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    高二英语选修8 Unit4 using language language points 新课标 人教.ppt

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    高二英语选修8 Unit4 using language language points 新课标 人教.ppt

    1 make the bet 打赌打赌 bet n/vt 打赌打赌/确信确信我赌那匹马会赢我赌那匹马会赢/不会赢不会赢I bet on/against that horse.他们对这场比赛打赌他们对这场比赛打赌.They made a bet on the game.bet ones bottom dollar on 对对孤注一掷孤注一掷2021/8/11 星期三12 deep in conversation 谈兴正浓谈兴正浓They were deep in conversation.be deep in thought be deep in work be deep in dept be deep in the past2021/8/11 星期三23 fancy vt(无根据相信无根据相信/自负认为自负认为)fancy oneself(as)自以为是自以为是/自命不凡自命不凡She fancied herself(as)a famous actress.fancy doing sth 想不到会做某事想不到会做某事,用于祈使句用于祈使句Fancy meeting so many old friends.And fancy you talking like that.take a fancy to 喜欢上喜欢上/爱上爱上have a fancy for 爱好爱好/爱上爱上2021/8/11 星期三34 show in 领领进来进来 show out 带某人出去带某人出去 show around 带某人参观带某人参观 show off 炫耀炫耀/买弄买弄Show the gentleman in,please.My secretary will show you out.Pat will show you around the building.5resign v 顺从顺从/听任听任/辞职辞职/放弃放弃be half resigned to sth/doing sth 不情愿做不情愿做 be resigned to sth/doing sth情愿做情愿做 resign from:辞去辞去.职务职务resign oneself to sth/doing sth 顺从于顺从于/听从于听从于2021/8/11 星期三4The team refused to resign themselves to being defeated.You must resign yourself to waiting a bit longer.We should not be resigned to our fate.6 the other day 几天前几天前/最近最近 与过去时连用与过去时连用.We had a letter from mother the other day.another day day after day one day some day 2021/8/11 星期三57 have the face to do sth 居然有脸干某事居然有脸干某事He is dying,but you should have the face to ase him to lend you money.face to face in the face of=in spite of make /pull faces at sb8 compromise vi/cn/un妥协妥协/折中折中 vt 危及危及/放弃放弃comprise on sth 就就让步让步comprise with sb 与某人妥协与某人妥协comprise ones principle/beliefs 违背原则违背原则/放弃信仰放弃信仰 make a comprise 作出让步作出让步reach/agree on a comprise达成协议达成协议 2021/8/11 星期三6我们终于就汽车的价格达成妥协我们终于就汽车的价格达成妥协不要作弊损害自己的名誉不要作弊损害自己的名誉.除非彼此能妥协除非彼此能妥协,否则将有一场罢工否则将有一场罢工.We managed to compromise on a piece for the car.Do not compromise your reputation by cheating.Unless a compromise is reached,there will be a strike.2021/8/11 星期三7They were unwilling to compromise _the judge who were not honest.A on B in C through D with This computer represents the best _between price and promise B rule C way D agreement DA 2021/8/11 星期三89 disgusting adj 令人厌恶的令人厌恶的/使人反感的使人反感的 disgust vt/un使反感使反感/使厌恶使厌恶Man,do you have a disgusting imagination.I am disgusted at her words.The movie was so bad that we walked out in disgust.10 in(great/little)need of =in demand of There is no need for sb to do sth There is no need for sth meet/answer/fill ones need have no need of sth in need 2021/8/11 星期三9前线急需医生和护士前线急需医生和护士.患难见真情患难见真情.The front was in great need of doctors and nurses.A friend in need is a friend indeed.2021/8/11 星期三1011 overlook vt 俯视俯视/未未 到到/忽视忽视/不理会不理会 强调由于不注意强调由于不注意/无意或胸怀按大而忽略小事无意或胸怀按大而忽略小事或他人的过错或他人的过错ignore:有意从有意从 头就不理睬头就不理睬neglect:有意或无意地由于不在乎有意或无意地由于不在乎/不喜欢或疏懒不喜欢或疏懒所造成的疏忽所造成的疏忽In a hurry the secretary _a paragraph in the letter.overlooked B ignored C noticed D neglectedDont _to lock the door when you leave.A ignore B fail C neglect D overlook A C 2021/8/11 星期三1112 fade vt/vi 褪色褪色/减弱减弱/fade away 衰弱衰弱/病重死亡病重死亡fade out(声音(声音/画面)逐渐模糊画面)逐渐模糊/渐淡渐淡/渐弱渐弱fade in(声音(声音/画面)逐渐清晰画面)逐渐清晰/声音渐强声音渐强The sun had faded the curtains All colours had faded from the sky 2021/8/11 星期三121 J Rowlings Harry Potter and Goble of Fire has a series of exciting _.A titles B plots C themes D characters 2 As a president,he felt uncomfortable _the political situation.A for B with C about D to 3 For years they had been betraying state secrets _that country.A of B to C into D at CB B 2021/8/11 星期三134At times,worrying is a normal,_response to a difficult event or situation-a loved one being injured in an accident,for example.5A effective B compromise6C inevitable D uncomfortable 5I understand most of what they said but not _ word.6A any Beach C every D one C2021/8/11 星期三145It is human nature to look for the positive _in a situation.6A outcome B income C profit D benefit 76 The dealer was trying to _fakes as valuable antiques.8A pass off B take away C pass on D look on97 The boy picked up a(n)_ of stones and started throwing them at us.10A handful B mouthful C cheerful D harmfulAAA2021/8/11 星期三157 He lost his fame and _at the same time.A ability B pence C luck D fortune 8 While studying as a visiting teacher in America,I made President Bushs _.A meet B acquaintance C honor D friend 9 She would make a teacher far _ to the average.A better B superior C super D upper 10 I dont think _is any need for a guide on our journey.A it B this C there D that DBBC2021/8/11 星期三162021/8/11 星期三172021/8/11 星期三18


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