B.Hi,Jim.C.Whats your name?()9._ for the great photo.A.Thanks you B.Thanks C.Thank()10.Whats your _ name?-Lingling.A./B.first C.given D.family 四、请用 am,is,are 填空,注意大小写.(1)_ you Mr Black?Yes,I _.(2)This _ Jim Green.(3)My name _ Li Fen.Whats your name?(4)How _ you,Mr King?Im fine,thank you.(5)What _ this in English?It _ a desk.(6)How _ Mr White?-He _ OK.(7)Tom and Jack _ good students.4 五、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.My friend is fourteen _(year)old.2._(I)am a girl._(I)name is Linda.3._(he)is a boy._(he)name is Bob.4.Nice to meet _(your).5._(her)is my English teacher.6._(our)are Chinese.7.Is that _(he)classroom?8.Beijing is one of the famous _(city)in China.六、完形填空 Look _1_ this girl._2_ name is Han Meimei.She is twelve.Han Ming is her brother.He is _3_ Class Three,Grade Two.How old is he?He is fourteen years old.The brother and _4_ are in No.2 Middle School._5_ mother is a teacher.She is an _6_ teacher.Their father,Mr Han,is a teacher,_7_.He is a Chinese teacher in No.8 Middle School.Their students all love them because(因为)they love their students.They _8_ a cat._9_ name is Mimi.It is a nice cat.The cat and Han Meimei are _10_ friends.()1.A.at B.on C.to ()2.A.His B.Her C.She ()3.A.on B.with C.in ()4.A.but B.and C.or ()5.A.Their B.They C.Theys ()6.A.China B.English C.Japanese ()7.A.too B.to C.two ()8.A.has B.have C.are ()9.A.Its B.Its C.It is ()10.A.good B.right C.fine 七、阅读理解。A Hello!Im a girl.My name is Alice.I have a friend.Her name is Michelle.She is a nice girl.We are in the same class.This is my teacher.He is also(也)my father.His name is Mark.He is very good.Im fine and my father is also fine.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)()1.Alice is a girl.()2.Michelle and Alice are friends.()3.Alices father is her teacher.()4.Michelle is not a nice girl.()5.Alice is Marks daughter.B Look at the girl.Her name is Chang Ying.She is Chinese.She is eleven years old.I am eleven,too.My name is Betty.I am from America and I am American.Chang Yang and I are good friends.She is in Class Three with me.We are at school today.()1.How old is Chang Ying?A.She is eleven.B.She is twelve.C.She is ten.D.She is thirteen.()2.Chang Yang is a _.A.American B.teacher C.boy D.girl ()3.What class are Chang Ying and I in?A.Class One B.Class Two C.Class Three D.Class Four ()4.Chang Ying is my _.A.good teacher B.good friend C.brother D.sister ()5.Where are Chang Ying and I today?A.At school B.At home C.Here D.In America 5


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